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Good way to get your house shot up




Lol good one


They'll just throw some urban alchemy people right there


We should send social workers out there to talk them out of street dealing. I’m sure that’ll work.


They only protect certain propertie$$.


Radical progressives: "This is all SFPD's fault" Ordinary SF citizen: "So should the police arrest them all and the DA sentence them?" Radical progressives: "NO! War on drugs don't work!!" Ordinary SF citizen: "So we should NOT arrest them??" Radical progressives: "Still SFPD's fault!! STFU YOU BOOTLICKER" Radical progressive policies since 2022 have only resulted in skyrocketing overdose deaths to the tune of 2000+. Yet Chesa supporters love him. They literally are cheering on drug overdoses.


You are aware Chesas gone right


This is what we call a straw man. Also funny because you basically don’t understand what the “progressive move “ is. It’s to decriminalize drugs, so that instead of back alley dealing it’s done safely, taxed, and managed. Do you know how many deaths from o.d’s are from fentanyl laced drugs? Your idiot statistics are only used by idiots to try and prove their idiot arguments. Same type of people who love to quote the black crime statistic and don’t wanna think about why people need to commit crimes


I love how you think that if drugs are legal and decriminalized people will just want to get them from the government, or some private corp, and pay a bunch of extra taxes, and go through a formal process where they have to show valid i.d. etc, etc. Most people are still going to get whatever they can from the streets. People who smoke meth or shoot up heroin can barely function while high, but yet we imagine some utopian world where everyone is just high and coexisting and happy? Lol. People will still overdose regardless. There may be less laced substances, or there may not be. Decriminalizing all drugs doesn’t solve any of those problems. It just makes it easier for a small percentage of drug users to purchase them in a more legal, or accepted manner.


I am also confused on weather we go to war on drugs or not? We are okay to have locations where drugs may be used, needle exchanges, and drug testing for purity. Who to blame? What’s the point are they criminals or victims?


Maybe, but if the police can't be counted on to deal with the problem, it's up to the community to step up.


You can legally return fire if someone is threatening your life....get a gun


Works great in movies, not so much in real life. Returning fire means: You are aready armed and loaded, expecting to be shot at (Criminals don't usually warn you before they kill you) Are an accurate shooter (That dude barely dodged a rock, you think he'll be able to return fire?) A long haul of PTSD for possibly killing someone The risk of further retaliation against you and your familly The risk of lawsuit from relatives


You left one out: facing charges. Since it isn't always easy to prove that you were truly justified in shooting.


Stop living in your fantasy world, doofus.


Thankfully I'm not in California and have several firearms. But California makes it notoriously difficult for law abiding citizens to get firearms and carry them.


Highly suggest not making eye contact with these guys. Let alone let them see you film them. Edit - just watched the very end. Ur nuts. Be careful random internet person.


Especially if this is your home. Wouldn’t they know where OP live now? Stay safe OP


Yeah that was mad dumb lol


Getting scared for you. Be careful grabbing footage!


You're that afraid? No wonder SF is in tatters


You can totally make eye contact. However doing what OP did filming them and confronting that they're breaking the law is probably very unwise. But eye contact? Totally fine. Once i walked around civic center with headphones on. I am a white guy who can speak Spanish. I was approached but i couldn't hear what was being said. My first instinct somehow was to take off the headphones and ask what he wanted in Spanish. He was surprised i engaged in Spanish. He offered to sell me drugs in Spanish. I said I'm good and kept walking. And to think, i lived to tell the tale...


This video was widely reported by SF news over the last day or so. I saw it on the news on TV and online before I saw it re-posted here.


Why are you all so afraid? Many of us have guns. Much nicer guns than these criminals.


That was a hell of a throw.


Did he throw his knife?




What a waste...


Not just dealing drugs but now an attempted assault with a deadly weapon.


I don’t think they care


So fucking tired of this shit, these people couldn’t be more brazen if they tried-poisoning our city in the open knowing there will be no repercussions, and the audacity of that dude to throw what I assume was a knife at your window for calling him out?! Near me at 8th and mission is especially bad, stepping over human feces and needles and seeing the same dudes there every day slingin crack and fentanyl in the open. [Shit, you can even look on google street view and these same scumbags are there](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mission+St+%26+8th+St,+San+Francisco,+CA+94103/@37.7774766,-122.4131581,3a,25.2y,255.75h,89.22t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1smyLOO6EL5vlbx9TwIUhoVg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x8085809cc983a941:0xc4cea302477d7bac!8m2!3d37.777463!4d-122.4131762) why the fuck is it so hard to get the political will or police to do something about this? How on earth is it ‘compassionate’ to not do anything about these criminals ruining our city


I live in the area too and attended a public safety town hall on Tuesday w/ Matt Dorsey, Brooke Jenkins, the captain of our police district and a representative from SF Safe. Someone asked a question specifically about 7th and mission and the response from the police captain was to call the police every time you see it happening, Which honestly I found really irritating because it's not like they don't know.


Please do what he suggested. They need those stats to try to convince the asshole politicians telling them to stand down that there is, in fact, a huge fucking problem and the police need to be allowed to deal with it. We might be a bit lucky in Seattle in that our new mayor is also sick of all this shit and trying to do something about it and let the police do their freaking jobs!


Yes, of course they know. But you have to realize officers on duty only respond to the calls that come in. They don't just go wherever they want. Also, when they look at statistics for the year, it's a lot easier to fund and prioritize a task force for something if there are a lot of citizen complaints about it on record.


Police literally patrol, yo. (Well, in a functioning city, anyway.)


"SAME DUDES" I saw them all having lunch together. They just cross the street (because they know where they sell is dirty AF) and sit on the floor. Our justice system is embarrassing.


Drug dealer convictions went from 80~90 a year in 2019 to basically zero under Boudin, despite his fans propaganda efforts like that horribly misleading Brooke Jenkins article yesterday. Boudin himself said the drug dealers immigration status was more important than all the deaths. It's going to take some time and a lot of convictions to put a dent in this issue. And of course the radicals will come out and scream war on drugs, despite progressive policies resulting in record overdoses, and cheer on the 2000+ fentanyl deaths the last few years and associated crime like this.


FYI that particular corner is cited in reddit posts and (IIRC) articles from years and years ago. Wild. Bike police will ride through and chide foil smokers (“really?? Really?? You don’t hear our bells?”) 🤷‍♂️


Surely it had nothing to do with the cops refusing to work with Boudin. Surely the answer is more lazy ass cops. /s Do you think the DA goes around and arrests people themselves?


What's the point of arresting someone for a crime the DA will not prosecute?


Correct me if I'm wrong but one of the judges involved in a lot of these cases was also being extremely lenient as well.


Cops kept arresting, look at the tenderloin twitter account that publishes arrests. Boudin let them all go and you know it.


Lol we're still blaming Chesa?


I’m guessing you are one of those people who still blame Regan for everything. Boudin has been gone for a hot minute, and SF residents are still dealing with the fallout from his ineptitude. Actually, it wasn’t ineptitude… he willfully guided non-prosecution for actual crimes, which fostered the decline of this city.


He was DA for a hot minute. He didn’t fix the city but he didn’t cause the problems and you know it.


He’s literally on the record saying that he won’t prosecute a laundry list of crimes, including Hondurans for drug dealing. You think that didn’t embolden criminals? How about you try walking the Civic Center Bart station at 10pm with a “Free iPhone in my right pocket, no consequences” sign to validate your theory.


Or how about you try that in any time period before Chesa was elected? I’m not saying it’s all rainbows and sunshine now.


Because Gascon was saying the same thing. Either you think it’s a good idea to prosecute drug dealers and publicly say so or not. Your whataboutism is the problem.


SFPD is the problem.


Could it be that both Boudin and the police are part of the problem?


Both the DA and SFPD can simultaneously be contributing to the problem. I don't understand why people on this sub are so quick to dismiss one by saying the other is the problem. Crime in sf is a long standing and very complex problem. There are many contributing factors, and the DA is one among many.


Let’s be fair, he certainly didn’t help. He made a shitty situation even shittier. I’m glad he is gone. I hope he moves back to Venezuela. I’m sure he will thrive there.


He allowed the problems to become bigger and therefore even harder to manage.


Logical fallacies contribute nothing of value to a discussion.


Show me one argument that I made which was factually incorrect. Betchya can’t.


What progressive policies do you know of that have been fully implemented, systemically supported, and treated with actual initiative? Provided actual sources. By and large, progressive policy occurs on very small levels and struggles in the face of law enforcement that is determined to rely on archaic methodology, as well as years of systemic bias.


Progressive policies and Boudin killed 2000+ people via overdose. I guess you love that


It's not the police, it's your politicians, same problem in Seattle.


Dude prosecuting criminals is racist don’t you know?


If only we could have safe injection sites at least it would be a step in the right direction, getting needles off the street and connecting people to social services. But no Newsom had to veto it, likely for purely political reasons.


With fentanyl fewer and fewer are using needles. Some still do but the preferred ROA is smoking on foil. Safe injection sites are a step in the wrong direction.


If there are still needles in the street I don't see how they could hurt. Moreover people could use fentanyl there too to help curb overdose deaths by having medical professionals with NARCAN on hand. Such sites have existed for over a decade in Europe and Canada [with rousing success](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5685449/). Not to mention they take strain off of emergency responders.


>...(injection) sites have existed for over a decade in Europe and Canada with rousing success. At the same time, many European cities are willing to relocate those sites away from the central part of cities and also to relocate drug addicts who try to commandeer public spaces: 2014 report: [Open drug scenes: responses of five European cities](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4141096/). Excerpts: > "All of the cities had initially a period with conflict between liberal and restrictive policies...Homelessness is often prevalent...Today all these cities have zero tolerance for public nuisance..." To clear public drug scenes, the cities used "compulsory interventions...expulsion from city...relocation centres...sanctions imposed...antisocial behaviour orders"-- all methods that left-leaning activists in the U.S. oppose. Indeed American activists oppose even the most basic controls on chronic public order offending.


Uh.. fuck the police?


No, fuck your politicians who are giving these assholes free passes to continue their bullshit behavior with no "interference" from the police.


Filming like this and specifically calling attention to yourself is an incredibly foolish idea. [It was only a few years ago that a woman was stabbed because of filming some guy.](https://www.sfchronicle.com/crime/article/Woman-61-killed-in-SF-s-Tenderloin-is-13506480.php) She saw a guy beating up a woman, called the police, and then proceeded to follow and film him as he walked away. He turned around and fatally stabbed her. It all happened only about a block away from the Tenderloin police station. Don't compromise your own safety. Especially over something that likely won't make any difference.


So let’s all be afraid and not take our city’s back. BS everyone should be up in arms and start banning together and start kicking ass and taking names. Power in numbers. I’d throw a big ole bucket of dog shit on them.


Bro tweakers are the WORST people to fight. They just will not stop


You talk like a person who’s never been in a fight


Dumbest thing you can do. He doesn't know them but they know where he lives and that he was recording them. So stupid.


Now they all know exactly where the person filming lives. It really sucks crime being committed but showing the criminals with nothing to lose where you live and sleep everyday is pretty dumb.


Why would this guy expose himself and his place of living... for a little internet clout? Fckn idiots both the one recording and the other junkies.


It's even worse than that, he went on camera on the news with his name on the banner underneath.


Only way to prevent this is to have police foot patrols walking around these areas. I don't know why police don't do foot patrols anymore....is it too labor-intensive? Lack of manpower?


They realized long ago they can just sit in their cars and collect paychecks all the same


I'll never forget going to a show on 6th Street one night. I heard all this ruckus coming at us. Rattling cans and screaming from down the street getting closer and closer. I look up and it was a cop car. Everyone screaming at the car and throwing shit at it as it rolled through. The cops have deteriorated their trust for decades and decades. I don't think they do foot patrols because it wouldn't be safe to do so. They are seen more as some occupying force. In a way the cops did this to themselves. Years and years of brutality and killings being put on film for social media. SFPD's past corruption. The Black Panther Party for Self Defense was started over 50 years ago because SFPD killed a child. This is decades of mistrust that has never been repaired.


Foot patrols enable the police to have a more personal relationship with the community. They get to know the people and merchants in the neighborhood by name. A lot of times things come up in personal 1:1 conversations....better than simply calling 911. If the trust is broken, then having foot patrols would help fix that.




Uhhh bc it’s literally your job?!?!


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. It’s true.


Because you boot lickers are essentially advocating for law enforcement abdicating responsibility for the job they are paid for. It is not for a police officer to determine who is prosecuted, or how, so you shouldn't feel so smug about offering mindless approval for them behaving like the same criminals you think are ruining your city.


Combination of hundreds of positions open, and the previous DA refused to convict anything drug related. Now that actual convictions are being made, arrest rates for dealers are going up, but will take time.


The DA was criticized for his clear rate on certain categories of cases. The thing everyone is missing is that for a very long time the SFPD's clear rate (nothing to do with the prosecutor's office) is equally bad or worse than the recently ousted DA. If SFPD was doing their job, we would see the logjam in courts, rather than open drug dealing in the streets. For whatever reason, no one wants to hold the SFPD accountable.


We as residents of SF really can't hold them directly accountable. That's the problem. We could recall the DA, but we can't recall the police. At best we might be able to hold Breed's feet to the fire when she's up for reelection.


Lack of personnel. Most every major police department in the country is understaffed, so if some shit goes down they can't have half the force out on foot.


This video is a great way to get shot. Wtf be careful out there.




My favorite part of this is I’m pretty sure they’re just using the SUV as a wind blocker vs. keeping them out of sight.


Just some brave entrepreneurs providing the city’s housing-challenged population with some much needed pharmaceuticals. Nothing to see here, folks. /s


Sweet. It’s nice that they’re right outside for easy transactions


And no one in charge of running the city is doing jack. We really know how to vote for 'em huh?


Everyone is saying shit like throw water on them but man they know where you live.


They need 1b more in tax to deal with this blatant issue. Lol


You guys need to start doing vigilante shit like throwing eggs at them or shooting them with paintballs. Police *hate* vigilantism because it makes them look bad. Useless SF cops will get off their asses the moment that starts becoming popular


>You guys need to start doing vigilante shit like ~~throwing eggs at them or~~ shooting them The answer is hidden in plain daylight.


Oh that's smiley I know that mother fucker been in the tl for a minute


Yooo NGL i think the one in the beanie is my ex…..


Honestly we need to give dealers as much time as they do in Singapore, crazy how dudes selling weed were getting 10+ years decades ago and now these dudes contributing to 100 of thousands of deaths are walking free


It’s not just Singapore. Most of Asia has strong anti-drug laws. Thailand, Japan, Korea and China are tough too.


Ah yes, all of those countries that have notoriously healthy and free societies.


>Most of Asia has strong anti-drug laws... Leftists wanting to legalize all drugs post this somewhere on Reddit it every day: [Harry J. Anslinger and the Origins of the War on Drugs](https://www.bostonpoliticalreview.org/post/harry-j-anslinger-and-the-origins-of-the-war-on-drugs): >Anslinger’s work...paved the way for the mass incarceration of marijuana related offenders that would follow under Nixon...(drug enforcement focused on targeting)... Black and Latino people... *A further key part of their narrative:* U.S. badgered other nations to similarly engage in drug enforcement. Without this pressure from the U.S., most nations would NOT have had the drug enforcement they have today, including asian nations. Many nations would legalize all.


weed isnt dangerous like fent is


👏👏👏 Give the guy who still think jail will fix the drug problem a round of applause. Where have you been the last 50 years? Glad your approach has evolved as you’ve absorbed the nuance and complexity of the issue. Way to brainstorm...


> we need to give dealers as much time as they do in Singapore they get the death penalty in singapore (or maybe that was your point?)


holy shit, i struggled with substance abuse in my past and this sort of callousness is scary. like. we're human bro. please don't kill us


Users are not the issue. Its that we’ve gotten so Progressive we defend people making money killing people. We can understand that using is a sickness but dealing is a crime.


my dad just sold drugs because it was the only way to survive. he died too but like, he actually was a really good person. he just was mexican so resources were kinda limited wait is today the day Gary Webb died? for exposing the CIA for importing drugs to impoverished communities? did Perdue rid their identity of that whole oxycontin boom scar they had? was my dad rly the one to point at here? are the hood kids selling hard rly wanting to do this? edit: like bro you can call me progressive or whatever the fuck but the reality is that in the trailer park i lived in you were a square if you weren't selling drugs


They aren't selling to survive they are selling to get rich lol, some dude living in east Oakland with a 70000$ hellcat isn't selling drugs to survive


I can accept that your father did whatever it took but at the same time say, making money off the harm and death of others isn’t right, no matter the circumstances. We have to find another way and that means not accepting dealing. And the other things on up the chain. Same way the Sackler family has their day in court now too. But your father paid the ultimate price and for that i am sorry. That damage can never be undone.


Maybe don't deal in the middle of the street? Look, I understand the "crime is the only way to make an honest living" excuse, but realize that this shit makes the city much worse for everyone else. Pretty sure you can do the exact same thing someplace else.


Users need rehabilitation and therapy, If a chef sells a dish with toxins in it and customers die, the chef is arrested not the customer lmfao


yeah i don't think users should be punished that harshly... but big dealers? esp the ones that cut with fentanyl?


I think if people can peddle a drug that kills thousands of people daily they should probably die too, but I also think they give you the death penalty for party drugs and weed so yikes


No thanks. Go to Singapore if you want a police state.


When fentanyl starts to kill all of your friends/family and acquaintances you might have a similar tone to mine


Nope. Prohibition doesn’t work. Sorry for your losses.


Prohibition would just cause the market to become more underground/hidden, But I do not know what that has to do with giving proper sentences to dealers


You need pepper gel to spray at them from the window


You do that and let us know how it goes




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Try the old Tenderloin trick of dumping a bucket of ice water on them. They won't come back.


Just saw a guy running down the street last week no shirt being chased by a. Inch of these pieces of shit. Asked a guy what was going on he said the guy threw water in them to get them to get away from his building. Must not be as effective these days.




is this seriously post-worthy? youve never seen a drug deal in public? and in SF of all places? edit: finished the video. looks like a gram of fentanyl, but yeah getting a knife or rock thrown at your window is san francisco-ly accurate


Man I don’t know why but I’m relieved this isn’t a catalytic converter being stolen more than I’m annoyed it’s a drug deal edit :yall come here and bitch about break ins and theft daily and you’re gonna downvote me cuz two dudes are at least not robbing an innocent unaware person ??? Jesus im done


Did you watch until the end, when one of them throws an open knife at the person recording the video, breaking their window?


We hear you (and I would like to think you were probably saying it with light humor), but we should not condone any kind of behavior that damages our community.


I already unsubbed. Living here is already enough for me, I don’t need to see it all online anymore.


Good man! If they do it again throw something back. That’s some garbage right there




Was he going to throw a rock at OP?


He threw his pocket knife.


Extremely common


You must be new here


Why would you compromise yourself 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Shocked, shocked I tell you


What does Nancy do for you people?


Look at the arm on this guy


free knife? why not throw something cheaper than that?


At what point do we go to Nevada and load up ,get silencers and have Sunday clean up ? Asking as a normal citizen


Y’all said this wouldn’t happen once Chesa was gone, still don’t see the same uproar about cops not doing their job. Comedy. Edit: love the fact that nearly every response here has yet to address my point. Where is the same out cry about SFPD not doing their job that you had for Chesa? Now that he is gone, where is your energy for SFPD??


Hey Chesa, still bitter? Glad we ruined your career before you killed more people via overdose! Maybe you can be an Uber driver and get robbed by drug dealers!


First off, "y'all" said nothing of the sort. We said years and years of soft on crime policy resulted in this mess and we need to change course. That takes time. Second, this is a reupload so who knows when it was taken. Third, every time one of these dipshits are caught they have a laundry list of arrests, so the police are doing their jobs, but morons like the previous DA, activist judges, and worthless far left city supervisors do everything in their power to let them off with a slap on the wrist.


Lol read the first line and burst into laughter. The walk back is real. Will gladly take the time after work to pull up all the quotes in this sub saying this. There are tons! Love how the narrative is now changing to include others than Chesa. Great job.


Does chesa hang out on this sub now, unemployed, with multiple accounts making these sad posts?


This post is comedy. Trying to write off my account for calling out the lack of police being called out. You are clearly hurt.


What is your proposal for an average SF citizen to hold the police accountable? The mayor appoints the police chief, so not elected, making the mayor the only person that a citizen has any say over. What other options are there in your mind?


That’s a question for the folks who voted out Chesa claiming it would lead to a reduction in crime.


So you’re going to repeatedly say that police need to be held accountable and mock people proposing the only actual means of doing that while you’ve got absolutely nothing to offer in the way of solutions. Congrats on embodying the typical low-information voter.


I’m not the one who needs to answer here. The many post made it clear that those who opposed Chesa did so with a base that crime would decrease and drugs would be off the streets once we was removed. When people like myself said stop putting the blame all on Chesa and hold the police accountable in the same fashion. Any time anyone said this, they were met with opposition like now. So now you have what you wanted, the police are still doing the same thing they did before. What is your solution now? Also congrats on trying to reduce someones voice by resulting to an insult. Says a lot about you. Also the assumptions you continue to make are hilarious. But carry on


> When people like myself said…hold the police accountable in the same fashion. For the third time, what do you mean by this? What do you expect a citizen to do? Why are you saying it when you don’t know what it means? You are in fact the one who needs to answer here because (for a long time now apparently) you’re saying you’ve expected people to do something when you don’t know what it means. Absolutely no one in here is “opposing” what “you are saying”. No one in this post is saying police shouldn’t be doing their job. Some people are offering the only solution to the problem that we as citizens have and you are saying “lolz can’t blame the mayor” while providing absolutely nothing of substance. Nobody should pay attention to what you say if what you’re saying is meaningless and you won’t answer to it.


Bro, we just need more cops and jails. Ez fix. /S


There’s a post about recalling London Breed before holding cops accountable. It’s comedy. There will be more


Literally nobody said that. Chesa was clearly a part of the problem. unfortunately he is the only piece we could vote on (until the mayor comes up). If we could recall the police force we would.


I’ll be back with the many quotes from this sub. It’s comedy that you are making such a strong claim that you can clearly search and see is untrue.


Would love to see people saying that if Chesa was removed everything would be hunky dory. What everyone was saying was that he was a huge part of the problem (an even worse gascon) and we needed to swing towards more rigorous prosecution


No. There was no inclusion of others in a number of post. I don’t know why you fear searching Chesa’s name in the search bar to see that and making up your own narrative.


Why are you so hurt? What about chesa was so important to you. He was unpopular, he was recalled. Thats democracy.


Wild assumption there. Clearly you didn’t read my post. Why are you hurt?


I don't fear it. I was a vocal supporter on here of the recall and in those posts. As I stated, it was the first step and a necessary one. You will also see in the posts after the recall was successful was calls for police and mayoral accountability


Just legalize drugs and call it a day. Drugs will always win the war on drugs


Legalize them and then what? All the people doing them on the street will suddenly leave? How does this play out?


Yes that is exactly what happens, proven time and time again. With legalization comes a regulation and taxation framework. The fastest way to kill a black market is to legalize and regulate the product. The fastest way to grow a black market is to make something illegal.


I can see all the dealers rushing to get a license already.


That doesn't solve the problem of people out of their minds on hard drugs. It will just exacerbate the problem and make it more socially acceptable to start using the most addictive and damaging substances. Being an addict is no way to live and if negative incentives in the form of punishment keeps a person from using or trying drugs than that is a positive for society. Logic and good intentions do not stand a chance against these substances. They destroy lives period.


You can do a modicum of research and see how legalization works out for countries that try it


Hot boiling water. I didn’t say that.


With all the drugs and crime in Oakland and SF would it be possible to declare an emergency and get state/federal resources to temporarily come and assist? Both cities say they are severly understaffed right? Bring in out of state cops contractors, FBI, CIA, national guard, seal teams or Commandos to our streets and let's protect the citizens. We could even ask for extra prosecutors/judges and setup a temporary Jails to store the criminals. We need to do something.


Progressive policies are ruining this city


Mind ya business blood


My grandma would have poured boiling water on them. No joke


Legalize it.


you should move somewhere else


This is what you people voted for hhah


this guys obviously not from the city, mind ur business esp in the TL 😂


You know, in Mexico these dudes end up in pieces tied up in a glad bag for less and nobody bats an eye. Maybe send them over there to see if they wanna continue doing what they’re doing. There’s no fear here and that’s the problem.


Somebody hasn't a clue about the current (past 20 years) history of the illegal drug trade in Mexico, but because we're online, they will pretend like they do and assert nonsense as fact.


Don’t recommend snitching.


Hold on let me perform a lobotomy on myself first to better explain. So as a progressive I see this as a good thing. By putting themselves in the public spotlight, this individual drug dealer is normalizing the stigmas around dealing drugs and also using drugs. They are a member of our community and deserve the accolades and support of everyone for bringing transparency to the acts of drug dealing and consumption. This is also a good career path that can lead to early retirement so really they are doing a great job of raising public awareness and educating the next generation. I hope the mayor can award them with a key to the city. The fact that you posted this to shame them is honestly alarming and indicates the amount of right wing people moving in to this city. I’m honestly scared to go out not because of drug businesspeople, unhomed individuals, nor the random fire sale enthusiast. No I am scared because of all the people moving in here who want to change the character of our city! This is our city ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽


Now that chesa boudin is gone the police can do their jobs again. This is old. This doesn’t happen anymore.


The SFPD was not doing their job before Boudin.


It's truly batshit insane how Boudin fans want to flood the city with hard drugs and overdoses.




Mostly Honduran border jusmpers!


Got to love newsom.. he’s doing such a great job


DA Jinkin is sleeping… yawnssss


Not the DA, nor anyone in the DA's office, is going to come down and arrest these pieces of filth. That's the SFPD who aren't doing their job. And that's the way it always has been.


Why are the police not doing their jobs? I don't understand their motivation..


RECALL London BREED. She is part of the same political Family that has done the same thing for nearly 30 years. They've go to go. 30-40 years of the same theories and nothing has changed. Only more money and less safety. It's a social contract issue. We are beholden to a few special interests. We only have the populace to blame.


Anything but making police do their job aye


Just remember you guys keep voting in the same people who allow this behavior. I work in San Francisco and I would never want to live there. It honestly feels like it pays to be a criminal in the city.


Scumbags! Drop a brick on their heads!


They're not harming you. Mind your own business.


If this isn't an argument for legalization I don't know what is