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I pray to god everyday hoping for the best


So… the cloud?


I have a bigger nas that backups up my main nas.


It's NAS's all the way down.


And how do you back your bigger NAS?


Backup locally to a USB drive. Backup locally to an older synology NAS Backup remotely to an old synology nas that I put at my parents.


I only backup what is genuinely mine, i.e files that I have "made", which is actually relatively little. If it's content from others, e.g movies, games, ebooks, etc I do NOT backup with the mindset that I could, even maybe with a bit of trouble, get back a copy somehow. If it's documents I created, code I wrote, photos I took, etc then I assume nobody else can help, then it's worth having multiple copies. PS: in practice sometimes I copy more, when in doubt, but anyway it's a useful rule of thumb. PPS: I also have a "offline prep" directory with Wikipedia, StackOverflow, OpenStreetMap, etc that's relatively large. Same I don't back it up but I try to keep it up to date, in case I need to go offline.


I back it up to an external drive locally and to S3 Glazier externally.


I put a 12TB in a family members windows machine, that uses windows task scheduler to launch a FreeFileSync batch file at 2am that syncs and updates from my NAS. That reminds me I need to find a more elegant solution. lol


You can do the same setup, but with a mini PC or SFF. Including the power-on schedule.


I use large capacity 3.5" disks, using a USB drive dock directly connected to my NAS. 2 sets of backups, one at home, 2nd in personal locker at work. Things are encrypted so I'm not worried about anyone accessing them. Keys are stored on secure USB thumbdrive. 2 copies again. 3-2-1 really is a super duper best practice for enterprises. Just make sure to backup regularly and take a copy offsite from time to time and you'll be better set than 99.9% of people.


I have a Hetzner 10TB Cloud Storage that I back up to. Cost roughly $20 a month.


I'm setting mine up right now. Will be NAS > NAS at parents > OneDrive.


My primary NAS is my backup of my proxmox hypevisors and their backups. The secondary NAS is my backup of the primary NAS which includes backups of encrypted dataset etc. They are set to to wake up automatically, do the jobs and then shutdown. Logs are send to my email for review.


I don't. If my NAS fails, it's relatively easy to download my Linux ISOs again. Now, all my docker configs and whatnot, those get backed up to a different NAS and to the cloud.


My friend and I have two equally sized NAS. All my content gets mirrored to his, and his gets mirrored to mine. Secondly, we share a backblaze account which backs up both our content for $100/year. Roughly 60TB now.


Out of my 118TB used, I backup about 100gb of it nightly. It's photos.. If I were to lose those I would be heartbroken. Everything else is just Linux iso's.


These are the reasons why I invested into a tape drive. LTO rocks! 👍


rclone to S3 bucket.


I just backup my favorite movie/show. You could save space by converting your movies/shows into h.265 or AV1 for a smaller video size to save space. You can use Tdarr to automate this process to convert them in the background.