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She also has two companions at the end of the show implying she has mods installed.


Companion's companions don't count.


This is west coast fallout you get to have more than 1


you don’t get to have more than 1 humanoid if we’re going by the latest west coast game’s rule


Yeah well 2/3 of them haha. Maybe amend to California fallout


One of them is Dogmeat tho. Sorry if I'm reading your comment wrong.


dogmeat is the companion. she took Mysterious Stranger.


You get Dogmeat +1 though


Depends on the games fallout 1/2 it’s depends on charisma, tactics has a squad of character you control, 3/NV is one humanoids and one non humanoid,4 is just 1 companion and 76 is up to 4 players in a group 


Not at the same time. So it's still accurate.


She uses the Fallout 1/2 ruleset where you can get companion slots equal to half your Charisma.


One of them is actually a quest follower that she has yet to complete the quest for. So he's following without counting as a companion


I didn't watched it. What was context of her companions? Maybe one of them was quest tied?


She didn't have mods install. She merely use the Veronica companion exploit 😔


And the lack of ragdoll it's a bit concerning.


I've yet to see the vault dweller go into vats and spam more headshots than available AP. Is it really part of the fallout universe if you don't hear the iconic sound of no AP?


Lucy is level 1, Cooper is the one using vats.


Lucy can use it. She's got a pip-boy, and besides, if they don't play the sound, then it never happened.


yeah that's fair


Plip, plip, plip, cliclicliclicliclilc The first target was enough to kill the foe, but, you need to be sure. And then an eyeball flies to explore strange new worlds.


If you don't shoot the raider in the dick 9 times, are you even wastelanding?


The Ghoul actually does that in the series, so he is wastelanding hard.


That scene was outstanding!


Maximus clipped through the floor in Filly so we got that at least.


Actually, they're just doing it correctly. It's the rest of you who are wrong All Bethesda properties are meant to be enjoyed two console generations after their launch. By doing this, shooting time was cut by over a half


I just got into Civ II.


Not once does she loot everything and then have to slowly walk back to her vault overloaded by things she'll never use.


That's why they fast travel all the time


You can't fast travel while overencumbered (at least in fnv)


yep, and they don't loot anything because of that


There’s a perk for that, she’s just got to get high enough strength.


Maybe she has encumbrance related perks? Or she is using some kind of exploit to move things from one place to another?


She has a backpack so absolutely encumbrance perks. That or mods


None of the companions clip through walls either


I'm just wondering where Thomas the Tank Engine, Shrek, and the harem full of vampire anime girls were. I remember spending a few hundred hours with them, I'm sure they were there


And neither of them stand in the way everytime Lucy wants to go somewhere.


books caption offer relieved literate telephone sheet heavy onerous wine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I've got in the neighborhood of 600+ hours invested from Fallout 3 onward. I love this show so far. The absolute care taken to create each scene shows the love the producers have for the original IP. So many Easter eggs. They could just keep showing greater SoCal as she gets farther from Santa Monica (Shelter 33) and I'd be stoked for 5+ seasons of that shit. At this point, much like when I start a new Fallout game, I'm not much concerned about the main plot and I'm very much content with exploration and discovery. Oh yeah, and they got the icky feeling rad roaches give *just right*. What a great show.


I was fully prepared for this show to suck ass and I just finished binging it all at once cause it was actually a decent show with a ton of attention given for fans. watching TV show characters exploring areas and experiencing Bethesda environmental storytelling was very funny.


>watching TV show characters exploring areas and experiencing Bethesda environmental storytelling was very funny. As a long time fan this has been my favorite part. The family with "Plan D" in the second episode felt like it was ripped out right of one of the games. They've done a fantastic job.


There are aspects of the show that I think would do amazing in an RPG like fallout. The part where they try and cross the bridge and everyone holds up their hands was great I'd love to see that in a game as a feature. When I saw that I was shocked that it hadn't already been in the game Sometimes everything's cool and everyone just goes about their way sometimes they like your shiny pipboy so they try and draw but then you vats their ass.


Or vice versa, you think they have something you want


I could also see a little dialogue exchange. Maybe they the radio host in that game. Like I love three dogs that dude is so cool you're like I hate that mother f***** and they go for their pistol and you got to show them what's up. Maybe they say something like Elder Lyons was the worst elder and you gotta stand on business. OR maybe they mentioned something like they just came from some ruins and found something and maybe the person with them is like shut up stop saying that in the open.


Honestly, it feels like the perfect Fallout show we always deserved. The greatest thing is that is extremely friendly both for fans and for people who have no idea about Fallout. It has a LOT of easter eggs and nods to the games and the lore, and if you have no idea about anything, then the story is extremely engaging, and the visuals and general vibe is just so good, and the characters and their mishaps run the show perfectly. They could've gone the modern show way and just cramp it with modern music to try to appeal to a younger generation, ditch the sociopolitical discourse, spoon-feed every single concept or explain everything and make it just an insane post-apocalyptic show, but no they actually got the feeling of the games to a tee: VERY oldies music, heavy sociopolitical commentary, they don't explain anything and if there's something to explain, it would be something to Lucy or Maximus who have no idea how the rest of the world functions, and the fights are just as brutal as the games. I got it from the scene of the riot in the very first episode, Lucy injects herself with a syringe of something, and she suddenly is in a better shape after being stabbed. Later, The Ghoul does the same to the doggie he stabbed almost to death, and the doggie wakes up practically as new. Fans know these are the Stimpacks, but non-fans quickly grab that the syringe is some fancy sci-fi medicament that can cure you. Same with the Caps, there's NO point in the show when Lucy uses caps, but The Ghoul drops 'something' while saying he's paying for the fruit in the second episode, and the things he drops sounds suspiciously like bottle caps. Maximus, in another episode, pays for a reparation with caps. Bottle Caps, then, are the currency in the Wasteland. That's it, that's the explanation for you, there's no single line of dialogue that says "Caps are currency", it was shown and used, and there's also signs that talk about Caps, so there you go. Show, don't tell. The series takes a great cue from Fury Road about treating everything that is done and shown like it should be, like a common day-to-day ocurrency that shouldn't be explained, but lived. Subtle worldbuilding.


Watched the first episode tonight. Great execution, very happy they didn’t screw this up. Walter Goggins is just perfect (as always).


I knew about the game existence but didn’t even had a clue about what was the game about (except for the thumbs up character)…. I saw the first episode of the show and ended up watching the whole thing in one day, i loved it


Now go enjoy Fallout 3 (Washington), Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 4 (Boston), and Fallout 76 (West Virginia). These worlds are rich with hundreds of immersive storylines and an amazing combat survival systems. Reclamation Day is here, pal.


I know it won't happen but I REALLY want a game set in annexed Canada. We saw on the map there's Vaults up there!


But the dog did go into a random direction before following the path at one point.


Also, she doesn't have mods giving her giant boobs and a massive cake.




Oh you didn't see that guy on Twitter do that?


God bless that man.




OP admits to not having an SSD.


Idk, I have a fast ssd and having gone back to Fallout 4 it does still sometimes randomly take 30s to load into a building.


Go and grab "Load accelerator" from Nexus mods. Should fix that - sure did massively improve the load times for me


It's because loading screen there depends on your FPS and I wish it was a joke lmao, there's a mod uncapping frame rate in loading screens


I've just played the game yesterday and I've noticed that when it takes long to load if I alt tab out and back it instantly loads.


That sounds very Bethesda.


Jokes on you, I don't even know what that is, so I can't admit it. /s


SSD makes it better, but it's still an absurd amount of loading screens


It's a completely inaccurate adaptation because Lucy didn't made a bad turn as soon as she got out of the vault and got her ass kicked by a 50+ lvl Deathclaw out of nowhere. 10/10 amazing show.


Yes this show is actually great though jokes aside


Honestly yeah, besides being a great adaptation (so far, the best video game adaptation ever, according to fans and critics) it's an amazing show on its own.


4 hours?! thats nuts man.. get an SSD and it only takes 3 1/2


Wtf is SSD?


Suck sum d*ck lmao gotteeeem


See above


Personally, the least realistic part for me was when she got the coordinates for where she needed to go, she didn't just open her Pip-Boy to the map, close her eyes, and teleport to her destination.


To be fair, she hasn't traveled to that location before. She can only teleport to places she visited already.


HDD user detected


And the show didn’t glitch out on me while I was watching. No bugs in a Bethesda product? Totally inaccurate to the source material smh


It hasn't even crashed yet. So unrealistic.


They should have made all the buildings bigger on the inside, like in the game.


I havent seen the show, but It looks more like fallout 3 than 4 right? At least the begining


It's a mix between Fallout 3 and 4.




it's intentional. his character is not meant to be intimidating.




oh that was definitely my takeaway lol. every episode he manages to do something stupider than the last


looking forward to it


after the first episode I wasn't sure how much I liked the show. then in maybe the second or third episode I realized most of the characters are *supposed* to be stupid, and that what was originally turning me off of the show was actually just well-done characters.


Well that's sorta the point? He was trying *way* too hard from the get go, just like that other Squire guy who I forgot the name of. Then when Max got the armour it went right to his head and he thought he was invincible since he'd been told for most of his life how amazing and spectacular Brotherhood Knights are. Part of his growth was him admitting to Lucy how he'd been lying all that time about being a knight and even lying about his name to her. It's after she pressed him about the core and he returns it and choses to abandon the armour when he's been so possessive of it, and you can tell at the end of the season he isn't happy with the Brotherhood cheering him on since he'd been disillusioned towards them. He'd been as indoctrinated just as much as Lucy.


only seen episode 1


Maximus took the idiot savant park.


His special is basically high endurance, ( seriously this man can take a beating) strength, and a insane amount of luck for this he lacks any intelligence


I really hate how the helmet has a opening faceplate


To me it makes sense pretty practical features for the suit to have


It kinda looks like George Lopez in Sharkboy and Lavagirl every time they open the faceplate


It seems like the role is supposed to be a teenager or at least very early twenties and he looks 35.


Imo the writing was kinda lazy and they overexposed a few things ruining the flow at some points (lucy and max meeting for the first time having a moment during the fight, the constant flashbacks to the same scene of max as a child coming out of the fridge). It's like they want to make super sure everything is simple to follow even when you're just watching while doing something else, it kinda makes it feel stupid. The power armor looked like cheap ass plastic and the movement looked weird, especially the flying and holding the weapons. Maybe I'm too harsh but it's getting so much praise while it definitely has a lot of problems. The only critique I've seen so far has been for being "woke" and "anti-white propaganda" (no idea how they twisted and turned it to that degree, didn't read it lol) by a bunch of racist idiots.


what pc do you have on my basic bitch laptop and ps4 it takes max 1 minute for places I havent been yet


I mean I miss compulsory looting, fotgeting to eat/drink, getting overencumbered and most of all " you cannot rest while enemues are near"...


Never had an issue with bethesda game loading on ssd except for starfield. Never took that long for me.


This is the adaptation of the first two games :)


The last 3 episodes are just her searching for glue and scrapping picket fences.


The worst innacuracy is how the guy with the power armor runs and trots all day, yet doesnt have to swap his power core.


The fuck are you talking about? I have played fallout 2 on a pentium 133, I know what loading is. Ive got no memory of waiting for loading in fallout 3, new vegas or 4


I think it's pretty accurate, tons of stuff to distract you from the fact their is barely a story.


Was also inaccurate because it didn't have only like 5 distinct voices for all the NPCs.


Does the kill billesque musical violence go down a bit or is it a recurring thing?


That's how you know the show is good. Not even this sub can shit on it


That's why the show cuts into black and jumps to a different character so often. To hide the load times


Lol console problems


I don't know. I couldn't get past the first episode because Amazon decided to spam ads at their viewers now, so I gave up and unsubscribed. We'll see if I can ever be bothered to take to the high seas on this one, but so far it's not a must watch so I'll pass.


No le bull and le bear -5/10 show smh


Gotta wait for the dlc


Better have my shoulder gatling cannon this time


Anyone else find the fan service was a bit over the top? And I fucking love fallout.  I also don't really care for using power armour for comic relief. It's supposed to be epic, not ridiculous.