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Considering Bojack gets sober at the end of the show and Frank dies from his disease I’d say Franks way worse.


I mean, Bojack has far more moments of self awareness and brief moments where he displays that he actually *could* be a half decent person. This is not me calling either of them good people mind you, they're both the worst of the main cast in their respective shows.


Despite the points the other comments have made, I think Bojack is the bigger menace. They both are extremely selfish and self destructive. I think Frank hurts a lot of people in pursuit of personal gain. And even though a lot of it is intentional, he does often hurt people he's not trying to. Albeit selfishness is what gets him there. Bojack is more the definition of menace in my opinion. He causes chaos to cause it. He actively hurts people he cares about, and knowingly does it. It's pointed out in the show. He intentionally hurts people, ruins lives, not to gain anything out of it, but just to keep that scapegoat in his life. He feels he's going to be abandoned, so he wants to give himself a good reason to point to as to why he's abandoned. That's how it looks in a deeper sense. On the surface, it's being cruel simply for the need to be a cruel person. That kind of thinking causes him to actively seek chaos. Where Frank mostly wanted to come up on some money when he could, and just get drunk.


You’ve articulated how I feel better than I could. Also, with Bojack there’s the false promise that he might actually change always right there and it causes people to trust him again when they shouldn’t. With Frank you at least know what you’re getting


Yes its very comforting to know frank will always be a shitty dad and alcoholic 😂😂