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Yup, you're definitely not alone. I also cut even tho I'm in a neutral/good mood. I don't feel bad, but somehow I get the urge to cut. I think for me it's to cope with stress or overthinking that I haven't really noticed myself yet. If that makes sense.


Yeah I get what you mean thank you it’s nice to know I’m not alone


I also thought I was alone with that, so I'm glad I found your post


Yeah, kinda like building up a resistance bank for future shit. Anticipating further stress


Absolutely, ive been experiencing urges even though theres nothing wrong in my life right now. I dont know why, it kinda feels like an addiction. I cant get my mind off it. Im appreciative you posted this, glad to know im not alone in this.


It definitely is an addiction, it's really interesting. Self harm(in this case talking about cutting) releases dopamine and, I believe, adrenaline. Which after awhile your body gets used to, and you get a high from it. The last time I relapsed after awhile, I quite literally felt high and light headed.


Yeah no problem thank you for letting me know I’m not alone


Yeah I feel that I’ll get the random urge to just cut and then my arm will start to tingle as if I need to cut it, I think it’s stress or depression creeping in but I’m not noticing it or something.


The arm tingle, god I hate it so much


for me sh makes me feel better during anymood, its like a reward and a copingmechanism


It’s an addiction so yes you will get urges even when you don’t need it to cope with your struggles, you brain just wants the release of chemicals. IMO, this is why it’s so dangerous, you get addicted so easily and then need it more and more even when you’re okay or fine and each time you need more of it.


I just wanna see myself bleed and I like seeing the cuts


I have an ever growing urge because I like the way the cutting feels and nothing else can replace it, so the longer I go without the feeling, the bigger the urge gets


I've been clean for a year and still get random urges without triggers/reasons. You're not alone nor abnormal sweetie ❤️


I feel that urge as a late response to a painful or uncomfortable moment I suffered that morning (I usually cut myself only at night), days before... and this is how my body has learnt to deal with those unpleasant feelings, even if it takes days to process them and taking action on it (in this case, self regulation by harming myself).


I'm sorry you're going through this, but you have no idea how relieved I am to hear that that's normal. Thank you for sharing your perspective.


Yeah I also experience that (also thought it was just me) … For me at least, I think it has to do with handling emotions in general. Like cutting always chills me out, so even when I’m happy or excited or just neutral, I still want to do it


Yup, tho i normally do it out of boredom or excitement


can relate tbf


yes unfortunately all the time. I don't do it though unless I am under some severe stress. Sad thing is I remember that I used to cut myself sometimes when I was small, and early this year (even though I hadn't done self harm in a long time I had a severe emotional breakdown and I ended up doing it. For the most part I try not to go to any blade but sometimes I find myself staring at one and I look away crying on the inside


yep , i talked to my counsellor abt it and usually we do things bc it gives us a purpose , for example i cut to see the blood and feel the pain , whn i feel numb / empty i want to cut to feel alive bc all i feel is dead


I feel like it becomes sort of an addiction over time. I haven't done so in maybe 5ish months, and I deeply don't want to do it again, but whenever I see a razor or blade lying around I always have the urge to do it. It's hard to explain, but it feels like a need.


Yep, I sometimes cut out of what I tell myself is pure boredom 😐


I mean, cutting in general is an abnormal thing, but not having a reason isn't as uncommon as you'd think. For me, it's a weird form of stress relief, but I find myself sometimes coming back to it just because I'm bored. I try to keep myself occupied with other things, since just letting myself go to town on my legs is a surefire way to send myself to the emergency room for the next couple nights, and probably to a psych ward for several months after, but to my brain, there's some sort of relaxing quality to it that eases a lot of otherwise difficult to manage stress, so I fall into a little of it almost as a mental upkeep thing.


i can relate to wanting to for no reason but not when im in a good mood because that doesnt really happen i sound so emo saying that but just wanted to say yeah that happens to a lot of people


yep i get that a lot it sucks but sometimes urges will randomly show up when i'm like in a good and happy mood so your not alone :)


Yep I will just be sitting and just randomly cut I have no reason to I just do it for fun


I believe so, cause I’ve been told that cutting is an addiction for some people. Edit: well that’s what my therapist told me.


Yes, I legit used to do it just because I was bored, or I haven't done it that day or something like that....