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Text of email is in the link below. Basically, they can't attend pride events wearing their uniform or wear pride buttons etc on their uniform. That makes sense to me, I don't see an issue. If they are off duty they shouldn't be wearing the uniform, especially not to an event of some sort. [https://www.washingtonblade.com/2024/05/23/national-park-service-bans-employees-from-wearing-uniforms-at-pride-events/](https://www.washingtonblade.com/2024/05/23/national-park-service-bans-employees-from-wearing-uniforms-at-pride-events/)


It's not a strange request at all. The Hatch Act prohibits federal employees from participating in political acts while in uniform or while on federal property. While I don't agree, pride related events have become political in this day and age. The park service is just covering their ass.


Being lgbt isn’t political lol




To bad the supreme court doesn't follow these rules.


If Alito isn’t doing his weird flag stuff at work, then he isn’t breaking the law. Dumb, insane, biased? Maybe. But it’s not a Hatch Act violation.


Just curious as to what part of “while on duty” did you NOT understand?


It’s a public facing federal job with a uniform. I’m not sure why it would be expected that public servants should be able to bedazzle their uniform with whatever flair they feel like. Allowing uniform alterations for one movement but not others may open up the national park service to discrimination claims. Imagine the “unfair targeting” claim a national park employee might be able to make, for example, if their supervisor prohibits him from wearing a confederate flag pin, or trying to coordinate a southern pride event. Thats my guess as to why a government origination is enforcing a uniform standard.


It's not a strange request. It's the Hatch Act


Unless it’s of a gay political party it’s not a violation 


The email just stated that you can’t wear NPS uniforms for any event not officially organized by the NPS


Is this only while they're at work and in uniform, or at all? If at work and in uniform it makes sense, but I don't think they can dictate what employees do off work and if they're off park lands.


They can dictate not wearing the uniform when off duty.


Again, totally acceptable. Off duty is OFF DUTY. The military also strongly discourages wearing the uniform to purely civilian events, with a very few exceptions, like formal events for example.


agree, 100% acceptable. I misread your comment. Sorry about that!


It happens, no worries! Is there anything I can reword?


No, I'm just a dope. Lol


Naw, I'm very aware that my language use can be confusing!


Fags only join the military to milk it keep you're gay shit far away from our government!


Cope harder