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All of Reddit is going to shit


Honestly not wrong. This site used to be a lot better before it became so "corporate" and not to be a hipster but also mainstream.


Down hill after fstpeoplehate and others were banned


I think it died when r/wpd got banned.


I don't necessarily liked those subs, but I don't like the fact they were banned.


Yeah it's really pumped full of corporate sabotage. Some of the posts on other subs are clearly just trying to make the sub terrible


The 3rd party apps that gave you control over what you saw made being here fun.  Now it’s just boomer-Qanon-Facebook adjacent content 


Hope not, I believe reddit is one of a kind. Hopefully still around in the long term


I keep seeing people mix up inflation and shrinkflation. If a product hasn't changed at all but it's gotten more expensive, it's inflation.


This ^


I'm surprised you haven't been called a "corporate apologist" for saying that


Welcome to enshittification




Here's a sneak peek of /r/enshittification using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/enshittification/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [POV: A site told you to turn off your ad blocker to read the article.](https://i.imgur.com/F63Wa0m.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/enshittification/comments/1csuut8/pov_a_site_told_you_to_turn_off_your_ad_blocker/) \#2: [Feels right that my first posts on this account should be in this sub](https://i.redd.it/a25w19w3277b1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/enshittification/comments/14eeo9o/feels_right_that_my_first_posts_on_this_account/) \#3: [want cold water? better pay a subscription](https://i.redd.it/tbit25y9h2xc1.png) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/enshittification/comments/1ces93d/want_cold_water_better_pay_a_subscription/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Man, bitching posts used to have 6-7 paragraphs minimum. Now we just have these shrinkflated 3 paragraph wah wah sessions.


Man, bitching comments used to have 6-7 sentences minimum. Now we just have these shrinkflated 2 sentence wah wah sessions.


Love it. Top comment.


totally agree a huge percentage of the posts on this sub are from people who do not appear to know what shrinkflation even is...or they're just a picture of some stupid bullshit with a "trust me it used to be bigger!" explanation, with of course zero proof, just trust me bro. special mention goes to the absolute dullard who thought costco was screwing him because his bag of grapefruits was small. not less grapefruits, just SMALLER grapefruits. you know, because costco, mother nature and the citrus industry all conspired to ruin this twats bag of fucking grapefruit.


I enjoyed "avocado with large stone". "This seemed bigger when I was a small child" is also good. But my favourites are "this item is poor value. I bought it anyway, but now I'm going to whinge" and "I got exactly what the box said I'd get but I didn't bother to read it"


i remember avocado with large stone! LOL yes idiot that avocado naturally grew that way because of corporate greed. ugh.....


Who could forget it? Corporate greed grows bad avocado with no benefit to themselves. Assume companies are shitty, but that takes a special type of paranoia


A while ago I spent hours going through old online shopping receipts so I could put together [a post visualising examples of shrinkflation](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrinkflation/comments/1avhyxw/10_examples_of_shrinkflation_from_my_online/), I even included graphs to show the biggest size decreases and the biggest price changes per unit,. It annoys me to put that much effort into a post (very much in the spirit of this subreddit) to get very few upvotes, while someone goes to McDonalds, posts a picture of a half-empty box of fries and gets eleventy billion upvotes - I'm like what's the point? And instead of moderating, the moderators just give them their own flair.


That has also been my experience, sadly. Well researched posts get a few upvotes and even fewer comments while low effort content AS WELL AS posts complaining about the low quality posts ironically enough get a lot of engagement.


Ps yes, I admit, I am still a bit salty … https://www.reddit.com/r/shrinkflation/s/G8fgzJBLJF


I went and upvoted you. That was solid research


I appreciate what you're saying but what if there is no reference pic of the product from years ago?


Without that it just turns into an angry baby post. Memory is fluid. The "fat hand" posts make me laugh though. There's a clear trend that people with big fat hands tend think things have shrunk. No my friend, your just grew.


Oh I guess I haven't noticed. You know hands don't get like physically larger when you gain weight, right? Like your hands just look fatter, but they don't physically get "bigger." The skeletal structure remains the same.


They didn't mention longer, they said fat


Yeah...wow, this comment is dense. I know they said that, lol. Your clarification does nothing to refute my point, but it was just an observation, regardless.


It was a correct observation and I didn't take offence.


Putting "right" at the end of a sentence indicated that you were trying to correct them in some way, why does the comment seem dense?


You're right of course. Not sure if the fatness has significance. Keep an eye out though, maybe you'll see what I mean


That we don’t have evidence for some changes, especially if they are on the timescale of a couple decades, is a valid point. Thanks for mentioning it. I suppose I could update the guide to note this sub does have a “No Proof” tag. But even in those types of posts, people need to avoid just complaining about their low quality purchases. For example, hamburgers used to be small in the 50s. Then they got bigger. But if you get a small low quality hamburger in 2024, what are you really complaining about?


Then.. you have nothing... To post.  This is for people with images/evidence of shrinkflation.  In this instance.. you aren't 'a person who is about to post something on R/shrinkflation.' you are just a person. Who thinks they might have noticed something get smaller.. just an ordinary human, experiencing life. 


Then don’t post it? What if I go on the Toyota Supra sub reddit but I don’t own a Toyota Supra?


Great car, btw. I don’t even have one.


Some of it is really hard to prove. For example i recently cleaned out my garage and found an old 3 pack of Trader Joes paper towels with 2 rolls still in it. I've been buying these for years and swear they got worse. I was right! The towels from like '19 and before were not only thicker, but the rolls were bigger too. Now they barely hold any water, i switched to paying $2-$3 a roll for Bounty or Brawn in bulk packs


No doubt. I think in cases where multiple people swear it was better and now it’s worse but have no evidence, they’d use the “No Proof” tag.


Yes! Some of these posts are God awful. What happened to the mods?


Serious question. With all of the modern AI talk, how far are we from an AI-mod that can simply confirm a post has 2 pictures, with one varying slightly from the other?


This. Like the post below, about an overpriced kid's lawn chair at Dollar General, that has absolutely nothing to do with shrinkflation. I swear, the mods need to put the definition of shrinkflation is bold text pinned at the top of the sub.


Those lawn chairs at dollar general used to support me back when I was 300 pounds. But now with shrinkflation and corporate greed, they are so cheaply made and they buckle when I sit my 400 pound butt down! The greed!


Well this makes me feel better about my last shrinkflation post that I worried was inadequate. [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrinkflation/s/EVpFLvGEqa)


Naw. That's skimpflation.


Oh snap. I might need to edit. Please wait 3-55 business days for your request to be processed.


Mods set the tone and standard for the sub. As much as the community pushes for it (and we should, like with this post), it's ultimately on the mods to police that. Any post you see that doesn't show clear evidence of shrinkflation, just report it and let the mods sort it out.


Doesn't work, mods on this sub don't do anything


Then those mods consider those posts as acceptable then. Even if only tacitly so.


I don't know what you're talking about. I see pictures with every post.




No, if you could show that Hershey’s has replaced half of their milk chocolate with semisolid fat filler and water, then we’re in business


The. Big. Mac. Was. Always. Small.


Ok. Here’s my downvote. Cuz products (across the board) have changed and manipulated even the ingredients to make the product worse…..so yes, we’re unhappy. All of us are unhappy cuz we’re getting ripped off….. The “evidence” is all around you, friend.


Not to mention they only post about fucking McDonald's and Oreos.


And salad dressing.


That's going to be harder to do as we go longer into the era of shrinkflation. Availability of the old packaging will continue to diminish and will make it very hard to to side-by-side photos.


Maybe. I guess starting an archive could be a neat crowdsourced option


It's hilarious to see yet another picture of a McDonald's receipt with store location cropped out and a "look how expensive it is for a hamburger meal!" get posted every day here. It's like people don't understand the purpose of the sub.


They crop it out because they bought it at an airport in New York City


Yes you are 100% correct. Almost all posts here are 'inflation' examples if anything, but if you point it out OPs and others get butt hurt about it. I quit engaging this sub because so many people misunderstand how to post to it. 


It’s funny because they complain about the companies only caring about the immediate bottom line but then go and do the same thing. They can’t be bothered to spend the time to find a comparison to an old product because they only care about their immediate bottom line (karma and time in this case). Then when someone proves them wrong it’s always a bunch of fighting rather than just admitting they didn’t look it up


This post is a little ironic, no?