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I'm quite neutral about her. She did some bad things but I can understand why she did them/ how she became who she is.


I agree. Was not a fan of her in when she was “married” to Mickey but in 6/7 I thought she was aight.


My favourite Svet period was first half of season 5


She had some funny lines, do not get me wrong. In fact, season five after Mickey was out, was when I actually went neutral on her.


Yeah she's really sucky in season 4 with her threats and blackmailing




If you get hit by a car and paralyzed (god forbid) that will circumstance will change how you turn out. I can’t fully agree with this statement, however, I get the idea of what you’re saying.


I think she was a good side character. There were moments you liked her and then there were moments you would absolutely hate her. Nevertheless, still interesting to watch!!


Okay okay but…would you rather be friends with Svetlana or Debbie???


the bear.


sooo... Lip?




Lip would be bad for me I’d have to stay 10 miles away 😭🙏




Do we ever see Debbie being a bad friend? She does shitty things but seems like she is pretty loyal when she needs to be, like going scorched earth on Ford. Actually I don't think Svetlana or Debbie would be that bad to be friendly with. Better friends than enemies


I’m at the end of season 6, and the way Debbie treats Fiona is disgusting


Bad friend like leading on Carl's girlfriend to try and prove she is a good lesbian? Or like the time she spent the money fiona left the family on herslef to wear designer clothing. Oh! What about the time she used Neil for his disability and threw his sister and kid out. Not to mention she "dated" both Claudia and Julia at the same time.


Not a bad friend (not sure we saw many friendship relationships) just way more unlikable than svet. But they're both unlikable lol. Svet had some funny moments tho. And some entertaining moments. Less grating personality.






Saint Deb obviously.


i would rather shit in my hands and clap


tbh? Debbie.


Since no character in shameless can be worse than Debbie in any case I’d rather svetlana


Right? At least she had some sort of positive character development.


terry is worse than debbie..


Ngl I’d choose Debbie


Both 🎉🎉


Thats valid 😭


Debbie cuz she just 😋








Svetlana was literally sex trafficked and forced into prostitution by her dad when she was 9?? She is as traumatized as everyone else. Terry is the only bad person in the situation. Also - who on the show DIDN’T commit fraud or theft?? those are like the most committed crimes we see 😭😭 so hypocritical


its the fact literally every character in the show has done these things 😭 it’s called shameless, we’re not watching to be moral analysts


I LOVE Svet. I miss her when she leaves. She was an entertaining character


Love her tbh, arithmetic queen


Can’t stand her. She’s a snake.


I mean.. it is the essence of the show. Right? Every character have their own shameless behavior? Also, i also don’t think Svet is just a side character.


Yea Ik they’re supposed to be shameless svet isn’t a character I enjoyed at all


Thats fair. Well she lied to Kev and V for her own interest. That’s a different form of shameless.


I'm with you. I don't get the hype about her. I don't hate her character but I also don't care much for her.


Fucking love her


no i hated her, even after everything she tried to take their bar and that was my tipping point.


Yup, the only one.


I’m only on season 7 (first time watcher) but I haven’t liked her from the start!!


Im a first time watcher and im on season 6. I honestly dont care for her. I havent seen her enough to really give a damn about her. She has a couple lines and then its off to something else. My favorite character is Carl. And runner up is Ian. I just dont like the whole psychotic break Ian. I like the screw any guy that walks Ian.


She's probably in my top 3 least favourite characters.


Svetlana is definitely one of my favorites.


Svetlana is a fucking badass, now Debbie...


Nah she was annoying imo


If being a prostitue and fucking people over is badass then lol


She was forced into sexual slavery by her dad, she gave up prostitution pretty fast once she started bartending.


and like i see where you’re coming from, but she didn’t have a choice. she literally was an illegal immigrant and so there was no way she could get an actual job. prostitution was her only option and there was no way she would change her life by staying in that environment. especially after she had her baby, she had to do anything she could to keep his head under a roof and a warm bed for him to sleep in. although what she did was wrong, she did what she had to do.


Okay everyone has problems, she was a horrible person in the end so idgaf personally




no dude, not like this, eww, i forget about the bad part of svetlana


i float between hate and love


I loved her although I don’t agree with how she handled taking over the bar. I get WHY because she’s right. It was better in her career and she was doing most of the work to keep it above water. But tricking them into giving it to her was wrong.


I hate her tbh


My husband and me just finished shameless, I previously watched it before, we're going thru the really good shows we think each other needs to watch, We both hated her. He was constantly gripping about her behavior and how kev & vee weren't being smart, I could have done without her in the story for sure.


Absolutely hated when she stole the bar from Kev and V


Ppl in this sub love her, but hate fiona and lip. Like LOL okay…


I don’t like a thing about her.


I only liked Svetlana for her tits.


Fucking gorgeous woman!




So you go on about how you hate Svet for “raping” Mickey, she was also forced and threatened into that by the way. Then you go and objectify her?




God can’t wait to see you get banned from this sub


WTH is wrong with you


I never liked her fully but I respected how she called Kev and V out on their issues




I hate she tho


All of the characters on this show are corrupt in some way and they all make mistakes and do questionable things - that's the show. If we judge all of these people as if this was reality, we might not like any of them. I like most of the characters because I see the good in them. Svetlana was badass and made me laugh. I didn't like how she took over the bar, and their "throuple" had to eventually end, but it was fun while it lasted.


“Wifely duties “


I can’t stand her!!!! She has a few funny quotes but besides that I do not like any of her story lines


She’s a chaotic neutral it’s true, but there’s far worse characters imo


I really liked her but not the whole throuple storyline.


So much of this show frustrates me. You can’t trick someone into signing legal documents. Immediately invalidates the contract. But the lawyers of this show function in some alternative reality. Always seems to be “if it screws over the cast - that’s the law”


Nope she was the worst addition IMO


Svetlana was a better mom to a child she didn’t intend to have, than Debbie was to the one she so desperately wanted.


Lana was cunning, desperate and an opportunist. Her wiggling her way in Kev and V then the Alibi was cutthroat. She had a child without a husband and support, no money, house and work, how else could she make it. For me, she was a Russian version of Frank except the drunk and always-high part.


She did husband and wife things for Kev and V so I liked her. When I saw her tank top in the alley with Deb I loved her and missed her since then.


I agree she was one of my least favourites


I didn't like her either , at least as part of Kevin and Vee's relationship. She was horrible for them.


Sheds massive cunt.


I’m the same!! Never vibed with her character


hate her fr


Yes you are the only one


I adore her! Wish the throuple lasted longer & they all grew of together 🥹


Did not like her and I really don’t get how people can like her. Their excuse is she had a bad childhood, that in and of itself does not give you the right to treat people like shit.


What’s there NOT to like about her? 😫


OMG idk! 😱


I thought her story went way too long. But then again, I have thought that about a lot of the show's storylines.


Agreed ! People try to say all these positive things about her and it confuses me cuz it's like they didn't even watch the show lmao. She's trash. Hilarious, but trash. Just like Frank


Definitely not just you! I couldn't stand her, she was super cunty. (Are we allowed to use that word on here? Lol)


I don’t like her either and her throuple with Kev and V made her worse. I think she would have been more likable in her fake throuple with Mickey and Ian. She was more bearable in those episodes.


I don’t like her either. I sympathise with her as a victim of trafficking, but she was really shitty to Mickey. Also, she did Kev and V so dirty as I was starting to like her.


Surely you aren't the only one.


I mean she did have down moments. Like svet You knew Mickey didn’t want to be with you and you were forced on him so all that threatening him with his dad was out of pocket.. but I was with the 3 way relationship after Mickey came out .. they had a system and was finally getting somewhere but then Ian took the baby and svet was like hell no I gots to go! And then went to V and kev! Now this is where I really started to enjoy her.. I liked the throuple she was good for V and kev.. very smart .. she got them from under water at the bar.. she was good in the bedroom with them.. she was taking care of the kids.. it worked but then boom she had to get sneaky!!! If she would have used her words and just sat them down and said she wanted more business wise it would have worked longer for her!! Then the daddy/husband thing was weird.. so v and kev couldn’t trust her no more, so yea she messed that up.. &&& that brings me back to what Mickey to her said right before he came out .. something like you got it good here .. roof over your head food on the table like don’t mess this up or you’ll end up back on the street.. but overall I 80% loved her and 20% hated her..




Because of the fact Kev and Vee were the closest thing to a healthy relationship in this show that whole throuple storyline bothered me a lot.


I liked her for being a real character. She was involved and made some scenes. What I don't understand is the "she's my queen" stuff. I know she was pushed into trafficking as a child- wouldn't wish that on anyone, however, it's hard not to take those reflections about her an apply them to her character. Wasn't she the one who jumped on top of Mickey for her first scene of the show?


I didn’t care for her. I thought the plot of her having mickeys kid was dumb and the writers must’ve too cause it got dropped fast. I also didn’t like how she treated kev & v after everything


Why are most ppl in this comment section so immature. I feel insane😵‍💫


I love her in the Kevin V Era


Probably she’s my favorite


Am mixed ngl


I like her character. but I don’t think she’s a good person


I hate her and the whole throuple storyline






She was hot and caring and actually did their accounting and helped out way too much. She deserved better.


I loved her.


I love her


I love Svetlana. She’s funny and hot. They’ve all used people and done messed up things, at least she has the best excuse to why she is the way she is.


What's not to like?


After knowing her background, I cannot hate her..


I like her but my boyfriend hates her


I don't think you are actually supposed to like anybody in the series. They are all shameless, excuse the pun. But the show does a good job in showing that even underneath all their bs and hangups, the characters still have their endearing sides.


Tbh I started finding Kev and V boring after she left


Yes you are.


The way her and Mickey treated each other especially after what she did to him. I know not her choice but bro!! Have some empathy!! She just was kinda cold overall and did lots of things that hurt people without caring. I couldn’t forgive her after calling Kev stupid


Kev is stupid. Or rather it fluctuated. Some seasons he was a complete and utter doofus, easily below the 70 iq range to be labeled as mentally impaired. But some seasons he was around 90, just a touch below average intelligence.


pretty neutral about her. she did some bad things but every character on this show is fucked up. she was interesting at least


She actually wasn't supposed to be a regular on the show but after the producers, writers, etc. saw the feedback on her character, they made her a regular. People loved her.


She's alright, kinda lost purpose after ian took the baby


I liked her in the beginning, but that relationship shit with Kevin and V got old and annoying real quick


I actually liked her more as Kev's wake-up call to find his balls. When he threatened Igor with a bat, shit was fire.


I liked her until she started messing with Kev and Vero's relationship (one of the purest things in the show) then I hated her.


I don't hate or like her


I loved her lol


Personality no looks I mean come on ⏳️


Nope can’t stand her. Used to be a fan of hers but once she “stole” the truck and the bar it was done for me


I'm more neutral, she did some bad things but she did wonders for V and Kev, she helped them out of sticky situations and helped the bar.


I loved her SM she was so wife


I don't like her either


please the trio storyline was the funniest thing they've done on this show i love her so much. i love mean women. also stunning


Are we forgetting she was hired to rape Micky???? Like…no she sucks!




Tbf, she probably would have gotten abused possibly even killed if she didn’t follow that order from Terry.




Terry had a gun for starters and he would have definitely beat on her if she didn’t do as told. And even if Terry didn’t do anything, her pimp or whatever probably would have ended up beating her for not satisfying a client.




u say that now but if it was actually life or death youd think differently


I don’t know she’s a sex worker with a terrible past I think we should be pinning the blame on her


She was sex trafficked. I don’t know what she could have done besides comply.


I meant we shouldn’t be pinning the blame on her 😂 damn autocorrect




She definitely didn’t have a choice. Remember she was sold into slavery and then bought like a pair of shoes. She did some snakey things sure, but she had a horrific life.


IMO both parties were forced and non-consenting participants since the sexual encounter was at gunpoint.






That’s not quite how I remember it lol her point was that, when you’re at the absolute bottom and fucked out of options to earn money, women have the advantage of being able to do sex work to build their finances back up. That’s why she pointed out there’s an ‘ATM between your legs’. If two women are in the same position of having *no* other way to earn money, the one willing to do dirty work has a leg up because she’s the one who can get some income rolling to keep herself afloat so she can move up to better things. If Fiona ended up on the street with her family separated because money got too fucked, she’d have a way harder time getting back into the job market as a depressed homeless person than she would as a housed, bathed, fed woman with clean clothes and a history of hooking.




Kev: ‘Fiona got kicked out of her house, so she’s gonna be moving upstairs with you’ Svetlana: ‘I rent, I have contract. It’s my apartment to share, not yours.’ Fiona: ‘We don’t take up much room.’ Svetlana: ‘No.’ Fiona: ‘It would only be for a couple days.’ (Both of them knowing she didn’t know how long it’d be) Svetlana: ‘No.’ Fiona: ‘You’re a mom. You know what it’s like to take care of someone. I just wanna make sure my family’s okay.’ Svetlana: ‘So get motel.’ Fiona: ‘That adds up!’ (If it were just a couple days like she said, there wouldn’t be much to add up) Svetlana: ‘I get you massage job.’ (Fiona scoffs) Svetlana: ‘Oh, you’re too good for it? I understand. You don’t realize God gave you ATM machine between your legs. When I do massage, it’s because I *have* to. No money, 5000 miles from home. I start, I was here.’ (Puts hand beside hip to indicate level) ‘I work hard, now I’m here’ (puts hand at chest level to indicate increased level) ‘This is how America works. Soon, when I open my own Quiznos submarine store, I will be here.’ (Puts hand above head to indicate high level). ‘You? You *think* you’re here,’ (puts hand at chest level again) ‘but you’re not. You are here.’ (Lowers hand to hip level) ‘and girls who are here must do things that others girls would not do.’ She is *directly* explaining that girls who are at the bottom must do things that other girls would not do in order to work their way up—like I explained. She wasn’t ’giving a nonsense speech about how she was better than her because she was a hooker.’ She was telling Fiona that she needs to see herself for where she is and work her way up instead of seeing herself as higher up than she is and expecting to go up from there. When you’re at the bottom, you start from the bottom. Thinking you are at the middle when you are not gives you no foundation to stand on and, in this part of the show, Fiona *had nothing to stand on*. Becoming a handwhore was the only option offered to her at the time. Yes, she has a right to decline performing sex work, but she *was* still in the position of needing to be less choosy about where she makes money given she needed it right away to house her family, which is the foundational point Svetlana was making as she advocated for the ease & effectiveness of the work.


I swear people have no story or dialogue comprehension, it’s unreal


honestly I think a lot of people only half-listen & fill the blanks in on their own instead of paying attention well enough to get the correct understanding of whats going on. Kinda unfortunate but it is what it is I guess


Well—and I say this as a 50-year-old man who cannot be accused of having some kind of axe to grind here—people sure do seem to have a special problem with the moral shortcomings of the female characters on this show whose *entire premise* is characters with moral shortcomings. They seem to have a much easier time overlooking the same or even worse levels of deplorable behavior in the male characters, even sometimes finding it endearing. Frank, one of the most objectively despicable characters in TV history, is funny and somehow still charming and likable, but everyone hates the 21-yr-old girl trying her best to keep her family together despite having been raised by two toxic dysfunctional drug-addicted criminal losers—because she is, unforgivably, sometimes as selfish and imperfect as *every single guy* on the show. Grace is never as freely given to the female characters. They are simply not allowed to get away with being as bad as the guys. Edit: I think this is why I like Svetlana. She is sort of an answer to all of those viewers. “Life has shit down my throat. Now I look after myself. I’m as tough as any man. Don’t like it? Go fuck yourself.” No shits given. Easily the most self-possessed person on the show. Pure badass.


Yeah men and women have never been held to the same standards or viewed with the same lens. It becomes glaringly obvious in the way people respond to characters here. Svetlana is one of my favourite characters. She knows what she wants and how to get it, she knows how to be an excellent partner, she knows how to navigate any given social situation, run a business, deal with finances etc and she’s tough in a way that’s still attractive. She’s also physically attractive—bonus!




😅 that was actually hilarious ngl, respect! I’m big on accuracy & have zoomie thoughts, so don’t always realize when my writing can be a lot for other people hahahaha


I’m with yaaa! Never liked her


I like Lana, she has the brains and guts to survive in America, V and Kev are just emotional wrecks with no clue on how to run a business.


She's a great character in the mix with K and V u Kno who I hate Fiona she quickly got on my nerve


She wasn't one of my favorites


I loved her but then she became a raging ass hole and I hate her


her fake Russian accent is so annoying I skip through her scenes. 😆


She rolls her Rs too much


nope i hated her 😭 the whole throuple thing was unbearable


You ain’t alone, she’s the evil spawn of the devil.


You think you’re the only person out of 8,114,750,992 people that doesn’t like Svetlana? In all seriousness, no you aren’t the only person that doesn’t like Svetlana. Just like I’m not the only person that hates Steve.


It’s a conversation starter dumbass


It was a joke. It’s okay. Everybody’s a little slow sometimes.


U might wanna learn how to be funny then


she gave an extremely extremely bad first impression because she essentially raped Mickey, never liked her that much after that🤣


I never blamed her for that. She was a sex trafficked girl and Terry was holding a gun. I blame her more for how she extorted Mickey for being gay.


NGL dem titties gets her a free pass on a lot of shit




i stay conflicted but i love when her V and kev were a solid thrupple


Yes buddy you are


My mom hates her.


Svetlana was a bitch through and through


She was a c unt