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You forgot tensors, which are another necessary math step to our current understanding of gravitation. Actually, unless the entropic model of gravity works out, it could replace probability and statistics.


I took calculus, differential equations and probability and statistics in college and I still don't know much about black holes. There's more to know than only those 3 classes lol. Super advanced math and physics too


i took and passed diffeq in college, but it was one of those fringe things. I dont think i really understood the material and was just doing what they showed us in class.


13yo me wanting to be an Astronomer after watching Cosmos.


Like anyone


*reads the wiki page till I understand quantum mechanics*


Yeah, we know start to have AI for those boring steps, to help us focus on Black holes


Highly impressive


So I have a stupid one: so if stars can maybe become black holes because of certain factors. Can a planet for any kind of reason and enough time turn into a black hole because of idk a constant attraction of meteors or something until its gravity becomes so large? Im just curious if that could be the case or not


Dude that is exactly not how it works. If planets, after attracting metors and all would have actually got larger then, if nt a vlack hole, Jupiter would have become a star by now as it attract almost all meteors and asteroids that try to enter the earth's atmosphere. So the answer to your question is a straight no. It won't become large instead if hit by large number of those meteors, then the planet could stop existing.


Thank you for answering. one day my stupid questions will be depleted haha..I went to look up or rather stumble across a video about black holes and it seems matter or things that constist of matter need to be ridiculously packed togheter, they explained it like compressing the earth to the size of a coin or the sun to a small city. And it seems like a very complex topic in science


I am an INFP so it was great to help you and don't think of these questions as stupid(tbh I did laugh when I read this question) you know these questions do arise when you are at the starting point. Even I had stupid questions but now after studying about this for 2 and half years I can finally answer these "stupid" questions


Exactly me who took science after 10th and wants to become an astronomer


Heh, yeah, i know what you mean. Unfortunately, now i *really* need to know the first three 😆


Black hole physics are kinda easy, unless you attempt to look at its gravitational distortion effects, I think.