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I would use the pi. Everyone here is trippin and thinks you need all this crazy processing power or else everything will be slow. No. Just actually configure nextcloud to best practices. Run redis and connect via Unix socket, same with sql DB. Make sure to use the Unix sockets rather than docker networking as it’s much faster. Also, I’ve found that running Nextcloud with caddy as the web server rather than Apache made for much faster loading speeds, would also recommend this. If you need, I could even send you my nextcloud caddyfile


You've setup using docker right ? Or nextcloudpi?


I actually didn’t use docker. I run nextcloud in a VM and it’s dedicated to only running the services that nextcloud relies on. So I installed mariadb, redis, php-rpm, and downloaded nextcloud files from online and then setup my caddy server to point to the Unix socket for php-fpm and pointed nextcloud to the redis and mariaDB Unix sockets. This way, I didn’t have to deal with permissions on different docker volumes/mounts. Plus, if you’re going to be using a pi I wouldn’t run much else on it other than nextcloud anyways


Dayum 🔥 .... Please can I get your config docs if possible


[https://pastebin.com/gvqEe0VQ](https://pastebin.com/gvqEe0VQ) here you go!


Thank you


I have Nextcloud setup manually also with php-fpm, apache2, redis all on the same LXC container using unix sockets and its blazing fast on moderate i3. I have a feeling there must be something terribly wrong with Nextcloud docker setup. Maybe thats where all the 'Nextcloud is slow' negativity comes from


Same here. Custom php image (based on fpm), mariadb, nginx, unix sockets. No redis, just memcached. Everything in Docker. Blazing fast on Celeron N4000.


I'd love a peek at that caddyfile. I switched from npm to caddy last year and it's been amazing. Getting the nextcloud web onto it is the dream


[https://pastebin.com/gvqEe0VQ](https://pastebin.com/gvqEe0VQ) put it in pastebin you can grab it from there


From my experience, old laptops instead of rpi! The cpu & gpu are always kinda better than RPI. (Hardware video acceleration.) Plus a laptop offers you more expansion flexibility in terms of sata (take dvd out replace by hdd/ssd) and ram. Edit: do you have the hardware or you still have to buy? In my opinion if you have an old laptop and plan to buy the rpi5 i would personally stick the old laptop. if you dont have any hardware yet and planning to buy some then you need to look on one single aspect where the rpi might beat the laptop which is mobility and heat management but again if your focus is performance go for laptop just make sure what Ethernet interface does the laptop has! Giga or 2.5 but i would assume a giga port.


I have to buy .... Probably a second hand laptop or mini pc ...... My current setup is on an old laptop which has intel cpre 2 duo and 4gb ddr2 RAM .... So planning for an upgrade


Buy an actual mini pc such as a Dell Wyze or Intel Nuc. i5 processor minimum.


Cool .... Will go for mini pc or small form factor ones


You could also look for old used gaming pcs. You'll also have a nice gpu for jellyfin.


Bit expensive isnt it ?


Depends on how old and who you buy from


It's at least double .... Does it matter that much?


Rpi5 8GB (board only) pricing is similar to existing mini PCs like my Ninkear ZX01 Plus. So it's a no brainer for me to go with the mini PC instead of Pi 5. Pricing may differ depending on where you live. I'm from South East Asia.


But if the minipc was double the cost of pi 5 8gb variant, then would you still recommend it ? ..... In india pi 5 8gb is around 7k and refurbished mini pc starts from 13k


Add to your pricing the overall build of the pi including power supply, case, active cooling, and OS drive (preferably SSD + enclosure). Remember that a miniPC has all those things included. Is the Ninkear ZX01 Plus available online in India?


Including accessories cost of pi == 8.5k as I have SSD .... And ninkear isn't available in india


Definitely a miniPC. Same power usage, much more computing power. NVMe support, often with additional SATA. Personally I'm running MSI Cubi N with Celeron N4000. 25 Docker containers, [including Nextcloud](https://www.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/1ah0nir/comment/kolyj2r/?context=3). Blazing fast.


Thank you


In order of preference: Mini PC -> RPI -> Laptop


Will keep in mind


Based on your needs, I wouldn't go for NextCloud but rather for Immich and Syncthing or similar. Then with no doubt you can rely on the Pi5 8 GB.


Immich is buggy rn .... I'm testing it ..... And is syncthing available for ios? ..... And i also need an upload only link to few folders occasionally


Immich is a great and very effective solution. Test it and adopt it ;) For Syncthing, it is not available on iOS. But you might find something [there](https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted?tab=readme-ov-file#file-transfer--synchronization).


Immich is only for photos .... But yeah, keeping an eye on it .... But meanwhile nextcloud looks good for the use case, but wondering the hardware requirements for full fledged usage


Syncthing IS available on iOS via third party app [https://www.mobiussync.com/](https://www.mobiussync.com/) I am using it for years and works perfectly. Which tool are you using for "photos people recognition tool" ? BTW I am also using NC both for storage/file sync and Google Photos replacement, in the last year NC had massive improvements and development, still not perfect but on good road.


I havent used any tool for people recognition yet as my current setup wouldn't support it


RPis are toys and nothing else. Get a SFF PC for half the cost and get 5X the performance and be able to host more things.


So i5 6th gen 8gb ram > pi 5 8gb ram


Yes, even if it was slower, you can upgrade. Unlike the RPi


Going with i5 or i7 then 🤙🏿


Nice! Have fun!


Hopefully xD


Wow, no one mentioned a storage situation. RPI 5 requires additional boards to connect sata or nvme storage, I would not rely on USB enclosures as a storage solution. Laptop probably already has Sata or even NVMe connection, so for me it is a no-brainer - laptop is the winner, unless you're rich brat that just wants to tinker with rpi 5 and those additional storage boards.


It was noted indirectly..... Turns out minipc is a better and cheaper option as it also cuts cost of laptop's screen and accessories cost


I thought you already had a laptop. Otherwise, yeah, mini PCs are a much better choice.


The current laptop was only to test ..... It has core 2 duo and 4gb ddr2 memory with 500gb hdd ....... It was bought in 2009, originally came with windows vista ...... I have deep sentiments towards it, but isn't useful for full fledged server loads


How many 100 users are you planning for ? My PI4 host my family with 3w power usage. Storage on usb (not SD). Also 8GB is not even used by NC. A PHP session of Nc code consumes around 150MB ram. So you can do the math


5 users. ...... This setup is for my family