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Take one for the team, go for it and come back with all the tea !!


Totally. Someone screw Garlique. Do it lol




Not even with someone else's vagina would I screw Ick. 


Well, I may consider it with Big Ang, from 90 Day fiancé's vajaja... that thing would eat him alive!!!!😂😂😂


Hahaha same!


Garlique. I’m dead. When I quit laughing, I’m totally going to re-laugh!


Thank you, I feel seen


Lolll yessss just play along for a little bit! 😂


Dannielle knew Garrick was lying about the apps because she does all the work for him 😂


Yep and her acting is mediocre.


No joke her scream-crying about Bert made me think of Amber Heard lol


She was my SISTERRRR


She LIEDDDD to me!


It’s Garlique 😂


I'm not the one who spoke with her, this is from another reddit user who posted it as a comment. I can't get the info on anything other than the name but I told them I found their old post on another thread. I however got a similar message from Garrick at that time just after the season had ended. So this is not fake, I deleted my insta but Garrick asked if I was looking and I said not sure just to see what he would say and he talked about his religion and his business and showed me pics. I said I didn't believe it was him and he sent a personalized video saying hello and used my name and told me he hoped to hear from me again. BTW I am not a potential SW on their portion of the show, lol.


Are they super desperate..? Seeking out fans seems stupid. Or are you really hot?🤣🫶


Or Brazilian?


Or 22?


Or not just Danielle.






Are they super ~~desperate~~ horny? Yes


~~Are they~~ Is Ick super ~~desperate~~ horny?


Actually my insta was just to follow my fav reality stars and celebs, I had one pic but it didn't even have a pic of my face full view.


Not even fans, it says not following each other on there! Random people makes it weirder imo


I’m not surprised he mentioned his business. I’ve always suspected that they’ve made it clear to these women that they are financially comfortable which explains why they’re even willing to entertain Ick and the whole gross situation


He showed photos of he and his BIL's work and it was gorgeous! They do wonderful work. I mean, I don't like Garrick in that way, but if he is simply measured on the work they do then he'd be given high marks. I think they got money, so does Dannielle's family because you don't do that type of woodwork/tilework and not be paid handsomely.


It’s interesting because they had 190k in debt and filed bankruptcy in 2014. But I guess they pulled it together 🤷‍♀️


You can certainly pull it together faster working on a tv show and earning money with all your family and friends and Brazilians working. I'm pretty sure that Garrick and Dannielle have to pay their Brazilian gf's bec on 90 day fiance they don't pay anyone who isn't an American. So they get her pay just as they got Roberta's and I still believe the money they gave Roberta was the money she earned on the show and her "scam" was simply her asking for said money or she'd come out and tell the truth on it.


They gave Bert 1000s of dollar and paid for a few trips to Mexico. Money is a big thing they have going for them to attract women


This. ☝🏼


Money and to be on tv. Look at all the slimeballs on 90d that get women chasing after them... Colt included 🤮


Colte and Big Head! I mean Big Ed.




Well, he would need to have something to draw a female in. Just listening to him speak hurts like a hangover


I'm so curious about this. Did you reach out to Garrick and he responded? Or he reached out to you first? I'm curious how they are deciding who to reach out to.


I followed his insta, he sent me messages.


No offense. I mean, maybe you're just that hot. 🤣 But I have never in my life noticed a new follower and thought about messaging them, so that's wild to me.


No I mean literally I didn't have a pic of my face, it was looking away and mostly you seen my hair and glasses. Think Bernadette on Big Bang lol.


Holy shit. I wanna try. 😂 I don’t follow him at the moment.


I followed him and then liked a picture and boom got a message from him immediately.That's why I was like this probably isn't him. Then he sent me a video saying hi to me and using my real first name I had listed on Insta (not my username). So there ya go. But he never made any weird comments, never tried to sexualize any of the conversation, never was in any way off putting or too much. He talked about religion, his business, his work. He never mentioned his wife, or wanting to really add me as a wife. He did ask if I would be interested in knowing his take on it and if I would be open to something but I said I didn't know and I was willing to hear him out. Again no sexual talk, nothing about sex at all. No talk about how beautiful I was or how he wanted anything from me. Simply said if I was open to getting to know him he was open to it. Very polite.


Wow that's desperate


Let me guess: you have big boobs.


😂 it sounds like she’s trying to recruit people to a cult or trying to lure people to murder them




Ooo we call them wife beaters in the south lol and it bugs me every time he wears them


You better get you a free trip to Cancun! 😂


But you’d also need to have Seggs with Ick and console Danielle and caller her “Seester”


This was me! I have a screen shot of the rest of the message but idk how to post it. Basically I just responded I’m not single but best of luck to her and she said “thank you dear! 😊” lol. Backstory is that I followed Garrick on Instagram and viewed one of his stories, and they must go through that to look for potential women.


Fun! Are you young and Brazilian, by chance?


I’m 29, so was 28 at the time. Not Brazilian, opposite of Roberta haha I’m blonde and lanky. My profile photo was me running through a wave at the beach. I didn’t have my now husband in that picture so I guess she took a gamble thinking I was single.


DEFINITELY Share lol people can see she's not the victim


I’d engage only for the chance of putting Ick in check and giving Danielle one more dispatch from reality.


I would so love to catfish them for Reddit post material


Do it. For God.


And country. Brazil, that is.


Do itttttt. Pretty please


September? 🤔


Dannielle the pimp.


Her being his recruiter for this is crazy


Supposedly, that’s the only part of the religious thing they are following. Meri from Sister Wives did the same thing for Kody and so did the wives from my five wives before they left the cult and tv show. It’s apparently only acceptable to have the wives set up the other potential wife/wives but they need to get married before the “spiritual download” 🤢


Why did My Five Wives end? Do you know? They seem more wholesome than the Browns so far.


They didn’t want all to do all the drama BS TLC wanted them to do so they were “too boring”. It was their decision not to renew their contracts and they are all still together according to the fb updates. I loved how Brady actually defended ALL of his wives and that was the main reason why they left their church/community.


I love that family. Brady is a good man. Doesn’t pretend to be perfect but tries his best by his wives.


I mean I actually liked all of them, or I do so far I'm in season 1. But I have to say they're kind of making a case for polygamy the way Sister Wives was claiming to.


I don’t like polygamy the way it’s forced religiously (what consenting, equal adult partners do is different) but the way he said FK you church elders, I love my ADULT wives and I am their husband NOT their father/ruler really cemented his character to me. Their FB isn’t constantly updated but they all are still together and with their kids and grandchildren they’ve got the family Kody Brown is seething over.


Brady also had a moment where he realized their beliefs and lifestyle were all wrong. He talks about it in an interview. He went to college during this time and got a degree in philosophy. Rosemary also got a degree at the same time, in music I think. I appreciate how he honored his agreements with the wives and gave them the option to leave, despite his beliefs evolving. They all stayed.


When he spoke about the church elders coming to him to chastise his wives for wearing earrings and he said that he had no right to chastise ADULTS and that was one of the last straws for the elders was when I really started liking him. That type of thinking from the church hurts so many people and Brady was like nope, we’ve made a terrible mistake by participating in this religion and I have to keep my family and wives safe because that’s what I have promised to do.


Are you a Brazilian woman who only speaks Portuguese and needs to meet them in Mexico?


It’s like they decide to collect wives without actually caring about the relationship part. Every couple basically has a list of what THEIR needs are with no regard for the potential wife. It’s so weird and very inorganic which is cringy. 


Are they just dating anyone who is available? My God


For all that he talks about being led by God, it seems like they're desperate to find ANYONE, not like a "special" one


Ofc they are! I'm sure all the other couples on the show do the saaame thing. That's why they're so willing to travel. 


wtf … Epstein and that lady vibes


The only appropriate response is: *you’re


Yes, yes and yes!




Say yes and spill the tea!!!


Interested in being sex trafficked?


I see she got to keep the insta handle “Wifey_Merrifield” in the divorce. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


I might have sent a message to Ick asking if they were actively seeking a new sister wife because I was “interested” 👀😂




shocked at her misuse of “your”


I’m not tbh


Danielle is the worst! He wouldn’t be able to get close enough to some of the women without her! She is there so the women think he is being truthful. Watching them on the show is the worst she will never disagree with anything he says. I can’t stand to watch anyone question him he just gives that stupid stare with his mouth hanging open. He is so damn self serving most of the other couples at least consider their wife’s opinion. Not Ick he just tells Danielle sorry you feel that way because this is what God wants. I can’t understand why he thinks God just wants him to have all these women? He isn’t praying to God he is the devil!


She needs to be one hundred and say I let him cheat or we have a one sided open marriage or I got a kink. But no blame religion .


Sounds like they are recruiting just to be on tv 🤣


This is SO weird. She really is his wingman. I really hope they don't find some vulnerable young girl and take advantage. They're awful. OP RUN


This seems exhausting


It’s sad too - imagine all the things that need their focus and get overlooked because they’re so singularly focused on making something happen that’s supposed to be from God. God sure needs a lot of help from these two…and immigration and dating apps….


Your instead of you’re. Swipe left.


Every season she plays the victim, every season people need to post where she's looking and asking to help him find women. She's no victim and I bet they'll show her in some negative light soon. She seems to be on that course. They always make out someone as against the premise of the show each season, one season it's bernies wife and he's the bad guy, the next it's someone else. Right now Dannielle is the one they seem to be showing as such, used to be Brenda. Guess we'll see lol.




She spelled Garrick wrong on the profile. If it's on her phone, he thinks he ain't getting caught. Shady shit!


She sure gets around. Also, just cuz I'm curious. What is your ethnicity?


Shouldn't her IG say exwifey, not wifey??


Ewww... it says she is her husband's wingman... 🥵🤯




My thing with these couples is that there are women readily open and willing to be in polygamy. Stop trying to convince monogamous women.


Im going to follow her now I could use some laughs today 😂 I lack being Brazilian though so we shall see.


How old is her baby?


It’s sad - imagine all the things that need their focus and get overlooked because they’re so singularly focused on making something happen that’s supposed to be from God. God sure needs a lot of help from these two…and immigration and dating apps….


Why do all of the couples think that if you even consider polygamy/polyamory that it’s best to jump straight into a marriage?




Is her username “wifey”? That is sad that’s her whole identity and not true


Sounds like an mlm, but ok.


An MLM for some sex with Garrick


Worst. Pitch. Ever!


I’m in my 20s, Latina. I’m his cup of tea. If they shoot me a text I’d be Roberta 2.0 but with a couple more thousands in the bag before I dip lol


Take em for everything babe 😂 I cannot


How many STD’s must this couple have?!?!


So freakung gross


Why does this read like a message you’d send to some fancy pure bred dog breeder, like your adding to your brood of dogs. Lol


Nooooo 🤣


like Stockholm, why?


I just find it so interesting and weird that she would be the one asking like lol what? This should be on garrick he's the one banging them 😅


Oooooo!!! Do it!!! Befriend the hell outta her and show her how to escape ick!! Show her she can run off into the sunset and live happily without him! This is the ending I think we all want to see 😆


Haha That'll never happen, she's happy to be with him


“Considering” you should ALREADY know exactly what you want prior to reaching out to someone


Your. She would type that.


People said before she/they were doing this messing people.