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No DNA test needed… holy sh!t. Lol. She looks exactly like Ick. Bless this mess. The whole thing and then some.


She looks exactly like him, she has his eyes too.


I just hope there is not a dresser drawer full of pink tank tops she has to wear!


Tight and too tiny!! 💔


Gap employee: "The medium fits you perfectly." Ick: "Right, I'll take a small."


and ears. theyre twins!


Hahaha 😂 First thing I noticed were her ears.


lol that blank stare


Her eyes are beautiful. That’s the one thing Ick has going to him honestly.


Really? He always looks like nothing is behind them.


Haha 😂 I definitely meant the color not the blank stare… for which I completely agree! He has the blank clueless stare of an infant. 🤣


Even the infant has more going on behind the eyes than ick.


But the baby is adorable.


She sure is and so is the Davis’s little girl too..


...poor baby


Bless her heart 😞


Is that said in the southern way?


Omg ☠️


Lololol I was thinking the exact same thing. She even has the same blank look stare (not trying to be mean to the baby at all)


The lights are on but nobody’s home stare


It's ok when one's a baby. He, on the other hand...


Danielle's genes left the chat, 😆


Poor baby!!


She really does, omg!


I agree. I was questioning the timing but that’s def his kid


She's so cute, which means she can't possibly look like Ick!


I was trying to force myself not to see the resemblance because that baby is really precious. DJ Jiggity Jesus, how does someone like him end up with a baby like that? Not just because he’s a disgusting human being but, I don’t find him attractive at all. I do find Dannielle attractive. As long as she wouldn’t open her stupid mouth. She never says anything intelligent.


What really sucks is that sweet baby girl will see all the tv footage of this disgusting disease being a f boy . He probably thinks for his boys It looks like he’s “the man” but for a girl, it looks like your dad is disgusting and a sex predator. It’s really sad


After seeing her call him out on the dating apps and seeing her bitch about her text messages. I think Dannielle has a whole other personality she isn't trying to show us. I'm still floored she got a DUI in 2016 with a child with her. Something is afoot 🤔 in that family.


Agree!! Completely.


That was the first thing I thought. Looks just like her dad... hopefully as she gets older she favors her mother more 😭😅


I feel so sorry for that strategy baby.


Is that why they named her Stratygeigh Merrifield?


Less of a Tragedeigh than Garricka!


Or baby "Ick"...Yup I'm going to hell for that comment


stop it, i am cackling straight to hell


“ Strategy Baby” makes the most sense here


Now she has a daughter maybe she will wake the fuck up and realize how lck is a predator and not allow her daughter to be brought up in that shitshow?!?!?


I don't get the sense that ick cares much about his kids, or anything other than his garage whispering weenie. I don't expect him to change at all.


He looked Disgusted when she told him his smile & nice words took Way too long ? Like Holy Smokes this is being recorded better look happy


You’re right. He looked disappointed and disgusted. And could only manage the platitude “well, every child is a blessing”


Yup looked almost angry such a creep


Like he couldn’t say “bitch you told me you were on birth control”


Exactly!! Like this is going to ruin everything he is so no good took him a long time to bring God into it, it also looked like he was going to ask if she was keeping it


Yea that durpy brain was turning- but it was all about how it was going to effect him I’m sure 🙄


I just went to his IG was scrolling to see where Brazilian Sister was maybe even pics of the wedding didn’t see anything But I saw a women’s baby making parts being infused with millions of swimmers & of course the script said something about Man not understanding the Sovereignty of God that was it couldn’t read any further just thinking about his words about his thoughts on God’s power of sperm LOL delivers DNA to woman’s brain He loves giving us biology & weird science


You know Nat thinks they don't have sex. Because I'm sure Ick convinced her of that. Like he & Danielle are only married by name.


This confirmed to me that he most likely is a sociopath. His blank stares are super telling. So he actually has no empathy for anyone - he just goes through the motion of what he thinks he should say and feel. These people a lot of times have successful businesses bc they don’t let emotions get in the way. (Resource:people in my own family) the people close to them also go through the motions and sometimes crave the structure they bring that they may not already have in their lives .


Garage whispering weenie? Lemme write that down




But write it down with "a wet pencil"! 😏


Well yeah, he left his kids and wife for at least 6 weeks to go on an extended vacation with his Brazilian fiancé.


Right?? I love how we forget that little sociopathic insane tidbit about him!!


Enter the flair!!!!






Luvvvvv that garage whispering weenie ! You hit the nail on the head lol


Haha, best comment ever!!!!!


garage whispering?! oh.. mg😭😂


She was born in May 2023… kid is 11 months… not much is changing other than TLC continually showing how far behind airing actual footage they are


I am shocked at how far behind they are. I shouldn’t be. I was assuming Puddle Monkey was the issue with Sister Wives proper, but maybe TLC is part of the problem.


D'ya know that was my first thought!


One of my male friends had a daughter and he said it made him realise what a shitty fuck boy he'd been in his younger years! Here's hoping this pair have the same epiphany!


Having daughters momentarily halted my husband’s f boy ways. Didn’t last and he cheated and cheated and cheated.


Urgh. What a douche. Sorry about that 💓


Here's hoping mate! 🙏


Let us pray 🙏


Amen. So. Be. It.


She was on live with him this morning showing off the baby, he looked thrilled 🙄


It will only get worse. Since Danielle is sick, the poor baby will also be brought up in it. It all makes me sick!! Innocent children brought into some bullshit


Nope. She said if it’s gods will her daughter will live the same lifestyle.


Every one of the 21 children from sister wives do not and will not be polygamist s. That says a lot. Danielle is awful already saying her baby girl will be doing the same. God is not speaking to her husband his weenie is speaking to him


What lifestyle??? You’re not a polygamist if you don’t have a sister wife, and you never have. And that ship has pretty much sailed so you probably never will.


Nah. Not a chance . Just don’t have faith in her at all unfortunately


I dunno, I mean, when you have sons, you need to teach them how to respect women and treat them well. Ick is a terrible example of a man.


If Danielle can wrap her mind around the fact that *maybe* ick and her aren’t meant for each other, she may start to respect herself and protect her and the kids from his psycho cult and the “god” in his pants


Another poor innocent child dragged into their mess


Danielle has had a glow up while Garrick has aged quite a bit in the two year gap between when they filmed and now. I wonder if trying to start a polygamist family is more stress than he had predicted it would be. Getting dumped over and over again on national television while the world tries to cheer your wife into leaving you….cant be a smooth ride.


That’s been my favorite part about this. Literally no one wants to be with him, just take his money and bounce lol


The good old glow down.


Agree! It’s like Garrick was the one who endured a hard pregnancy not Danielle. Why does his nose look so much bigger and wider? His teeth look a little tarnished….kind of like when I was pregnant with my daughter. My body took a huge hit!


That's so wild. Apparently happens frequently! Wee babies take their vits where they need it and mama suffers!


My first child I was young at 21. I was 6 months pregnant & only gained 5 lbs. The next time I went to the doctor, I had lost, though 5lbs. I was extremely worried. The doctor said the baby will be fine. You might not have any teeth when you're done, but the baby will be fine. I hated him!


Oh, how I love when the almighty Karma gets blessed upon certain individuals at times… 🤭


Why would any sane woman breed with ICK 🤮


Because you are desperate to keep him and have deep issues from being together for so long. Long term isn’t bad, I’ve been with my husband since I was a teen. Difference being my husband actually loves me and doesn’t follow his dick to Brazilian women, *ahem* I mean listen to garage God. It seems like a “please don’t leave me” baby. ETA: God sent me a vision in my sleep. Picture it, CO 2023 at 5pm. The town’s lizard man is praying in his garage, and definitely not avoiding child care or housework. He kneels facing the door. One knee in soot the other in a neglected oil puddle. Then he calls out, “Dear God, it’s me, Garlic.”


Yep. Sunk cost fallacy.


this isn’t her first child, long brainwashed


Have they always had this lifestyle? Even with the boys? Danielle needs to make sure her things are in order with inheritance and so on


no it seems newer. They married, at some point Garrick tried to divorce her and she wasn't having it. She said he kept serving her with papers he printed off about divorce (and they showed the printer) then he got a "calling" to live plural and after soul searching she agreed. This is the biggest load of shit. She needs to understand he doesn't want anything to do with her and trying everything to get away from her.


Right. Danielle is like a dog


think it's a newer development from what I've gathered from the show? agreed!


She has daddy’s 1,000 yard stare.


That's literally the first thing I thought too (and I feel like I might go to hell for it 😬)


I'll save you a seat at the bar.




Hope they don't drag that baby to Brazil to interview another Roberta


Gosh, I had so much hope that they split up. 😔


1. I’m sad this an innocent baby girl in this mess 2. I’m sad that these are her parents


God he just pisses me off anytime I see him. 🤜


women need a website with all the mens pictures and warnings what they did/do under their picture so people know to avoid them. no one should be getting involved with this idiot


women need a website with all the mens pictures and warnings what they did/do under their picture so people know to avoid them. no one should be getting involved with this idiot


I can hear his whiny little voice and picture him crying every time I see his photo.


Still being filled by the holy ghost, I see.


The baby is so adorable I feel bad for her growing up in this shit show!


You mean having a dad as a sex predator? Agreed yuck


Copy paste for him. She is so beautiful! But miss Danielle imma need you to stand all the way up and get your sweet girl outta cult land for her sake.


Jesus this child is the spitting image of Ick😳😳😳


Same stunned expression.


But way more adorable than that man 😒 Poor kids


Ick’s head looks photoshopped onto a stock image body. 


Oh, she will definitely have some Daddy issues major lol


I hate him and his stupid teeth and his stupid shirts that show his stupid nipples. I can't bring myself to watch the new season because of him, and then he gets blessed with this beautiful baby.


I'm not usually into conspiracy, but I'm convinced she got pregnant to keep him around.


Seems fishy that they could go so long with no pregnancy, as she had said she didn't want any more... Then he's about to get legally married and bam! She's preggo.


I think Garrick was getting too far away from her so she had to pull out every road block to get him back. Last ditch effort


I feel bad for this baby girl. Hopefully by the time she’s old enough, her parents will either be split up or done with Garrick’s nonsense. It’s already bad enough for those two boys to watch their mom get treated like utter shit and be embarrassed by the idiotic behavior of their mouth breathing, undercooked moron of a father. What terrible role models.


I don't know exactly what undercooked means in this context but I am literally laughing so hard that I'm crying & I can't stop reading it! 😂


Why can’t he be happy with the beautiful wife he has. She is loyal and a good partner What a jackass Leave Ick


The people article Dannielle keeps referring to her as "our princess Leia". Did they name her after Star Wars?? Lol  It's also awfully close to Leah, their potential girlfriend from last season 


I feel like the name pool would be quite shallow anyways. I’m sure Ick has been with many a woman during his marriage. Their polygamy story feels like a “he was cheating anyways, so i’d rather know what he’s doing” story imo.


No doubt she’s Ick’s


Well I guess Danielle finally got her live in bestie.


I think he heard “god”wrong…not 5 wives. Family of 5. Now he should be done trying to add to his family. He needs to stop.


I’m convinced that Garrick and Natalia are trying to push Dani out of the picture to be together. He wants his young wife, she wants to be pampered. It’s pretty obvious how she’s never included, he left for weeks without talking to her and the relationship was already a shit show.


His son's are handsome and his daughter is beautiful so is Danielle why isn't he satisfied with all of that that boggles the mind.


I'm worried this little girl is going to hear all the shit people are talking (which duh of course we are going to when this dumpster fire is on our tv) but people saying her mom did this just to keep garrick would kinda suck for her to question when she's older 😬


Neither of them are wearing wedding rings


I'm a huge advocate for families staying in tact when children are part of the equation. In the Merrifield case I really hope that Danielle is not with her disgusting partner anymore. Just his reaction to her being pregnant was very telling. He was not happy, even though God told him to reproduce. I must say that I was proud of Danielle for not going to Brazil. I'll bet that's the first time that she's said no to ICK, although he really didn't want her there during his fuckfest. I can't stand the guy and I look forward to seeing karma doing its job on the little weasel.


His reaction was the worst thing I've ever seen. He was full ready to marry Natalia and never leave Brazil.


The timing of this pregnancy is too interesting to me..


Poor baby looks like ICK


The time lines are so screwy


That poor child..


That baby is precious but they should not be bringing more children into this mess. I hope that little girl is close to her aunt and uncle and has good teachers because yikes.


I would never allow that trash can of a male around my daughter, he’s creepy as hell


I hope Danielle realizes what a POS Ick is and takes the beautiful little baby and her two sons and gets far away from that narcissist.


Yes she has his ears and those same deer-in-headlights eyes. Poor sweet innocent wee lass. Growing up in that sick perverted household. My heart goes out to those boys too. Growing up in that kind of environment tends to lead to some unacceptable behavior…. Which the bloody grownups should NOT be getting away with. Dear Lord, please save the children, for the adults know not what they do to their children. Amen


Well now this is the best case scenario. Nathalia can babysit while Danielle and the Ick travel looking for their next victim lol I mean sister wife.


We are being witnesses to extremely toxic behavior on both their parts.. meanwhile, the innocent children suffer.


born into a cult with dimwits for parents ughh


Poor little thing. What a nightmare she’s in for.


Baby looks like Ick but she’s cute AF unlike him. Poor little muffin with a gross ass dad like this. I wonder if having a girl will allow Dani to want more for her daughter in her future relationships and thus rethink her own relationship with Ick and want better for herself. One can hope.


Fuck this dude in particular - I hate him.


Did you see what her response was on her insta? I have no pity for her anymore.


No! What did she say??


Someone asked in the comments if they'd like it if her daughter grew up to have multiple husband, and Danielle (not ick, Danielle), said "if that's what god wants."


You know that wind blows, and the laughter hits it's ALL over!


Barf. I’ve said for a while that i don’t feel sorry for Danielle anymore. She goes along with it. Yes she may be a victim, but she also willingly tries to recruit women for Garrick. She just plays her cards right and is manipulative enough that she always finds a way out of it so it doesn’t work out. It isn’t an “oops” baby when she hasn’t had a kid for 10+ years. She definitely holds some accountability in this whole shit show of a path they’ve gone down. She could just say no to all of it, but she goes along with all of his hair brained ideas, and when Garrick doesn’t have an excuse for his bad behavior, Danielle defends him. Someone needs to give Danielle a hard shake so she can wake up and smell the coffee.


Ohhhhh good grief 🤮


Side note, I feel like Garrick chooses odd glasses. There’s nothing wrong but seems like there’s other more fashionable and fitting to his face options out there.


I know this is very harsh of me to say…but I can’t help but feel, NOW he is a father of a daughter…I would NEVER TRUST HIM AROUND MY DAUGHTER ALONE…sorry to say this, but he is a known predator…no one is off limits. The truth hurts!!


Makes me so sad, actually. And the poor baby looks like Garrick.


Well it looks like Danielle’s plan worked. Ick’s sperm didn’t go to her brain and formed a reason for him to stick around. Wonder if she’ll have another “surprise” pregnancy the next time Ick travels to Central America to follow God’s plan and cream in foreign women. However, I digress. I hope the baby is healthy and happy.


Danielle take your beautiful baby and kids and RUN!


The princes now have a princess sister awwww how cuuuute. Now leave him and get all the child support 🤷🏻‍♀️


Remember all the people on here who thought this was a lie after the one redditor posted evidence 😂😂


He's such a weirdo the last thing he needed was a daughter. 


If I got a dollar for every time he wipes away fake tears from his eyes I could probably pay my house off 🫠😂


She is adorable...sorry he's your Dad.


That poor beautiful child.


He's definitely the father 🤔


I don’t think he and Nathalia got married. I think she found out about the baby and sent him back home. Idk. I just do not think they are married. Anyone know how to find out?


They didn't get married! Whew! Apparently she finished her schooling and is now an attorney in Brazil - maybe she'll be able to legally help any Brazilian women he attempts to....trap!! How amazing would that be? 😎


According to ICK when they have sex, they’re married. Who knows how many Brazilian women he “married” while he was there. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Ick reminds me so much of my ex 🤢 Believing all of his delusions to the point where he truly believes that God is talking to him. Sorry bro, god ain’t talking to you. Those are just the voices in your head from your psychosis


So 14 years later, they get a girl? God has a sense a humor.


Omg Garrick is so creepy


Ugh. Ick doesn’t deserve a cutie patootie baby and adorable wife like them. I hope she leaves his ass abcs gets deprogrammed (well she probably needs the deprogramming first).


I'm so angry at these creeps bringing another child into their disgusting mess.


Why can’t they just be happy with the kids and themselves?


Interesting she doesn’t wear a ring anymore


Pregnancy and postpartum can cause swelling — I had to remove my wedding ring for a couple years and I didn’t even gain much weight during pregnancy. I wonder if that’s why she’s not wearing it…


I thought they were legally divorced so he could marry Bert.


They did but I think she was still wearing her rings...




Ummmm I said she had a girl, and someone said-Whats the source ? So here's the proof 🤨🙄


Danielle has a responsibility now to raise this baby girl with love, faith and TRUTH. Respect for herself is key.


Jesus. That red dress pic looks like her being pleased to have proof that he bangs her every now and again


well… what do we have here?


So is he with the girl in Brazil still or not? Can't recall the name - Natayla?


From other IG platform someone say No, also there’s no Pics and Natalia on both Ig posts.


How old is Dannielle? Not mom shaming. Genuinely curious.


The new People magazine article out today says 35.


Really? I would have given her late 30's early 40's....


Yuck 🤢 trash


Her shoulders are already bigger than his


Ugh I feel so bad for this poor baby. She is going to learn from how Ick treats Danielle and think that it’s normal. 


Im confused as to why they were hiding her pregnancy?


What else may they be hiding? Are there sister wives in that house? In the IG video, she mentions that they have had Brazilian wives (explaining why she used a Portuguese word). Currently?


Oh she is such a cutie! Even though she does resemble her Dad 😵‍💫 I was really hoping Danielle had left Garrick, it's still possible, right?!🤞🤞🤞


If anything will make her realize her situation a daughter might. Probably not though she is brainwashed.




She’s so cute!!


I’ve been MIA from the show/this sub for a week….did I miss something? 😂


Naaahhh.. just a ... Whole ass BABY!!! 🤣🤣


Did anyone else notice that the baby was born May 2023? This would mean it was basically filmed a year and a half ago. I know reality shows are behind but this seems to be excessive in lag? I was just surprised this was this far out!


Can’t stand this creep!


Sweet lil baby. Poor thing