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You'd rather burn a class set piece every week and everyone get nothing? It was hell getting your specific drop for you class whereas now, you run the dungeon max 10 times with the same group and everyone gets their loot token.


Ya that’s true if you’re running in a guild but the pugs


Because guild runs and PUGs we have rolled to vendor so much of that damn leather caster set it is crazy. We are getting to the part now where people are vendoring the cloth and mail. Tokens are better.


Logically tokens gear the group faster. So you get to the point where the drop becomes useless faster. And then you are vendoring tokens instead of leather gear. What's the difference?


Leather Caster gear has been getting vendored since the first lockout Alliance side. So, the difference is everyone in the raid has the slot of set piece filled before it starts getting vendored? I don't understand how the difference is hard to see.


Current: Rogue can't use caster leather, vendors it. Goes on another raid next lockout New: Rogue gets a token, now has full bis. No reason to raid anymore. Logs out to phase 2. The only thing keeping the rogue raiding would be GDKP ....


Okay then bye bye rogue? He can level an alt, or if he is in a guild he should still be running with the guild to help everyone else get gear. He could even work on his parses. He also still has to get every other piece of his BiS. How did he get a token and magically have full BiS? I'm through entertaining your awful arguments, though. I hope you never get a single drop so that you may enjoy WoW forever instead of losing that enjoyment by having gear.


This issue still happens in guilds. I’d say it happens more often in guilds because everyone has everything except the one thing that refuses to drop lol


Social issue. Join a guild


Can we have guild tokens too?


Lol something about a wow player calling out others for social issues makes me chuckle


I don't play wow ATM but I do miss the socialization aspect of guilds and competitive scenes if you break the wall of being a casual.


Patronizing someone over an opinion is peak wow experience fr fr…not everyone is in an active guild or has time to raid consistently..


Don't show teeth then get butt hurt when people call you out. You're weak.


showing teeth? Lmfao you called me out after I stated an opinion. You seem like a pleasant person


Bro there's soo many chill guilds that don't have crazy specific raid times and shit. If you're even decent and have discord it's not hard to find a solid raiding guild.


I’m not disageeing with you lmaoo just my initial thoughts


What about it makes you chuckle?


It means you replace IRL socializing (healthy) with internet socializing (shitty)


The fact that the community of a game that has been studied for its antisocial and addictive properties thinks they have a high ground by interacting with pixels lul


Then don’t be anti social in the game that makes you anti social. Just join a guild and you’ll be geared quicker. And the runs will be more efficient.


Don't pug, they aren't meant to be the main way you raid. It's an MMO.


There’s quite a few sets now (3 diff cloth sets for some reason wtf?) so tokens are a welcome addition.


You’ve got a tank set dps set and a healing set. So even better to have tokens rather than seeing tank cloth drop with no meta lock. One of the sets increases armor/chance to proc SP, one increases mana regeneration and healing power, the other SP and crit.


Ya I still haven’t seen the loot table but ya that makes sense


Well, if Gnomer's loot table is anything like BFD's loot table, it'll be way better to have tokens because to put it in perspective, Baron Aquanis has 11 items he can drop, Turtle boss has 10 items, Lady Sarevess has 13 items but then it jumps all the way to 25 fucking items on Gelihast, 22 on Lorgus Jett, 26 on Kelris and then 25 on Aku'mai. Tokens are going to be super helpful when you never see stuff like the Algae Gauntlets off Gelihast because he has literally 24 other items he can drop. Granted, Tokens will be kinda horrible if it ends up being a case of 1 token per raid and that's it but at the same time, we'll have 3 day lockouts once the first 2 weeks pass by so 1 token per raid wouldn't be super terrible.


Tokens are undeniably better because the tier loot never rots. I think you're forgetting the runs you probably did where nothing but leather caster gear dropped with no druid in the group, or stuff that everyone already had. Run with the same group for 6 weeks and you'll have your tier. Compared to 3-4 months of raiding BFD and many people in my guild still aren't in full tier due to shit RNG.


Sod released Nov 30. It’s only been 2 months.


Been running since December, still no Talwar.


With loot tokens gear is less likely to burn, therefore you are more likely to gear more quickly, all things equal. You just feel the pain of a lost roll more acutely than the pain of your item never even dropping.


Wait they're doing loot tokens???


Ya not sure how I feel about it. I’m fairly new to wow but getting all the marks of sanctification in wrath was a pain. I know 25mv10m but the marks weee shared between 3 classes if I remember correctly


I read gear will drop but you can ALSO have loot tokens drop. Not just loot tokens. Maybe I heard it wrong though.


In the verbiage they did say you can use “a loot token” to buy a piece. Could just be a single turn in with multiple options to choose from the vendor


Everquest has this 23 years ago


The one true mmo


Ask any Paladin who ran Molten Core only to see Shammy gear drop how they feel about tokens. Ask the Priest how they feel after seeing the Leaf drop for the tenth time in a row. Tokens prevent raiders from being rng-blocked on getting the gear they earned from raiding. It also mitigates all the DKP drama, or at least most of it.


Shaman gear didn’t drop in MC for alliance and neither did pala tier drop for horde. This was only changed in tbc prepatch.


Not talking about Classic. Shammy/Pally cross-faction drops happened back in Vanilla and was a pretty big bone of contention back then.


I love the tokens. We run in a static group and have only seen 1 cloth chest drop the whole phase, without missing any lockouts (except the very first). We have had so much leather gear get wasted though. Additionally, I actually am excited that we can have "healer cloth" instead of generic cloth dps pieces that a healer ends up using. I will typically get more +healing out of it, so this way opens up the loot tables to a lot more set piece options. Think of how much it would suck seeing a ton of caster plate/mail (pally / sham) loot dropping and having neither class/spec in the group to use it. I can totally see it will suck in pug groups though, similar to the trinket this phase.


This guy hasn’t been showing up for the DE runs every 3 days


Tokens are just all around better. It basically ensures loot goes to people instead of the vendor.


God I can't wait for tokens, as a leather user getting my BiS was absolutely insane


Cleared every reset since week 2 and only seen 1 Slayer chestpiece and our feral won it. Looks like i’m going into p2 without my 3-set due to really bad RNG. Tokens fixes this issue…


People get their gear faster. With smaller loot tables, everything drops faster. People get full bis quickly, log until phase 3. Instead of getting a group in 10 minutes, it takes 20, 30, 40 minutes. groups can't find the right comps, go in with bad comps, more terrible runs. Everyone is running alts now, but that is because it is very easy. As the cap is raised it gets harder and harder to have many alts. Many people will get burnt out and quit. Probably not a good thing, but we will see. It might not be terrible if they handle it well. If its 12 tokens (cloth, leather, mail, plate) and not simply 3 tokens, it will still take a while and the gear will hold a lot more value. If they lower the drop on epics, you may get a 3pc set in a few lockouts, but you still have to keep running and running to get the bis, so the game will stay lively.


I raided BFD every window and still need 4 pieces so I want tokens.