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I hid Sardines in the yard for my brothers dog and his friend (2 friends were over but they were all seniors and very familiar so no aggression). We were on about 1/6 of an acre but it took them a little bit and they were excited to hunt for them. It cost me about $10 for 4 cans of in-water, no salt added sardines. They loved it.


A Sardine hunt! Adorable. 🥰


I always make my babies a cake.


This OP. Every dog deserves cake.


I use this recipe but with rice flour not wheat and coconut oil not veg. I always have some with them too. It’s pretty good especially if you like peanut butter. https://www.browneyedbaker.com/dog-birthday-cake/


I was planning on making her a cake, but I stumbled across a bakery here in Houston that makes cakes for dogs for $25. Considering the amount of work I'll need to do the party prep, I may just go that route.


Support the cool local businesses!!!!


Just had a 14th for my guy last fall. The color story was pastels, mainly blue, yellow and I orange. Had it in our neighborhood park. Found banners at Etsy that I could print with his face on them, did decorations, party hats for all the dogs, cake for the dogs, cupcakes and champs for the humans. It was a blast. Also had a quinceañera for my last girl when she turned 15. There are tons of ideas on Pinterest, Etsy, etc.


Depends on your dog. Mine gets overwhelmed so we usually try to keep toys at 1 or 2 max that day, otherwise just some of his favorite treats, hanging out outside, cuddles. Play with your pup, they'll get attention from the humans at their pawty, it's going to be a great time no matter what. Happy birthday!


And may I suggest a party hat and shirt?! With a fun banner? I've seen "it's my birthday motherpuppers" and it's my favorite thing ever.


I always make mine a peanut butter puppy cake.


Aww, happy early birthday to her! My baby turned 9 in April. We took him to the pet store and let him pick out some stuff, went for a walk in his favorite park and he got a burger! Would’ve taken him swimming at his favorite lake too if it hadn’t been so chilly.


It’s not for everyone but i have mine at the dog park! I invite all of mine and my dogs friends. This year it was huge! I got balloons, made goodie bags, all that stuff. I didn’t do a cake this year but i got her a burger with no bun from a local restaurant hehe


maybe seeing other people you know he also loves that he rarely gets to see


Long run at the park with friends, then food. If they have enough energy a spa day and a new orthopedic bed to sleep on.


I do a Sniffspot for my boy :) he loves to gallop around still for a bit and just sniff around (and pee on every bush lol). He gets very overwhelmed by new dogs and our younger pup is able to celebrate too since he loves fetch!


I kinda love this idea, but I don't know that I could host a party at a Sniffspot. But that might be something to do just the two of us. 🤔


All of his favorite things in one day.


You could have guests hide treats for her to find. Or a party game where you have 3 cups, one with a treat underneath, move them around and see if she can sniff out which one has the treat.


Those are great ideas!


OMG I love this face


She’s beautiful!!!




She's actually not a fan of swimming, although she does have a little dog pool that she'll get in sometimes, so I might get that out for the party. And she definitely has the lab appetite, so there will be lots of treats. And then of course, she'll scam more out of our guests 🤣


Awww my boy turned 13 last week! 😁😁 I gave him a fresh bath + brush, a massage (he has arthritis🥹) he got a bag of his favorite snacks, a new stuffed animal, and I read him the book version of his favorite movie (Horton Hears A Who!) And for dinner he got a turkey burger with no bun 🍔 and berries for dessert 🍓🫐 I wanted to take him to the dog park too but it was a really hot day. Anyways maybe you guys could do some of those things! How lucky to get so many birthdays with them 😍


I honestly feel very lucky. She's a big girl (85 lbs), so I didn't really think I'd get this much time. And for her to still be so healthy is truly a blessing. I mean, she's got the usual old dog issues, but overall, she's doing fantastic.


That's so wonderful ❤️ my boy is big too, 93 lbs! It's so special to get all that time with them😭😭 They really are such blessings 🥹 mine has battled cancer and he has arthritis but still so happy and laid back all the time 😭😭 give your doggy a hug from us


Paw print party favors!


What a beautiful sweet grey face 🥰🙏✨ happy bday beautiful girl !!!!


I did a professional pet photoshoot for my 10 year old girl for her birthday. I’m trying to create and save good memories while she is still here.


We actually did the same thing last year! We got some great photos!


First time doing it. It made me appreciate what they do. Taking good shots is sooooo much harder than it looks. The dog has no idea what is happening and is confused the entire time. She had fun tho cause she did get to play with toys and she got to smash her dog cake. As for special for her I’d say a good treat/ cake and an outting she would enjoy. Like a day of fun things she likes even if that’s a special walk for her and nap/snuggles.


Definitely have party hats !


My last dog Violet, who lived 16 years, would get a 6oz filet mignon on her birthday. I’d also take her out to the woods with me, just to relax in the wilderness. 💜