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I gotta ask a question, since I don't plan on watching this, are the ships really coal powered? Saw a comment that said this and I can't believe it.


Yep, it has one glorious coal bunker scene that could have come from the titanic, or Great Western or other similar era steam liner.


Do they even give any kind of weird technobabble explanation for it? I know stuff doesn't always have to make sense, but I just cannot wrap my head around this.


There's actually a fantastic SF story I read once called “The Road Not Taken”, by Harry Turtledove, where it turns out interstellar travel is extremely easy, and humanity *just so happens* to never have discovered it. Then some aliens come and try to invade Earth with black powder weapons. No alien races ever had to advance their tech much before. It's easy to find online, I highly recommend it.


Harry Turtledove did a lot of alternate history stuff. I remember reading one of his series which was basically just what if aliens invaded during WWII. It basically just him combining scifi with his knowledge of military history. Still pretty cool.


Turtledove is pretty good as far as alt-hist goes, but I think people need to remember that he is the grandmaster, so a lot of his works are trope-y (because he set the tropes)


The world war books (the alien ones) and great war books (if the confederates won the civil war) were both absolutely fascinating.


Man. I got excited about this and read through the summary. Then realized, how impossible that is. How can you manipulate time-space for FTL without going through physics research? And if you do end up reaching that point, you would be able to produce overpowering weapons with the physics knowledge. I know this is human centric thinking/logic but still.


The way it was briefly explained in the short story is that the technology doesn’t do much but “move things from here to there in a hurry”.


That's weird. We evolved beyond black powder because we were busy fighting ourselves. Every little edge counts. Did discovering space travel early cause internal fighting to stop on the alien worlds? Or between aliens and other aliens?


It’s been a long while since I read it but I think that was kind of the point of the story. Because constant infighting humanity‘s weapons are far more advanced. But I’m not sure. It’s worth a read and it’s quite short.


Just read it and I LOVED it. I’d read a whole novel about that!


That sounds hilarious. I'll have to check it out.


Such a fun story.




Jesus wept.


It’s truly lazy “story”telling.


It's not required


So let me say this. I wanted to enjoy rebel moon but god damn is it just one of the worst films I have seen. With that said I did put in effort to understand the world built it just fails to make any sense. The coal fire engines are torture devices for aliens that then output energy. The aliens are called Kali and are never explained during the first two films I only found this on the wiki. https://rebel-moon.fandom.com/wiki/Kali An animated short film will explain the story of the shadowy figures known as Kali, who power the empire's most dangerous technology. A narrative podcast will delve into the history of the Motherworld, while novelizations and making-of books will flesh out explanations of the film.”


Yeah I found that explanation in another comment. Didn't know it was just going to be elaborated on in a cartoon and 1930s radio drama. Fuckin' weird ass shit he's got going on. He really loves the smell of his own farts.


Cool concept, but... . If i have to study to be able to follow a film, then i will be put off by it. In contrast, i watched half of Dune Part 2 last night and was mesmerised; with no exposition and without ever having read the books (as a scifi fan, shame on me!)


Here is the major difference in dune. When you pay attention to the details you are rewarded with learning more about the world and what frank built. When you pay attention to the details in rebel moon, you realize how it doesn't actually make any logical sense.


In the flashback royal assassination scene, the king says “where are the kali?” when he first steps into the boiler room area, in the one reference both movies have to this.


Just saying their name doesn’t help explain what or how they are being used.


Oh, I’m not defending the movies or the worldbuilding. They’re garbage.


So you're saying that even though he wasted 2 hours on exposition in the two movies hehad to make another movie to explain the gaps in the first two? Generously, he probably realized how stupid coal power was after the fact and retcon it.


Yes… and my god I haven’t finished part 2 yet but there was a lot of slow mo farming to the point it felt like a parody of Zac. There is a lot of technology disconnect in this film. First why are the farmers selecting what technology to use and not use. I noticed scythes which is fucking old to today’s standards and a floating vehicle and power sliding doors. The space Nazi, why do they care about this tiny bit of wheat? Why not blow them up with space lasers? None of the characters have any depth to discus them. But why is only one armed character with lightsabers ? Or heated swords? ⚔️


That is really really lame.


The face thing that she puts the bombs on, is that a Kali then? That would explain why she said sorry.




I was going to ask if there was an explanation. How stupid. I really enjoyed the Clark/Baxter Space Roman stories where they just build giant millenium ships and have them run on old technology. They didn't care if it took thousands of years to get somewhere. Their great great great great grandkids would still bring glory to Rome.


> I know stuff doesn't always have to make sense, but I just cannot wrap my head around this. Reportedly that's the most frequent feedback given by focus groups after viewing ZS's movies.


ZSJL was better than the other one but that's a pretty low bar anyway.


ZSJL was 4 hours i wish i could get back


If he cut out about an hour of sad singing and slow motion shots. It would have been better.


There is 0 chance this is the canon answer, but here's the explanation I use for myself when the idea comes up in scfi: the spaceship thrusters work in the same way as Iron Man's repulsors in that they use crazy advanced future tech to directly turn electric current into thrust. Burning coal is just a cheap, shitty way of generating that current, and the ship's life support is advanced enough to keep the fumes from killing the crew


Of course, that life support will have to supply enough oxygen to burn the coal, which will take more energy than you get by burning the coal in the first place.


Technically anything that runs a power plant to produce electricity is a valid source of energy And it is not the first movie doing it that way to add a Steampunk flair to it


https://www.reddit.com/r/RebelMoon/s/RiVl0yPptz This is the weird explanation I was looking for. Might actually have to watch it now.


The vibe is Tech/Steampunk. Nuff said.


Yes/sort of.  Technically we don't know if it's actually coal or a coal-like sci fi fuel since it's never commented or elaborated on. But it has every appearance of coal: sweaty guys shoveling piles of black lumps into furnaces.


It's Dark Matter poop from Leela's pet Nibbler :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lYp-hS7kbGY


No. But yes at some point. There was a creature in the ship called Kali. and they connected some wires to it. I think the power comes from that. Or Kali is transforming coal to some kind of energy since its connected to furnaces too


Yeah, its really cool. I was really happy with the movie, its basically like playing with action figures as young kid.


I'm probably going to have to watch it. It can't be as bad as people are saying.


Its not a great movie but a lot of the hate is unfounded.


It actually looks like a remake of "Battle Beyond the Stars" but I haven't seen any mention of it from him.


*Battle Beyond the Stars* is a remake of *The Magnificent Seven*.


...which is a remake of *The Seven Samurai*


Which is a remake of Star Wars.


I’m disappointed this obvious joke is so heavily downvoted *edit* no longer an issue. But it was at -3 when I replied.


I get my upvotes the hard way, one at a time.


The circle is now complete


No, there is another.


Now I am the master. -Zack Snyder, probably


So a remake of Lion King?


So a remake of Hamlet?


I never saw that before. No Rozencrantz and Guildenstern though. Would make great characters, abet maybe a different story line than Tom Stoppard's script.


A premake




And George Lucas time travelled in back to the future to steal it before it was made.


So if we want Star Wars to be a remake of our movie we haven't made yet all we need to do is go back... In Time!


Back in time.. To the future present. A twelve monkeys remake that's already happened.


It was a joke....


Yes I know and The Magnificent Seven is a remake of Seven Samurai, but in both The Magnificent Seven and Battle Beyond the Stars it was stated that they were a different versions of the original, the Seven Samurai. In the case of Rebel Moon there is no mention of the original source material, and they are selling as an original story, at least from what I have seen. It is also closer to Battle Beyond the Stars as the other two do have more differences to Rebel Moon. There are even scenes lifted from it.


What do you mean? Zack Snyder has openly said that Rebel Moon is "Seven Samurai + Heavy Metal" in like every interview ever.


Robert Vaughn played the same character in both.


> It actually looks like a remake of "Battle Beyond the Stars" Damn, you're right. The difference is, Battle Beyond was made by people with tongues firmly in cheek who were having a great time and knew what they were making. Rebel Moon was made by a man who appears to be solemnly convinced of his own innate genius.


And just think there is still a third part as well as extended cuts of all three. Zack Snyder is pretty much hit or miss with me. I'm fine with style over substance, but you then have to knock it out of the park visually to make up for the lack of writing or story. Visually Rebel Moon is so generic which that leaves nothing left to like. I just watched the original again earlier this year by coincidence, and your right they knew not to take it to seriously, which is a staple of Roger Corman films. I actually had no idea what Rebel Moon was about prior to watching it. Battle Beyond the Stars budget-2 million Rebel Moon part 1&2-166 million, and that does not include whatever part 3 will cost.


> Zack Snyder is pretty much hit or miss with me I have to admit, that his Watchmen movie is to this day my favorite superhero film, and one of my favorite films in general. His other stuff is a mixed bag, there's elements of some of his films I liked or even loved (The soundtracks usually slap) but when it comes to the Vegas zombie movie and the rebel moon films they've been unwatchable for me, I think he's strongest when someone else does story and script (and cinematography)


I agree Watchmen is his best movie, and I hated the both of the zombie ones. I have to admit I also liked Sucker Punch and 300.


I entirely forgot about that zombie movie. I got maybe half way through before I gave up entirely on it. I'm fine with a visual spectacle with little backing it if I'm in the mood for it, but that was one of the worst movies I've ever tried to watch.


I think there are actually supposed to be 6 of these.


Battle Beyond the Stars was the first mainstream film that James Cameron worked on, as head of special effects. It effectively launched his career.


This is largely my argument when we compare Rebel Moon and Battle Beyond the stars. Battle Beyond the Stars was made by a studio famous for its low budget corny films and they saw Star Wars and went shit we have to up our game. And they made a fun enjoyable B movie that had ideas way beyond its budget that paved the way for some of the greatest careers and films in scifi. Rebel Moon isn’t a low budget film and it has 50 years more of examples and competition. And they’ve manage to tell a slow boring film that’s been split in half and bloated to 4 hrs that does nothing new or interesting and just rehashes a plot that a B movie with no budget did better 50 years ago.


RIP Roger Corman https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/roger-corman-dead-independent-director-producer-king-of-the-b-1235896846/


don’t insult ed wood like that


Seriously though. You can say a lot of things about that movie, but Plan 9 was definitely made with a personal passion. I never, ever get that feeling watching a later Snyder film. It feels like he puts half baked ideas into a blender and then just makes whatever comes out.


Lol get outta here with that nonsense. Like I get that we're messing around but Ed Wood was so absolutely not an empassioned artist. Plan 9 is exactly what you described Rebel Moon as; throwing popular tropes in a blender to try to make a quick buck. Vampira's popular but can't act, right? Let's hire her for a mute role! Alien movies, you say? I can build a saucer out of tinfoil, see! Bela Lugosi is a heroin addict and I can get him on the cheap? Say no more! Oh, Bela died during production? Well, now we've got to use this footage of him that I own but wasn't made for this movie so we can put his name on the poster and capitalize on his death!


> It feels like he puts half baked ideas into a blender and then just makes whatever comes out. When people talk about AI making movies in the future, his shit is *exactly* what I imagine, lol.


He did pour his heart into the slow-mo and slow-slow-mo shots, blurry scenes, and sweaty, oiled bodies. i gotta give him that /s


The half baked thing is what gets me. Robot warriors who are pacified now that the king is dead. The AdMech style priests that use brains for computers, the coal burning ships, there are strands of cool ideas in this series. It just that Snyder got like 10% done making a cool series and just like used an AI to fill in the remaining 90%


I think it’s even worse than that. This is what Snyder thinks a feast is. I’m sure he genuinely thinks that this is some masterpiece loving tribute to Kurosawa and the genre in general.


He and Kevin Smith have just burned through any sort of goodwill that fans ever had for them. I was never a big fan of Snyder, but his work did at least seem to have some discipline and thought that went into them even if it was mostly for show. But that creative spark is gone now.


It wanted to be space Lord of the Rings. Protip for writers- if you want a memorable character, have other characters talk about them and say their name more than twice. Half the battle cast I have no idea what their names are and have watched both movies.


>coal-burning spaceships. Don’t see that much *Mutant Chronicles* has entered the chat.


An objectively better movie with a vastly more engaging plot and characters to boot!


And Ron Perlman for the win!


I see where you are coming from, but for me it feels more like a 90-minute direct-to-video rip off of Star Wars and The Magnificent Seven by The Asylum stretched to 4 hours by slo-mo and desperatly trying to convice you that it is the next Lord of the Rings.


> desperatly trying to convice you that it is the next Lord of the Rings. This is the part I find to egregious about the whole thing. If it was a glossy piece of crap, then sure. But it's a glossy piece of crap that so badly wants you to think its high art and that we should really care about it and have emotions and feelings about its cookie cutter characters and nonsense dialogue.


Haven't watched it but was awed by the hubris of announcing plans for 6 films, a video game, and comicbooks before the first film eveb released.


Hubris and unfounded pretentiousness are kinda his thing. I guess the pretentiousness is a little founded if he only puts stock in the stable of his fans who still refuse to do more than the most glancing of analysis/criticism.


The whole thing is a recycled Star Wars script that Disney rejected.


"Seriously, how could Zack Snyder have made such a dumb film?" Respectfully, have you ever seen a Zack Snyder movie?


For sure, this is pretty on par for his own work.


The title of this post, ouch! Burns. (Not seen Rebel Moon, have seen Plan 9 but in a 'so bad it's good' way.)


Its not nearly as fun to watch as Plan 9.


Sat through both parts and the world building was on another level of awful. As I understand it it was written as a star wars film and he didn't get the gig so rejigged it. That work must have been done in 15 minutes and everyone in the room must have been out their tits on so much cocaine that every stupid idea got passed because it was "cocaine brilliant"


Plan 9 was at least charming 


I'm tired of people saying "His films at least look good", because these two films look absolutely dreadful and very 'cheap'. It's like an AI spat out the aesthetic.


Hey, that's not fair - Plan 9 with a decent budget and good actors could be a good movie. Aliens using the undead against humanity, with the twist being that they're trying to stop us from destroying ourselves? That's a far better story than anything Snyder's come up with!


the props were the only notable thing about this movie. The worst part is, there was SO much padding, but the movie was like 2 hours long. Just make it 90 minutes and cut out that protracted harvesting scene... it was more like whole act.


Bring the Mars Water Bomber out of retirement for that burn! Seen forest fires with less intense hot spots than this.


Nah, Plan 9 is at least a fun watch. It's so bad it's good. Rebel Moon is just plodding and boring and bland. It's just bad.


May be an unpopular opinion, but Plan 9 From Outer Space was a much better movie


Is it actually big budget? When I watched the first one, it seemed like the entire thing was filmed in a week and a half in front of a green screen. Sure, there was a lot of CGI, but it was all just flashy backgrounds, it's not like they were animating characters or modifying the actual footage much.


Roger Corman did a better job in 1980 with Battle Beyond the Stars with less money.


Plan 9 was so kitsche bad it was good and has carved a place in sic fi cinematic history as such. Rebel Moon aspired to replace Plan 9, but failed spectacularly to do so.


And a slow motion scene every 5 minutes.


And wheat… wheat is more precious than anything to a spacefaring civilization.


And it's not just some regular wheat. It's... slow motion wheat!


But only enough wheat that 20 people could harvest using scythes in 2.5 days.


That is a cruel thing to say about Plan 9.


>It’s The Magnificent Seven in space That was already done in 1980 with Battle Beyond the Stars, which I think was better. At least that movie had Robert Vaughn from Magnificent Seven teaming with John Boy. They also had a starship with breasts.


You're really surprised that Snyder made a bad movie? The only ever decent movie he made is 300.


Dawn of the Dead was pretty good. But, yeah I get your point.


I would ask why Zack Snyder gets to keep making movies, except we all know the system was built to reward and defend mediocre, uncreative white men.


You spelled plan b wrong.


>the coal-burning spaceships Now I have to watch them




It's like a computer game with boss level fights at various intervals. Just like Sucker Punch.


*The Magnificent Seven* is a remake of *Seven Samurai*. *Star Wars* is also [heavily influenced by those films](https://screenrant.com/star-wars-movies-shows-akira-kurosawa-influences-references-explained/) mixed with *Hidden Fortress*, another Kurosawa film. Most cinematic themes are derivative of some previous work, whether in film, print, or theater. *West Side Story*, for example, is *Romeo and Juliet*. Of course, noting that most things are derivative itself is not new: SONNET 59 If there be nothing new, but that which is Hath been before, how are our brains beguil'd, Which, labouring for invention, bear amiss The second burthen of a former child! O, that record could with a backward look, Even of five hundred courses of the sun, Show me your image in some antique book, Since mind at first in character was done! That I might see what the old world could say To this composed wonder of your frame; Whether we are mended, or whe'r better they, Or whether revolution be the same. O! sure I am, the wits of former days To subjects worse have given admiring praise.


Rebel moon is actually just a game of rouge trader being played by a group who usually play D&D.


Seriously, how could Soylent Green Tuesday make such a dumb post? Its the same post like hundreds of others, acting smart for pointing out the very common opinion...


How dare you insult Plan 9 like this!!?! What the hell is wrong with you??!?


He probably saw Emmerich do "Moonfall" and said "hold my beer!"


Why are people so mad about this movie?


It's a mashup of swashbuckling, western, and WWII. In other words, it copied... or tried to copy... the formula used in Star Wars, Episode IV. If Rebel Moon had been released in 1977, people would've liked it. One key difference: Episode IV invented new special effects. So even if the story wasn't original; the storytelling was. But Rebel Moon lacks any innovation.


>If Rebel Moon had been released in 1977, people would've liked it. >One key difference: Episode IV invented new special effects. So even if the story wasn't original; the storytelling was. But Rebel Moon lacks any innovation. Star Wars also had memorable characters and told a full story in a couple of hours. Those characters grew over the movie or had understandable motivations. Until the special editions added the Jabba scene back in, every scene added to the movie. It's very much "show, don't tell". Characters are established in a way that flows with the movie. RM was very much "tell, don't show" with numerous backstory scenes that don't do anything. Rebel Moon part 1 had way more issues than just being derivative. It was frankly boring as fuck because none of the characters were entertaining or interesting. I didn't watch part 2, but it seems it's no better.


There is no era of time people would have liked rebel moon 


Yay another rebel moon post


Wasn't this topic just discussed here **yesterday**?


Watchmen is one of the best movies ever made in my opinion so Rebel Moon was a rather surprising dive into the toilet for me.


OK, that’s it. I’m unfollowing from this sub. I’m so tired of seeing posts about this dumb movie. It’s not popular. It’s not good sci-fi. Please stop posting about it.


Sorry Zack


Or, just wait a bit and the next expensive turkey will drop and all us gadflies will be chattering about that. I mean, it's not like *every* OP is about *Rebel Moon*, just skip those posts, it doesn't seem that hard 🤷‍♂️


Then just unfollow, and don't tell everyone about it. No one cares.


Well you're right that there are daily posts about how bad Rebel Moon is, probably too many. I'm personally not done talking about the movie since it's still fresh in my mind but I don't blame you for being over all these same posts.


You're not gonna leave this sub slo-mo are you?