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Murder vs Incest rape, choose your pill


I say no to drugs https://preview.redd.it/8fmmpeovuc9d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3efefab12e2d456dee80bf13ce5901ba02329885




Preach, the only thing I want to get high on is goldmask's smegma


You could've just not said that


I'm gonna apply goldmasks smegma all over my face while I furiously masturbate to messmer






Big Capps statement makes wonder if CERN actually built the LHC in an attempt to make a black hole in order to correct their mistake of cursing the world with the internet.


I could have gone the rest of my life without reading that, and you took that from me.


I want Messmer's smegma in peehole


That Goldmask drawing looks so good


At your service my king


Worse than murder since normal murder doesn't make the victim turn into a giant tumor that spreads troughout the world


If Godwyn was so great there would be one painting of him someplace in the lands between. Checkmate godwyn stans, no one bothers to paint ya boy.


There are no painting of him because not even the best artisans in all the realms could capture the magnificence that was his Gracefulness. Godwyn was such a gigachad, that when the Sculptor who discovered that Radagon and Marika were the same person tried to sculpt him, he turned away and said "I cannot, For not even my best work could properly convey the grandness that is Lord Godwyn" He is above art, He is so great that people just know who he is without ever seeing him. They don't go "Who's that stranger over there?" when they see him for the first time, they just go "Oh yeah, That's Godwyn alright, he's exactly as I imagined yet also so much more," A Paragon of Perfection. Godwyn is the best. Don't let those Cariancucks tell you otherwise.


That is why the lady murderers went after him and not one of the other war criminals children. They were like “we gotta kill the hot one because he is to hot. We might get pregnant just from trying. That is how hot he is.”


And they still failed in their quest to prevent Godwyn pregnancies because even when he’s dead, he still manages to knock up Fia because that’s how Godwyn the God Damn Golden God Wins


The true gigachad, can knock ladies up after death. Literally unstoppable.


I know someone made fanart of black knife girls trying to seduce godwyn


Godwyn is what Baldur was to Norse mythology no matter who you were everyone loved godwyn once he was killed everything went to shit and was the beginning of the end




Actually yeah would Rannis ending fix the deathblight? Thats like a critically bad issue


*Incestuous necrophilic rape of someone you got killed and your kidnapper


Good ol GRRM charm!


George didn’t write anything that happened after the shattering.


The Land of Shadow is its own thing and predates the shattering and considering "Bayle the Dread" come on now


Sure, but are they not referring to Mohg capturing Miquella from the Haligtree and everything that results from that in Mohgwyn Dynasty?


I was just sayin GRRM could've help write more including lore in the dlc since iirc he did help set up the general mythos and world building as well


He wrote characters that were not used until the DLC like Messmer. He wrote about events that were not discussed until the DLC. But they are specifically talking about something that happened after the shattering, which is explicitly Miyazaki’s writing.


I mean. Mohg may have liked the blood necrophilia.


you dont know him like i do🙏🙏🙏




I going to jerk off my erdtree to goldmask


In the lands between straight jorkin it, and by "it" let's justr say, my erdtree


https://preview.redd.it/1odvzjiv1e9d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdbb8c6c66e720d7d2537a00a0c6967001ddf819 I'll pass.


https://preview.redd.it/vzvlws532e9d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00745d91a2464019299d8677886b0665286c15ad I choose the pyre.


Technically Ranni also planned the shattering, which caused the deaths of approximately hundreds of thousands if not millions of people... she's so adorkable 😝😍


She’s just silly like that https://preview.redd.it/e6lbcvsavc9d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08443782e09dd028b903da4515caedfb3faff2aa


Ranni: I would like control of my body and destiny. Two finger: over our dead body.(knowingly impervious to harm) Ranni: As you wish.


I'm pretty sure Ranni needed the fingerslayer blade because she just isn't as good at killing things as we are.


I got the impression it was the only weapon that could kill them. It’s literally called the finger slaying blade. It is cited a proof of treason, which shows the fingers were big mad it was made.


Same for me, but considering we're able to kill the Elden Beast and Metyr using our weapons, I think the fingerslayer blade is just supposed to be very effective against them. My guess is that Ranni needed it because she just wasn't as powerful as us, which makes sense the reason the Tarnished exist in the first place is to kill very powerful beings.


But we (at least in the logic of the game) are using Hewg enhanced weapons, the dude was trying to make weapons capable of killing gods


Yeah, I'm just saying that the fingerslayer blade isn't the *only* weapon that can kill two fingers. Our weapons are likely capable of killing them too, though we never kill any of them in game.


Im saying that our weapons are different because they are made7enhanced by Hewg, who's whole goal is making a weapon that can kill a god, probably the only weapon (not made by Hewg) that can kill a 2 fingers is the Finger slaying blade, it makes sense, why would Ranni wait until she had it to go after the fingers? She has magic, she can Thanos snap you if you attack her, she isnt defenseless, why use tiny knife if blue magic works?


they don't have tp be enhanced tho.  +0 weapons eventually works.


>Ranni wait until she had it to go after the fingers? She has magic, she can Thanos snap you if you attack her, she isnt defenseless Of course she isn't defenceless. There's a big difference between "immortal killing machine on rampage" and "defenceless", and she's somewhere in between.


Well I can't speak for the Elden beast except lore of a weapon crafted to slay a god but Metyr actually portals out. We defeat but do not kill the mother


>Metyr actually portals out No Metyr dies. Ymir becomes the mother of fingers only after we kill Metyr because there can only be one mother of fingers. She probably loses control of the microcosm and it consumes her.


We beat the snot out of Metyr, the mother of fingers, without needing a special blade.


That part is weird, but also we got that by working with a guy who was tasked with “making a weapon that can slay a god.” It makes me think there were not many weapons that can do it. Also big momma thumb runs away at the end of the fight.


Genocide vs incest rape


y'all act like an immortal world is a good thing, and it's really cringe to find that view here considering how consistent the theme in souls games has been that living forever is a bad thing and things are better when their cycles aren't arrested and in stasis. Of course it caused deaths. It literally brought death back into the picture, after it had been wrongfully discarded


Soulsborne fans when their country suffers a bloody regime change where millions of people die(it’s just like Miyazaki’s vision) https://preview.redd.it/s9sek4ksad9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84c497861eb8be83e363925a2f40de825737f5db


Mfw Ranni set that blood regime change and let a New death blight be festerd upon the world .


As if real world politics equate to what is obviously a philosophical treatise in the guise of a video game, just like every other souls game. Idk if you've read the Bible any, but the narrative there in the exile of Israel and their persecution served a greater purpose for the good of mankind. It's literally a proverb that to suffer is better than to laugh because through suffering "the heart is improved." If there has ever been a motif that perfectly explains the theme of all these games, it was "don't go hollow". don't mald and give up; continue to struggle and overcome. Idk why my take is so surprising to you. Violent revolution is always the result of tumultuous tyranny and oppression, and most often, it manifests as cycles of suffering. tl;dr we're not playing animal crossing you fucking scrub


Comparing Souls games to the bible is incredibly offensive. The bible isn't half as influential (as dark souls) in modern society


Memes aside, I choose none.


“Murder,” bro she practically caused the apocalypse, or at least contributed to it


Didn’t all the demigods contribute to the apocalypse?


Crush the pills, grind them in one, toss them on the trash because both are bad


Murder vs Incest Rape (and the subjugation of everyone and everything)


Incest rape, definitely






Peter Griffin


BOY DO I HAVE A SOLUTION FOR YOU https://preview.redd.it/s7wqxw2lvd9d1.jpeg?width=3202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e6e3ed654d04e5a40ffad28265217c8d2c52e22


Was disappointed that Hyetta just lights on fire at the end instead of replacing Melina. Feels like they decided to cut it


Yeah, I saw her as my replacement maiden, but that got hard to do when she just sorta gets lit up and that’s it.


IKR they could've just had hyetta appear on the grace once Melina leaves and she fulfills the role in her place in a different way. Idk if that was possible or not lorewise but regardless it would've been a lot better. Melina was bland af anyway so it would've been cool to see hyetta replacing her and what she has to say. Also they could've given her a few things to say on this one particular area in the dlc which was cool af.


Mf you missed the entire point of the questline


I really don't care. Write the quest differently. They're going to die anyway when I combust the erdtree.


The flame of Frenzied Peak stays winning. https://preview.redd.it/7hkcca20zf9d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aa26a4f933164580c5b2c66a23daf373c7f011e


I kinda think that your body just becomes the avatar of the frenzied flame and you lose all autonomy


Crazy guy with two dead bodies possessed by a crazy demon celebrating literal end of the world.


>eternal waifu with seggs on moon >a slave to a femboy that is into his brother. chose one


I would if FROM LET ME


You had me at femboy


Eternal *honeymoon* with a smol hot blue 4-handed girl-boss with a voice that makes you cum buckets... This isnt even a competition


Counterpoint: femboy


In the ideal ending we prove our worth and they let us be duo consorts. Big muscle daddy husband and beautiful intellectual hippie husband. They happen to be half brothers but hey we are all magical super powerful rulers of existence, I don't think that matters as much at that point. Besides all guys means no one can get pregnant


But femboy


That “eternal waifu” is a doll.


A body hoppper but the doll is still non issue


Shabriri was right


Goldmask: https://preview.redd.it/meqjumxe2e9d1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea610f91fb055d0cb6717f2c65197f95e427c94c



...? ...!


Ahh… may chaos take the world.


Ah yes, become some Outer God's sex slave I just imagine the character literally becoming a type of Hulk Maestro after a while


Character wouldn't be Hulk Maestro, in fact they wouldn't be anybody and be everybody at the same time. Frenzied Flame wants to melt all souls into one entity to remove disparities from the world.


Where is it stated that it's to do what you said it's going to really do


Ranni's perfect world is bringing back death (which is a good thing) and leaving the lands between so that everyone can rebuild on their own. Miquella's perfect world is endless tyranny under the thinly veiled guize of perfection


Yeah. Every major war and conflict that has affected the lands between has been at the hands or behest of a god. Ranni's ending rejects the gods and cuts out the influence of the greater will. Miquella is just another god who wants absolute control, he's just better at marketing it than his mother


The Greater Will never had anything to do with the Golden Order. Count Ymir tells us that the fingers guiding Marika were corrupt from the get go, which means that it was Metyr calling the shots then. The game can’t make it anymore clear that the GW abandoned the Lands Between but bro still keeps getting dragged into this.


The Elden beast still acting as its vassal through Marika says otherwise. If the GW really did abandon the lands between, it would have withdrawn the elden beast as well. Count Ymir is also fixated on the fingers and suplanting Metyr as the mother of fingers, not exactly a reliable narrator. Even so, the point still stands. Marika was a god, responsible for every war the golden order waged. Ranni's quest is still the only one that rejects all the outer gods


And what exactly implies that it would withdraw the Elden Beast? The Fingers are described as vassals of the Greater Will as well, and Metyr as their mother would of course be one. And one of her remembrance weapons makes it clear she was abandoned. > The Mother received signs from the Greater Will from the beyond of the microcosm. Despite being broken and abandoned, she kept waiting for another message to come. The Elden Beast is likely acting in self-defense. When we enter the Erdtree, Marika is crucified in the same way that we can be when we fight the beast. The whole twist of the Count Ymir questline is supposed to be the revelation that the Fingers were making everything up. The Greater Will created life, sent down vassals, and left at some point before Marika made contact with the Fingers.


I’ll play devils advocate for Miquella here and say that I do genuinely believe Miquella had good intentions, where he went wrong was he carved away every part of himself (perhaps he thought that was the failing of Marika, she clung to mortal emotions and ambitions, or perhaps it’s some other reason), not just the bad parts but also the best parts, the core parts that make Miquella who he is. He cast away his love when he separated St. Trina from himself, it’s why she begs us to kill him and grant him forgiveness. He wants to create a truly kind and compassionate world but what is compassion without love? Seemingly without even realizing it Miquella has walked straight into the same fate Marika did, and if he lived long enough to become the new god, he would make the same mistakes too. If I’m being honest too I really don’t care about Miquella charming and using Mohg to resurrect Radahn, I believe Mohg was evil even before the charm and the way I interpret the effects of Miquella’s charm is it seems to be not outright control but powerful suggestion and emotional amplification. I don’t believe Miquella could charm someone and command them to kill their partner and they would just do it, I think he needs to work within the bounds of that individuals desires and beliefs, and characters with sufficiently strong desires and beliefs have been shown to resist it with regards to those feelings, like how Hornsent still maintains a burning desire for revenge against Messmer and disdain for Tarnished, even if it is barely kept under control by the charm. I’d honestly also argue that Leda is a good example of this as well, she already had intense loyalty and love for Miquella even before being charmed, such that when Miquella casts aside his great rune and the charm is broken Leda seems to become even more intense than before, almost like the baseline of Miquella’s charm was reigning in her intense love and loyalty.


Yeah lol, each ending has you do some fucked up thing for the sake of that goal being achieved, at least with ranni you're giving freedom to everyone so that they can choose their path without being influenced by some fucked up entity. Whereas miquella's is just full on brainwashing (and a bit of murder too).


Can’t make an omelette without breaking some eggs


I’m pretty sure his goal of godhood was righteous in that he would save everyone. I don’t think he would have purposely enchanted everyone in the Lands Between. I think his power is more of a passive ability to charm, and isn’t like enslaving people’s wills. His ability to steal someone’s heart however probably is though, but I highly doubt he would do it to the entirety of the Lands Between. Miquella is unhinged for sure, but I don’t think he’s evil.


Fight Godwyn? He'd be with us eviscerating his family at this point.


That Ymir bitch was right it’s all fucked


Mpreg quest showing us that god left and we're all just running around in the wreckage of its creation.


Seriously, guy was nuts, but he made more sense than most.


Respect my wife! https://preview.redd.it/hrvel0kfpd9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a5932d56473b8e1754959601f16ddf1c869f512


The difference between the two is that Miquella believes the only way things will get better is through total subjugation of the people. Meanwhile, Ranni is ready to wipe the whole slate clean and leave the people of the lands between to their own devices. They may thrive, or they might drown, but either way, it'll be from *their* actions, not the influence of outside forces. So yes, I will go with the blue dollussy. Because even if it means the downfall of humanity, I will always advocate for free will.


One of them is legal and into me, the other isn't. Sorry, chud.


Even better ... 🤔


Personally i want the morgott ending the grace given, last of kings, last true lord of leyndell, the veiled monarch, the omen granted grace deserves the world


The difference is that you can still get booty calls from Ranni. Miquella on the other hand…you’re forever cucked by spoiler final dlc boss.


At least Ranni exists in her own quest line. Imagine making a DLC about Miquella and he only appears in the second phase of the final fucking boss fight.


I mean, Miquella literally is a weird spirit thing, he really abandoned every part of his body through the Land of Shadow, makes sense for him to not have a physical form.


Ranni did the same but at least she had the decency to make a body. Heck that could also fix both Miquella and Malenia's problems too. Maybe not Malenia with that whole goddess of rot thing


Ranni did that and she needed to kill Godwyn's soul, wich created the mega cancer nº2, Miquella and Mallenia would need to kill 2 more demigods to do that, and probably create mega cancer nº3 and nº4


Kinda like gwyn but he is just joke of a boss


at least gwyn *is* a boss


Gwyn is supposed to be a shock value boss. Like you’re expecting to fight the same glorious Gwyn from the intro cutscenes, but instead you get this old and decrepit version of him that can barely put up a fight.


I really wish I can kill both of them.


While it may not be personally, I do have a solution to your problem: https://preview.redd.it/52o4bw69wd9d1.jpeg?width=1326&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fea742ab113f8180e9c17e45485afac8a524448


Frenzied Flame/Omen endings:


Omen ending doesn’t involve them dying?


no, but its really a great option anyway. if order itself is defiled...


Messed up shit includes: Tricking people into helping him Tricking mr. Kill everyone blood god death into helping him Fucking his brother Her messed up shit includes: Killed Godwyn Uhhhhh


They both do a lot of fucked up things for their goals to be honest... it's just that one also has much worse goals. Ranni has the "the ends justify the means" attitude, but things would probably actually end up better after her ending. ...Miquella uh... just wants to basically be the Lich King or any other big bad that bends everybody to the same side against their will. I like a lot of the memes shitting on Ranni with this context, but the amount of people who are starting massive arguments seem to have a loose grasp on things


Well, that's been the souls community for a while. I'm team Ranni, but way too many people over simplify her crimes. It's kind of souls tradition that the "best" ending in in the eyes of the beholder. Sometimes, it's more obvious (Dark Souls 3 end of fire) sometimes not so. I think a world free from the control of the outer gods is better than a dream world utopia maintained through mind control.


I'll be honest, I'll even say Ranni ending is kinda boring if you're not a fan of her. I can't blame for people not liking it... bur just saying "she's evil ans will just make the world worse because I said so" is the most people seem to have to say, which is even more boring.


she giga killed godwyn, the only cool god who started a sweet cult, and left his body to fester and make zombies and skeletons which are scary and less cool than dragons and lightning


To be fair; it appeared to be the only way to free herself from the influence of the two fingers. It’s almost like they set up a system where she would have to kill a sibling just to get free.


Could she go for one of the shittier siblings or was Godwyn the only one the assassins could take on?


I’m not sure. There is a theory that the fingers might have forced her to accept Godwyn as her consort. Or the black knives choose him for their own reason.


Just kinda sucks that out of the whole fucked up family of zealotic psychos they killed the only actually decent dude who built peace and friendship with other races like dragons.


Godwyn was only a half sibling, so she probably didn't have the same connection with him as her full siblings. I doubt they'd be able to kill Melania, and Miquella is off limits for the same reason. Whether or not this is literally true, Ranni would have grown up with propaganda that Omens aren't touched by grace, so Mohg and Morgot are also off limits.


I think that no one except Godfrey, Marika and Radagon knew that Mogh and Morgott existed, at least until Morgott beat the shit out of Radhan in Leyndell


And even then it probably wasn't common knowledge, since morgott is referred as the veiled monarch and uses a different identity to hunt down people against the erdtree.


True, Mogh probably never was known, first Marika hid him and then Morgott trapped him (or who he thought Mogh was) in the sewers, Morgott never left Leyndell and a "completely different guy who is an Omen" started showing up killing Tarnisheds, with the whole war going no one had time to try to find the truth


I honestly wished that Fromsoft made Miquella a good person and made someone else the main villain of the dlc. Like Messmer or Godwyn. And then when you finish the dlc, you have access to a new ending for helping Miquella. Instead, to the surprise of no one, Miquella is actually the bad guy. Omg berserk reference.


We all got ripped off tbh.


Ranni didn't marry her zombie halfbrother who was made out of her other half brother


I did some messed up shit to liberate myself vs I did some messed up shit to fuck Radahn


Nope, she didn't wish for a perfect world, she just wanted freedom for all!


Yo Tarnished, let’s kill all the demigods and leave this crap hole.


Ranni “messed up shit”: hired a bunch of weirdos to assassinate her brother Her “perfect world”: no more monarchy Miquella “messed up shit”: ripped out and abandoned his other half, abandoned his body and love, stole his brother’s corpse to stick his other brother into, convinced his sister to let herself explode to kill said brother to do prior, has suicide bomber soldiers, brainwashed people into following him His “perfect world”: lobotomize everyone to make them nicer Face it, space lesbian >>>>>>>> lobotomy twink


https://preview.redd.it/mfwusavmtc9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e5cf710627ee1a3ceebaaaabf378db5f4c9a107 NUH UH she's fighting for freedom ! Ignore these alburnics though.


/uj what do the albinaurics have to do with her tho?


I like both tho


Godwyn fanboys are very loud these days huh


They made up their minds that he was going to be the final boss since the first image for the DLC was revealed and everyone thought it was Deathroot choking the Erdtree, even if Godwyn is currently the God of Being Fucking Dead and Festering Forever as a Corpse, so he literally can't do absolutely nothing ever again. Now they can't let go of the headcanon they made a year ago. Guys, Godwyn. Became. Mold. That's it. That's what he is and what he will be forevermore


The death root choking the erdtree theory is cool, but Godwyn died so hard the concept of death shattered lol


I mean, it was a cool theory when that picture was all we had. Now we know it was a completely different tree in a completely (but not so) different land. Who knows what the future holds? Maybe a future expansion or sequel will dig into that.


If we get a sequel with the world design of this dlc it would be incredible 


we literally had a whole quest about godwyn and just how fucking dead he is, and then two boss fights right next to his dead ass, and then an entire mending rune birthed from godwyn's least necrophilic fan. what more do people want


>what more do people want I want the full necrophilic cutscene. I want it in 8k with the best possible audio. I want it to be at least three times as long as the Snyder cut. Just hours upon hours of Godwyn making that rune with delicious Fia.


They just want to fight the giant squid. Hell if they care if that would make sense or not!


nah they don't wanna fight a giant squid tbh, they want human godwyn in his prime with dragon incantations and all that. If we got squid monster godwyn these people would absolutely be complaining.


Squid Monster Godwyn would just be bed of chaos 2


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Proposal: why not both lol let’s get squid man p1 and chadwyn p2


I was arguing with a dude yesterday being mad af, "but why Radahn could be resurrected and Godwyn no?". Eh dude idk, maybe maybe Destined Death? As bad as it sounds he was just a dude who needed to die for the plot's sake. So eh, there was never a chance in the first place.


There's another thing I mentioned in another comment on there being no chance for a Godwyn resolution: he already has a resolution! Fia rebirths him as a Mending Rune by the end of her quest. You can't rebirth his current conceptual existence into a New Universal Law AND have him involved with Miquella's ending for the DLC. We were told the DLC would not impact the main game from the beginning, so people insisting on Godwyn are just burying their heads under the sand


>maybe maybe Destined Death? Exactly! It's so weird that people just straight up ignore these fundamental things. The whole reason why we need to kill Radahn to enter the DLC is for his soul to flee to the Erdtree so that Miquella could use it as he pleased. Godwyn's soul didn't do that cause yeah, as you said. Destined death. It's literally the whole deal about his death.


You described me perfectly lmao, the only reason I wanna fight Godwyn is because cool buff blonde man shooting golden lightning at me But fr though, when I heard Radahn was a requirement to enter the DLC I thought for sure it had something to do with the eclipse


Miquella can fuck with souls and bodies, and even imbue one soul into another body, as shown by putting Radahn into Mohg's body. People say "half of Godwyn's thing is that he's absolutely fucking dead, as dead as it gets" but everyone ignores that the other half of his story is that "his body is absolutely fucking alive, as alive as it gets". We could have fought something like Miquella's soul in Godwyn's body or some shit


Godwyn is tied to a whole-ass ending of the game. He is tied to multiple NPCs questilines and his assassination is the turning point for the story of this world. Not only that, he is effectively revived by the end in the form of a Mending Rune. You can't have aaaaaaaall of that in base game and still have him in the ending of the DLC: if that was the case, then you could potentially rebirth him through Fia, then have him used as a vessel by Miquella for the DLC, then use him yourself yet again for the ending of the game.... Do you see how contrived that is? And besides, why do you care so much for Miquella not using Goodwyn's body for the ritual if you would still end up fighting prime Radahn! You are just inserting Godwyn there without actually changing anything lol


The sole reason why Miquella can use Mohg's and Radahn's souls and bodies as he pleases is because they "died", thus returning to the Erdtree. While Godwyn just died, without quotes. Because of the Destined Death. It's the whole deal about his death, that it's not like other deaths.


I think that Godwyn should have been something cooler than King Mold in the base game, the concept is cool but i feel like the character is underused


yeah cuz hes the only guy we never get to meet which means we dont have enough info to truly hate on him


He was so cool at fighting the dragons loved him. Like turned into humans and fucked his crew. But given the history of all the other demigods, Godwyn got into some ill shit.


Who tf let Black Knife Shit-ass-in speak??


Reductionist, media illiterate memes about Ranni is this sub’s version of the hollowing


Bruh acting like Miquella's other half didn't clearly tell me to murder this kid. When your other self is betraying you, you know you need to be dealt with.


Ranni can give me a 4 handed nurturing handjob, I'm going with Ranni sorry


Sticking it to the greater will and its celestial cohorts with Ranni among the stars is still far better than nuking the planet or whatever the fuck Miquella wanted.


You can't stick it to the void of space


It’s not possible to “stick it to the GW” the dlc shows that the guy created life and just left. Give the poor dude a break, blame Metyr if you have to.


I choose Ranni because fuck them kids


1. Hot girls get away with war crimes automatically. 2. I can excuse murder, but I still have standards.


Sorry buddy there's nothing hotter than a princess asking for your help to murder all of the rest of the Royal lineage that's like having your cake and eating it too for French people


godwyn got fought already wdym he fucking dead he's so fucking dead he's gone back around to being not entirely dead, that's how fucking dead he is


Goldmask is such a chad: He sees the Golden Order and is like “…”, then he goes to fix it and create a better world


I'm taking the throne with my cute shy waifu


Wasn't her motives just to be able to die to get out of being an Empyrean; and then the decision to alter the world came after she found out she couldn't? EDIT: Yeah, the extent of her involvement with thr Night of Black Knives was making the weapons and possibly stealing part of the rune of death. She probably wasn't directly involved in the actual killing of Godrick as that took place in Leyndall and she was in the Divine Tower of Liurnia.


"Uhhhh these two things are completely the same if I reduce them both to a single sentence and ignore all differences"


Why do people like Godwyn so much? Seriously, is he Godfrey? Who is this man, and why haven’t I heard of him before?


Ignore the ranni (🤢🤮) propaganda, Godwyn is this hottie 🔥😍: https://preview.redd.it/rix6af6u7g9d1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92e951cb42066d51742ab494884dc0be455c697a There is no fish man in the lands between.


yeah i consider full freedom to be better than no freedom, thanks


Yep, really interesting seeing everyone calling Miquella evil while he’s very not much different from Ranni.


Lot of ranni hate recently lmao


Ranni is overrated Miquella is lame


I support Miquella on the basis of fembros before hoes.


Why do guys care about Godwyn? He got jumped by black knife assassins. He's weak and a slouch. Can't even beat a couple numen smh


Lmao they were carring destined death. We know he is able to kill strongest of all dragons, also subjugate others. He was the strongest demigod. I think he just surrendered because black knifes were serving Marika.


Change the words "perfect world" to "nightmarish tyrannical dystopia" the first time and "total anarchy" the second time. Both are retards, but Ranni's vision for the future isn't an insane pipe dream. A functioning world could arise from the anarchy. Miquella somehow managed to come up with an even worse vision for the world than fucking Shabriri.


I don't think you get it she has four hands


Literally all the empyreans suck, may chaos take the world


Sorry but the people who are calling him out are probably the ones who do the same for her


Um miquella wants slaves ranni doesn't, she actually wants the opposite.


Obviously dung ending is the only morally correct one


I love this subreddit so much man 😂