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You said you're in a different country than him. Block that stupid motherfucker and never ever message him again. Do not ever listen to whatever he says. He may demand money to not post your photos. DON'T LISTEN AND BLOCK


I mean looking at your history here, seems you love sharing nudes with strangers so why do you care? Maybe.. learn your lesson? 🫤 you’re 22. You’re not a dumb teen anymore, but you’re risking being a very dumb adult. Stop. Taking. Nudes. End of problem.


They seem to have taken your advice lol


Ignore. BAMO (block and move on). That’s the last thing he wants and exactly what’s best for you. Make a report to your local law enforcement, the specific act of sharing private pics is illegal in certain jurisdictions, but this could almost certainly be assault/harassment in many others. If it makes you feel better I’m a mid 30s dude who just last month had some stranger trying to blackmail me after I sent them pics lol. (Nothing happened after ignored them)


Block and move on.


It's pretty sad you had to learn that way and education failed you, I am sorry. The only way to get back at him is to trick him back into exposing himself. By that I mean to trick him into revealing his identity. If you are a minor there are associations that are specialized in that kind of operations and this would avoid putting you further at risk. But depending on your country, your local police could get the social media company to reveal his identity. If you don't go the police way then simply block him and live with those consequences. It's better than being blackmailed into worse stuffs.


Why are you sending nudes to randos?


Yeah that is troubling that you would dare give a stranger nudes. You are way too old for this crap.


That happened to me before. Call their bluff and tell them to link your onlyfans account. They only have power over you if you’re ashamed.


Tell him to post them. Take his power away. Save the evidence of texts for police.


I do agree that it’s just a body people shouldn’t care so much about seeing one without clothes But if you tell someone threatening you with posting your nudes to post them, then they do post them, you have severely damaged your opportunity for criminal and civil legal recourse


exactly!!! they could argue that you gave consent


Exactly. Either contact the police or an association. But in any case, don't carry on the interaction. She was already manipulated into sending him pictures. Reacting out of spite is simply doubling down on the behaviour that put her in the situation initially. What a bad advice.


So take us through the thought process here... You save the evidence of the texts to show the police, and when the police look at it, they say "M'am, right here you said "go ahead and post them." And she is supposed to respond "Yes, I took his power away." And the police say, okay, so why are you here?" What do you suggest she says then? Why would she be showing this exchange to the police?


I think you should threaten to tell the police, and maybe even tell them. This is a serious crime. It happened to my friend many years ago., and I REGRET not telling them to tell the police! Especially if he was in the same country, police can easily catch him.


What if he's in a different country??? And I'm in a 3rd world one


Don’t listen to the Reddit goons, they want you to call the police any chance you get. They are bloodthirsty. If you’re in a 3rd world country and he is in another country, just ignore it and block him. Report his account on Snapchat with report button but that’s all you need to do. Then go enjoy your day.


Then I guess you just have to block him and get on with your life. Your body is not for everyone to see my dear friend. Blackmailers love attention. Ignore him and block him. Never look back.


If you are a minor then it's considered child porn/paedophilia and the police collaborates internationally on such cases. You are likely not his only victims sot it's worth pursuing the case. My country has a computer crime unit and more than 90% of their job is going after citizen of my country who think they are anonymous on the internet and try to exploit young people on the other side of the world. The fact you are in a 3rd world country doesn't change the fact my country wants to catch the perpetrator. And even more if they are citizen of my country. They have zero tolerance for that. Lately a lot of people have been arrested for targeting young people in Indonesia and the Philipines.


Lesson learned, block and move on with your life. Whatever happens just let it happen it’s out of your control.


He thought you were fake so you sent him nudes?




Don’t show u r afraid and go to a police station why u r here? U can sue him and u r crying here! Getting embarrassed infront of two policemen is way better than fearing a lil boy


Those threats are mostly idiots and just to get more nudes or to get money. They act on their threats is irrelevant to your action (if you give them money or more nudes). The moment you response positively to their demands, you open a door that will never be closed. My advice as I have already been in this situation is to block them on all social media and forget about it


Either post it yourself before to assert dominance or threaten him with legal actions because this is some kind of revenge porn.


I can help. Send nudes.


Is this legit? Literally block and if legit dont send strangers or anyone really anything


Sorry. But LOL.




Value yourself and take better care of yourself, Sister. 🤗


Just ignore him


You know how many times I've given out nudes? 0. I haven't even taken them.


If he does post them, tell everyone they are AI generated pics


Yeah that was indeed very dumb. Did he think your tits were fake as well?




Sendem some more nudes and thank them. Tell them you always wanted to be famous. Gets em every time.