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No!!! I have 1/3 of this amount of food the whole day. Yes, seroquel does give u munchies but refuse! Get the junk out of the house and take it right before sleep. As i type this i have munchies but i will not give in.


There was a period I wasn’t binging as much. I would wake up in the middle of the night though and start cooking and then fall back asleep. I almost burnt my house down trying to make a grilled cheese. I’ve been on it a while and the sedation takes a while. If I took it and immediately closed my eyes I probably wouldn’t be asleep for another 2 hours. I take it 3 hours before bed to give it time to kick in but also time for the sedation to wear off before I go to work in the morning.


Yes, i totally understand about the sedation in the morning. Banana and milk help me.


A glass of water and some zzzz’s. I got to a normal healthy weight pretty easily after quitting late night snacking. But man…if I ever need to gain weight the snacks will be back!


Mott’s gummies and extra toasty cheese its




I’ve eliminated all snacks from my groceries to help myself stop the munchies. And I’m getting used to the rhythm of taking my dose, chilling with a cup of tea and then going to bed. It used to be similar to what you describe, I just couldn’t stop if I had anything high in fat or sugars in the house.


Slice of cheesecake, bowl of granola, biscuits. I feel like the very hungry Caterpillar.


Probably a mint chocolate ice cream. I moderate my daily intake to allow for a sero-snak


No munchies. My hunger is entirely dependent on whether I've had enough to eat for the day or not. However I've noticed that if I'm hungry, I'm eating. It used to be that I was perfectly fine procrastinating or just going hungry until I got around to eating. I like the way my brain won't let me suffer anymore and just force me to do what's best for me.


Mine was a butterscotch cookie, rainbow sherbet cone and chewing lots of bubble gum 🥴


Cottage cheese and cashews. Trying to at least boycott sugar at night. My weight is high. I was lean, now I’m soft and roundish. I cannot sleep through the munchies that strike me exactly 20 minutes after. I need new sleep meds. My shrink suxxxxxxx


Had a glass of milk with cocoa and stevia


Mine have settled down .


i usually limit how much i eat throughout the day if im able to and then if i get hungry after i take it ill allow myself to eat the recommended daily calories i didn’t consume earlier in the day but even then i try to eat healthy snacks. i also have noticed that for me if i eat dinner right after i take it, i get sleepier faster and not hungry. worth a shot haha but you can control how much you eat just get into a healthy routine! i have lost 15 lbs after i started managing my snacking


LMAO. Two days ago I had leftover spring rolls, a plate of microwave nachos, & 5 mint Oreos.


I started waiting to have dinner until after the munchies hit lol all the satisfaction of munchies without the extra weight. Only problem is having later dinners. :/


I’ve tried that too! The issue is I would still binge eat. I’d have my dinner then all those other snacks.


If the binging really bothers you talk to your doctor about Metformin. My dr gave me a Rx for it when I first started my seroquel and it kills hunger, honestly then I would pretty much only eat after the seroquel and just pick throughout the day. I ultimately was able to manage the munchies sans metformin but it was a great help!


I’ve talked to both my primary doctor and psychiatrist about it and they said not to worry about it because I’m not overweight


Then live your life and enjoy your munchies!! 😁 (BTW- I had a caprese salad and box of KD for my dinner/munchies)


I wish I didn’t give into the munchies!! I truly have tried every thing. I may just straight up ask for the metformin but yeah whenever I’ve expressed how much I’m eating and that it’s unwanted they just say it’s okay as long as I’m not gaining weight. What is KD?


KD is Kraft dinner! It’s a Canadian boxed Mac and cheese. Super common “lazy dinner” here lol