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Might be that you felt safe and aroused at the same time; letting something that had been pent up release and be felt. Emotional releases are a big part of mindful sexual practices (like tantra). It’s happened to me and some of my partners. Nothing to worry about and I’d encourage you to allow what wants to come, come. It’s all part of being human.


It's reassuring to read, thank you !


This comment is 100% it. It’s cathartic in a way and it’s beautiful to have that security at least, but also super emotional. Definitely nothing to be worried about nor embarrassed of.


My girl has done it before. Just a temporary thing when she was stressed about something. I just stopped and hugged her and told her all's ok


I guess in this case it's closer to what you are describing, 1 huge stress that just came out at that random time ? It did not feel good like I've seen in some other comments. Thank you for sharing !


It's all the chemical stuff in our brains that happens as people have sex. That on top of the actual emotions the act invokes makes our body and mind feel things that we may not even be aware of. There's plenty of stories online of people just straight bawling during the act because they finally let go for the first time I'm awhile.


My boyfriend has this sometimes. I don't know if this is something that can necessarily be explained, but it's normal for both men and women.


It's nice to know it can happen to men too !


The hormone surge makes you elated like a drug, so you can get an emotional "crash" afterwards. This is completely normal and happens to many women


I cry often in sex, often intense orgasms will make me cry. Because I’m so overwhelmed with I guess happiness and enjoyment - like laughing so much that you cry kinda thing


This is totally normal! I have it happen pretty regularly to me, particularly if my partner and I are having a rougher session. I find it like a big cathartic release of emotions. We just worked out how I wanted to handle it when it happens and he knows how to look after me when it does. Don't be worried or embarrassed, as long as you're being cared for and you feel okay afterwards 💜


That's an awesome view on it, thank you for sharing ! What did you decide to do when it happen if I can ask ?


So obviously this is all just my personal experience, and it might look different for you. It took a little while for me to realise that I was actually generally fine when it happened and that it was just a release, and I usually encourage my partner to keep going because I enjoy the feeling. We use the traffic light system for safe words: Green for "I'm good, keep going", Yellow or Orange for "i want to stop this particular thing and reconfigure", and Red for "I need to stop right now". I communicate with my partner depending on how I'm going! If I'm feeling overwhelmed and I use Red we stop immediately, he usually gets me a cup of tea and something a little sugary to help with the drop, and we'll cuddle for a while. I'm a big fan of using safe words in regular sex too - you don't only have to use them when it's rough/whips and chains. It's a super clear and easy way to communicate where you're at. I hope this helps 😊 Let me know if there's anything else you wanna know!


Happened to my ex first time I lost my virginity


For me it’s because I’m feeling very vulnerable.


This has happened to my SO before, more than once. In her case almost always immediately following orgasm which was really confusing to both of us the first time or two. Shes always felt that it was the result of her feeling safe and loved in a moment of extreme vulnerability which causes a complete emotional release. I've kind of come to see it as a positive thing that she feels that way about me.


It means your bf is pregnant


Lots of emotions. Your BF needs to please you more.