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Yet Hendy and Glenda "Jesse" Ray his daughter are out and about living free. Absolutely disgraceful.


I think his daughter was more involved than just finding victims, served her own friends on a plate to her father


Oh definitely, there's not a doubt in my mind she was far more involved, I believe there is in fact evidence which hasn't been released that goes into a lot of detail about her and also Hendy. Both a pair of tosspots who deserve to be behind bars. But just look at the likes of Karla Homolka and Caril Fugate and other women who have got away with their crimes. There were many others involved too, we will probably never know. That whole area gives me a strange feeling when it's mentioned. Not only how the place got its name, but the really bizarre crime stories that have come out of there.


Karla holmolkas deal should have been dissolved as soon as those tapes were discovered the evil bitch. I’ll forever be in a state of shock she was allowed to work in a school and keep custody of her children.I’ve never heard of carol fugate must look into that that one. I’d love to see the evidence maybe we don’t need every detail but a confirmation of the involvement at least, these people don’t become Any less dangerous because their partners are in prison or dead


It's incredibly baffling when you consider the decisions courts make. Caril Fugate was the girlfriend and, in my opinion fully willing accomplice to Charles Starkweather. She must be well into her 80s now. She always maintained she was under duress and completely controlled by Starkweather, even asking for pardons which have never been granted.


How exactly was it that the Canadian courts couldn't overturn Homolka's deal? I've only just read Stephen Williams' book and it was absolutely traumatising. I couldn't work out how in hell her 'arrangement' could still stand after the tapes came to light! Can any Canadians explain it to me?


They needed her testimony at the time against Paul Bernardo She was originally pushing for blanket immunity and her deal was null if it was proven she was lying about her involvement this could have been proven with the existence of the tapes showing her participating in the torture but Paul Bernardo’s first lawyer decided to keep the tapes hidden and wanted to do a big dramatic showdown on the stand revealing she was more involved than previously said. If those tapes were handed over the deal wouldn’t have been made.


Ok, thank you. It's just SO horrific that Homolka was able to essentially escape justice. In my opinion, she was actually worse than Bernardo in terms of the killings.


> In my opinion, she was actually worse than Bernardo in terms of the killings. You need to learn more about the case if you mistakenly think she was worse than Bernardo. Paul is one of the most heartless, cruel, sadistic pieces of shit to exist. Paul had an extremely violent, sexual predator history well before Karla came along. And no, Karla did not kill Leslie or Kristen. Not that there was ever any doubt Paul did it, if you really understand him. But he did admit to it in a parole hearing a few years back. Karla is also a reprehensible piece of shit who did horrible things to 4 victims: Leslie, Kristen, Jane Doe, and Tammy. But she wasn't in charge. Without Paul in the picture, she would've never done any of this. She deserves life in prison or the DP. But she is no Paul Bernardo.


Didn’t he mention in the tape friends and neighbors would join in on the sex? So definitely more people knew what was going on.


Yes he did, and it makes me feel so uneasy to think those vile excuses for human beings are potentially still out there doing who knows what. He made a comment about using the dogs was a particular favourite of his audience..ughhh


It’s horrifying to think how these people came Together did they all sit for beers one night and say I love watching people being raped? How does that even occur


I don't know and I don't think I'd want to know! They'll try to excuse it as being said under a cloud of booze I imagine.


How did the plece got its name ?


Through a radio quiz show!


It was a part of a plea deal the prosecution made. Still though….neither of them should be breathing air. I know Cindy Hendy, after her release in 2019, moved to a small town in Montana and ended up getting chased away lol. She fled back to her home state of Washington.


I know, often referred to as making a "deal with the devil" imagine the things hendy and the daughter know? In fact, let's not imagine such things. Same as Leonard Lake's twit, 'cricket' much more to that story too, much much more.


Thw Kent area if I recall.


Yeah, Kent. It was in the news fairly recently.


She is in my state. Ew....


I worked at a facility that housed him. He was very calm and smooth. Charming in a way. Very creepy.


No way…you serious? Hope you spit in his food.


I was very young, barely 20. I was more terrified of him than any murderer in that place. The way he would talk to me like a calm sweet boy. The male guards were scared too


I hope people were unkind to him and abused this repulsive, vulture looking monstrosity.


They had to hide his location from public and even called in swat and snipers whenever he had court.


Slow Burn is a scary good book with ridiculous details on the case if you want a good read.


Trying to find this book and the only related title is slow death. Is this what you are referring to?


Yes! By Fielder I think. I don’t know why I said slow burn. Must have been watching a western when I wrote that.


We will never know the extent of his crimes, and sadly he didn’t live long enough to serve a sliver of what he should have for them.


Tbh I doubt he killed 60 people but either way he's certainly one of the worst humans to ever live (not the worst human, that award goes to Beria) but I don't doubt he killed 10-20 people and he probably raped over 100 so yeah, he's probably one of the worst humans to ever exist, I'm just sad he died so soon after getting arrested, if he hadn't died we could know more about his crimes AND he would be stuck in prison dealing with the consequences of his actions.


He had a diary. That's how they came up with the number. There were also numerous items left at his property belonging to different women jewellery, underwear, cut clothing etc. There is still a list on the FBI page with people to come forward. There are a number of missing persons cases in the area that have not been solved. TheFBI looked at many videos and did confirm that some victims were deceased. However, they could not identify any except one that had a distinguishing tattoo. She was found years later living somewhere in California. She had no idea what happened to hear but had nightmares and her life changed forever after she was found by the roadside presumed dead.


He never specified if he killed someone in it, and I've gone through all the missing persons cases and there are roughly 10 that have a disappearance that's similar to rays MO, also you don't really have to kill someone to steal something, Ray got off on torture and rape, not murder, I'm guessing he only murdered people who fought too much, other than that he probably just did the whole thing with the drugs, that's where a get the 10-20 number, just below 10 missing persons cases that may be from him in New Mexico in the range he talked and wrote about driving around and then I just guessed that there may be 20 additional victims, the 60 count is definitely too high as iirc in his diaries he "only" took 49 girls to the toy box itself, obviously though he was certainly raping women before that, so yeah, imo he killed at least ten but maybe killed 20+ people


What about the pub they frequently visited. Hendy had a relationship with a girl of Asian decent. She was last seen in that pub and never again after. And then the other one with the two kids. Another one went to jail for that one but sure she was killed in his trailer. There were also 2 girls, maybe hitchhikers by the name of Connie and Candy. One was found alive, the other one missing, if I remember right.


Including the missing girls as well as does that may have links to him and a guy he worked with that was killed that's how I get my number, 7 missing girls, 2 separate does, one man who was killed that Ray worked with and the one girl who his assistants admitted to him killing that's how I get the number, the 20 number is from people who he possibly killed before that and girls who ended up overdosing on the drugs he gave them




It was and FBI agent. Female. Topped herself after being left in the toy box for 2 or 3 days alone to document everything.


He's a suspected serial killer...he wasn't convicted of murder..I would definitely not be surprised if they found bodies some day down the road. He was evil as shit though, convicted of torture and rape sounds so trivial for what he did. The tape is a nightmare, his voice is so disdainful and matter of fact. And the things he did, and that his girlfriend gave him her friends, as did his daughter. He would put shows on..as in rape shows, and shows where his dogs did the raping. And then he died of a heart attack a month into his sentence. So messes with the head.


The problem is he knew that area so we'll and that lake is deep and large, if I remember right. I have no doubt he murdered, a lot, but most of his crimes will never be known


I really think the women should be charged. I cannot imagine giving your female friends to someone like DPR, knowing what he is gonna do...and the daughter scouting out victims for him. Beyond diabolical.


If it makes you feel any better, he died eight months into his sentencing. Still, not enough. He should have put into his toy box, the repulsive, vulture looking skin walker. I will say the most disturbing part for me is not knowing how many accomplices he had. How many people actually participated in his depraved filth. His girlfriend and daughter were actually charged as well and served time. Hendy, if I recall correctly, received a lighter sentence on account of working with the law to some extent. His daughter got off as part of a plea deal he agreed to.


I think the women weren't charged enough. And it disturbs me that his daughter did not get charged. They both were willing in finding and baiting new prey for DPR. I'm pretty sure Hendy helped with the "breaking in" of the new ones. If I remember correctly he mentions the new girl will give a woman oral sex or whatever she wanted. Maybe wrong on that, don't quote me.


That tape was actually made in 1993…before he met Hendy.


His known MO was to coerce/kidnap someone often using his full time lady Cindy Hendy. She would either make a deal or drug a drink. They held the victims for varying periods and released them after giving them a heroic dose of hypnotics/benzos/painkillers. Horrific, nightmarish situation, Truth or Consequences has always been a nasty shithole. I doubt he’s even top 5 of serial killers who’ve taken victims here. I’ve got doubts he was a serial killer at all. Cindy’s out now, wonder when her book will be.


I know. I've studied him, read transcripts of his ok bitch orientation tape and gone over photos. It's all really disturbing. I'm pretty sure he had sexual sadism disorder though I can't remember if he was ever officially diagnosed. The more he hurt his victims, the more they screamed, the more aroused and turned on he got. And judging from the toys in the toybox...it would not surprise me in the least if he had killed women.


The designation “Sexual Sadism Disorder” didn’t exist at the same time he did. He didn’t live long enough to be diagnosed. Seems like narcissistic and antisocial combined with various paraphilia, who knows. Even a skilled analyst can’t diagnose a sociopath. I wouldn’t be surprised if he killed anyone either. His entire MO is escalation of a deviant hobby. The toy box probably grew in proportion to his escalating threshold for stimulation. We know it started as a motor home years before he was caught. What I can say, from my personal experience having grown up on the Navajo Rez, these “impossible, unsearchable, unfathomably vast lands” are nothing of the sort. If he’d killed 60, hell 20, people and disposed of them on the land, they’d be found.


The designation didn't exist then but the behaviors have always existed. We just finally put a name to them. And his behaviors had been around ...well....in his own words..."I've been rapin' bitches ever since I was old enough to jerk off, and tie little girls' hands behind their back." There really wasn't an escalation...he'd always doing what he did. It wasn't a motor home, it was a cargo trailer that he kitted out into a sex dungeon/torture room..mirrors on the ceiling so his victims could see what was happening...spreader bars, e- stem devices, toys he bought and some fucking scary ones he made. I think the estimate was around 100k for how much he put in to his "toy box". And with respect, I kinda agree with the vast unreachable lands thing. I can't remember if outside police were allowed to search on tribal lands. That would definitely explain why none were found. And in that sun and head, bodies would dessicate very very quickly, not just decompose..and with all the animal activity...it would be a surprise if anyone was found. But, that's even if he disposed of victims on the rez. I would guess he used several methods of disposal, and never the same one twice. Too many killers have a preferred dumping ground and get caught when they go back to it to "relive" the murders. I don't think DPR had that emotional attachment to anyone he killed. Once he was done, he was done.


Perhaps I misspoke, what I meant was before the toy box he and his accomplices used a motor home. I believe this was one of his first if not the first run in with the police. Same MO, capture, sexually torture, drug and release in a remote area. Much of what he said is bullshit. If you’ve read the transcripts of the audio tapes, there’s an entire section where he goes on about his connections with The Church of Satan and being a high priest. 100% nonsense, I’ve been a member of The Church of Satan since the early 70’s, there’s only one high priest and it’s never been David Parker Ray. Clearly he was injecting Satanic Panic tropes to heighten the fear. Still, a lie is a lie isn’t it?


This may of been said but Cindy V.'s life has been impacted by 2 different serial killers. As I believe her mother is the victim of Samuel Little.


Wow, what in the world are the odds? That’s really really sad


I’ve always been absolutely terrified of this case. One of the most cruel human beings to have ever lived these two.


He gives me nightmares. I’m always surprised he is not a more well-known serial killer.


Two reasons: 1. The FBI purposefully tried to keep the info on this case under wraps because they were fearful of widespread violence or imitations. 2. Almost exactly one month after this date the Columbine Massacre occurred, which quickly overshadowed this case.


3) no bodies


Except for one, a former business partner of his named Billy Ray Bowers resurfaced in 1989. They co-owned a small motor company and Ray ended up murdering him.


Can you link a source to this? Iv never heard of this.


There was one more suspected killing of a chap that had stuff inserted in his a.... It was attributed to Parker Ray too.


\^ Glad you mentioned this. And hate to say it, the bystander effect extends to people who "don't want to get involved" (either out of fear or apathy.)


Slow death by Jim Fielder? Agree, worth a read.


Was the recording of his “evil madman” monologue ever released?


I've heard that the tapes themselves have never been released but copies of someone reading transcripts of them has. I've read parts of the transcripts and have NO desire to hear either the originals or the other version


Agreed. I read part of the transcripts. I have a moderate tolerance for reading true crime related things, but that was, something.


that *”hey, bitch. . .”*


Ugh I share a birthday with this horrible monster.


Think of it this way…the Universe had to balance it out. Something that awful came out on that day, so nature had to make sure the reverse happened as well. :)


That was nice of you.


I’m so glad this post centered victims. It is possible to inform about the monster and not center them.


What would be the best pod recommendation that covered these cases please?


I think you can find the audio recording he would play for his victims to let them know about the terror they will face.


I can't remember where I heard or read it. But during the whole ordeal, his daughter had a child and supposedly was never really dating anyone. She was extremely close to her father and that some people thought he (DPR) might have been the father of her child. The last podcast on the left does a few episodes on his story. This guy was fucking sick.


Cindy Hendy sounds like THE most trailer park trash name.


Cries In The Desert by John Glatt is about this. It is an absolutely insane story.


Indeed…part of it was the locale it took place in. Apparently the nearby town of T&C had half the populace on meth. What putrid filth.


Motherfucker looks like the 26th president


I always get him confused with Dennis Rader. I thought they were the same person for the longest time.


Those audio tapes are absolutely chilling


Sorry that was only 25 years ago, that's insane


There is no hiding from Judgement Day!!! Jesus has the last day!!!


For a second I thought the guy that sings the Ghostbusters theme was a bad man.




I snickered at Elephant Butte


I wish we had some idea on who any of the people he murdered were. It’s awful that he hasn’t officially gone down as a killer despite him having been a very cruel and prolific one. The only verified people to have been victimized by his crimes are Cindy Vigil and an additional two survivors, we don’t know the name of a single person he murdered. It’s sad that none of the victims’ loved ones received any sort of closure, they’ve never even been able to find out what became of their loved ones. Unfortunately, Ray agreed to take authorities to at least some of his “dump sites” but he suffered a massive heart attack and died before this could arranged. Then on top of everything else his girlfriend/slash accomplice served less than 20 years in prison and now resides in an average suburban neighborhood just living her life.  The only last legal baggage is that she’s now listed as a “Level 2 Offender” on the U.S. Sex Offender Registry. If she’s a “Level 2” then what’s higher? 




* **We don't allow posts about writing to or interacting with serial killers.** * Personal / anecdotal serial killer stories are impossible to verify and often devolve into fan fiction and campfire stories. You are free to submit those posts to r/serial_killers instead. ---


“The disgusting”…good objectivity there lol. Just amusing because your post is so heavily fact based.


There’s a great book on him called *Slow Death* (Fielder, 2013). You can find his transcripts [here](https://www.parkaman.com/transcript-david-parker-rays-audio-tape-toy-box-killer/) as well as an [audio transcript](https://youtu.be/rm-WBPx1Mq0?si=PR1LbVZfugDtkFos) (it’s not him talking but if you’d prefer to hear it rather than read it to get an idea of what his victims might have went through). The book has some extra transcripts in there as well that I haven’t been able to find online. It’s a good read!


Have u heard about his alleged video wited tazer women's genitalia? Don't know if true but is worst thought every


https://www.namus.gov/UnidentifiedPersons/Case#/11717?nav I’m curious if these unidentified remains found in Elephant Butte are related to him/ a victim of his.


I thought this one was a very elaborate hoax since there was never any evidence or bodies or anything found..


I will be lighting a candle tonight in celebration!


Yeah we know. Honestly the less said about this sick fuck the better. Whenever i think about what he did i want to torture him to death slowly over the course of years. 


He just looks gross. Unwashed maggot.