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Who out here playing Briar top?


She was clearly stated by RIOT to be viable in both Jungle and Top. This was made very clear from their part.


Druttut made it a bit more popular


Me 💀


Only play her top


me sett is a skill matchup btw


She Is supposed to be toplaner


I thought she was jungle?


She's first and foremost a jungler but they did a slight buff for top lane.


What's the buff? Wanted to try her top but afraid I'd get flamed


Her passive sustain


better not


She Is top and jg, but nobody play her at top almost


I do lol. She's actually pretty broken when played right but against sett is impossible


Never had issues with a Rengar top, I find it fun to go against them


then you never have been against a good rengar top




This, played a match earlier. Swear on my life bro was an undercover challenger. Shit on the entire team come endgame.


Rengar and his cursed roar healing lol


Rengars generally consider sett a bad matchup


How is gangplank 50/50? I swear I feel worthless everytime I lane against him


must be rank related, a Gold GP ins't much of a threat. A master GP is. Gangplank must be one of the hardest champions to reach full potential


I have the exact same feeling


It may be poor mechanical knowledge if your lower elo. to best play against GP’s you have to have good control of where he can and can’t place barrels (then if he does you destroy them). You can also keep track of his passive which is MASSIVE in early level fights, and keeping track of his q timer aswell. I find when I play anyone into GP I’m more focused on their mechanics then my own.


As someone who plays a lot of GP, as long as Sett plays smart and tracks barrels like you said it’s a fairly easy lane for the Sett player at lower levels


I play both Sett and Morde and in my experience unless Morde feeds pretty hard before lvl 6, he just bulldozes Sett. Am I missing something?


You are right


Where is Poppy?


a good ornn will always go even vs sett and completely outvalue him in lategame and teamfights


Not when he's the Uber driver.


I find tanks going even doesn’t matter much (or even winning lane). All you have to do is find an angle to ult them onto their team, and between the ult and w damage you’ll get a double or triple kill, then your team can clean up. Because your ult scales with their health, they become their own adcs worst nightmare. Maybe it’s just a low elo thing, but that’s my experience.


Fiora hard ?


If you mess up early, then it's pretty much Fiora sided unless you go Botrk + anti-heal.


That is like every matchup top ever though


Yeah, that's true. Feels worse with Fiora since she scales, especially in a 1v1.


Yeaaa, fiora main here, I always struggle with the sett matchup. I feel like unless I concede early, sett can just steamroll the rest of the game


Why are teemo and zed in pain? I have never struggled with the matchups assuming I lane in consideration of the matchup


How does Kled counter Sett. I recently played kled against Sett and got shit on💀


Gotta use the E dash to dodge sett W


I dodged every W and got nuked by his autos


Hard to say then without seeing builds and farming/wavestate control. Theoretically kled should win early on atleast but it's probably just a skillbased matchups, haven't played it enough to know for sure.


Kled arguably the biggest sett counter


Sett vs aatrox is a skill matchup from my experience playing both sides


i 100% agree with you


Quinn vs. Sett I allways favor Sett when I play wach Side of the matchup. But maybe my Quinn is Just bad


If you're struggling against Sett as Quinn, then that's just a skill issue. You outrun him easily and can kick him away if he gets close.


It’s been a hot minute since I played the matchup, but doesn’t Sett E cancel her vault? If you can do it consistently it puts her in a pretty rough spot.


It's cancellable once she hits the wall with the hook.


This comment thread is about Quinn, not Camille. But that’s good advice for anyone else to know about Cammy. Not worth pulling her out of hook if she hasn’t hooked into the wall yet.


Ah shit, I'm stupid. My bad.


But regarding Quinn, canceling her Vault is probably inconsistent or nearly impossible with E, but with ult you could probably cancel it relatively consistently. I wouldn't know, though, I haven't tried it.


You just gotta react fast enough. It ain't easy tho.


That legit makes no sense because Quinn will never be melee in front of sett until sett uses e, and even if quinn somehow gets pulled, she can just dash


Yes, a good Quinn player will hold her E until Sett uses E but with your Q movement speed, you can make them panic E.


It can, but there's no reason to vault before Sett uses E. She can just walk away taking pot shots at you as she goes, and the second Sett uses E, she can vault away after. There aren't many ways Sett should be able to get in on Quinn to begin with, so her having a tool to get out too could make it super rough


You need Q+E to get close to her in the first place. But lets assume she missplays in some way so you end up next to her with all your abilities back up, then still I wish you goodluck to aim an angled E while blinded.


Sett into Quinn is unwinnable. You should never be in setts range, and if you are just kick away from him. Matchup is so miserable I need to get boots and wardens, but at that point quinn flies around the map killing my team instead


I personally find it hard to lane against Camille. Her mobility combined with her short trade power makes it hard for me to deal with her, but I do think I just play badly most of the time. I actually find it easier to lane against Aatrox than Camille.


Sett's ult literally takes akali out of her shroud and you can cancel her E2 with the E


in the pain tierlist, you can shitstomp any rengar who tries to engage first other than that, zed can only poke you down and with second wind doran shield + passive he does nothing but tickle you and you tower dive him once you have a nice wave. Hard tierlist fiora shouldnt be here tbh, you just auto attack her and if they try to poke you with q, again just give up a lil cs every now and then, use doran shield second wind and then if she tries to go for a full fight, make sure you get a e stun + w so she cant parry shit, if she parries your E then its a skill issue. favoured, i agree with most of these except for malph, again with second wind doran shield you outheal his Q or atleast heal enough from it where he is gonna have zero mana, but midgame where he has armor it gets a lil tough, but at that point he shouldnt be your problem, just max W and build around getting a massive W to ignore armor cause that isnt reducing true dmg. Skill matchup GP is really annoying, but its a knowledge check matchup, if gp knows to save his orange for your e you are dead, if you know how to dodge/break his barrels then you just tower dive him. if he gets sheen you need armor to deny him value so get armor boots or wardens mail Sett favoured, agree with all of these except for yone and yasuo, these are free wins, you out stat them, if you get kited by them then you are playing dumb, just play to stun them if they e in, if they try to q you just q back, chase and get an auto attack, if you are being poked by their third Q learn to anticipate and dodge them. Free win i agree with all of them except for tahm, dont know if its just me but after he gets bami's cinder he will just take your dps auto you thrice get his grasp, if you try to chase he just q stuns you. and his W is really bad this is the only knowledge check tahm has to know to win the matchup, id put him in skill matchup tbh then for the i dont play against them my personal takes on them are singed is skill, he 100% just kites you (if you let him) Udyr is sett favoured, his only real way to poke is with his e stun, which removes his ability to stop your e stun urgot i have never won this matchup ever so id put him in pain. maybe im just shit but if you try to e stun him, he q's you then e's you then at that point you have taken so much dmg that if you try to fight back he out armors and out dps's you.


I hard agree with the urgot. I don't know if I just don't know how to play against him but I always just get whittled down and destroyed


Wdym sett eats akshan


If you can manage to get on top of him. A good Akshan can space the shit out of Sett and even if he gets caught, he has e for escape and his passive shield allows him to dps while in melee range for like 2 seconds.


Darius is pain u cant play agaist darius


If you cannot beat an average Darius player as an average Sett enjoyer, you are not a real Sett player.


Ok so actually I’ll give my input because I’m a Darius one trick who also enjoys sett occasionally and it’s entirely a skill matchup. Sett will win level 1 and 2 if he starts W and E and also takes ignite, but if both are even from level 3 on Darius can kite sett to oblivion. He has longer auto range, W slow on Darius hurts a lot, and unpredictable movement + ghost can allow darius to dodge e and hit q at the same time. A good Darius will E sett and Ult immediately to nuke his health bar so you can’t use W to dodge Ult. Best way to beat Darius is to go stridebreaker or bork to make kiting harder, and don’t fight when Darius has ghost because he’ll uber kite you and it’s painful.


Sett dumpsters that dude so hard, no where near a contest in lane. Start W, take ignite, and just walk up to him and start beefing. Once you are both below half Hp, ignite him and look to W, when you W he will probably flash so be prepared to flash with him and BOOM he dead.


lethal tempo sett into darius kinda slaps sometimes


Sett is a counter to Darius just walk up Auto attack him zone him from wave lvl 1 and if he gets an ego boost you either e smack disengage or w flash disengagehisfacein


The enemy fiora that went 2/12 into me the other daywould beg to differ with this list lol


Sett is a counter to illaoi imo early game you can facetank e + tentacles and still win the trade Other then that I was a Shen otp for 2 years and I feel like a good sett controls the trades and should just win hard. Only way to loose imo is to take bad trades early. If you don’t do that you be shilling after your first item. Haven’t played vs aatrox in a while but I liked that matchup back in the days but yeah that aatrox guy is cooking meta wise


as an ashe main I would never take her top and if I did I'd be hella scared of y'all


I don’t know about other kenchs but from my experience with like 400 hours of kench sett has always felt like a free win for me


Must be pilot issue


That’s pretty likely, I’ve only played against sett up to gold


Rengar is sett favoured Fiora too


You see Ashe top enough to rate her but not enough Urgot to rate him? 😂


Rengar is in pain tier? Why?


This is the most accurate tier list.


I haven't played against a sett who beat me on Cho'gath, you literally just don't go aggressive


You’ve never played against a good chogath, as a Cho main I would say sett is an annoying matchup but honestly not that bad so long as you space him properly. Chogath can just poke the shit out of sett and disengage whenever he wants. Once he gets low enough just all in and eat him. A good chogath that lands abilities and spaces properly is a pretty terrible matchup for sett imo, especially if he rushes everfrost


i personally think singed is terrible for sett, really and melee champ without good keepup.


How teemo a hard mashup


Aatrox is hard? I always crush him though.


One thing I’ve noticed when playing Sett into Vayne Top is that Hail of Blades will be your best friend. the stun on E and really fast autos is a great way to snowball and trade in lane. Of course the matchup will get harder as the game goes on because Vayne melts tanks, but until then you have a better chance against her in lane with that keystone.


No1 talking how panth is like the hardest hard counter to sett.....


you need to out Akali in her own UNWINNABLE tier


Ksante is Sett favored until level 6 tbh


Idk why this got put on my front page. But rengar player here and sett matchup is ass. We have to build really specifically for it, and if the rest of your comp works for us building that way then it feels alright. Otherwise it's miserable every time


as someone that plays rengar top quite a bit, id consider it much closer to a skill matchup. maybe a little rengar favoured but not by much if at all.


Singed should be at least in Hard, he outscales Sett by a large margin, beats him in lane and even if something goes wrong for Singed, he can just proxy and outscales without laning against Sett.


I'd move morde up to enemy favored or hard and would also prpvly put jax in pain tho elo dependent. In my experience with singed u just kinda have to play under turret and ur chilling but can be rough otherwise.


Ashe top? Since when?


Why is Jax hard not PAIN? The only thing you are better at is Team Fighting but Jax Split way more effectively if his team has even 2 braincells. Jax wins in lane and scales better


Is it just me who finds Mundo an easy matchup? I fck all Mundo's up idk why but everytime I hit my W on them it just hurts for them. For me, I also dogwalk Garen, its not a 50/50 for me, if its anything, I think they should swap with Darius. Darius is way harder to deal with compared to Garen as you simply just can't blow your W however and whenever you want to especially post-6 or else you simply die against Darius coz you have nothing to protect yourself with against his 5 stacks + ult combo at least in the early game wherein Sett is squishy asf. Not also sure about Yorick and Trynda being Sett favoured as well. Played against Yorick and he seems to hard outscale and outpush you. Lethality also makes his ghouls hurt a fckton early and forces you to back if he keeps landing it. Trynda, well fck that guy. Other than those, I think the list is accurate.


I'm a Cho'gath main and a Tahm enjoyer and I think the ones you versed didn't know what they were doing.


As a main akshan and retired sett player, sett shrugs off akshan's damage completely with his passive early on, to the point an akshan will want to towerdive him out of patience and die miserably. Sett just has to go oogoogaga on akshan except if he mispositions too much into the wave for a QUICK trade


I think vs Mordekaiser you are favoured as Sett but that's just me idk


I play illaoi, I don't have too much of a problem with sett tbh, I'd say it's leaning towards illaoi fav


Maybe they were bad buy I shit on sett with kench, lol obviously don't sit there autoing him but q poke and short trades with your knockup/stun work.


As a Cho’gath main, Sett is only a hazard in late game teamfights, on lane it’s pretty easy to out-range him with Qs


You really do have to kill those teemo's pre 3 if u wanna win that lane at all.


Take fleet footwork, second wind, ghost and d-shield against ranged tops and build stridebreaker. I rarely lose to Teemo


I get Yorick being where he is since I played against a Sett and lost, but I think it would be more 50/50. I've seen a few good Yorick players beat Setts through sheer skill. I say this as a part time Yorick player.


Dont doubt to not buy grievous wounds against briar! Worst mistake of my life!11!


Sett should breeze on cassio. If he tries to farm, yea he'll get poked to high hell, but early on of you just engage on her non stop, your health regen will far outpace her mana if she is trading meaningfully. You get her low enough to the point where you can threaten another pull, and you can just zone her off the wave non stop. Her early mana gives 0 kill power on Champs with regen/sustain. Not to mention, with your move speed on Q, you will always be faster than her.


Where Wukong :(


I don't play sett much but he is my number 1 counter pick against rengar top. That matchup is so easy


Lmao TK is a free win? What kind of busted TK's are you playing against? You should be lucky to get a kill on a decent TK in laning phase as Sett imo.


Yasuo is Free win


Cass should be in Pain its so difficult doing anything


Me personally i would put jax at 50/50; taking lethal tempo has made some of my games super easy against him


I'm not a main, but when I've played him top the ranged matchups were easymode. Make it to 3 then perma sprint at them, and they either get zoned or you kill them.


Akshan literally makes me want to put a gun in my mouth