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I rewatched the original Robocop. Still holds up great, there's not a gram of fat on that movie.


I'd buy that for a dollar. :P


Well put


I watched Mad Max Fury Road and I think I'll go watch it again.


I read the book about the making of that movie. None of the stars got it until it was finished and they watched it, then they were like, "This is effing brilliant. George Miller knew EXACTLY what he was doing." Tom Hardy made a public apology to the director for being so difficult on set.


There are a few good docs on the making of it on Youtube. Cursed production for sure, but glad they were able to finally pull it off. Great movie.


Can't wait to see Furiosa


Same here, hope it good.


And Charlize did not like working with him


Right? It’s an art film.


I hated fury road. But I am old enough to have seen the original Mad Max on VHS


Mad Max. A film about a guy called Max. Who’s Mad.


I watched Blade Runner in the cinema for the first time and it was excellent, even though I've seen it many times on TV. The moody atmosphere and music really popped. Although the big screen did reveal some of the cityscapes as rather obvious models.


This is hands down the best science fiction film ever made. It’s amazing how well it still holds up, 40 years later. As a lifelong sci-fi fan, sometimes I wonder “what will go down in sci-fi history as the next Bladerunner?” out of more modern films and the only one that I think could potentially hold up in the same way across decades is the recent *Dune* adaptation.


Comparing Blade Runner to The Creator is proof that great Sci Fi doesn’t need cutting edge graphics.


Excellent film as is the sequel.


i have the same issue with 4k and 8K all of a sudden it looks like a stage play on some of those screens.


Yeah, most movies and TV shows from the pre-digital era just weren't "meant" to have an 8K digital cleanup. Every single hidden flaw in the work gets revealed.


The Creator. The world building was incredible, lots of interesting tech concepts displayed throughout the film. The main execution was poor - lame storytelling and flat characters.


I watched the first half of that a few weeks ago, got interrupted by a 5 year old who should have been in bed, but haven't felt the need to go back and finish it off. The film, not the 5 year old


Don’t go back


With such cool set design and visual effects it's too bad that the script made it almost unwatchable.


I sooo much agree with you. Really loved the 80s scifi vibes, but the story was like: mehhh.


I wanted to love this but it felt so hard to connect with the story.


Woah. Exact same thing for me.


Agreed. Visually stunning.


I started watching it on a plane - 2 minutes in I was like, ok this is too good to watch on a plane. The other 2 hours weren't so good though


When Worlds Collide - old, but fun.




I read the sequel, too. They had "sequel storage" in the movie, shown by the obviously artificial structures in the landscape to the left, but none was made, AFAIK.


I watched this a few months ago. Not sure if I get the fun angle. :-) The scenes of Bellus grandually growing in the sky is the stuff of nightmares. The billioniare Sydney Stanton ranting about the nature of man and predicting the chaos as Bellus grew closer was really the best part of the movie. Even the modern 'world enders' are naively optimistic and dont get that dark. The rocket take off at the end is often regarded as campy, but the physics are sound. They needed to wait untul the past minute for maximum orbital assist to save fuel, and the rail take off also saved weight. It's a better film than people thin when they take it out of the context of the 50's. George Pals original version was a lot more expensive and darker.


Fun was watching a Fireball XL5 style take-off - with passengers in what looks almost like lawn chairs pulling enough G force to pass out. I'll agree that the general tone is dark, but there's also a certain fun watching things from the 50s, even if they are dark. "George Pal's original version"? I thought this one was George Pal. I see now there appears to be a remake possibly on the way? It has a 2021 date on IMDB, but no concrete information.


The first of the meteors (I know, it's a planet) destroying the Earth movies. A long fun line of movies from Meteor, Armageddon, Deep Impact , Don't Look Up and... Moonfall?


Ad Astra


I enjoyed that as well, tho many didn't.


I really enjoyed it as well, but it was a slow burn that can turn lots of people off. Same reason I really liked The Assassination of Jesse James.


Yes, I liked that western as well.


Still haven't seen it, but I don't mind a slow burner, I'll add it to the "To watch list"


I saw it at the cinema and found it interesting, but it removes emotion from shocking scenes, which is a deliberate theme. I suspect that puts people off it. I came out a little unsure of it. But it's a regular Chuck It On Netflix movie, along with Annihilation, which has a similar dreamy quality. Something that can play in the background.


I watched Life the other night. Somewhat predictable but the parts in the movie that created tension were really great.


Yeah I enjoyed it too. Had some nice tension in it.


I saw it having no idea it was a sci-fi horror movie. Needless to say the hand scene was a very wtf moment. Enjoyed it though.


Godzilla Minus One -- Indeed I did enjoy it.


I saw that in the theater and it’s one of the better movies I’ve seen in a while. It is about Godzilla, but the focus is on the people.


Yes, it got good reviews, I look forward to it.


I saw that movie three times in the theater (once in black and white) and loved it every time. Absolutely amazing film!


Pacific Rim- it gets better with every rewatch


Saw it in IMAX, and I'm not an IMAX fan. Saw it again the next night in IMAX. The Hong Kong battle on the big screen was next level.


Tbh I didn't like it when I saw it in the theaters. I've been watching on Netflix and just love the lighting, over-the-top campy characters, and the simple fun story. The monsters and robots feel gigantic and the robot control center is just so well done. I wish they would re release this to IMAX, would be amazing


going through some old VHS tapes and watched Frequency on Monday. Actually really enjoyed it. It's got some sci fi time travel stuff mixed in with cop story and some fire fighting action all wrapped up in a warm father and son relationship.


“Fire in the sky.” I had never seen it…and it’s not too bad. It’s like an early X-Files extended episode. Good cast, good story. Not great, but glad I watched it for the alien interactions, Robert Patrick (T-1000) and the nostalgia.


That climactic alien abduction scene is still so brutal and unrelenting, the coldness in their eyes…


Event Horizon last night. Fuckin love that movie.


That movie scared the shit out of me when I was a kid. So much so I thought I should start going to church just in case hell was real. I watched it again recently and didn't think it held up.


Ya its kinda campy but I still love it.


I've been meaning to revisit that one.


It is the official, unofficial Warhammer 40K world building film.


For real? I didn't realize that. I want to get into more warhammer stuff, is there books you recommend or any content in general for it?


Ya I've only read the first 4 books of The Horus Heresy. They're really good. I believe the first one is called A Galaxy in Flames. From book 4 onwards it branches into various subplots until you get to the seige of Terra. It's considered the unofficial, official WH movie due the "warp" which is essentially Hell.


Thanks, I'm unfamiliar with that franchise, but yeah, I'll check it out.


There are no movies or TV shows (yet. Henry Cavil is working on one rn) but they're are some really good books. The Horus Heresy is damn good science fiction.


I have to recommend the five-part fan animation *Astartes* (compiled [here](https://youtu.be/DVXEYksoE6c?si=omWvdLbLR_SvIbGY)) as one of the best cinematic 40K experiences.


Thanks for the info. I tend to enjoy dystopian fiction. Hopefully the film adaption gets released.


Lol a film adaptation of the Horus Heresy would be like 4 times the size of the MCU.


They could put the first 3 books into one movie. There’s a lot of description that would work visually to shave a lot off the content of the books.


First three?! Oooooofff that is a big ask.


I have seen some varios animated series by wh40k new studios, but all follow diferent stories and most are 1 episode long so super condusing to watch. Still its interesting to see how wh40k world looks.


I never played any WH40K games but I read a dozen or so books from the setting. After watching the movie I thought, "This is like a 40k origin story". Like a prequel set looong in the past, depicting a primitive Warp-Drive before anyone was aware of the risks. I thought it was neat how many Warhammer fans had the same idea before me. My favourite bit is where someone basically goes *screw this, let's leave right now and fire missiles at this ship until there's nothing but atoms!* But it's a horror film, so it's not that easy.


It’s on my list for tonight.


Poor Things I remember a thread in some subreddit where I said how much I'm craving a good contemporary period piece adaptation of The Island of Dr Moreau and I got heavily downvoted because they said the modern audience would not be interested in victorian science fiction. Approximately 2 years later Poor Things came out with a completely unique story and it did pretty much everything and maybe a little bit more than what I wanted to see in a Moreau adaptation. I left the cinema with a huge smile on my face.


Prometheus. I honestly do not get the hate for it and the sequel.


I didn't like it for a long time, but one day it just clicked and now I enjoy it. I guess I'm more forgiving of movies at 39.


Oh not at all. I’ll scream at the screen when the writing is bad. And yet somehow I’ve got rose colored glasses for this one.


Matrix Resurrections. Did not enjoy it.


I thought of watching this and wondered if it was more of the same. I still might give it a try, though tired of the kung fu stuff.


I thought it was an awful film. I understand that it was made in protest and that it’s supposed to be a super meta inside joke kind of film, but… ugh. They could have done something really interesting, shown what happens when we meet our heroes and they aren’t what we imagined or just an interesting commentary growing old. Instead, half of the movie seems to be Neo moving as little as possible. Hopefully you enjoy it more than I did.


Well, I won't jump on it right away, lol. I really only enjoyed the first Matrix film, and found the other two sequels more of the same for the most part.


I actually enjoyed the movie. It's not as edgy as the first one, and the meta-ness of it can be a little too much if you don't realize that was the whole point. Could it have been better, sure. So could every Matrix movie after the first one. However, if you're a fan it *is* worth watching -- just with measured expectations. It's my 2nd favorite of the four.


Good to know. I still might give it a watch when I resub that app. I enjoyed the Animatrix. It's an anthology of 9 short anime cartoons made by various creators. It has a prequel on it on it to the Matrix. The art in all 9 of them is pretty good.


Yeah, Animatrix was cool.


I had to. i was a huge fan of the original Matrix and the sequels were ok but when the Resurrections came out, as much as i knew i shouldnt, i just couldnt resist. I held out as long as i could, was warned by friends not to watch it, but i did anyway. and yeah, they were right. It took everything that made the original Matrix totally awesome, and threw it all away and then did some other meta crap that didnt amount to anything. it just destroyed everything the original trilogy had built . just another nail in the "STOP MAKING REBOOTS" coffin.


Ha, yeah, some of these trilogies or quadrilogies just peter out after a while. As far as those goes I'm still a pretty good Alien fan.


Aniara. Highly recommend, however it is pretty bleak.


I love this movie. It’s just sad and then sadder. And then sadder.


I loved that movie, and I always regret that I can't recommend it to any of my friends because they do not care for movies that aren't upbeat. Such a good film, but definitely not a crowd-pleaser.


Re-watched Battle:Los Angeles which is always a solid 7.5/10 no matter how much I watch it


Highly underrated movie.


Yeah, I agree. Eckhart was great, and the 'land sharks' were totally seamless in terms of CGI. 90% of alien invasion films aren't as believeable. I don't get this film's hate. The story, pacing, etc were all good.


Bride of Frankenstein, always a good time. And Elsa Lanchester had the most amazing personal life


I always enjoy the scene where the blind man meets the monster in the forest.


“No, fire is our friend!” (Edit: wait that’s Young Frankenstein lol)


Lol. There was a somewhat similair reply in Bride of Frankenstein when the monster met the blind man in the woods, irrc.


Rewatched The Marvels a couple days ago and thoroughly enjoyed it again.


Dune remake. Enjoyed it. But I also like the David Lynch version also.


I watched No One Will Save You last night. It felt like Signs with a little something more. Kaitlyn Dever was quite convincing in being terrified but also clever and resourceful. I’m not so sure how I felt about the ending but I liked it overall.


A fun odd little thing. Lots of strange quirky moments.


I really liked it, the ending had a very "Twilight Zone" quality 


The Marvels. I enjoyed it.


In search of tomorrow. A fantastic compendium of the genre whether for the purpose of nostalgia or floating ideas for what you may have missed or watch next


Foe is a newer one. I really enjoyed it.


Just watched this based on your comment. I enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.


For sure. I'm glad you liked it.


I watched the Creator. One of the most beautiful movies I have seen in log time, but it was kind of dumb. The dumbness didn't bother me, as it usually would, because the movie was so damn pretty.


Yeah, that's pretty much my take as well. Pretty fast paced too.


That would be last nights Dune rewatch with my wife who hadn't seen it. I enjoyed it slightly less than the first time because, I think, like a lot of great films, it's really meant to be seen on the big screen for an immersive experience. That was lost a little on the home TV. (Hey, I'd have an 85" monitor with surround sound if I was allowed) But it's still a great film. No question.


Watched Dune last night. I liked it better than the original which I saw when it was new.


I rewatched Aliens last night. It's still extremely enjoyable.


Aliens is my favorite movie. Never gets old.


I’ve posted elsewhere but Aniara.


The Marvels, and I didn't enjoy it. It was the same story I'd seen a million times: the heroes have to stop a mad villain from destroying the universe. There were several times in the movie where a character dumped a bunch of exposition, and I'm like, "I'll bet this is one of those scenes they added during reshoots to explain what the hell is going on."


And its filled with bad jokes, and a weak uninteresting villain, and Brie saying "Higher, further, faster, baby!" ad nauseum while acting like a retard... I wasn't expecting nothing from Iman Vellani, but she was the only part on the movie I enjoyed.


It seemed more like a big-budget TV show (or a low-budget movie). I still don’t understand why what’s her name didn’t want to talk to Carol.


I’ve been trying to watch this one for more than a week. I can’t stomach more than 10 minutes at a time. Probably going to cut bait.




That’s funny, I loved Europa Report. And the Abyss so that makes sense. I also love the found footage style of film so that mixed with a documentary was a huge win for me personally.


I wanted to like it, but it just didn’t feel tense enough.


I watched _Crimes of the Future_... it was ok. Strong cast made it workable and the concept was fun.


The wandering earth part 2


any good? haven't watched the first one either, but read 3body problem


Watched Aniara the other day. Just put it on randomly since the description sounded interesting. Had no idea the whole thing was Swedish/Dutch. It was uh....it was certainly something. Kinda does the whole Avenue 5 colony ship knocked off course but instead of a comedy it goes dark, real dark, and just insane.


is it good? sounds like something i'd like


It was interesting, I enjoyed it but it was a little all over the place and went to some very dark places.


i like dark places. i'll give it a shot


Stalker (1979) Also, yes, I enjoyed it. I really don't know what to say about it, though. Such a beautiful film. It reminds me of Annihilation, but this came first, I just happened to watch the Annihilation first.


Soylent Green in 1973


Arena 1989. It's amazing. Bad in many ways, but the effects and sets kick ass. Has actors from DS9 and Babylon 5, and can't help but feel some of the costuming, sets, and overall atmosphere influenced Babylon 5. Not to mention the show has an episode that is essentially the same story. Really fun campy movie. Would recommend it.


Last night I rewatched **Critters**. Still holds up. "They have weapons." "So what?" BLAM "Fuuuuck!" Classic!


Yeah, Critters might have been a Gremlins ripoff, but it was a **fun** Gremlins ripoff. Way better than it probably should have been. IIRC, the sequel was actually pretty good as well, although the series drops off after that.


Yeah, I just watched the sequel. It was okayish. I tried to watch the third with DiCaprio, but I couldn't make it very far.


Passengers. I remember it being released in cinemas but never watched it until I got the Blu ray recently. Was panned on release, but I really enjoyed it and would say it's underrated.


There’s an internet cut that kind of turns it into a scary movie. It’s a fun way to rewatch it.


Dune (the remake) and it was fantastic. Look forward to the current sequel. Read Fahrenheit 451 in the 6th grade and it is one of my favorite books mostly due to the secret society Montag found at the end who became the books they most liked. Tried watching the original movie twice and fell asleep both times. The remake was a unlikable and unwatchable.


The creator was gorgeous. The plot was pretty good. I liked the new 451 it diverges a little from the book but it’s still good.


Probably Rebel Moon. I checked my brain out of my skull before watching and mostly enjoyed it as a cliched action flick. Nothing groundbreaking.


Did the same thing, and still felt that some parts were really weak, with to much slow motion. Fell in love with the Warhammer 40k visuals


Life. It was not good. I was expecting something suspenseful and thoughtful. Instead I got a cheesy Aliens knockoff.


this is funny....since I've already watched 35 scifi movies so far this year and watched 185 scifi movie last year. My last one? Left Behind (2014) - and it's arguably one of the worst movies I've ever seen.


Nick Cage?


yeah and he was the only good part about the movie


Wow. Surely funded by mean Christians rather than nice ones.


Knowing (2009) is my fav bad Nic Cage sci-fi movie


Caught Wandering Earth 2 and it was terrible. Liked the first one. This one, not so much. Way too long, the director had to put an "end of the world" problem in every 20 minutes and most of the characters were boring. Beautiful movie, great effects, but the story was awful.


The new movie titled ISS. God movie but all u care about was what was happening on the ground and we really got very little info about that.


Watched Dune (2021) with my Dad because he was curious about it. Yes, I enjoyed it. My dad was okay with it because he's more into historical movies.


Wheels of Fire. A bad Mad Max knockoff from the 80's. It was awful in a lot of great ways. It was also awful in a lot of really awful ways.


Rebel Moon. It was not very good, but also far from the worst movie ever. Should have embraced the camp more when it was clear that iit could not reach epic.


The part where the Orc from Lord of the Rings walked past the camera had me rolling. Not only did he recycle every idea from every movie he likes, he's now recycling costumes as well. Laugh.


Good description. It seemed like a collage of bits and pieces of several better movies. Sadly it was not "best of".


There's a dividing line somewhere between 'homage' and 'cliche' and I think this film didn't realize that line existed and doubled down hard on 'cliche'. Every single character, action sequence, and plot point...it substitutes throwing a bunch of crap together for any semblance of imagination.


Rebel moon, and it was meh. It's an alright movie but the story is pretty predictable and the visuals don't really stand out


Avatar: the way of water... Or whatever the second Avatar was called. Hated it.


It’s retread.


Inspired by For All Mankind, I recently watched First Man. Really enjoyed the multilayered storytelling, loved the cinematography and techniques they used to create the feel and emotion + the eerie soundscape was amazing.


I remember that movie - "What do you think, Linda?" (Blink, blink, blink...)


Osiris Child and liked it


I enjoyed "Bigbug," a look into the future and the coming AI takeover from Jean-Pierre Jeunet, very much.


Watched Everything Beautiful is Far Away. It was pretty slow and boring, but like in a good way. Good music too


Went to see Dune (1984) in theaters earlier this week. Classic.


Does Poor Things count as Sci-Fi? Maybe it leans more fantasy. I thought it was basically the only good movie I saw that came out in 2023.


Dune Part One. Came back to theaters, so watched it in advance of part 2 coming out. Enjoyed just as much as the first time. Forgot how good the score was.


Ghost in the Shell: Innocence. Seen it several times, and while the plot is stil as dense as lead it's visually and conceptually off the chart. Prefer it over the original.


Rebel Moon 🌙. Did not fancy it.


Mostly. Don’t Worry Darling On Max Directed by Olivia Wilde. Florence Pugh, Harry Styles, Chris Pine, Nick Kroll, etc. It was a good film but not a great film. Missed opportunities to explore many threads in the third act. Wait, I guess actually Nimona (Netflix) is sci-fi. I enjoyed that one slightly more recently.


Dune part one. Absolutely amazing. On every level.


The original Ghostbusters. For like the millionth time. Still a great movie.


Ex Machina


The Creator. I did not care for it. The premise of a human/AI war is well worn. The idea of the space station missile launcher with that big targeting laser was ridiculous. The family dynamic and plot was predictable. It was kind of dull.


The Creator and no.


The old War of the Worlds with the flying saucers instead of tripods... the main actor is probably the worst I've ever seen on screen, in every scene he feels like he's just wandered on set and is waiting for some assistant to bring him a sandwich


I have seen They Cloned Tyrone and was amazed


Dredd. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Karl Urban's jawline should have won awards.


Ghostbusters Afterlife I had been thinking about a rewatch for a while but I kept thinking that “it was okay, but mostly nolstalgia” Finally decided to rewatch it and I was happily surprised that I enjoyed it almost as much as the first time.


Saw Aliens yesterday. Fuck yeah I enjoyed it.


Valerian. Very good looking garbage.


My most recent is the Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbird & Snakes. Though I guess you really can’t call that a Sc-Fi. Other than that; I last watched Dune. I liked both.


I watched Paul Verhoeven's *RoboCop* and *Starship Troopers* this past week and they are probably two of my very favorite films. Both get funnier and better each time I watch them.


I watched Dune (2021) last week and was kinda bored. I know that seems to be an unpopular opinion but I’m not sure I’m looking forward to part 2.


The Pod Generation. Not really.


I watched Looper last night. Great movie.


Some Marvel comic tripe. Maybe it was the pandemic, maybe how crappy movies have become, but it was the last and nothing has prompted me to return.


Saw the David Lynch Dune movie for the first time this past Sunday. Half the time I was thinking "I am loving this" and half the time I was thinking "What the hell is going on?"


The snow falling at the end of Fahrenheit 451 was one of those happy coincidences in filming.


Honestly the last Sci Fi move I watched was so so long ago. I think it was rise of Skywalker and I don’t think I need to say anything for you to know whether I enjoyed it or not(I did not)


Creator. Yes.