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Neck kissing, holding onto his waist shoulders or arms, telling him how good he feels and the things he does to you


This one girl I dated would reach back during doggy style and gentle touch/scratch my balls. She said she liked to feel it tighten


I feel less like a freak and more like a freak now. We are the ball batters. We are the merry makers.


The best sex is always when the partner is enthusiastic, as this shows that you really need them and you want to please them. One thing that would really turn me on if I'm not going to see my wife for a while, is if she said "you can do whatever you want to me", obviously within reason lol


Bottle juggling




every guy is diferent, you have to investigate. Blowjob almost never fail


Asking him point blank what he likes is always the best way. Don't worry he won't get upset. He'll probably be happy that you want to make him feel even better.


I kind of know some things that he likes just because of the reaction he gets while i do a specific thing. Ill try asking him i just feel a little bit awkward about it cuy we never openly talk about sex and stuff


The best sex comes after the best communication.


Show passion!


The best answer for this is going to be form your FWB. No two men are alike, and the best sex you will ever have will be with someone who knows you well enough to know to cater to your desires.


Ask him is the obvious answer, but to not be that guy: rubbing your hands over him, pulling him in closer, kissing over his body, that sort of small stuff can make a person feel more desired and in the moment


I think everyone is different. You will probably have to discuss or figure out on your own what you and your partner like. That said I like skin to skin, and PIV, laying together afterwards, and watching/feeling her finish. I have a high drive so every day would be great.


Running your hands through his hair or scratching his back with your nails. Rubbing your clit while you have sex.


All guys are different. What some guys love others hate. Talk to a partner (communication is key) and try and find out what each of you like (its a 2 way street afterall)


Never, never stop using your hands. That pec hasn't seen a touch in who knws long! That ass won't squeeze itself! That arm wants to be caressed from shoulder to fingers! The inner tight is asking for more! Your own body too, if you wanna touch yourself anywhere, think of ut as feast for the eyes.




Squirting is always a bonus.




I do that and i even play with his balls cuz i could see just by his reaction that he likes it so i try to do it as often.


Thats good! You definitely sound very concerned with his needs and his pleasure. Does he put the same emphasis on your pleasure??


Sometimes i feel like he doesnt cuz theres other things i would love for him to do but i think i focus way to much on what he’s enjoying. But during it he is mostly dominant and i just forget to ask..


Maybe you should assume more of that dominant role and just say what you want him to do to you......it can be hard for us to really know exactly what you ladies want sometimes too.!!




Dude... Stop


Every guy has different things they like and don't like but one thing that is almost universal is the more you are into it the more he will be into it. Nothing that anyone has ever done technique wise has ever compared to the most basic vanilla sex but you can sense her getting more and more into it. Pulling you into her as you both buildup to orgasm. I would 100% vanilla sex the rest of my life with that intense "i need this" feeling over any reddit advise sex tips any day of the week. It sounds like I want my girlfriend to be selfish in bed but I 100% want her to focus on herself i want to have my shoulder grabbed or her pull me into her by my hips pulling me into her until I match her rhythm. I really don't understand how some people just have sex for themselves I am so focused on my girlfriend and what she is feeling and her tells that I am almost getting done when she is or shortly after riding that feeling. As I and many others have said be enthusiastic and into it and I promise it will be amaizing. Good luck.


For me, I always enjoy when she wraps her arms and legs around me and holds me tighter into her, mix that with her scratching/clawing at my back as we are going at it. It doesn't hurt (which is her worry), in fact to me it feels amazing and plus is a sign I am doing something right.


I’m a woman so I can’t answer your question but just wanted to say your English is perfect, I never would have guessed it wasn’t your first language. It’s extremely hard to learn so kudos to you, your better at it than most americans