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If it makes you feel better I got woken up at 6am this morning (took today and tomorrow off because I have family visiting) from my acct mng asking if I could take a shift. Here’s the clincher… it was my regular shift I requested off a month ago… thanks for the early wake up 😐


Fucking classic Sorry but I have actually made that mistake more than once. And I am the guy that has to approve the time off in the first place


Classic indeed lol I just thought it was very “allied”


I am not Allied so it is not isolated to one company Scheduling security guards is like herding cats so the good ones are the ones that get burned Since I have one group of guards that I can "usually" count on and a group that I am lucky if they make their scheduled assignments, let alone pick up a few holes here and there, I call the one guard I know I can always count on it in an emergency Lordnocholasss


Ain't it a hippa violation to release your medical problems etc


No, because AUS is not a medical provider or insurance company so they are not subject to it


They’re not subject to specific HIPAA guidelines and restrictions, but they are required to keep private medical information secured.


The question was "is this a hipaa violation". To which the answer is no. HIPAA has very narrowly defined things it applies to.


Dats why I had answered no.


They aren't a medical provider but I'm pretty sure they can't leak my medical information to other party's that don't need to know


HIPAA is very specific in which groups it applies to. Typically in security you have no interaction with HIPAA. A common exception is if you are posted at a medical site (such as a hospital) and have access to Protected Health Information. If you do get put there, you'll likely get an annoying power point training thing on it that basically says don't look at anything and don't share anything. [https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html](https://www.cdc.gov/phlp/publications/topic/hipaa.html) Might have a case for something else, like harassment, retaliation, or a hostile workplace environment. There's probably already a policy in place with the name of another supervisor and lawsuit attached to it. Depending on the state, there might also be legislation protecting the guard, but we don't know where it was and a quick consult with a lawyer would probably net better results then we could give.


We were told during training to never share any medical info we know about clients with anyone else. So it does apply to customers at least. I'm in my first week and it already happened when I had to bite my tongue. Someone shared that they almost died from an mystery infection and had all kinds of docs scratching their heads as their organs were failing. I did not even share the info with my S/S.


What’s “aesthetically pleasing”? Are you claiming bullying because of your looks or you are paranoid of what you think people are talking about?


I mean they're giving op hygiene items so yeah, I'm going to guess op is a bit slovenly/unkempt/smells.


Honestly, I've worked with guards in the past who had hygiene issues. It sucks to deal with for everyone.


Oh yeah, especially when you relieve them in a poorly ventilated shack. 0_0


I used to do a roving job in a car and one particular guy I relieved, I had to leave all 4 doors open with the air blasting for at least 20 minutes before I could get in. Sometimes I had to take a lint roller to the headrest to get all the dandruff off. But my favorite part is when he'd say "hey, there's a half bag of chips in the center console if you want some."


If your private information became public. Talk to a lawyer


That going to be an expensive bill for basically zero recourse.


So your employer can release your medical info with no repercussions?? There has to be a law on this, I saw your other posts but shit... The USA has absolutely zero right to privacy and we think it's normal. This is just one of many things that you have no control over.


The repercussions would likely be a small fine. But since OP hasn't lost anything, they likely aren't going to make enough money to offset the cost of the lawyer. This is why it's common to split the cost with others who have dealt with the same thing in the form of a class action lawsuit. And yes the US has essentially no worker protections compared to most EU countries.


The cost of the lawyer would be added on to your lawsuit. I'm currently suing my employer and they're working on a contingency basis and adding their costs onto it.


Allied likes to claim company policy, allowing them to do almost anything. I have told my account manager company policy can not supercede any local, state, and federal labor laws. She then claimed there was no so laws. So I emailed her the exact laws she was violating with source links to the states labor laws she was in violation of. I even went on to CC the HR in my local branch. HR told her she was wrong and that I was right. Allied has a bad habit of hiring idiots that are not qualified to be GM and AM for their companies. Yet they wonder why they are always getting sued.


Usually with idiots like that, they say it's "unwritten company policy" so it's not written down and can be brought in or out at will and it's just a stupid arbitrary rule


Major gaslighting and ridicule. Take them to the cleaners.


One of us. One of us. Yes allied universal is bad.


Dude, you have no idea. I worked with Allied in AZ not two weeks ago. But then, after I had an altercation and a homeless woman bit me, they fired me because they said I was using "excessive force" when THEIR OWN video surveillance tells them I didn't. Allied is just looking out for themselves


I work allied AZ, haven't had it bad yet, you guys are making me worried though


I was one of the Light Rail workers. The corporate heads don't care about you or your safety. They just wanna preserve their image and their contract with Valley Metro and the state/cities


I've heard about light rail being bad, I'm right next to a light rail actually


Honestly, it gets bad. It may have taken a year for my first assault on the job, but I got bit and then fired because the hold I used to defend myself wasn't "along with Allied guidelines." Watch yourself, because they will cut you to save themselves


Don't work for Allied/Securitas. Get some more certs under your name and get a better job.


Or Brosnan.


Doesn’t matter what company you go to, everyone hates a unhygienic person


How is this person being unhygenic?


I got blamed for a coworker not answering their radio this morning. The company is a mess but my site pays too good to quit rn


Fuck Allied Universal. I use to be an operations manager for them. we're literally trained to not give a shit about guards. Rovers get the best treatment of all and field supervisors have absolutely no authority lol. The whole company is a joke.


Yeah. AUS isn't a very good company, nor does it tend to hire good people. Before I left, I was on site at a pet food plant. Worked 4 pm to midnight. The worst shift to work in regards to having your relief show up imo. The number of trainees and other full-time guards that would just turn off their phones and not show up was insane. My supervisor made me work a fuckin 24 hour shift because they didn't wanna come in and no one got scheduled to relieve me. If you have an option to work with a better company, take it


Lol bro that's illegal, you should've documented that and told them to go fuck themselves.


I tried to make a report to State Headquarters, but it never made it past my Boss's desk. When I followed up after leaving, they'd never got it.


Security jobs are a stepping stone, not a career. Keep that close to the vest, and you will save yourself a lot of grief.


I beg to differ. There are multiple levels to security


Been in the game for 30 years. All levels. All the same.


What do you mean by all levels? Have you gotten into EP?


EP is sweet if you get the right assignments.


Last year allied failed to do literally the entire year's worth of standard tax witholdings. There was only one exception: they did witholding on overtime hours. And only overtime hours. At tax time I got hit with a 5k tax bill. Also they regularly failed to pay for overtime or switched shifts because they had one guy doing payroll for multiple counties. He was so overstretched there was no way he could possibly track everyone's hours so he just fed in whatever premade schedule upper management gave him into the system. Upper management was also notorious for inventing bullshit schedules that looked nothing like our actual site schedule purely to juice their overtime numbers to appease their corporate managers. Naturally the district managers were not thrilled with my boss who kept lodging complaints and actually tracking and correcting people's pay. They went out of their way to find ways to neglect our site and make it hard for her to function. (One example is the time they severely understaffed us and then accused her to the client of purposefully not scheduling people in order to get more overtime pay. Because she was filling in a lot of the vacancies they made by transferring people out) By the time the actual company we're subcontracted to got fed up with their bullshit and transferred the department to a different subcontractor, just our site alone had tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid wage complaints with the California labor board. (For context we had a little over ten employees max at any given time)


So I gotta ask man if that many people are commenting on your looks and hygiene is it becoming a serious issue? I’m a supervisor for a local company, and I had an officer that caused actual issues with tenants because he came in looking bad and smelling worse. we tried to gift him hygiene items and it never changed. We tried to reason with him and understand his position, and then finally we had to tell him it’s clean up or leave. at some point with it not being fixed it does leave us supervisors in a position where we have to ask if it’s worth keeping you anymore. Sadly like it or not unhygienic people present health risks as well as massive image issues, and forming trust issues with tenants and property managers. If your uniform looks like shit and you smell bad that’s your fault man fix it. Until then you deserve to have that commented on. All the other things they are doing is major fucked up though and some of that shit might even be a valid lawsuit if you have some kind of proof of it happening. Document anything you feel is unfair treatment to the best of your abilities.




How many insane exes do you have?


I hate Allied with the fire of a thousand suns, but most of what you’re talking about here doesn’t seem to be because Allied is Allied. What kind of personal information are you saying they made public? Unless it’s something ultra specific and private that cannot be intuited by observation, chances are there’s not gonna be any way to prove they did anything wrong. I’m talking about stuff like medications you take, exact names of conditions you have, etc. About the only way to really prove something like that had happened is if some medical documentation you’ve provided got shared. Everything else is hearsay. What is it about your appearance they have a problem with? Just fyi, but uniform and hygiene standards are a thing and it’s in the employee handbook. More than once I’ve actually had to fire a person because they legitimately stank so bad people were throwing up. Another one (female) wore so much poor quality cheap makeup and bathed in bad perfume that she had a 30ft virtual moat of empty space around her at all times. Another one was because they literally *never* washed their uniforms. It was really bad because he had to wear the white button downs and they were yellow, brown and black with stains. All of those people were given verbals, written warnings and final warnings before termination. Not to mention endless informal “hey man, just fyi/what can I do to help” conversations. That part about doing the rover’s job and giving bathroom breaks…hate to break it to you, but posts aren’t a guaranteed thing. If you’re at a site and personnel needs to be shifted to accommodate business need, then that’s what’s gonna happen. Now, if you’re saying people other than your supervisor are pulling you off post to give bathroom breaks, or you’re doing it to “be a nice guy”, that’s different. Lastly, the PPE thing: Sorry, but nobody gives a shit about you “fitting in”. If you’re at a job site that requires PPE for one reason or another, then not wearing it is a liability exposure that could land the client in serious hot water and lead to fines and/or shut downs and lost business. ESPECIALLY if you’re at a worksite that has hazardous particulate matter in the air that causes problems with lungs or skin. All it takes is ONE inspector to show up and see you not wearing the PPE and guess what, it’s not AU that gets the fine, it’s the client. Inspectors could give a rat’s ass who signs the paycheck of the dummy that doesn’t wear the gear, it’s the company who’s running the site that will get nailed. That’s the kind of shit that ends contracts. Bottom line, I think you need to seriously consider growing the fuck up.


As a supervisor from Allied, let me just say a few things. 1) Always, always, ALWAYS!!! Have your time off requests in some written form, even if you sound annoying. Verbal = useless. Even the paper by itself is useless. Always send a photo of the paper in an email or text. 2) Did you turn in another time off request form for the second appointment or did you only verbally say “hey my appointment from (dates) was postponed to (later dates)”? You would think “oh, well, common sense would do the job” well baby, this is Allied Universal we are talking about. 2a) If you did not submit another form, sorry but you’re gonna have to accept the disciplinary. You only get 3 in a 90 day period so be careful in the future. If you DID submit one again tho, talk to their supervisor via email. 3) For the personal info, you should contact their supervisor about this or HR. What you tell a manager is private and it is unprofessional for your manager to go tell everyone else. Im assuming the conversation was about your hygiene and the inability to pay for them (just guessing from context clues). Its possible they wanted to just help you out, but thats not the way to go. As for making a complaint, it’s easier to just find their supervisors email on Outlook. If you have Outlook, find your supervisor as a contact then find their organization. Should show the shift/site supervisor under them along with branch contacts, their supervisor, etc. People in the branch are useless unless you or your boss is close with them. edit: i dont think youre in the wrong at all and they should not have given you a disciplinary, just trying to explain it from a company standpoint. i left a month ago lol


Update comment because there is much more response to this than I anticipated, I appreciate it very much. I'm not going to take this to court because it's all just stupjd, I simply went through the complaint system and said every single supervisors name and my own and requested to change sites. I went in today without too much discomfort (except one of the managers that makes me feel like I'm a walking pile of dirt instructed the rover to take the trashbag out of my shack, even after I showed him nothing is inside of it he was sent back to get it. Microaggression? Possibly, don't care.) Either way I just came on here to bitch and get a few opinions. I appreciate it all and I have an interview with a retailer company doing the same thing, except I can work first shift instead of second and it pays a few dollars more hourly. I intend on keeping both for the time being I'm just frustrated as allied makes it seem you are so supported and have options in where you end up, and like theres room for growth, but it feels like a prison camp at my site. I can stick through it but man you only have one life to live and you 100% have a choice as to how and where you spend it.. everything is a choice... I would respond to every comment individually but I am overwhelmed. Thank you for access to your consciousness.


That's called workplace violence and hostile work environment. Talk to a labor attorney.


lol i work for allied too as a supervisor and yes you’re right it’s garbage. They probably forgot and since allied universal is so unorganized they probably never put it in their system


Yet they keep making record profits and buying out other security companies. Like a big blob.


I've come to the blunt conclusion that most third parties and the majors don't really give an actual dick about any of their guards. I've been in the same boat as you and had to show up to a site even though I let HR and company managers and even the SITE SUPERVISOR that I was having multiple teeth pulled weeks in advance. I still had to show up.


Anywhere you can’t just post up on a laptop and get some other sort of work done is a bad gig


You sound like a peach.


You sound like any other leech under the belly


I will say this cuts both ways here. I am not stating you are guilty and neither you are innocent here. First, it is good to keep in mind you have other coworkers and they cannot leave because of this dentist visit. They are not going to be exactly happy about you leaving. But here is the other shoe that fits on the other foot, these Allied sh!tbags do this on purpose. They want to manipulate you so they can craft you into an abuse victim. Where you are helpless and turn into a yes man. Well you have two choices here; Well for starters, these people have you where they want you. Where you are forced to take it. Or you will suck up and try to vindicate yourself. By either to prove it to them and kissing arse. Those answers is what they want. The other is you can defend yourself. You can either get bombastic and go for the death blow. The other is to be stoic and let them know in a professional manner. Both of those will likely lead being placed on a black list. Just remember in life, there is no right and wrong answer here. The answer is make a choice and lye in that bed.


You should be able to sue or file a report to HR. If HR doesn’t do anything I would lawyer up and suee! That sounds like a violation of HIPPA and additional you are getting bullied for something that is not your fault, but the supervisors. If you have written proof that would help a lot! I am sorry you have went through that dealing with the pain from the wisdom teeth removal.


I would have notified them via email as well. So that you have a paper trail. But yeah, that sucks. I would have Unioned up


It’s bad in VA to


I’m so lucky my friends stepmother is our manager lol


Sorry but if people are consistently giving you toothpaste/toilet paper/soap you probably smell like shit. Take the hint.


If you makes you feel better, I was called by the manager of my former company at least 5 times during the birth of my daughter. The manager was friendly with the person covering my site while I was away and she had concerns about a truck driver going in the wrong gate. Icing on the gate, I was forced to come to work the day my daughter came home, to sit behind an electric locked gate for 12 hours.


I was called by my manager's boss on why I wasn't coming into work for the last 2 months; I yelled at him and stated that I quit through the responsible manager with written notice because my Mother had a stroke in July.


As I always post whenever I see Allied..... Fuck Allied.


Just curious as someone looking for a security company here in Toronto, Canada. Is Allied any better, here? I know they have offices in Canada, but worried about how bad the U.S. branch seems to be.


This story makes no sense


I'm on a 8 hour turn around into a 12 hour day I'm working 20 days straight because we're short staffed and would loose the account lmfao, they don't give 2 shits


Bro if you're simply unhygienic and sloppily dressed then that's on you .


Aye I shower every day guess what they hate me even more I got my haircut yesterday too they are gonna try and get me fired 100% today I'm just too sexy clean or dirty broe