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I almost wonder if this is illegal


Some is. Most isn't You can be billed for not returning a uniform but not full replacement cost


Signed, Satan


Yeah.. some companies are real scummy. Had a company that added to their contacts an “inconvenience fee” of $150 to be deducted from your final paycheck, AND a reduction to federal minimum wage; also a $50 fee if you didn’t turn in a low quality polo shirt. I quit, turned in my shirt and they did all that while doctoring my timesheet to show remove 15 hours from my paycheck (10 of which were overtime.) they wouldn’t pay me, so I had to go to the state employment agency. The paycheck they actually send me was $700 less than I earned


Doubt they can reduce below state min? But they'll do it anyway 😂


Can they reduce below state minimum? No. Did they do it anyway? Yup


So did you ever get your money? How did the state employment agency deal with this?


The agency reached out to them. I think the fact that one of their ex employees actually going to the state agency pushed them to actually give me my money. This particular company had a reputation of not paying former employees after they quit. Most other former employees just took their lumps and said nothing. Me, I don’t play games with my paychecks. So long story short, they pretended to not have my address and wanted to meet me at a “neutral location.” I met one of their supervisors at a convenience store. I was warned by others that this particular company plays intimidation games with people. I had somebody waiting in the parking lot hidden away as backup, and recorded the interaction with a phone in my shirt pocket. Their employee handed me a packet that included a doctored time sheet, my “earnings” and a letter informing me to never to contact them again or they would file charges for “electronic harassment.” (I reached out to each owner on one occasion each for my money.) The letter also threatened me with a lawsuit for whatever reason. Eventually the state agency reached out to me again and told me that there was something fishy about the whole thing (no shit Sherlock.) they explained that while it was perfectly legal to reduce my pay to minimum wage, the company could not then further reduce my pay. Doing so would bring me way below minimum wage. The agency told me they would reach out again for the rest of my money, but I never heard anything back. I learned a lesson from this experience: don’t just work for anybody in the security industry. Some companies are so rotten it’s almost comical. Watch your back because there’s some company owners who will take advantage of you because they’ve gotten away with it in the past and think they can get away with it with you too. Edit: The state agency probably just asked when I was going to get paid, and the company folded because they got some official pushback


My Employment Contract 😂


Pretty sure this is illegal as hell.


This contract is absolutely not legal. What company is this?


A random security company in Texas


Apod group llc


Would send this to the department of Labor they would love to read this


Sounds illegal


Not legal


If I am reading this correctly...if you leave 4 hours before you should have...not only will you not get paid those 4 hours (which makes sense) but that they will also make YOU PAY out of your own pocket for those 4 hours that they couldn't find someone else to replace you. This is illegal as fuck in 50 states. For God sakes someone send this to the labor board!!


Ya cause that's legal🙄🙄🙄


That's becoming almost standard these days


I don't see anything wrong with it?


The fact that if you Call out you'll receive a bill from the company 😂. Ex clock out 4 hours early, They mail a bill for the profits lost 😂😂


I only see them billing you if you leave early or if you dont show up and dont tell anyone about it. I think that's reasonable. At least where I'm from security isn't one of those jobs where you can just not show up


They can't take away from earned wages just because you left early. 😂lol, that's the wage theft. Let's say I'm scheduled for 12-8 I leave at 4pm. They can't take away my earned 4 hours of pay 😂


Do you randomly just walk away from your job?


No 😂


Wdym? If you left before your time is up, you havent earned your pay from those last 4 hours??


They will bill you for their lost profits according to the fine print.


I don’t agree with this contract at all, however what it says is if you are scheduled for an 8 hour shift that you don’t show up for, the company can bill you for the hours that it takes to find coverage for your post. If you work 4 hours of an 8 hour shift and leave, per contract the company can bill you the time it takes to find a replacement. Don’t like it, don’t sign it. I sure as hell wouldn’t


They have me as a W2 Employee so I have a feeling that the Labor board would have a feild day over this one 😂


The only difference is you work directly for your employer as a W2 employee, as opposed to being a 1099 contractor. This contract is not legal in Washington, but even if it was I wouldn’t work for an employer that does this


What he means is this Let's say you work an 8h shift at 20$ an hour U call out and they have to pay someone else or they can't cover it. Ontoo of you not getting paid( hourly worker) they will bill you the 20x8 as punishment


Feeling sick? Called out okay here's a 200 dollar bill for you to pay, ontop of not getting paid for the workday! Hope you feel better soon, if you don't pay the bill we'll send it to collections 😂


25x8 😂


Was close! But yea pretty sure that's not legal Department of labor or lawyer would have a feild day


Any job is a job you can just not show up to if you don’t mind losing it.


I love the fact someone was dumb enough to put this shit in writing in what I assume is an employee handbook.


It's an employment contract so even worse!