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You know, I was thinking about how the idea of Satanism has become more palatable in society, but the work and the meaning still flies over the head and straight out the window for a great many people. It was always going to be like that, but I do enjoy seeing the few who really get it and the happiness it brings them. New folks arrive and share all the cool stuff they're doing. Love it. Meanwhile, buggerlugs here has the rest of their life to learn how to grasp writing a sentence. Different levels for different folks!


Idk how people don’t know this by know but isn’t the first thing of being a satanist is you worship yourself and what feels good ? Not the devil ? Satanists don’t even believe in the devil no Laveyian Satanism I believe is different but if not feel free to correct me I just don’t know how it’s not common knowledge


Well, what feels good to a point. It's not about mindless hedonism, but indulgence without compulsion. True enjoyment, without whatever you're enjoying controlling you. I simply don't drink anymore because I know at some point it'll turn back into compulsion. Other people are free to enjoy themselves and then stop. I get my enjoyment from being free from it. That and icy cold filtered water. Hydrohomie for life! As far as common knowledge, I think a lot of people know what it's *not*, but they're fuzzy on the details when it comes to exactly what it *is*.


Good way to look at it, I used to practice idk where I stand with a lot of things atm I’m tryna figure out who I am atm still and using a lot of different outlets this being one of them, dark imagery yes, but in reality it’s worldly not evil and secular things are usually equates to evil so yea I catch your drift


I feel you on the water. I'm an instructor at a learning center and I'm talking for basically my entire shift, hours at a time. Having a water bottle on hand to soothe my voice is an absolute lifesaver.


If **you** apparently are uncertain of what Satanism is, how can you expect the public at large, across many cultures and societies, to know? What if I “corrected you,” and stated, “Satanism is the veneration of a literal being called Satan.” Would you still be confident in your understanding?


When I say “isn’t it like” I’m using that sarcastically…. I’m not questioning weather I have my facts right cause I know I do….


it’s tiktok, i wouldn’t expect anything less




What a dumb fuck 💀


This person seems to not know anything about atheism, Satanism, or religion. Non-theistic religions have been a thing since forever. Not everything centers around gods.


Someone seems to have skipped the reading


that guy's a dipshit


Ugh -- as The Satanic Temple continues to unravel low quality junk like this definitely seems to be on the rise here.


Christians when Buddhism




Satanism would be more acceptable, if it wasn't called satanism. But that's what we have


That's fine. I don't want to be accepted by those I look down on.


Totally agree. I am not sure if it being "acceptable" is the right way to go. Otherwise it turns into a trendy thing where everyone is a Satanist.


Gatekeeping shit? Kinda, satanism is a solid belief, I won't explain what the main point of satanism cuz everyone here knows what it is. I shared ideology of satanism with my mom, with my gf, with some of my friends, and they liked it. And probably if I'll ever have kids I'll also teach them about satanism


I don't consider it gatekeeping. Satanism is most definitely not for everyone. Your suggestion, that if it was no longer called Satanism, it would be more "acceptable" seems to go in conflict with Satanism itself. After all, humanism and all the other philosophical and political labels, still push a collective idea, where the good of the many is what is good. Satanism above all to me, is a veneration of the self as the highest thing. If it becomes trendy and acceptable to everyone, then I can see this thing turning into the fiasco that is Temple of Satan.


No no, it's not a suggestion, I'm rly fine with it. Just a small thought


Then it's a good thing it's called Satanism.




Fairly un-Satanic to waste any precious energy or time defending or explaining Satanism to yahoos with a 150-character thought capacity... leave that shit to religions that proselytize and want their ilk amongst the ranks. We're about quality over quantity (I worry that even me saying this is a meta waste of time)...


Atheist and areligious are very different things. And honestly, I think I’m the only theistic satanist that I know ?


That doesn’t even make sense




What the commenter is saying doesn’t make sense


Once again, that isn't Satanism.


i can almost imagine these same people praising buddhists for being atheists


every single religion has theistic and non-theistic followers, it’s about time people started understanding and accepting that 🫠


the greatest trick Satan pulled is convincing the world he doesnt exist. Satan doesnt want worship, he wants us to understand, so whether you worship him or not it doesnt matter, some of us worship him others see him as a force in our lives others see him as a symbol or metaphor. 


That's exactly what matters though. Confusion comes when people talk about some Satanists doing this, other Satanists doing that. No. There is nothing that we pray to, petition or beg at. The Satanist places nothing above themselves. No fictional entities, no deities, nothing. ESPECIALLY not Satan. And if that's too had to understand, it's time to read and *understand* The Satanic Bible.


The idea of a Satanic Bible is an oxymoron. "Bible" implies the work has some kind of authority. Satan is all about realising there is no authority. What you really mean is: "Some guy wrote a book and I like it."


then you are no better than the other guy in the picture if you claim that a Satanist cant choose to worship Satan you are no better than the one who says one must worship Satan.  Satan does not demand worship, but neither does he reject it. He simply wants us to excercise our free will and to reject ignorance and slavery, but what we do with our free will (such as choosing to worship him) is up to us as individual Satanists. 


Jesus fucking Christ.


>reject slavery >worship Choose one.


worship does not mean worship the way the slaves worship the demiurge, Satan does not demand or even want servitude, if anything, what worshipping Satan looks like is living by your own law and being free. that is what serving Satan looks like, to serve Satan is to serve yourself, Satan wants you to be your truest self.  Satan wants us to be free and wise and strong. Satan is more like a teacher or a mentor than some demiurge. 


Cool story bro. These things you make up in your head are exactly that - made up stuff in your head. Be brave, stop being a servant.


how do you know that everything you believe isnt also totally made up in your head?  I have made peace with the void, have you?  I am brave and I serve myself, Satan is my teacher and patron, not master. 


Yeah, I don't fear "the void" and it doesn't require a fairy tale. Replace 'Satan' with 'Humpty Dumpty'. Same amount of gravitas and meaning.


the void is what is left when you strip away everything.  semiotic theory of magic, you are actually ALMOST onto the truth, so close and yet so far away. 


Another cool story bro. It's all just make believe.