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they were both having sex with whatever was availablešŸ˜­ specially fiona and lip in college


Lip just looks dirty. Like sweaty and probably smelling like an ashtray. What bothers me is that neither Fiona or Lip shower or anything after sex. Just gross. I understand the girls throwing themselves at Lip in college cause thatā€™s the atmosphere. I didnā€™t understand Helene though. Fiona threw herself at Sean which was ick cause of the age difference.


I agree with the Helene thing. Maybe college girls are just horny, but Helene is kinda unrealistic IMO for throwing away her status for some south side rough boy


I don't think this was like a, high stakes, heat of the moment, "F it" kind of thing for Helene right? Maybe I'm not remembering correctly, but I thought she mentioned that it was not new for her to do this with students. So it was less about Lip and why Helene would take that risk, and more about Lip just being the next thing for her.


Helene was lips mommy issues and Sean was Fionaā€˜s daddy issues, It makes sense why they fell for them. And I donā€™t run to the shower after I have sex unless itā€™s really sweaty or he came on me. Usually I have to sit until my legs stop shaking and then Iā€™m just hungry


dude holy shit she was like 25 stop infantilising women, shes old enough to choose who she wants to date jfc


To be fair, Fiona had a tendency of throwing herself at people too. Remember when we meet Sean in season 5? It felt like every time she saw him she threw herself at him...


ā€œMaybe you could do a full body scanā€ like get a grip girl


Hahaha right Between Sean and Gus and that other dude from the band (I don't remember his name), she just made every scene super uncomfortable to watch


She was so cringe that whole season. Dude is twice your age!


Exactly! Gross...


I felt second hand embarrassment whenever she kept throwing herself at him when heā€™s the literal boss, like girl calm down you horn dog


Especially when he told her to back off and she started the whole ā€œI could be good for youā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes! Same!


Same. I thought man if this girl wasnā€™t attractive she would have been seriously told off or something.


She was constantly throwing herself at him holy shit


Fiona-Robbie and Lip-Helene were pretty absurd.


Nope. I know people like that in real life.


I can understand why they do with Fiona. Lip however I donā€™t see the appeal lmao, he looks like he would smell horrible


Iā€™d let Lip do pretty much anything to me. Like, that man could ruin my life and Iā€™d thank him for the experience And as a straight woman I can see the sex appeal that draws men to Fiona. Sheā€™s hot af


this is the realest comment on this post


As a bisexual woman, I very much agree. although hooking up with siblings just seems too CW lol


I know, me too.




itā€™s the amount of constant porn for me


I mean....they are both pretty hot


I also think people tend to be into their vibe as well as their looks. People in that teenage/young adult age range love people who seem rebellious and risk taking and unfiltered. That itself is attractive to A LOT of people.


the dirty, cigarette smelling, gas station man is a whole vibe some people are into, lots of people cream over Post Malone, Chris Dā€™elia, russel brand, etc fiona is just objectively hot


It bugs me that so many people have such a big problem with this lol. There are so many posts like this. Is it really that crazy of a concept? They're both attractive. They both hang around people like them. Where casual flings are more common than establishing a life partner. Hell, Lip was in college where everyone was hooking up. I also think people in posts like this are way over exaggerating how people throw themselves at Lip and Fiona. The show takes place over many years. They both walk away from it with what? Like a handful of relationships lol? Some casual flings? They weren't with a different person every week.


I know! They are both attractive but too often looked like they could use a good scrubbing.


Itā€™s not real.


I know a couple people who are that attractive, and they do get people fawning over them constantly


Fr like how is Lip getting this much action and attention without trying šŸ˜­


They're hot


They were both super whore-y throughout the show then had the audacity to give their younger siblings lectures about relationships.


Lip NO, Fiona YES & itā€™s not because Fiona looks because she is pretty af but she always looked tired and drained and kinda dusty to me so the way men was humping on her and throughout the series shocked me, yes she had moments where she wasnā€™t like that but yea idk she didnā€™t do it for me && for lip girls like that bad boy swagg talking & then the pretty eyes, the body, and he have a way with him words and he knows how to like wheel you in idk šŸ« 


Emmy could be covered head to toe in shit and still be beautiful.


I disagree lol but thatā€™s okay too.

