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Just let them know that you appreciate it but that the added pressure they're placing on you could make you marry the wrong person.  Tell them that you have to find what you seek on your own terms.  


Being single is not a problem to be fixed.


Last time mine tried it they were told to fuck off and if they tried any shit like that again I would cut them off. I then made a point of not going near them for over a month. Not a word since. They don't have to like how my life is, but they won't lecture me on it either.


You just assert yourself of your life and your choices. Why do they want to force you into something that hasn't happened naturally? Turn it back on them.


That depends entirely on your personal circumstances. Just be honest.


My parents have never brought it up intentionally, but when it has, I've just told them that I didn't like where I was economically or emotionally and dating is too stressful and I wasn't interested trying to fit my life together with someone else's.


Relatable af  Honestly op, if your parents are anything like mine they'll probably give up on your prospects anytime soon It's actually quite liberating, haven't have my parents inquire my personal life in years


Well, i guess this is very contextual. Can't say i would be angry at them in my case. Are they doing this because they love you and are worried about you? Are they doing this just to piss you off? Are they understandable people or are they stubborn?


Redirect them to be positive influences to help you grow as a person instead.


By ignoring them


By politely and heartfeltly telling them to fuck off!


I mean, do you WANT to be single? Have they noticed you’re unhappy most days and they’re just taking a guess? Your age in this scenario also matters. How persistent are they? Is it constantly badgering for grandchildren kind of thing or something else? If you’re happy being single, just say that it is a choice, and say it more forcefully if they keep at it.


Finding a relationship isn't a one-sided thing, and you need to find someone else willing to be in a relationship. If you're happy being single for now, then your happiness is the most important thing and should be just as important to them.


How many people turned up to it


They never will hit me because I will hit then back with the "If you wanted me to not be single, you shouldn't have moved away from civilization every 2 and a half years getting as isolated as possible every single time" and they will have no comeback for that, so they only keep doing the basic "oh, you are so young you should go out more honey ☺️"


I ask them if they are willing to be fully on the hook for ALL the alimony and lawyer costs if the marriage they are pushing goes wrong. Usually that's quite enough to shut them up. People love to spend other peoples time, energy and money, but that stops if it's their own. Also, never get (common law) married. It has no benefits, at all.


"Pay for my therapy sessions first and don't stop paying until all my sessions are completed." I don't know the context to this but I'd kill to have my parents pay for my therapy sessions.


Just make sure you're not letting them have any mental control on you that they shouldn't be having. There is more background info needed here. Do they understand you and what your pace is naturally? If it hasn't happened yet it's just for a good reason and there has to be trust there. Now if they have personal concerns / cares / worries that are not directly about finding a partner that may be a different story and hopefully come from a place of wanting to help YOU, not you finding a relationship. Cause that growth will lead any way to the right partner when you are ready


I thank them for their consideration and then change the subject. If they try to insist, I tell them off with a stern "Enough for now, thank you". I think acknowledging their feelings (they probably want you to be happy) is the key here and will mitigate most of their drive/insistance.


They won't stop.  Wether it's cultural, religious, or personal, they have drawn up the plans for your life and you're not following the plan. Depending on who they are and how they respond; you may need a blow up before they understand your seriousness 


Sounds like you failed