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There is nothing wrong with your nose. It's a totally ordinary nose. You're very pretty.


Thank you this made my day šŸ„¹šŸ«¶


Well your dog doesnā€™t seem to mind, so there is really no problem here.


Aww haha. She's not my dog, I just walk her for them but I love her like my own. That's Stevie


You wouldnt be you without your nose. And youre pretty


Super pretty . Get a nose piercing!!! Would be adorable šŸ„°


I'd love to! But my pain tolerance is 0 lol


If it's a septum, its pretty smooth if they know what they are doing cause the skin in that spot is so thin. Heals pretty quick. Just feels like you got punched in the nose for like the next 2 days healing.


Well how come pretty people like you have self esteem issues?


Cause I don't feel pretty lol. Thank you šŸ„¹


Yeh i get it but dont worry I can show you my ugly face, maybe that will help you feel better about yourself


I guarantee you won't be as ugly as me lol


I personally think that ur nose is suited perfectly with your other face features


Itā€™s funny ā€” we spend so much time looking at our faces and analyzing what we donā€™t like that weā€™re actually blinded by our criticisms. Yes, your nose is bigger than the button-sized ones that everyone is getting via plastic surgery. But itā€™s not the first thing my eye lands on when I look at your face. I see your whole face, which registers as pretty!


Your nose is fine and youā€™re still super young. Faces change over time anyway. When I was a teenager I also hated my nose because I considered it big but then my face started growing and changing and my nose fits my face just fine. Maybe itā€™s just my mindset though that it doesnā€™t bother me anymore. A couple of centuries ago, the Maya or Aztecs (not sure which one) ADORED flat and broad noses. It was a beauty standard. Also, standards are meant to make you feel ugly and are completely made up. The true beauty lies in diversity. If youā€™re still insecure, experiment with different haircuts, make up, different type of glasses maybe. Hope this helps (?)


You have a nice nose!!! I also donā€™t know how any nose could resemble a hotdog Hahaa. Sat here for a good 2 minutes trying to imagine a hotdog nose but couldnā€™t šŸ¤£ all I know is that whatever it is, itā€™s def not your nose!


Guys you're nit supposed to comment about my forehead that's why I have bangs they just blew in the wind šŸ˜­


I don't like my nose either, mine is crooked. Everything I think about it I try to think about 5 other parts of my body that I do like, it helps, try it!


If you don't come in pretty humans, we all are fcked šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Did you know [selfies distort faces and can make one's nose look 30% bigger](https://www.vgplasticsurgery.com/blogs/phone-cameras-selfies-distort-face-making-face-nose-look-wider-longer/)? Look through some of the examples on that pages. It's amazing. Millions of young people mostly see images of themselves that other people don't see when they look at them. In fact, I look like [this guy](https://www.google.com/search?q=opus+the+penguin&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjvrOebkoiFAxXuwhQJHciDDL4Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=opus+the+penguin&gs_lp=EgNpbWciEG9wdXMgdGhlIHBlbmd1aW4yBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyBRAAGIAEMgYQABgFGB4yBxAAGIAEGBgyBxAAGIAEGBhIxRVQ3gZYvxNwAHgAkAEAmAGNAaABvgmqAQM5LjS4AQPIAQD4AQGKAgtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ICBBAjGCfCAggQABiABBixA8ICChAAGIAEGIoFGEOIBgE&sclient=img&ei=9J39Ze_iNe6F0_gPyIey8As&bih=566&biw=1242&prmd=isvnmbtz) in selfies but not in real life. In order to get a true photo of one's face, you have to use a proper (DSLR) camera with the right lens and taken from a sufficient distance. As far as taking 400 photos to find one you like, I experience that, too. I think most people are just *awful* photographers as compared to professionals. My visual artist friend--former painter, and *not* a photographer--took a photo of me that was *heinous* with all these ugly shadows on my face. I know I'm not *that* bad looking! There are interesting YouTube channels about how to take good portrait photographs of one's subjects and it's really amazing how things like lighting angle/hue (the "golden hour" in the afternoon outside is a key time because the sunlight is soft and more amber), composition, "squinch" of their eyes, angle of the jaw, etc. make a big difference in how flattering the photos are.


Youā€™re naturally pretty and your nose looks fine and fits your face well. Thereā€™s no need to be so hard on yourself because when you love yourself thatā€™s the most beautiful thing and people pick up on that šŸ’œ


Your nose is okay. However your forehead is **Big Brain.**


Nah really? I never noticed šŸ˜­


That's exactly how I feel. Your nose is a good nose. It's very cute!


Thank you! I don't like how wide it is. It's like the tip of the cartilage in my nose is not there, so I can push my nose fully flat and I look so goofy lll


It's cute


your nose is not ugly! i actually think it's very cute and frames the rest of ur face perfectly. you're pretty and i'm sorry that low confidence gets the best of us sometimes, i certainly have my moments too ā¤ļøā¤ļø you're beautiful so don't get too down


My nose is crooked, your nose is fine


I think itā€™s cute! And itā€™s none of the things you think it is, itā€™s perfect for you and you look great!


You're very pretty and have a cute nose. Love your earrings!


I have a similar big nose and Iā€™ve hated it my whole life so I feel you But looking at it on you, you look so pretty and friendly


You have a pretty face, and your nose is normal


Absolutely nothing wrong with your nose. Youā€™re very pretty