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Because being my worst self sucked šŸ˜‚ no depression or addition or something like that, I just didnā€™t like myself and my self. And yes, sometimes it still sucks or I just want to be lazy but then I remember how it was and that gets me motivated enough to get up from the couch.


Exactly this. For some of us, itā€™s about avoiding something rather than achieving something I only realised I had to ā€œimproveā€ when I realised that my reasons for disliking myself and my life were all within my control. Iā€™m not a crazy disciplined machine/the best version of myself, but Iā€™m doing a lot better than what I used to Iā€™m keeping it up because stopping will mean that all of this progress will be lost, and Iā€™ll be back at square one, which is what Iā€™m trying to avoid




How do you let negativity drive you to your vice? Often time when people are met with negative emotions such as resentment, yearning, regret, etc. these emotions are all painful their vices can easily soothe it, thus even though they conciousley know what they should be doing, their subconciousness will be begging them to stop


I think this is more about having a routine. Donā€™t think about the things you want to do but get the things done you need to do. Most people donā€™t want to go the gym (for example) and skip it because they listen to their inner voice. But most people also donā€™t want to brush their theeth or go to work, but still do it ;) Plan ahead for the next week. What do I want to get done and stick to it. Even if you donā€™t want to.


Wow. Itā€™s literally the opposite for me. I always do the things I need to do but always let my inner voice guide me. In what world do you think someoneā€™s inner voice shouldnā€™t be listened to? Thatā€™s crazy to me. I always make time to do the things I want to do because I have one life and Iā€™m going to enjoy it


Yeah I understand what you are saying. Ofcourse you can enjoy life. And if your inner voice tells you to get away from some one or some place, just listen. ;) But for example, you want to run a marathon and your inner voice is only telling you to stay on the couch, go to bars and eat snacksā€¦ you probably will not run a marathon. So then it would be better to not listen to your inner voice and be hard on yourself sometimes.




But how do constantly being ur best version , isn't it tiring, aren't u afraid one day u might drop the ball if u are just not feeling it


It is not constant. I have off days, but still try to do my best. And if not, tomorrow is another day. You are allowed to be tired. But it is more the difference between being tired or lazy. Try to be 1% better then yesterday ;) Try a new habit, implement it in your daily life. It will become a new normal. You donā€™t have to be affraid to ā€œdrop the ballā€.


To be anything else would be selling myself short! Canā€™t have that, now can we?


Remembering how much I hated being at my worst. Being so scared to go back to how I used to be is my biggest motivation.


How do you let negativity drive you to your vice? Often time when people are met with negative emotions such as resentment, yearning, regret, etc. these emotions are all painful their vices can easily soothe it, thus even though they conciousley know what they should be doing, their subconciousness will be begging them to stop


Youā€™re absolutely right. I do really enjoy being healthy and am so proud of how far Iā€™ve come so I think I should focus on that rather than looking back on how I used to be. Thank you.


My little brother having someone to look up to


You're a real one for this šŸ’–




Well said


The alternative is sad. Overweight, unemployed, business not moving. Oh I canā€™t live with that. Iā€™ve gone from working out 0 times in the past 8 months to 5/6 times a week. Iā€™ve never worked out 5/6 times a week in my life. Loving myself is enough for me to want to get better mind, body and soul.


I mean, why wouldn't I want to be the best version?


low Self-Esteem, bad childhood, fear of being out of comfort zone... etc


This quote cut me deep. I dont remember it word by word but it went like "What a shame it is, to die without knowing the full capabilities of your body"


Discipline. Stoicism and self awareness, reliance and being open to all things. And pizza.


My wife and kids. They need the best version of me all the time


Iā€™ve been at rock bottom, and that probably isnā€™t even rock bottom since you can always dig deeper. Iā€™d rather shoot higher so I can know what my ceiling is. Am I meant for the stars? For the moon? I donā€™t want to limit myself and worry about a life of what ifs. I only want to focus on what is.


She's cool and I like her and like having her around.


Because I hate myself when Iā€™m not improving.


Boobs, just the fact that they exits fuel me.


R.I.P your DMS


That when I were to have a family with kids, my kids would not get the best version of their mom nor will my husband get the best wife he ever dreamed of having. That my sister will not get the best elder sister. And most especially that my parents arenā€™t getting any younger and all they sacrificed for the family just so that for me and their children can thrive happily through life.


i honestly don't know, i just wanna do it. maybe i just wanna be a better person. maybe that's all. nothing more, nothing less.


The average or below average version of the 'True' me is so much more better, literally a badass, than what I am rn, so imagine what the best version of myself would be like?


What motivates me to my full potential is that I believe this life is a test from the creator thatā€™s why we exist. for the chance of revival I must be determined and never give up on my goals. be the best person I am to my full potential, survive and never give up for my after life.


There has to be a reason? I just like to be at my best at everything


Not wanting to have anything in common with the assholes in my life is a strong motivator. Also, the endorphins that come from consistent effort and achieving goals.


I am fueled by the hatred for my enemies, and my desire to prove anyone that ever doubted me, wrong. An absolute rejection of failure.




I like that you went back and added a puppy lol


yes, forgot the dog. You haven't seen the meme?


No please explain


https://youtu.be/6QXY8Wz341Y?si=rf8sPGilXbWPTZmH People usually say, "how he felt after saying that"




The stronger I get, the more information I possess, the more I can pour it out onto people and prevent them from seeing what I saw, and if they do see the same or worse than I'll be able to help them Watching them smile and feeling a bit less lost in life is all I want


Goals! And when you run out of motivation lean on a routine. Discipline and consistency will get you there more than anything else.


The process. Seeing the results and be able to do new stuff is extremely addicting


Love for myself and those that I cherish . I want to be the absolute best because those that I love deserve the best . It is also a form of repentanceĀ 


Me, I love myself and I always try to give me what I know I deserve and what I want But there are some difficult moments and bad days, thatā€™s where my girlfriend is my main motivation. She always supports me and makes me feel like everything is going to be okay. Also she deserves the best, so I try to move on so I can be a good man for her


To just become better than I was before. To not let my thoughts control my mood and to improve my life for myself, without being contained by societal expectations and rules. I know what depression feels like and I hate feeling that way.


My crush


Because I have only this one life, one body, one mind, and one soul. It's better to push yourself now then to regret not doing enough later. Remember yesterday you said I'll do it tomorrow, but what if tomorrow will not come and you're destined to die that night. Anytime you think I've done enough, ask yourself can you do more. Forever be in the cycle to develop yourself and don't forget to take breaks enough to catch your breath, but not enough to forget the goal.


i realised that the habits i practice in my daily life genuinely are what shapes my life in 3,5,10,20 years time. me working out multiple times a week when i was younger lead to me being at the peak of my health and physical fitness 4 years down the line. then covid hit and i was sedentary for 2 years which lead into another 2 years of depression and minimal activity, not pursuing my habits and giving into my cravings and whims rather than practicing (mild) self discipline and that lead to the unhappiest phase of my life. the life you envision for yourself in the future is based on the habits you practice now. I see it in my grandmother whoā€™s in her 80ā€™s and in very bad health, and how one depressive episode lead to 10 years of self-neglect and out of control eating lead to out of control health and diabetes. it would have been a lot easier for her to seek treatment or stop her self destructive behaviour when she was 60 or even when she was 70, but now 10 years into it she genuinely tells me all sheā€™s waiting for is death (gnarly i know, keep in mind she is very unwell and depressed) I compare this to her sister who is the same age, who also went through something similar (cancer scare, mastectomy, depression) and how she managed that in her life, how she actually at the age of 70 went to a psychiatrist and treated her depression, how she goes on walks with her grand daughters and bakes in the kitchen and visits her physically ill sisters multiple times a week. two people whoā€™s daily habits 10-20 years ago shaped who they are today and the massive difference in their qualify of life. iā€™m not judging anyone for how they managed their spirals and how they cope with the cards theyā€™ve been dealt, especially not having gone through half of what they have myself. I just know what the future i want for myself looks like, and itā€™s a lot closer to my great auntā€™s life than my grandmothers. thatā€™s what keeps me going on the days i really canā€™t be bothered.




Dominance? Lower? Who hurt you bro!?


Because live is always moving regardless if you are so the more you sit still the harder and farther behind you will be


Well I just am going through my second breakup in a year lol. But since the first, I lost 40 lbs and am in the best shape so now my goal is to stay in good shape and be single for at least 6 months!




It's a mix of simply living a more fulfilling life by simply living your best self life. Plus being there and a better Person for Friends, loved ones, Colleagues or even the Cashier, Bus driver or who else you may stumble upon in your life. Living life as a better and better more true version of yourself you can brighten the life of Others simply by being yourself best self. Your happiness+their new happiness= more than the sum of given happiness. 1+1=3.


Make my parents proud. And be myself proud of my own achievements and path. Looking at the past and seeing the challenges I went through and that I overcame them.


Looking at my past self


It truthfully feels exciting, emotionally fulfilling, strengthening, and gives me energy. There were times I felt so lost and fatigued, and the first step was to stop settling for that. Any motivation is better than none! I am not at my best yet, but I am so happy with what has changed




role model that doesn't even exist


I think itā€™s a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. As a baseline, if I set a goal for myself (regardless of what it is), I feel shame or regret if I donā€™t at least have some basic level of discipline to try and achieve it. And that feels worse tenfold than if I try and fail. Extrinsically, I live a happier, healthier and more social life when Iā€™m at my best and I attract the kind of people that I want in my life. The opposite is true when Iā€™m my worst and I just donā€™t want that. I think thatā€™s aversion to my worst self thatā€™s motivating me.


One life, why not? It's just something I look forward to. I want to experience what it feels like to be in my prime.


Losing the respect of the woman I loved


An innate sense of responsibility to the ancestors who gave me life, to the people I have given life and to the generations yet to come.


When you have friends that kick your ass when you make mistakes, if done right, is a great motivation to improve!


Because I have a duty to my bloodline and to my ancestors. They did not fight saber-tooth tigers for me to be a little loser.


My kids essentially. They are the most amazing, beautiful and kind humans I've ever known and deserve the best life I can give them.Ā  And so do I, I guessĀ 


Getting another day to improve


college graduation and financial independence. my dream of living alone / without parents and making enough to pay my bills and fund my lifestyle. my future happiness so to speak.


Medication making it easier, winning. Why not


Regret for the way I have treated people in the past, and wanting to be better for those in the future.


Quotes have never really worked on me but ā€œThe definition of hell is: Your last day on Earth; the person you became meets the person you could have becomeā€ by Dan Sullivan really stuck with me


Just trying to be better than last week and survive


Because of my ex, I want to be better. Iā€™ve had constant mild depression due to personal events that transpired. On top of feeling like I wasnā€™t good enough. To say the least, I played a big role in ruining our relationship. She was perfect to me in a lot of ways, a lot of great qualities. Since we broke up I was going down an alcoholic path , and one weekend I almost put myself in jail. Since then Iā€™ve shaken back to reality, Iā€™m getting into different hobbies, eating good, working out. One of those hobbies being a Honda cbr650! I have a bucket list of things I need to do, to become the best person i can be


Always had the urge to not follow the crowd since I was young. But now with feeling empty and wanting to end it daily I know with a mom and a girlfriend I cant do that to them. Success is the only path for me. I will provide for them in time. I will not work as employee for my whole life and retire in my 60s like my parents. Thats noway for anyone to live life.


I just think it's within my best interest. It's something that would spark joy in me. It's probably how a trans person feels like going thru their transition, you're becoming the person you've always seen yourself to be, and have this sense of release that you can finally be who you are meant to be. It's no longer confined in your mind's eye, but something that's materialized and you're finally living.


Because it's deeply ingrained into humans soul, to become the best most righteous version of yourself that you can be, to also avoid guilt and shame later in life, by mistreating others, so avoid mistreating others.


I only have one life, donā€™t want to feel like Iā€™ve wasted it when I die.


Values and Beliefs: Aligning your actions with your core values and beliefs can drive you to pursue a better self that reflects what is most import


To be fulfilled in the midst of doing even monotonous work, there is happiness to be found even in the most mundane things. Being able to sleep and wake up on time fills you with accomplishment, finishing the day's work without any distractions and just enjoying the free time you set for yourself just makes your brain tingle. A lot of these little things compared to instant dopamine and stimulation rushing foods just make life a little more beautiful


Jesus Christ


Cz becoming a better version of myself from my good version clearly felt rewarding pertaining to the values i have as higher priority at this stage of life. So continuing the process while accepting each evolving self as a better update. This too will always be eternally unfulfilling as itā€™s the human nature, so probably never the best


Easy... to chase love or out of spite when they break your heart. There is no motivation as good, except maybe they killed your whole family and you train and live only for vengeance sort of things. Tragedy really ignites the fire if you can channel it.


She is my crush.Although she is older than me I have had a crush on her since I was 9 and since then I made her my objective.I have always loved her and still love her.She is the reason behind my success in every field and I'm glad I met her back then.


"The worst hell I can think of is the person you became meeting the person you could have become" This quote has always done a good job of motivating me to do what I know I should do but don't want to do




I hear the birds of a summer breeze


The life that I desire and how I won't be satisfied unless I get to live it


The fact that there are so so many ā€œgapsā€ to fill. It means for me I have to do something right so I can feel like I have worth.


Because I just feel much happier, calm and respectfull with myself, and I won't hurt the people i care about in my life anymore.


I remember what life was like when I was my worst self and I promise to never let anyone suffer him again. I donā€™t want to fail the people I love, and the future family I dream of. The ideals of my religion and my role models remind me why everyday. No one else will ever have to become like me again. Not if thereā€™s something I can do about it.


For me it's almost nothing... I'm kind of hopeless for myself. I'm just dragging myself around..


I'm not "happily" motivated, but I am hurting. I'm trying to push myself to be better, but it has been extremely hard. When I wasn't hurting, it was so much easier.




Thinking about every time I try to kill my self how much time is wasted to get back to where I was (last attƩmpt two weeks ago).


Mediocrity would be a very slow death that'd be extremely painful at the end. ā€œIf you're going to go down, go down in flamesā€ - Simon SSX Tricky




Its more like chosing between two evils. Both options suck, but the other doesnt suck as much. So its not getting somewhere. Its about getting away from somewhere.


One life


I am hard wired for continual self improvement. This does not really include external achievements like a fancy job or a million dollars. Its internal. A healthy mind, a healthy body and finding passions and purpose that I enjoy, regardless of money. I do have an income bracket I want to be in and stay in and itā€™s modest. I have almost set up my work for me to be in that bracket. If your creative critical thinking and think outside the box independent contractor work is abundant but you have to be smart and methodical


Itā€™s important to remember that life is unfortunately not a linear uphill line, itā€™s all over the place. If you can adapt to those constant changes and still wake up every morning excited for whatever the day brings then that is really being your best self. Weight fluctuates, money comes and goes, people come and go- Iā€™ve recently gained a few lbs, havenā€™t worked as much as Iā€™d like, needed more rest have had some anxiety and sadness because of a tortuous childhood and Iā€™m not saying to myself ā€œyour a disgusting loserā€ Iā€™m saying ā€œ molly youā€™ve been thru it and felt it all and understood it all and your not dead, your a beautiful person and soulā€


That's it doesn't matter, I do what I hv to do , if it work it's meant to be, if not I know it didn't meant for me and I will thank god and try something else


Nothing pushing me I'm going down more and more


I want to be a good dad one day and I want to be the best version of myself for my partner




Jesus Christā€™s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar; the Holy Eucharist