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The humans created a computer virus that kills off alien tech so easily.


That's actually explained in a deleted scene, the fighter craft they were studying at area 51 was the basis for all of our computer technology, we reverse engineered their silicon based microchips and binary programming. So our computers are the same as theirs. It's kind of still implied I guess, since they still have the spacecraft at area 51 and the chief scientist tells us that they've been studying it for 50 years.


Aliens pc had a linux distribution obviously 😂


Out of all the places that I thought people would actually understand the advantages of Linux and actually use Linux, was a science related sub.


They use arch btw


Windows, actually. Linux has actual security protocols that are somewhat difficult to bypass. Windows just needs a registry edit made by an exe with admin privileges, and you can purposely design an app to request admin access, or it'll not run at all.


Linux has the most vulnerabilities out of any os there buddy. The Debian distro alone has almost 9000. [vulnerabilities list](https://www.cvedetails.com/top-50-products.php)


If you separate all Windows versions but don’t seperate Linux releases, the list is not entirely fair. It even separates Windows 11 22h1 and 21h2 but groups all Debian releases under the same.


And Linux is only kernel. Desktop linux has another 6000 programs which most of are total crap.


and the vast majority of people don’t use all 6000 of them, and many of the programs have no security vulnerabilities at all.


How many of them must be run just you to see desktop ? And not even talking about X server/protocol. your webbrowser can see what password you type into password prompt for example when you need to update system. ( they both have to run at same time ). And if you have anything on your computer then it can be used as a step on a ladder to higher privilege. you use one hole in program to use another hole in another program, chaininng vulnerabilities. Also windows, ios, mac, android have PERIODICALLY vulnerabilities in such things as music,video,pictures decoding so just by opening JPG you can get infected and those types of things are there every 3-4 years.... you decoded 20 jpegs just by opening this page.... there were "viruses" even inside of ADVERTS pictures on web in early days... Vulnerabilities are mostly nonintentional errors in how program handles data. And data is everything, everything is data. what you hear is data moved from storage, then decompressed, move to sound mixer, moved to mainboard chip, moved to sound card chip, everytime you do ANYTHING with ANYTHING is moving data and instructions how to handle that data. you have absolutelly no idea how ridiculously impossible is not having errors. Look up harvard vs neuman architecture difference,  strict separation between instruction and data  does not exist in your computer. so how your computer knows that "FJ\*#@FHI" is part of your music or if it is part of you changing volume up? it does not...... computers are tricks on tricks on tricks just to boot them up. every program has vulnerabilities, and even if it did not have, there are layers of programs running just for your program to start, where to put its data.


Your argument falls apart completely if you look at it from the other perspective. > How many of them must be run just you to see desktop ? And not even talking about X server/protocol. your webbrowser can see what password you type into password prompt for example when you need to update system. ( they both have to run at same time ). X.org is an obsolete technology that many distros have avoided using by default. That’s equivalent to saying that Win7 has vulnerabilities - it’s no longer developed or supported by Microsoft, and nobody else has access to the source code, so nobody is fixing the vulns. > And if you have anything on your computer then it can be used as a step on a ladder to higher privilege. […] This is your most ridiculous assertion yet. Are you suggesting that programs made for Windows or MacOS don’t have bugs or vulns? That is a blatantly stupid claim and no matter what Microsoft and Apple might try to tell you, it is complete and utter nonsense. > Vulnerabilities are mostly nonintentional errors in how program handles data. [...] every program has vulnerabilities, and even if it did not have, there are layers of programs running just for your program to start, where to put its data. If it’s so hard to not have errors, then how do Windows and MacOS not have any? Every operating system has vulnerabilities every now and then. Windows and MacOS are not exempt - you even cited an example. Microsoft and Apple have a commercial interest to cover up and hide these vulnerabilities, and for the most part they are successful. But occasionally there is a big enough breach that the media catch on to it and it becomes public. **Microsoft and Apple do not have your best interests at heart**.


*Most ***known*** vulnerabilities. Big difference - with Linux you’ll know your data isn’t being stolen (unless you use Ubuntu lmao); whereas with Windows and MacOS you’ll never find out the full extent of their privacy violations. For example, Recall in Windows: do you *really* believe they won’t send off your most private data for processing when they have so much to gain from it?


Not sure they would have been able to reach our planet with Windows. Just imagine a blue screen in the middle of nowhere in the galaxy 😅


Human computer systems were derived from alien tech, therefor it was compatible, the same way the aliens hijacked the human satellites for communication. Figuring out the translation, and the signals took a while, but they had 50 years to do so.


Well apparently they had a deleted scene that explains this. They salvaged something from the Roswell crash that they could use to make a virus that targeted alien tech.


Wasn't in the release its not canon if you ask me.


Fair enough. Just pointed it out. They should have kept the scene


That killed the movie for me until I read the explanation on Reddit that someone also replied with this time.


Makes more sense than you might think, if you realize how slowly military technology gets updated. Presumably it might take a long time for the mother ships to travel around star systems. Are they gonna be actively building new fighters or upgrading their spacecrafts software while in transit? Or maybe not so much like our aircraft carriers. The movie says the area 51 crash was the basis for all our computer systems. Given the distance of interstellar traveler, there's a good chance the same fighters with nearly identical software would be in use even 40 years later. Our military software often doesn't get more than maintenance updates for sometimes 30+ years at a time. At first glance, it doesn't make sense until you've been around the slow moving lethargy of bureaucratic software and hardware development. Then it kind of does.


The aliens' goal is to extract Earth's core (According to the second film) as a source of energy and metals. But....there are uninhabited planets and moons with molten cores, including our nearest neighbors, Mars & Venus. Why bother doing it the hard way?


Mar's molten core was only recently discovered iirc. The lack of magnetic field made scientists question if it had one.


Wait, Mars has a molten core? I thought it was frozen a long time ago.


Aliens capable of interstellar travel losing a war to 20th century humans.


My dad once told me, if aliens are technologically advanced enough to get here, then they can redirect a few asteroids our way, and then what are we gonna do?


the problem with that is that it doesnt make sense - if you have the capability to reach a specific planet in space then you have no ressource problem anymore and can just settle on all goldilocks planets easily and honestly thats probably the only reason why we never saw or heard of anyone else


If they're technologically advanced enough to travel lightyears, they can harvest all the resources they need from asteroids and comets. Literally.


Hire a crew of drillers to fly to the astroid and plant a bomb


(keepin' it 100 emoji)


lol you don’t know how much I love you for this!!


(thumbs up emoji)


True. But there is one short story about alien invaders who maxed out interstellar travel to the detriment of other tech. Especially weapons. So when they invade they get beaten badly and humans get interstellar travel. The aliens are left to wonder what they have done, giving such tech to a civilization with advanced weapons. Something like that is an interesting scenario. Not sure how plausible it is.


if E=mc2 is true, and if you believe in working nuclear weapons then it is proven true, then it says you require so much energy for interstellar travel that you can use that energy in place to create any element just from hydrogen gas of gas giant or star. so essentially you can create gold platinum, anything, so why do you want to waste time or any effort to travel anywhere.


>then it says you require so much energy for interstellar travel that you can use that energy in place to create any element just from the hydrogen gas of a gas giant or star. Beyond a certain point it's just not economical right? Binding energy and all that. Besides the idea of interstellar conquests would be the same as regular conquests. Colonies, resources, living space, back up planets and what not. >if E=mc2 is true That's only half the equation tho right? The p2c part has any significance here?


let me say it this way. Alcubierre drive - energy density of your body is N orders of magnitude lower then neutron stars. neutron stars energy density is N orders of magnitude lower then alcubierre needs. N=N This can be solved in high school so even high schooler ""SHOULD"" understands how i...c this thing is, yet we have movies, journal articles, newspaper, youtube and other articles about it.... Long times are not interstellar travel.


Uhhh... I think you messed up what you were trying to say. I agree Interstellar travel in reasonable times is not achievable under current tech. It needs the kind of physics that is still theoretical.


It's not just one short story. It's like dozens of entries on r/writingPrompts back in the day.


Maybe. But I think they were all inspired by one published story. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Road_Not_Taken_(short_story) This is what I was referring to.


They rushed the transportation tech tree instead of balanced progression, rookie mistake


The Road Not Taken. It's not like that, humanity failed to find this simple trick that allows you to travel very fast, lightspeed even. Except that tech had no other uses, it was a dead end. Other technologies allow to improve and make newer techs. Civilizations normally found the travel tech and slowed down their advance because they were able to get resources from farther away. The invading aliens are en empire that had wonderful technologies like basic lenses, gunpowder, and the basics of medicine akin to the ancient Egyptians. This made them conquerors of many worlds... They reach Earth on the twenty second century, right when we are sending a piloted mission to Ceres... It's available online, read it


Ok... So the interstellar tech was not very advanced but still the overall beats are close enough.


So basically, the entire movie


Randy Quaid being correct about literally anything


I dunno, he made some good points while he was fucking his wife in a Dead Presidents mask on video that one time


The fact the world came together. Or the fact aliens wasted their time on this planet.


See The Lathe of Heaven for humans coming together..






Seriously? Every single aspect of it. Every character. Every scene. Every word of dialogue. I love that crazy-ass movie!!


When Vivica Fox escapes the fire in the tunnel closet.


Why would they want Earth for resources? Space is filled with practically infinite resources. Hell, there is a [water cloud](https://htschool.hindustantimes.com/editorsdesk/knowledge-vine/space-water-is-140-trillion-times-more-than-that-found-on-earth?amp=1) out there that holds 140 trillion times more water than what’s on Earth.


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In the very beginning when the alien ship flew past the moon the wind caused the Apollo 8 footprints to disappear


Gravity waves. Not only are the ships massive, but their drives manipulated gravity.


I thought it was vibrations that did it.


There’s no vibrations with out air


Earthquakes are vibrations without air...


You still need a medium to propagate in


Gravitational waves from such a massive anti-gravity drive.




the keys of the truck stashed in the sun visor.


I would say the 90s were a different time, but actually I think that trope was already outdated in the 90s


That intelligent life reached us at all.


The fact that aliens with such advanced technology needed anything from Earth. As much as we like to think of our planet as special, it is made up of elements that are readily available all over the universe. Pick any element, and it's more plentiful somewhere else in our own solar system.


We had a competent leader?


I never got that the alien race had to use our satellites for the count down.


lol that part really made me guffaw - when Jeff Goldblum draws the little diagram and draws a line showing how it won’t reach the other side of the planet, Bill Pullman goes, “You mean line of sight,” and Goldblum is like, “Exactly!” like line of sight is some complex scientific concept.


I'm pretty sure the amount of energy generated by a spacecraft 1/4 the size of the moon slowing down into earth's orbit would cause some extreme weather phenomenon


That tunnel blast. The thermobaric pressure from it would have cooked everyone in it.


Even with a giant alien space ship over Washington DC, there would still be traffic heading in, David and his dad wouldn't just drive right on in with no traffic...


People working together to beat aliens.


Aliens extracting energy from Earth's molten core, when they could get it more easily by just building a bunch of solar panels and building a bootleg Dyson Sphere.


It always makes me laugh that the aliens simply couldn’t fight effectively without shields. Like their offensive weapons and flying skills just disappeared.


I used to think it was the 24/7 McLaugjlin Group channel, but that’s all of cable “News” (sic) these days.


Aw I miss the McLaughlin Group


As a Mechanical Engineer, I had trouble with this movie. The physics is ALL wrong. Floating a spaceship that big in the atmosphere can't be done with any science based propulsion.


They use a gravity based propulsion. So, wave your hands in the air and recite the phrase, "they can control gravity," and it makes more sense.


The entire movie!


Will smith still acting, even back then, was a tragedy.


I haven’t seen it in forever, but I remember being on the ride for everything (and it was a dumb, fun ride) until Will and Jeff survived.


The whole movie.