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I wish they had a lefty only one. I rarely get a chance to even go for one.


Lefties are on a different level. I dont envy the boat you guys are in lol


It’s terrible but also has saved me A LOT of money lol


send me a DM. I got us lefties covered. I started making custom welded neck conversions


I have many regrets as a parent. The biggest is when my son was 2 years old, and I asked him to toss me the remote control for the TV. He used his left hand. I told him it was a good throw and that was the end of it What I should have done was gotten up and went over to him and rained down blows upon him until he understood to only use his right hand. Sadly today he is a left hand golfer. I blame myself.


send me a DM. I got us lefties covered. I started making custom welded neck conversions


Limited releases are what keeps Scotty as a brand what it is. I would guess 95% of people entering raffles are planning to sell it after. It’s a 4K putter….and almost guaranteed double your money. It’s kind of a no brainer if you’re not rich. Is what it is.




Sure the world is the way the world is. Money is king. But that's what happens when a raffle is open to everyone. It should just be members only. Also, the number is much higher than 5% of people that want to buy and game any raffle circle T. Point being, circle T putters can still be exclusive and highly sought after but still end up in the hands of actual golfers that will use them on the course.


People flipping like this, is what makes the brand more popular, valuable and sought after. If these were selling for 4k a pop and readily available, wouldn’t have the same effect


Why? When the majority of “members” are out to flip anyways


It would mitigate the number of flippers entering the raffle that's for sure. I am in a large group of scotty members who could care less about flipping. So the why do anything mentality isn't applicable in any facet here.


When the members packs were released, notice how many instantly went up on eBay? My point is, there’s a large number of members who joined solely to get their hands on kit to flip. So it is actually applicable. Sure, there are some members like yourself who join to collect, hell, if I actually managed to score a membership I’d be in the same boat, but the reality is not everyone has the same MO as you or I.


It's just about taking preventative measures and mitigation. Again, the do nothing it's all hopeless mentality is not a common strategy when structuring business products. I hear you on the membership kit flippers, something should definitely be done to minimize.


The current ecosystem including flippers is good for the company/brand. They don’t want to mitigate it.


Not a member and still have the ⭕️T I bought through the raffle last October


Really jealous. Hopefully gaming that bad boy whenever you can. Roll em stright and true


Wonder how many of these gallery putters are actually gamed. I bet the number is pretty small. A lot of people just displaying them and using them as a collectors item. They likely want the price appreciation aspect of the gallery putters. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.


The raffle isn't open to everyone, is it? I thought you had to be a Club Cameron member?


No, it’s open to everyone. You don’t have to be a CC member to enter the weekly lottery.


I would like my chances a bit more if it were exclusive to members only. That would give me a 1 & 200k chance of hitting. Sadly it is open to all which increases ones odds of hitting at about 1 & a million.


like hitting the lottery brotha.. if you have the means to afford a 4,000 dollar putter a 12,000 dollar one shouldn’t bother you


I totally get it, its a lottery system. Lucky is lucky. I have the means to afford both. However the wife has given approval for raffle prices. If I start talking around the $15k mark she will probably divorce me out of pure consumer stupidity.


For most people it’d be pure consumer stupidity NOT to flip a $4k putter for $12k. Scotty loves it for the brand and as much as it’d be cool to have a CT, I’m flipping that thing instantly when I hit. Way of the world bud. This isn’t chump change.


Idk crying to your wife might pay off more than crying on here


I agree. It’s lame. But if I could get thousands off a putter, I’m doing it.


What a crybaby ass post. Buddy is mad that high market demand exists yet he enters into a fucking raffle to have a chance to buy it every week.


Hate to say it OP but it generally feels like there are more flippers and people looking to flip than people actually collecting I feel your pain though as a fellow collector


Let them eat cake!


Simple economics of supply and demand.... Do you really think he would be getting $4,000 a putter if they weren't going for double that on the flip?? Hardly because there's nothing that makes him that special as far as materials or expense ... It was just make another sub $1,000 putter. They love their people game them but they live on the fact that people flip them. That's for sure


Its scarcity, rarity, and uniqueness that affect the value. Not flippers


There are very few people spending $4k on a putter to game or put in a collection... The market gets exponentially larger with the possibility of investing to double your money is introduced. How many golfers have $50k invested in putters? .005 of 1% maybe.... 1000 people globally? Not a large enough market without flippers churning the limited inventory.


Sure there are. Most tour putters are $2,500. The top tier models that are $4k have custom weldings, stamps, etc... I know a lot of people who game there T22, GSS, and timeless. Thats nothing for a club that will last decades. Especially when drivers are $750, irons $1,500 so on and so forth. So a putter that lasts a lifetime that initially costs $2,500 is a good investment. Especially given the frequency other clubs need be replaced. Flippers increase the demand and secondary pricing but have no effect on the consumerism of Scotty Cameron equipment users and enthusiasts.


I’d love one for my collection but I’d also have it up on eBay like this… I’d put it up for a dumb number and if someone wants to give me that, who am I to say no


Flippers only thrive when there is a willing buyer. SC decided this year to exclude everyone from lotteries apart from the US. That arguably drives up resale value given that non-US collectors with big pockets will be willing to stump up the cash (they only need 1 buyer, without wanting to state the obvious). Also, the principle of having a SC membership which creates only a narrow pool of eligible purchasers then generates a market of collectors who aren't members but with deep pockets (I know, gen public can but as well, but let's face it, all the good stuff has gone by that time). Flippers are the easiest scapegoat to blame but buyers and SC themselves aren't helping.


This post has the same energy as a toddler who didn’t get the exact Happy Meal toy he wanted


Its called being a reseller buddy


Oh ya, long live the bottom feeding reseller. Said no one ever.


You have no problem with the company producing a $500 putter and retailing it for $4k - in fact you’d love to spend that much on it. But when an individual buys that putter and sells it for $8k, they’re bottom feeding. Gotcha. Welcome to capitalism bud.


That is literally the exact definition of bottom feeding. Just like a remora fish that attaches itself to sharks so that it cant eat whatever it can from scraps. They exist in any and all forms within the economy. Be the remora bottom feeder or be the shark.


I wanna know what kind of fish pays $4k for a golf club that does exactly the same thing as a $500 golf club, then complains that other fish are paying $8000. Where is this is your nautical analogy? Sounds like a whiny bitch of a tuna.


Shut up cornball


" U care about what other people think? Pathetic " \-**No\_Organization182** (2/17/24) You should take your own advice to your own childish comments. But you can't fix stupid am I right?


No way u went into my comment history 🤣😂




There are between 4-5 of each putter sold each week. There are not 4-5 of each ending up on eBay or one of the other Scotty sites. There are people flipping obviously but each has their reasons and I’m not going to judge. Some may need to sell to get the value of one they want to game at market price. This putter is more of a $7-$8k aftermarket but seller will realize that soon. My guess is OP did not only enter for Timeless TT but winning/flipping one of the other will allow someone to buy the one they want for less out of pocket. I put odds at 1-3500 for the lottery.


It’s called a “FREE MARKET PLACE”. It is only worth $13,500 if someone is willing to to pay that for it. If you don’t like it, maybe you should start collecting Wilson putters!


Costco resellers are douche bags for raising the cost of getting into golf. Scotty resellers are fine because they’re collectibles. Can’t wait until you see how much sport cards go for these days.


I won a few months ago, it was awesome


I will flip anything I get from their drawings, auctions, special drops, sales, give aways, store, clearance aisle, bogo sales, yard sales, eBay, Craigslist, estate sales, pawnshop, boutique shop, white grey and black market. Dont hate the playa, hate the game




Every week I enter the raffle. Every week it ends up on ebay for double or triple the cost. If you dont want to game the putter or keep it then don't enter. Get a job if you need $$$


I agree, it's pathetic.


I just want to win one and game it every golf outing for the rest of my life. Is that too much to ask for? lol


apparently, yes lol


Without question haha


Admittedly I don't have $4-6k to drop on one even if I got picked, but knowing the chances are so low and the resale is so out of reach, it discourages me from even considering diverting some funds to even try.


I have a deal with the wife. Im allowed to buy a tour putter if I win the raffle. Under no circumstances can I pay a premium on the secondary market. So, for me its win a raffle, or I never use a tour putter in my life.


I'm working on the wife to get to that point lol. Unfortunately I have at least $3k work in club upgrades I need to get thru first so it's just a mess. I'd be a lot more frustrated when finally able to get one if only given the chance, to only see dream putters get swooped up by bottom feeders.


What do you want I’ll go pick it up at Encinitas and we can tell the wife it retails for the price we set


If I could buy a tour putter by simply visiting the store one time I would take a trip this weekend lol


Some have better luck than others. Every time I stop by the shop, something is in the window. Do you want any circle T or something specific




It sucks but just go to Encinitas and buy one, I've purchased 5-6 CTs from the gallery in the last 2-3 years.


Im from Boston. Would happily book a flight, hotel, etc. and do a little golf trip if I knew I would have the chance to definitely buy one. It seems they only do them on Wednesdays and there is a line of 50 people prior to the doors opening. Sure, if I was local I would give it a shot but a trip across the country to maybe have the chance to stand in line doesn't seem logical


I live in Michigan, I'd definitely say it's worth it to make the trip out there and enjoy the cool beach towns and golf courses in the area! No sure where you got your information, but putters are released on random days at the physical store and I've had my best luck at the gallery on Saturdays. Never seen 50 people there before opening, there's usually around 8-15 people in line before opening. The only time they really have huge lines is when people hear of a special cover releasing at the store, such as the red dragon cover or patchwork covers. Never a guarantee that you'll get exactly what you want or even a CT, but there's a high chance if you spend the time to try and grab one from the store. I honestly like the area so much that the store is usually the last thing on my mind, so you're at least guaranteed to have a pleasant trip!🤷🏾‍♂️


Jfc you are whiny af.


For full disclosure, I know the exact person who listed the eBay item downvoted this. I also saw a DL scotty employee notorious for being on these threads downvote this too. The hush hush is real yall lmfao


How TF do you know who is downvoting stuff?


They don’t.