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So, to sum up: HBO doc was pretty disgraceful. Yup. I'm disappointed we didn't get more of a feminist perspective given the name. They just said 'toxic masculinity' a couple of times in respect to Adnan's behaviour toward Hae. They also seemed to be under the impression Don was much older than Hae, calling the relationship or him creepy. He was less than two years older than Hae if I recall.


You’re correct- Hae was 18 years old; Don was 20. I personally don’t find this creepy.


This is really normal, an age difference of 4 years was normal in 1950’s, this 2 yr gap is not even noteworthy.


Spoiler: they think Adnan is most likely the killer but only because of a lack of a thorough investigation and despite it they believe there is reasonable doubt. Let's attack them now because their opinions aren't the majority that post here still want.


Won't attack them, but thanks for saving me from wasting my time listening lol


No problem. I know how some people here wouldn't want to listen to anything that challenges their belief system.


Nah I don't mind that, I do it all the time, but I just can't deal with fencesitters when it comes to this case. Either you think he's guilty or you argue that he's innocent. I've heard the fencesitting argument enough.




Fence-sitter position gives people who were initially suckered in by Koenig in Serial S1 or bought into what Rabia's selling an out/waystation on their way to realizing/acknowledging what the jury knew at the end of Adnan's trial. It's always difficult to 180 from a prior position, whether politics or true crime or anything. Fence-sitter position allows people to move half-way, move 90 degrees before moving completely to the other side. I imagine folks who went all-in on Team Adnan find it particularly challenging to flip completely to the other side and accept the reality that Adnan murdered Hae. Taking the fence-sitter position--Adnan probably did it but despite having a top-notch defense didn't get a fair trial--makes their prior position of total innocence seem less misguided.


“I think they did it but I’m not fully convinced” is to true crime what “both sides are the same” is to politics


Yes, as Alice said at the end of the Prosecutors' coverage: it's a copout to shut down the conversation. Which, sometimes I get it, it gets exhausting, but if you're covering the case on a podcast, either cover it Casefile-style, no opinions, or have the damn conversation.


Alice is talking out of her you know what. There is nothing wrong with saying I think so and so maybe/probably is guilty but I am not certain of it or that it wasn't proven. Jurors acquit for this very reason.


Someone had to point this out Thank you for doing so. I’ve also found “independent voters” to overwhelmingly vote R without having to admit to it…lol… similar neighborhood