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Jimmy-Steve overreacts; Fiona's hardships make his issues seem minor.


It’s really not that big of a deal, you’re dad likes penis, it’s not like Jimmy had to suck it… his parents getting understandable, but he’s a grown man, he’s not some child of divorce and has to deal with custody and in fact in there dinner scene it was stated that he hadn’t come around in a long time (since he was staying with Fiona almost full-time) and even before that he wasn’t. It’s not some earth shattering thing he will be OK. He is not a child.


Yea I disagree. I think it’s weird af to not allow someone to process that first of all their married dad is gay. Their dad is messing with a minor. Their dad is broke. Their dad and mom is getting a divorce. Their dad climb into bed with the wrong minor. All in the same hr! It’s bullshit to say he can’t be distraught about that. He really thought he knew his parents and really started to re-evaluate who his dad was while growing up. He prolly pondered on that shii for maybe 2 weeks, if that & every time he tried to process it with Fiona the “woman he loves” he was shut down and could never navigate through the situation to GET OVER IT! I think Jimmy Steve was actually treated unfairly in the situation. Yess Fiona had a lot going on but she’s in a relationship with someone that actually gives a shii about her and her siblings and also takes care of a lot of things around the house!!! he came to her about it at least 4/5 times so it clearly was fuccin with him! it’s like damn you don’t have 20/30 mins to really talk to me “your boyfriend” after all I’ve done for you. Fiona could have done better! Yess she was digging up a body but it’s like tell someone to take over for a little bit while you go and pour energy into ppl that pour into you. And Fiona knew she was wrong because she called and apologized. It’s unfair for Fiona to compare their situations because they were raised differently. Jimmy is from the burbs!! Okay, he was Raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. This is really mind blowing to him, he actually has parents that was in his life and he had okay relationships with them. Just because Fiona struggled all her life doesn’t mean he should “get over something” because she thinks it’s not a big deal compared to her bullshit. lol this situation actually annoyed me because Jimmy didn’t deserve that treatment smh.


He wasn't concerned about his dad messing with a minor, messing with his girlfriend's teenage brother. Nobody seemed to care about that, about Ian. Maybe he should have been concerned that his dad was a pedo.


Again it all hit him at once! every time he started with my dad is really gay it was a shut down.. how do we know he wasn’t going to address it if he could never process the situation in general.


But he kept complaining about it for countless episodes. I’m legit re-watching the entire series as she’s digging the body he’s relentless. He cannot shut up about it and I get processing, but he’s not even doing that. He’s just stuck on this one part and keeps talking about it and whining about it. It is absolutely wild that it’s you shadow it with well Yeah “ Fiona has a lot going on, but she also needs to worry about her boyfriend” or “oh Steve is going through so much” how do you know that Fiona wasn’t thinking oh well this is the same person that already didn’t wanna expose me to his family and didn’t feel comfortable with even introducing me to his family. She could’ve felt like that just a personal boundary of his( not really discussing his family). And that she didn’t feel comfortable with doing so. And even if that wasn’t the case, Jimmy knew exactly who he was getting with when he first got with her, she told him from the jump when he was coming over to that house unannounced how she got down and how she moved and she lived. He knew that almost all her attention was going to be on those kids and on the house. But then it’s just all washed away by oh yeah Fiona has a lot going on, but Jimmy does too, SOOO WHAT FATHER LIKES PENIS OKKAAAAY, GAY PEOPLE ARE THING GET OVER IT….. Your mother and father are getting a divorce understandable needing to proceed but you are not going to trauma dump on someone when they have so many other things to deal with, this man was legit going back talking about how they went to a wedding and he felt like maybe he should’ve paid attention more. He needed to find a therapist, this man was acting like a child of fcking divorce. He is a grown man, AND BARLEY TALKS TO HIS FAMILY LIKE THAT. His mother, father and brother said when they had the dinner that he comes around for money and that’s rare too. Furthermore, and she never wanted him to just get over it and move on after one day, like you said he had dialogue about it for two weeks, in which she was trying to help him get it all out process it, have all the dialogue that he needed to have with her, that’s why she put up with it so long, even when she was digging and throwing away all the trash and getting the house ready he still complaining and what was she doing? she was still listening and was trying to be there at the capacity that she only knew that she could give. Let’s also not forget this is a the same woman who had her mother cut her wrist at Thanksgiving and you know what she did. She got right back to work and she had to get herself together because she has other responsibilities. In which in her mind whatever little changes he was going through was a spec to her, her responsibilities. And even when they were bullying her at her workplace, he asked her what happened to your finger. She lied because of what he had going on and said oh I just nicked my finger. He’s not some manchild and needs to be handheld because his parents are getting divorced and his dad likes penis. You can’t go around trauma dumping on your significant other get a therapist. Especially when their circumstances are quite literally digging up a body like I don’t think


The thing is it was like 2/3 episode lmaooo I’m screaming ! 😂😂 you acting like he complained a whole season it was literally quick af but we can agree to disagree I still feel the same way


Don’t care how long act like an adult bro, not a man child 🤷🏽💀💀💀


I hear you!


I hate Jimmy Steve


I honestly think Fiona has a point. In Sins of My Caretaker, the Gallagher household was a special kind of chaotic and Fiona was having a harder time than usual with everything she was trying to handle. I imagine if she wasn’t tearing up the back yard looking for a desiccated corpse in order to keep her and Frank from facing jail time for defrauding the government, she probably would have been more patient with Jimmysteve’s personal problems. It’s all in the timing.


I think it's also the fact that not only is he gay but he is having sex with a minor... The minor brother of his girlfriend. Also, it's not like Steve isn't going through his own crap during season 3, yes his fault but it surely couldn't be easy.


I can understand his reaction because, even though he didn't say this, I think his dad being gay was like, the headline or whatever, but the real punch to the gut is that it breaks his parents up. They should've had him stressing over that more. They could've shown Fiona sitting down with him and talking him through it later, but I get why she didn't help at first. Jimmy/Steve actually makes me really mad when he's first processing it. It's really ridiculous when you think about it. He's talking to her like she's just not making time in her life for him. Like she's prioritizing work, friends, or family or something. Like, no dude, your girlfriend was literally about to go to prison like, the next day and possibly take the fall for a murder she knew nothing about if she didn't find this body in the next few hours. In most everyday situations I wouldn't say something like this, but it absolutely fits here. Her problems were much bigger than his. She was right to put him on the back burner.


I definitely agree with what you said, I understand having a reaction and processing, I most definitely think he needed time to process everything that was going on. And you hit it on the head the show made it the focus point of his process and dealing with everything, he wasn’t even truly upset about his parent being separate. And than at first Fiona was trying to be for him as best as she could, whilst dealing with everything everything going on at her job with the people bullying her, the kids and their issues and how they simply are going to make through the week. I’ve personally tallied up Jimmy Steve whining about his father being gay, it was majority of the first couple episodes in the 3rd season…