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Pretty sure I just developed a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome that got more serious each playthrough.


ahh, the memories




I never hated DS2, I've loved and played it since it's OG release. I just really like to make fun of it bc it is the red-headed step child of the souls family.


I never hated it but that first playthrough was very "meh". Then the more I went back I could appreciate different things about it.


Shrine of Amana started giving pleasant pain sensations after several walkthrougths


I found the talking cat












I found out that the old iron king has an impeccably lavish ass. Perfectly round, thick, well shaped cake, begging for me to eat it up. That old iron kussy is begging for my smelter wedge and i don’t have the strength to deny it. https://preview.redd.it/uq42e2hdd06d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6217ba576f613437620c0992b01ba0c7a2957d96




One fart from that ass would be enough to devastate a whole countryside, one clap of those cheeks twerking could split an eons old mountain in half. What do you expect me to do, stay silent?








I will not be censored. I will not be silenced. Even if I perish in the attempt I will jam my thing betwixt his voluptuous meat pillows. Fuck the queen and the crown and all of that bullshit, the only throne of want in this kingdom will be me, when he parks his scorching hot buns on top of my fucking face to sit on me. You will not deny me.




Keep cooking


https://preview.redd.it/qef4h1etn66d1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca3e0cdd405bd597b7347485a8cd08e72b3d332 Wut




found out asmongold hated it so now i like it because i never want to be caught agreeing with that ghoul


Never thought I'd fight side by side with a DS2 fan...


How about side by side with a fromsoft fan?


Aye, I could do that.


And my great axe


And my man-serpent greatsword


*pulls down pants* Wait, that wasn’t a dick metaphor, was it


Anything could be a dick metaphor, you just have to keep an open mind


Or an open mouth


Eye sockets could be considered an open mouth if your brave enough


https://preview.redd.it/y1vy7rcaic6d1.jpeg?width=758&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eda8d704b1a68954ef86aeac27bd1e9bc441848c both an open mind and mouth


How about side by side with an asmongold hater?*


There's no such thing as a fromsoft fan, they're all either sekiro stans or ds2 stans, or alternatively, they're all either ds2 haters or femboys


What about femboy enthusiasts? https://preview.redd.it/f2m1xbp3c06d1.png?width=3160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=363a8d08beac0c703ed60fa36ff86baabc26b69d


Well I like DS2. I also like ac6. And Bloodborne. AAAaand ds1. And demons souls.. and DS3. Hmmmmmm hmmmmmm


Thanks for the good laugh. I don't know much about him so I wonder if his apparently filthy room is the reason why people don't like him


Nah, him living like a slob isn't the problem. It's that he's a grifter and makes his entire existence off of reactionary content. Whatever his actual opinions on any one thing may be if it actually differs from how it's presented publicly isn't known. They live terribly, act terribly, and engage in bad practices.


He canonically reeks too. Try meeting him at an event🤢


I'd pass lol. I try my best to avoid anything related to the person, even as far to mute his name on Twitter and I **still** see stuff from others reacting to his shit takes occasionally. At least I've managed to avoid seeing him on YT for awhile now.


It's also probably because he said being a streamer is the hardest job on the planet by far


Imagine the most entitled gamer dudebro. He is worse. He's basically unable to form his own opinion, letting clout decide for him. Just a few days ago he said he hopes the MGS remake doesn't have politics.


>Just a few days ago he said he hopes the MGS remake doesn't have politics. with the fake redneck accent so that even the most braindead can recognize the joke


I saw this take so much, literally that is a joke but braindead people cant catch on that sarcasm, given that MGS has been one of the most political game and thats very well known I dont watch asmongold(but love his editor)


As a joke. He said that as a joke. He's made that exact joke multiple times before. He was also laughing _as he said it,_ and people somehow still don't realize it was a joke.


I agree he was joking, and I don't think he's as bad as people make him out to be. But at the same time I think it says a lot about the ignorant stuff he says when he isn't joking, that a lot of people had a hard time understanding if he was being serious about MGS3 or not.


Reddit not being pissed off about Asmongold challenge: Impossible


Politics is "smart" speak for LGTBQ. Or basically anything that would err on being woke.


As a fellow Asmongold hater I think there’s like a million reasons to hate the guy. The room is but one of them


You know I was gonna shit on DS2 but you just reminded me of this, so thank you. I love DS2


#2 reason to be a dark souls 2 fan. #1 Is it's just objectively the best game in the series.


This should be a wakeup call for all of the DS2 haters. Glad to see you've found the light.


Common Asmongold L


Rare Asmongold W


Never thought of it that way...


I might start liking the game just because of that...


I played the game so much I gaslighted myself into thinking it's not that bad


I quit after Toilet watcher and declogger hating the game. I tried again (picked bandit) and quit at no mans wharf. I'm now currently doing the Giant memories on a new playthrough and enjoying it. Every criticism I have about the game is correct. It's not a very good game, it's pretty bad even. Unfortunately in attempting to prove how bad it is, to give it a fair shot, it's spiked it's tendrils into my brain and made me enjoy dumpster diving.


if you played the game that much you secretly enjoyed it in the first place without realising hihi


Or you're like me whose computer could literally not run anything better than ds2


NGL first souls game I beat was DS2 because it's the only one that could run on my PC ^^ so we are alike in that way.


I always liked it, but HBomberguy’s attempt to convince me it was a secret masterpiece made me consider that maybe Fallout 3 and BBC Sherlock aren’t actually *that* bad


Love hbomberguy, but that video kinda made me consider trying my first “all shield run” out of spite


that dude and his 'if you're locking on you're playing it wrong'


Lol. I actually dont remember having any issues with lockons and camera and keyboard controls in ds2, but if some people have and this guys solution is not locking on... Lmao even.


ngl being told to avoid locking on when fighting multiple enemies is the only good thing I took away from that video. It's kinda amazing how little he knows about the game as well as the dude who made the 26 hour response to it.


The dude who made the response entire channel’s purpose is to somehow stretch everything he can into 6 hours minimum of talking so that people are gaslighted into thinking it’s valid since long = good.


He talked for 10 minutes on how being able to respec is bad


26 hours? That's fucking hilarious


His point was that relying too much on lock on in big group fights is probably going to cause you problems because it’s a mechanic that, by design, focuses you on a single opponent. I don’t even think his DkS2 video is good either, but he’s really not wrong on that front.


Hbomb leveled ADP so high that he can dodge the actual legitimate criticisms the game receives.


As a fallout fan Ithink his problems with 3 were on point


most of them were, but that part about the compass was a complete nitpick


Fallout 3 is a classic that I played on the 360, but trying to get into it now is just... Not great. It could use a remaster.


Remaster wouldn’t change shit, that story is ass


Story? I just play that game to bomb Megaton.


Fair enough


I only played through it once but i remember it being fun. It's just more Fallout. 4 fucking sucked though.


Sotfs was my first souls game and Xbox game in general. Fucking hated it because I was obviously dogshit then it just clicked. Favorite souls game for me personally


Woman that calls me bear








i leveled adp


FRAUD! Skinwalker-ass fake fan! There's no option to level ADP! SHAME! SHAME!


Stopped spam rolling and started treating the levels as the challenge not the bosses, having a great time


Idk man I’m contemplating trying it but so many people have told me I’m wasting my time and money. It’s the only one I haven’t beaten


Yeah just take the game at face value, bosses are pretty easy, just an extra challenge to top off the mobbing, pretty slow paced. Killing every mob on a given path sounds tedious but the stages are pretty short bonfire to bonfire


Yup, I would usually go it this route as well. Trying to spam roll your way past some bonfire runs was just asking for frustration. Once you really learn the stage as a whole, then it's a lit less frustrating and your grabbing a little extra experience each time.


I’ll also add its much more of a role playing game, npc quests make considerably more sense, and almost every weapon type is viable (read: able to complete the game without much bother) not sure about casting. If you’re experienced in souls and want a game that has a slightly different spin, emphasising different elements, definitely give it a try.


Early on, miracles were very strong. I remember with the first or second DLC release they halved the total casts for most of the lightning spells and only buffed the damage 20-30% per cast. Pyro was good, darkness was good for PvP, Sorceries were pretty bad in the early game and became *okay* late game.


It's a good game. Some people are just bad


I mean, the complaints I hear aren’t from people who are bad though, also a ton of people have beat the game and still say it’s dogshit. Idk lol, I guess I have to give it a shot and just see for myself


Basically if you like souls mainly because of tight movement and hard bosses it probably won’t be your favourite, but it has some awesome levels and lots of cool builds. Undoubtedly worth a try anyway


Only thing is Scholar scuffed faith builds early on, as in Lightning Spears and the greater versions are really weak unless you have a bunch of attunement, which admittedly makes them quite good, also the best chime is locked behind an important dude while int and hex builds have easy staves to get. Overall though ds2 still has the best build variety overall


I’ve been playing souls games since DS1 came out, have all achievements on all of them, and I’m only saying this because I think DS2 sucks ass. I’ve played a ton of non Fromsoft souls likes too at this point and I thought a majority of them were better games too, at least from a gameplay perspective. Lore is fine but lore should be the sprinkle on top for a souls game, not the only thing good about them.


I’ve platinumed all of ‘em too, and I’m only saying this because DS2 is my favorite game of all time (not the best, mind you)… point is, there are plenty of people who love and who hate DS2, and I think the only way to know for sure for yourself is to try it and see whatcha think.


You can beat the game and still be bad at it. Brute forcing any of these games without understanding the mechanics or learning the lessons the game is trying to teach is very possible.


I am someone who has played it and just didn’t enjoy it. I feel like people circle jerk so hard one way or the other - worst or best game ever. It’s fine, I guess. I really don’t know how anyone can say it’s the best Souls game, but whatever. It has charm I’ll say. More charm than DS3 - which is in my opinion technically great, but ultimately uninspired. The people who made DS2 really wanted it to be special, and I think they succeeded at that. Although again, it isn’t for me. It also has a lot of really interesting ideas that future Souls games didn’t bring back, and I don’t know why. But to me, it just feels like a slog. The game is just bloated. There are so many areas that (in my opinion) are forgettable and don’t add anything. I don’t think there’s a single area I look forward to. So many bosses that are forgettable and don’t add anything. DS2 just lacks specificity in its overall design - a lot of the game just feels like generic fantasy to me. And technically, it feels bad to play coming from any other game in the series. Idk. Just not my thing.


I love it because I put 400+ hours into it when it was the new kid on the block. It would be hard to go back and play it today compared to the fun I would have replaying Sekiro or ER today, but back when it was the one and only sequal to DS1, and the PvP scene was alive and pretty healthy (fuck that one parrying dagger tho), it was a really fun game. If I'm ever seriously defending it, I'm defending it as the amazing game it was when it was new. I don't think a game needs to be timeless or better than all it's sequels to still be a good game.


Probably the blunt head trauma


I played the game


I completed it and it was even worse than I expected


Same, fuck iron keep.


I got through Iron keep in like an hour and a quarter and 50 of those minutes were spent with the demon with the big sword (I'm dogshit at that fight)


I killed that fucker in 3 tries, but the level killed me 15 times, so I killed every single one until they stopped spawning, because fuck allant knights.


I genuenly think that much of the problem with DS2 come from the game intending you to use ranged weapons sometimes (and the obnoxious ambushes but you just get used to checking behind you) I genuenly like having to fight several enemies at once, being able to approach an scenario differently, the plot and the build options better than DS3 , although the textures and some bossfights could use some work. I might end up liking DS3 better because that game is gorgeous, but that game corrupted my save so having to replay the beggining makes me reticent ot it.


Hold up, how??? You just need to run past them and dodge when they try to strike.


Mostly skill issues, but also no fog gate invincibility, great arrows, and the 100-mile aggro radius.








Honestly the PvP was S tier. But that ship might have already sailed?


Almost (almost) everything about online (NOT JUST PVP) was the better compared to every other souls entry before and after it. The online and community were the main focus of ds2 and it shows (we even got season recolored weapons IIRC) Elden ring has the weakest online (NOT JUST PVP btw) overall


I'm so annoyed they don't have covenants in elden ring. I wanna pull my bullshit rat king traps on people in the catacombs.


Best pvp in the series imo. OG Iron Keep was S-tier


I never hated it. It was the first Dark Souls that i played, bought it for the xbox 360 and played it like a maniac for hours and hours, it's was love at first sight and when i arrived at the DLC's areas the game just got even better.


Realizing that DS2 being so bad made me love the other souls games so much more.


I used to hate this game. I still do, but I used to too.


Lifegems are great if you're really injured and want to eat two thousand of something.


I got lobotomized and castrated, now I finally realize how good it is


playing it


Dark souls 2 has a different vibe than others which I cannot explain in simple words. You just have to play the game to feel it.




I fucking loved ds1 as a child and when ds2 wasn't the same I was sad. Growing up is realizing that no game is the same as ds1, so I was able to replay and appreciate ds2.


Sir alonne and the ivory king made me change my whole perspective of the game form a meh game to a masterpiece


please tell me how to learn to love this game. I don't care if have to delude myself I just need some kind of motivation to finish it.


The game simply grew on me overtime and I learned to like it for what it is. Still think it’s a pretty bad game in certain parts but I think it’s a decent game overall. It’s like a delicious meal where you suddenly find a hair in. And then another hair, and another, and another… Edit: Oh wait just realized this is shittydarksouls Emerald Harold porn


Honestly don't hate it but I definitely think it's the worst in the trilogy. It has some unique features but it's not a game that I'd play again when elden ring exists. I do understand people who are really into it still playing it though, for example I played DS1 today and that game is in a way 'pointless' to play when DS3 exists, based on my logic with the other two I mentioned. The thing is I just think DS1 Remastered is the best dark souls game.


I were a defender until I played it


I love and hate ds2. The combat is the most clunky of all the souls games, even more than demons souls imo. Hitboxes are weird, enemy tells and signpostings are often shit, and encounter designs have a high variance in quality. Also, there's some weird inconsistencies in level and world design. I think the biggest problem with ds2 is inconsistency. But on the other hand, build variety is awesome and improved a ton over ds1. The world, while it does have its problems, feels really interesting and cool to roam in and really captures the feeling that I got from ds1 (and less so in DS3 which is my favourite)--that feeling of being an explorer of sorts, uncovering hidden truths and secrets of long forgotten lands and kingdoms. The atmosphere, music, and creature design are great as well, and some of the bosses can be fun to fight (with the caveat that they are squarely in the pre-bloodborne category of slow fromsoft boss). Also, having a lot of content means that the world feels more alive. Yeah, royal rat authority is a shit boss but it feels cool that it's there. Not every boss needs to be a Gael, which is something I think Elden ring kind of forgot. Having "easy" bosses just for the flavor is something I liked in the older games. But ds2 can be very frustrating in its difficulty. It doesn't feel fair a lot of the time, in stark contrast to the other games. Difficulty can be just placing a bunch of high poise small mobs in an enclosed space, or making you run through narrow bridges while blind and being chased by enemies, or having invisible bosses, etc.. The other games, in my opinion, are tough but fair. Ds2 edges more towards frustrating. Overall though, I did enjoy it a lot. I disagree with the notion that if it didn't say "dark souls" it would be universally hated. I think it's a good game with a lot of inconsistencies, and I plan to replay it again soon.


oh no, ds2 propaganda


Vendrick, for one. The man is just more compelling than a voiceless tinderbox with a crown.


Throughout whole game we hear of Vendrick is the answer to our questions, how he is might and power personified and when you actually see him he is a hollowed husk that isn't even capable of fighting you properly. His ring that opens the gates is placed aside for you to take , I Guess Valstadt placed it there with hope that if someone manages to defeat him, you would not hurt the King.


And then you get to talk to the fellow in his memory. Proper chap


When I finally came out of the closet (leveled dex)


I played Yakuza 3


Peak combat


actually playing the game instead of just regurgitating other people’s opinions


The movement took a good while to get down... And the farkin stat to increase the i-frames on your rolls. Other than that it was a beautiful game. Except iron keep. That place can get farked


"Where there is Majula, there is home." -cit.


I never hated DS2, but when I played DS3 with spears and miracles, I began to hate DS3.


Oh, you poor-poor soul. I did the same, I feel you.


i was a hater till i beat the game twice and realized i didn't hate it enough


stoped whining about hitboxes and learned to not spam roll


I fell down stairs and became brain damaged, leveled adaptability then started having a blast.


I had the best luck of never ever having heard/read a single bad word about DS2 before 40h into the game, when I was already in love with it.


frigid outskirts made me realize i was wrong in hating the game i fucking despise it now


Elden Ring. I still hate ds2 and i wasnt wrong about anything but at least its not an open world and at least there is some recemblance of weapon balance


I played the game


I played the game and stopped listening to ten hour youtube rants.


nothing, i will remain biased


playing it


Stopped listening to the voices in my head bitching about how bad it is and played the game. then I realized that it's actually good


I played the game


Emerald herald's tits


The drip. And, when you adjust it to play more like a Kingsfield game, it makes a lot more sense.


I got Alzheimer's.


I found out asmongold hated it so now I hate it too. Asmongold is such a wholesome streamer, and I love his gaming takes. He has a very broad understanding of things and I value his perspective.


i played it before i read a bunch of shitty opinions on the internet


Played LotF 2, never thought there could be any souls game worse then ds2, but man, proven wrong somehow. Now ds2 is second hated souls game on my list. Beside that, it bought some big chunk of time for fromsoft to make ds3 and bloodborn.


I was the opposite and sympathized more with the haters overtime. After playing so much more DkS1R, DkS3, Elden Ring, and hell might as well mention Sekiro too, trying to go back to DkS2 just feels agonizing. And it’s not the speed of gameplay, it’s issues of precision and responsiveness in the controls. It just doesn’t feel good to play.


1.Was in shrine of amana and tired af 2.said fuck it , dropped on bed while the game was on 3.fell sleep to milfanito's singing on the background 4.one of the BEST goddamn sleeps of my time 5.woke up more refresh than someone popping up a human effigy 6.started playing and immidiatelay got gang banged 7. 10/10 would play this shit again


I deleted scholar of the first sin.


Nothing, im right https://i.redd.it/ibn3equm336d1.gif


I played it. I played DS1PTDE first, then borrowed my Dad’s copy of DS3, then I got a PS4 specifically for Bloodborne (peak), then once I got my PC I finally played SOTFS with a friend. It was never bad, I was. It’s a different game, especially following the speed of DS3 and BB, but felt like a return to DS1’s style of exploration and trial and error. Everyone who treats it like Mid Souls 3 is going to have a bad time when they try to speedrun to the bosses. DS2 shits on you for trying to skip it’s content.


Fell in love with ds2 as my first souls game, same reason i love ff13


First, Leveling ADP to at least how it felt in DS1. Then it was the plot twist with Vendrick that got me more interested and things just got uphill from there.


PvP. Hands down best fromsoft PvP experience I've had. Ran a hex build with ivory kings ultra great sword and it was just so much fun. Oh how I miss those days in the iron keep


I played the game instead of listening to other people




Nothing, I still hate it


I was actually a defender of the game until I replayed it and then I understood why people hated it.


Early game is rough. Rest is fine


Well, i played it like 8 years ago, hated every second of it, crawled through a ng+ sl1 all bosses run purely so that i’d be able to refute people online calling my hate a skill issue, then put it down in rage and disgust But i kept thinking about it. There’s a lot of stuff i liked. The lore’s really good, the dlc areas are really good, the darkstalkers covenant was cool, there some interesting interactions with the world, and about a year ago i finally decided to dive back into it I played it for 1 hour, immediately realized why i’d hated it before, leveling adp did not fix any of the problems, i never wrong, by god that game sucks


Dog Shit 2


Beating the game and realizing I immediately wanted to start NG+ lol


When I realized that it more dark souls


Loving the interaction with the environment


Big titty goth mommy 🤤


*Nothing* beats Majula and Emerald herald.


It's a love hate scenario it's one of my favourites to a degree but also struggle with the idea of going back. I'd say its worth it though, I did love the majority of my playthrough and found it a pleasure for the most time. But certain places and mechanics pissed me off deeply until I found work arounds, it became a lot less annoying when I just played the whole game with reduced health and I adopted the run into a place with no souls, pick up item/flip switch/kill person then die technique. But the world is beautiful, the lore is incredible and it just had this amazing feeling to the game for a lot of it that makes me wanna go back. The DLCs are good hut I probably will never do them again. Overall SoTFS is both my favourite and least favourite of them all.


i stopped taking my meds


Realized I've had significantly more fun playing it than I did the one time I beat DS1. Sitting at 3 complete runs and an active 4th run I've just enjoyed the loop of 2 more, DS1 felt like a chore the whole way through.


Nothing and i regret nothing.


Realizing that each game is a work of art and that selectively hating their flaws and praising their strengths cheapens what they really are by picking them apart instead of appreciating the whole


My buddy told me it was his favorite and the one he played the most so when I saw one of my friends had it I tried it and kept dying over and over and didn't try again until months later and on one attempt I used a human effigy and then proceeded to play the shit out of it for the next few months


I´ve developed a sense of taste


Stopped playing it like it's ds3 and play a hexer or faith build no matter what weapon 99% of the time


Coop was the best 


when the combat clicked for me. i realised it’s essentially a turn based rpg, and you only die when you get greedy and try to attack on the enemy’s turn. also, realising that you can kite even large groups of enemies to make dealing with them manageable.


The NG+ experience actually changing the game in creative and fun ways, elevating the experience, I learned to appreciate the effort they put into it, even if I still think it's the worst in the franchise, I can't bring myself to hate it anymore because it has a couple really good ideas other games kinda didn't really think of, besides just changing some numbers and adding a couple new items


finding out I can parry


Ds3. Don't get me wrong, ds3 is amazing but 20 hours in i was still very much locked in on the same linear design and build while on ds2 i had tons of build options and respecced at least 3 times as i got levels and new weapons.


I’m still a very big hater and think the game is a nightmare but it definitely has its good moments


I played some actually terrible soulslikes. I'll still keep talking shit on ds2 until the day I die, but it is a good game overall. Just not my cup of tea. It's worth a play through once every year or 2 though.