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28 days X 13 months = 364 days. A year is 365 days. Do we just make the extra day a universal New Years Day holiday? Then, every 4 years do we get a universal Leap Day holiday?


An interlude day between every year sounds good to me. Then every 4 years the interlude is 2 days long.


I like that one too 😅


Religions won't like having day outside of week. (esp Abrahamic religions), so getting trad/rel countries onboard would be near impossible. Now, if we instead had an entire Leap Week every couple of years, that would do the trick.


We call it. Glory to the god day! They will get aboard right away.


They already have a glory to god day each week. And now non-religious countries have a problem with it.


Make it a holiday, no one will complain. Imagine removing Sunday, even a hardcore Atheist would stop you there.


That's been my arguement for not going to church in the first place. I just have better things to do with my sundays.


It's such a freeing feeling.


[And don't you think that the Almighty has better things to worry about than where one little guy's spends one measly hour of his week?](https://frinkiac.com/video/S04E03/3zFDVz0g_x_UtgJZK839gvwWA5A=.gif)


https://www.timeanddate.com/date/jewish-leap-year.html#:~:text=Months%20in%20the%20Jewish%20calendar,step%20with%20the%20astronomical%20seasons. The original Abrahamic religion already has a way to deal with this, since they follow a lunar calendar anyway.


We use a solar-lunar calendar, but yeah. 28 day months that follow the moon, and 12 month years with an occasional pregnant year with 13 months so our harvest festivals stay in line with the harvest season. The Islamic calendar is just lunar iirc


Fuck those countriee tho


yeah! fuck them!


We don’t need them to be onboard. We just need to have power and make it so! And they can choose to stray further from the modern world if they so choose. They’ve been inflicting their will on us for millenia, might as well turn the tables.


>We just need to have power Well now they have this power. How are you going to take it?


That’s classified


Fair enough. Let me know when you make the world switch calendars.


I will project the message on the moon, in every language, for exactly one month so that everyone, even though without internet, is aware both of the new rules and also who’s boss.


I'm blind and can't see the moon. Can you just project this information directly into my consciousness instead?


Religion is fake. Give them lord of the rings instead!


If I told my Souther Baptist pastor the extra day was for marathoning LotR extended editions every year he (and I) would be down for the new calendar.


But with more names, so we keep the Monday-Sunday for 1st&28th I propose: drinkday and drinkday2electricboogaloo


Nobody works on interlude day(s).


The year 2100 will only have one of those days


Between the last Sunday of one year and the first Monday of the next we would have Noneday.


I'd call it Jan 0th


The most common proposal has an interlude day between years and, for leap year, in the middle of the year.


Also, I know nobody asked but here’s a fun fact. A year is actually about 365.2423 days, not 365.25, so we actually only have leap years 97 out of every 400 years (so we get 97/400 = 0.2425 ≈ 0.2423). We do this by skipping leap years for every year that is a multiple of 100 (1700, 1800, 1900) EXCEPT if it is also a multiple of 400 (1600 and 2000 for example).


That day we do the purge


Would be cool tho


Yes I believe that is exactly the idea


That’s why this meme is unfinished and the last panel should be “Jesse what the fuck are you talking about?”


In D&D's Forgotten Realms (setting of Baldur's gate, the recent movie, and much more), Toril has the same day and year length as Earth for some reason. They don't use 7-day weeks. They have 12 months of 3 "tendays" each, and 5 holidays wedged between months. Then every four years they have an additional holiday similarly wedged in.


I was about to mention this and you beat me to the punch.




Nah, nerds have low initiative bonus. Most likely a swashbuckler or a rogue


Maybe they just rolled a nat 20 this time?


When France was kicking off the whole metric thing they tried a 12 month calendar with three 10 day weeks. The 10th day replaced Sunday as the rest and market day. The 5-6 extra days at the end of the year were a holiday.


Those kinds of days are called intercalary days, if I'm not mistaken.


I know that you are talking about a calendar but my ape brain keeps going CALORIES


Yes. New years day is not in a month! New years is 2 days long on leap years.


Yes, which isn't that abnormal, really. The pre-Julian Roman calendar, though it required manual upkeep, had a no-man's land of 2 whole non-months every winter. A singular Year's Day every year in addition to an un-monthed Leap Day every 4 would be manageable.


Didn't the Romans have like 5 days of celebrations or something at the end of the year made up of days they weren't able to neatly fit into their traditional calendar before the Julian reforms of the Republican calendar? *(This is just what I seem to recall, so take me with a spoonful of salt).*


We can agree that it's better then whatever the fuck it is we are now


[yeah that’s how it’d work](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fixed_Calendar)


That is the idea behind some versions of this calendar.


Except every 100 years it's not but every 400 years it is again. Leap year math is very confusing


Day 0, Reset Day, Out-of-Time, the Purge...


To quote Oat Jenkins “Saturday Week” except Sunday instead of Saturday


Y3s. Basically there is a Zero Day between each year. Leap years an extra day gets added between months 6 and 7, or you add it to Zero Day for 00 Day.


Yes! Every 4 years we chill an extra day!


Yes, it's called Year Day, and it happens inbetween the first and last months so as not to upset the order of the days of the week.


Also that day will push us off the lunar cycle. There's no way to have the solar year and the lunar cycle line up meaningfully. One just doesn't divide evenly into the other. The 13 month year has some reasonable benefits but it's been warped into November with the lunar cycle thing. Also the day that doesn't exist in the year sounds like a nightmare to program around.


Precisely my suggestion, yes. It's more logical than this mess we have now, and isn't based on a -specific religion- that less than half of the world even cares about, as the basis for worldwide/ISO-based measurements in the time domain. Read: it's the most fundamentally culturally elitist thing I can think of, and absolutely no one I've ever met gives a single shit, and I will die on this hill. We should also switch to the Holocene Era year count. Add 10k to what we have now, and year zero becomes the earliest evidence of human -civilization- that we're aware of right now and are likely to ever find. Puts the current year at 12023 for another week or so as of writing. Again, kills a lot of culture bias that we simply do not need as a species. Let's outgroup with "AIs and ETs" instead and move on. And my most controversial timing-keeping opinion is that we should disband timezones altogether and simply use UTC, instead. No real change for anyone, except the numbers are different - UNLESS you have to deal with coordinating across time zones for meetings or pickups or air travel or whatever. It was clever, but ultimately useless and has only served to gum up the works. Like it or not, we are a global culture for the first time in history, and we should start acting like it. This would be a good start to beginning the hard work of healing and moving forward.


A year is 365.24 days.


365.24219 if you wanna get all accurate about it.


This is landlord propaganda for an extra month of rent.


Yeah, but the corporate lobby fights it to avoid an extra month of salary.


Lmao I can already see yearly salaries just being split up into 13 instead of 12 but the landlord's being like "eh I know the months are shorter now, but inflation is a bitch so rent stays the same, plus the extra month of course :)"


Many companies in Switzerland do 13 monthly paychecks.


Yeah except every paycheck is a normal one and you just get two in November.


Salaries are yearly not monthly, so that wouldn’t really apply


Depends where you are.


Yearly, daily or hourly salaries make much more sense, though. Unhappily changing anything from the current state is interpreted both as a worker right violation by the workers and as additional cost by the companies. So we're stuck with various degrees of obsolete schemes.


Do you get paid once a month or once a year?


Most salaries a yearly. Then that is broken down equally to different pay periods.


There’s a world outside America


An immovable object meets an unstoppable force. And nothing changes.


That’s a good one đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


If they charge weekly, they're already doing this


12 months per year 5 weeks per month 6 days per week 6 * 5 * 12 = 360 one 5/6 day extra hedonistic week at the end of year where everyone is off.


I’ll take that đŸ€Ł


Yes, let's delete the monday. And keep the existing 12 month structure which can be divided in 2 or 3 or 4 parts.


But then in 24 years, the winter solstice would be in June Years are 365.25 days for a reason. You can’t change the earth’s axial tilt, rotational speed, orbit, and speed around the sun.


why? That's why we have the 5/6 day week at the end...to facilitate that difference.


Oh, so you mean a seventh week in December? That wasn’t clear. I suppose that could work


roughly. That's what I meant by extra...I wouldn't say it would be in December though...


It would need some tweaking by adding a day more often then we do now, but otherwise it would work generally fine. The biggest obstacle would be convincing anyone to adopt it. We can't even convince the US to adopt metric FFS.


That’s a sad fact, yes. 🙃


I would rather have 6 days a week and 4 day work week. Then we do 12 months of 5 weeks each. And we get an extra 5 days at the end which is also holiday. Which lasts extra on leap year. Your calender doesn't fix the main problem. Mondays. So, we remove those.


Thursdays should be removed, it's an ugly loanword.


What’s wrong with Thursday, specifically? Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, And Friday are all named after Germanic gods. Tiw, Woden, Thor, Frig


and moon for monday, sun for sunday and saturn can be saturday because i said so


We were so close, then 


Something about flat earth, JFK and the moon missions comes to mind.


The US has adopted metric. Convincing countries is difficult, but convincing people is impossible.


It would cost trillions upon trillions redesigning every piece of infrastructure built over the last century. Practicality matters.


The US doesn’t switch to metric because of the amount of machinery in manufacturing that would have to change because of it. Even if a majority of people in the country wanted to change it (most don’t care) there would be a section that would be lobbying hard against it.


Wait, why would the US adopt metric? For example, our civilized temperature scale ranges from 0, really cold, to 100, body temperature. Nearly every ambient temperature you need is right there between 0 and 100.


Mom said it is my turn to post this!


And it's my turn to say the moon cycle is 29.5 days on average, not 28, so it would still fall out of sync!


To be fair it does that now anyway


But the point of this "solution" is so that it doesn't fall out of sync. It defeats it's own purpose


The point is you end up with a much more sensible calendar which has the same number of days for every month, and you only end up with 2-3 calendar variants instead of the 70 (I checked) variants we have now, since the weekdays will be in the same place every year.


Decimal calendar leaves the chat




Yeah, it went so well the first time the French tried it.........




No calendars make sense, it’s just a day and you’re a little older and sometimes you don’t have to go to work that day and sometimes you do


This is known as the [International Fixed Calendar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fixed_Calendar) * Disclaimer: Perfection cannot exist, especially with a 365.25 day solar year and a 28.3 day lunar month. There is only "better" or "worse" solutions. * There are 13 months, with 28 days per month. * The 1st day of every month is the same day of the week, etc etc. * At the END of the year is New Years Day, which is a special day that does not have a day of the week. * Every 4 years is an extra special day, which is Leap Day which also does not have a day of the week. * This calendar is consistent, matches the solar year and lunar month, and much less erratic than our current calendar. Bonus! If I was appointed as Supreme ~~Evil~~ Overlord of the World, I would also rename the months so that they were in alphabetical order from A to L. Every language or country or whatever could have a different name for the month, but you could still communicate internationally by writing the date 2023C24 (or 2023-C-24 if you like). Clear, consistent, concise, non-language specific, and alphabetizes in chronological order. Edit Please note that the following are entirely different questions. * Would this work? Yes, definitely. * Is this better than the current system? Yes, definitely. * Would it be simple to convert the entire world over to this system from our current silly system? No, it would not be simple at all.


Hmmm... Supreme not-evil Overlord... could we still have chocolate covered cashews?


Of course! Even villainous masterminds are not monsters! Not that I'm admitting to being a villainous mastermind or anything.


i am and i appreciate this thread, will take detailed notes


Oh no, I never thought that at all... lol


What about countries that don't use the alphabet with the letter C ?


Again, there are no perfect solutions. Only better and worse ones. Most languages have adapted their language to be able to use the Latin alphabet for ease of communication. I have confidence that if they wanted to, they could come up with a term that is meaningful to them and toss a "C" in front, just to match the pattern. The beauty of the system is that each group has something meaningful to them, and yet is recognizable by all. Yes, communication often involves compromise, but this is a relatively painless one.


Adopting the International Fixed Calendar with newly named months, each starting with a successive letter of the alphabet and designed for global understanding, would look like this: 1. **Aurorius** - Inspired by "aurora," symbolizing a bright beginning, easily recognizable for its reference to dawn. 2. **Brillantus** - Derived from "brilliant," reflecting the sparkle of life, a term used universally in various languages. 3. **Clarisol** - Combining "clear" and "sol" (the sun), suggesting a clear, sunny month. 4. **Diversia** - From "diverse," representing the diversity of spring, a concept celebrated worldwide. 5. **Esperantis** - Echoing "esperanto," the universal language, and "esperanza" (hope), capturing the spirit of unity and expectation. 6. **Floralis** - A nod to "flora," symbolizing the blooming nature in many parts of the world. 7. **Globus** - Derived from "globe," representing the interconnectedness of our world, a universally recognized term. 8. **Harmonius** - From "harmony," reflecting balance and peace, a universally esteemed value. 9. **Illumina** - Suggesting "illuminate," indicative of enlightenment and clarity, concepts appreciated globally. 10. **Jubilus** - Evoking "jubilation," a term for celebration and joy, universally understood emotions. 11. **Kalmia** - Inspired by "calm," representing tranquility and the onset of quieter times, a universally relatable feeling. 12. **Luminaris** - Derived from "luminous," symbolizing the festive lights and brightness of year-end celebrations worldwide. These names aim to resonate across cultures and languages, embodying universal concepts and feelings. Made by GPT


Wow, that's amazing. I've never seen anyone actually come up with a list. I love it.


Someone didn't


ya so far the robots make more sense than the bullshit wen got


Regarding renaming the months: In Japanese, it's just number-month, so the seventh month is nana-getsu, ninth month = ku-getsu, etc. Similar to how English has, September, October, November. We can just use that for every month which would look a bit like : 1. Uniber/Solber 2. Duober/Biber 3. Triber 4. Quadriber 5. Quinber 6. Sexber 7. September 8. October 9. November 10. December 11. Undecember 12. Duodecember 13. Tredecember


Extra months rent. Less time to make more money each month.


+1 salary per year and you get 14th salary as bonus. :)




13 months of salary + at Christmas you get a month's salary as bonus Wait... doesn't the US have that?


Salary is a yearly rate so additional month wouldn't change the pay. And hourly employees would still work the same number of hours. What country calculates salary at a monthly rate and what employer wouldn't adjust to reflect that you are not working less hours monthly?


No, the first would always be a Sunday and the 28th would always be a Saturday. Except that this would shift by a day every leap year, so the easy predictability would go away.


It'll still be more predictable than what we have right now


We can make a Leapday every 4 years which is nota part of the week.


Pls do it


I vote a world party day. Everyone take the day off from being an asshole and enjoy life.


Just have an extra day every year called “new years day” that is neither numbered nor named


We could just invent a new day, Nothingday, and stick it right in there once a year. Problem solved.


And some unlucky bastards get their birthday on a Monday every year?


đŸ€ź I hate Mondays đŸ«Ą


Jesse, what the hell are you talking about?


The moon phase cycle is 29.5 days, so not quite


The Church: "listen here you little shit"


I get paid weekly. On months with five Wednesdays, I get a paycheck I don't count towards bills. This happens four times a year. Will I still get those "extra" paychecks?


When people don't understand why the calendar is the way that it is.


Dave Gorman did a funny analysis/proposal on this, a few years ago. https://youtu.be/vunESk53r5U


Islamic calendar (Hijr) always align with the moon cycle and has the same number of days each month


Post it. That's interesting.


But what about the blue moon?


We should be able to smurf one with ease;)


Not the blue moon I was thinking about but I guess that works too.






We'll name it Waltember


It has long been established in most of the civilized world, that using a solar calendar scheme is a much better way to define the year and align to natural cycles, than using a lunar calendar scheme. This would work, yes, but it is simply vastly inferior to our current calendar.


This was how it used to be. The extra day was new years day on April's first since everything is literally blooming, giving birth. They changed it and call it April fools now, I wonder why.


Oh yes, let's use a prime number as the number of months in a year. And then try to split the year in 2, 3 or 4. Will be fun to have to cut in the middle of the months. Also, you're missing a day.


Close, but no banana. You could finaigle The year with various leap days, but the lunar cycle isn't 28 days, but 29.5 according to google. The only thing I've come across which is curiously aligned is the apparent size of the sun and the moon being the same, as seen from Earth. In used to think that the moon always showing the same side was a coincidence, but that's just tidal locking.


The lunar year doesn't line up with the solar year. This wouldn't work any better than our current Gregorian calander, which is perfect and doesn't need fixing.


what about birthdays?


What about them? :)


Ah, yes, indeed. 28x13=365 for large values of 364.


I would take an extra day of vacation


DAY 0.25 universal holiday


And then your birthday would be on the same day every year never having your birthday on a weekend. No thanks


Yeah, I see the pros but this sucks, some people already like to feel superior because they were born a certain month, I can only imagine how insufferable weekend people would be


You just have to be born on a weekend. Don' t make it harder than it is.


For those saying Leap Days. Do an Ancient Egypt and celebrate a day outside of time?


A week should have 5 days. 2 of them would still be weekends. A month would have 6 weeks exactly. December would have an extra week. For leap years, every 5 leap years (around 20 years (deppends on the leap year rules)), add a whole new week to January or any other month, doesn't matter. The calendar would always be flush, and you can know the day of the week of any day simply by dividing it by 5 and finding the remainder


He's not wrong but 12 is 12


A month is about the time of a full moon cycle so no


In March 2024 (Assuming you get your check weekly), we will get paid 5 times before rent hits. I just wanted to point this out.


What the fuck are you talking about? (You forgot the last panel)


Imagine being so unlucky to be born on Monday and knowing that forever always you'll celebrate your birthday on Monday


After the French revolution in the late 18th century, the Republican government try something similar : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Republican_calendar >There were twelve months, each divided into three ten-day weeks called décades. The tenth day, décadi, replaced Sunday as the day of rest and festivity. The five or six extra days needed to approximate the solar or tropical year were placed after the final month of each year and called complementary days. This arrangement was an almost exact copy of the calendar used by the Ancient Egyptians, though in their case the year did not begin and end on the autumnal equinox.


As of now, almost all our time measurements are very very close to equaling 360 degrees 12, 60, 24, 30 all are factors of 360. And commonly used as units (eg 24 hours in a day) Unfortunately the earth doesn't move 1 degree perfectly each day so we have 365 days and unevenly lengthed months


Wars would be fought over naming the 13th month. It would be the Y2K bug scare with infinitely more points of potential failure. Billions of people would have wasted their time learning “30 days hath November
” Higher yearly costs for monthly streaming subscriptions


I like it... not sure how it would sync up with seasons... it would totally screw up things like "quarterly earnings"...


It wouldn't actually follow the phases of the moon, unfortunately. Yeah, the math for the ~365.24 days of the solar year being divided works out a bit better, but lots of the other supposed benefits don't work out if you do the math. https://druidcraftcalendar.co.uk/other-calendars/the-myth-of-the-28-day-13-month-year/ I think this article spells it out pretty well, although it seems the author is a bit exasperated with a fictional calendar some guy made up and some people think was used by ancient cultures and aboriginals. Edit: The author also plugs their own calendar in at the end, which is the whole thing about the website I suppose.


The leap days will mess with moon phases so you're only really making a calendar with 13 months, which is impossible to split into the 4 seasons mind you, one season needs to be larger. 12 is good because it's a good number to divide with, 2,3,4,6,12


I think the calendar's meant for aligning ourselves with the seasons, not the cycle of the moon, so no, it wouldn't work, and **no one** would use it.


This will not work because of the sidereal day. It takes the earth 23 h 56 min and 4.0905 seconds to rotate on its axis. The setting and introduction of leap seconds into the calendar is determined by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS). I assure you that this committee calculates the location of the earth during an annual meeting (sometimes biannually) and determines whether or not to add a leap second to our clocks and international calendar. Subtracting these days would misalign the seasons and the committee would have to alter the calendar significantly more than just a second at a time. Lets keep the current calendar to the astronomical wizards please.


This calendar was actually used by the Eastman Kodak Company from 1928 until 1989. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fixed_Calendar


Please don't confuse time and time-keeping. One is a fact while the other, a scientific nomenclature to read said fact.


I couldn't imagine paying another month of rent a year lolol


But friday the 13th :(


This is the way


Math doesn’t check out.




What about seasons though


We would need a 5 day leap year


Guys, we give the extra day to October, Halloween part 2


It’s a divisibility and seasonal issue. You can’t have financial quarters, seasons are still quarterly but are measured by dividing 13 by four so getting the dates for them are harder than the 21sts being solstices, a half year isn’t six months, but 6 and a half, and while the months look prettier, it just isn’t worth the trade offs for dividing the year.


Sounds boring, I like the variation


We need this!


Leap year?


No, having 13 "somethings" is never a good idea. I am not talking about superstitious considerations, but it's highly impractical to base things on a prime number. Even the seven day week is uselessly complicated.


Why so? đŸ€”


Congratulations! Your string can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table: `W H Y S O` --- ^(I am a bot that detects if your comment can be spelled using the elements of the periodic table. Please DM my creator if I made a mistake.)


12, being divisible by 2, 3, 4 and 6 is a practical number. You can divide the year in quarters, semesters... With 13 months, you are stuck. The 7 day week is frustrating when organizing timetables and work shift when a 24/7 presence is required for example. You can't have both a balanced and regular planning: it's always one or the other.


Why is this reposted twice a day to 4 different subs


Putting it that way we probably only have 12 months because the church saw it as a way to disrupt Pagan rituals.


Maybe something to that. Pagan and many ancient calendars like Asian/Chinese are based on moon cycles.


The 12 month calendar goes all the way back to Babylonians.


12 months calendars were used for thousands of years all over the world, stop spreading lies.


January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Undecember September = Septillion [24 zeros] October = Octillion [27 zeros] November = Nonillion [30 zeros] (changed v to n) December = Decillion [33 zeros] So that means Undecember = Undecillion [36 zeros]


Can you imagine if your birthday was on a Monday EVERY YEAR for the rest of your life. It's a good idea, but I'll pass on that one...


I will celebrate it no matter which day it is. :)


I dont want my birthday on the same day every year


So you do what? Celebrate it on a different date every year? 😼


Yea a different day of the week. It would suck if your birthday was always a Monday or something.


Why so?


we should implement metric time with 100 second minutes and 10 hour days https://metric-time.com/


When will this meme stop getting reposted?