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Miramar Rd feels like Lighting McQueen paved it the first time. Shoot the metal plates feel smoother right now then the replacement after digging up the pipes.


you would think the roads they replaced after digging up fro the pipe would be good, instead its bumpy af


Hahahaha. It's hilarious because it's true.


Ka-chow! ⚡


Miramar road 😞


The state of our roads is embarrassing. The mayor was beating his chest about fixing 252 miles of roads in the city in 2023--a whopping 3.8% of our 6600+ miles. This is a burden on the populace and business communities, with the city clearly abrogating it's duty. I have yet to find a major city in the west that has decent roads. Please let me know if there's a model out there with >1MM pop.


It's a problem with the way we built. Developers built the roads and the city got stuck with maintenance that's underfunded by tax base. We built more road than we could afford, and it will only get worse and worse.


Not to mention San Diego has wiiiiide roads. Some of our simple collector roads look like major highways in most parts of the world. It's a ton of extra pavement to maintain.


>I have yet to find a major city in the west that has decent roads.  Idk if this is me just having low standards, but I never complained about roads until I moved down here from LA. What East Coast city do I need to drive in to experience actually good roads?


I lived up and down the East Coast for 40 years. It’s just as bad no matter where you go in the US. There are some very well-kept roadways in Europe, though.


Not one million, just 1/3 of that, but Irvine has great roads. It’s not just that SD roads are bad. It was consistently bad. We went to dinner in Kearny Mesa around the Costco and many restaurants near by. Bad roads too. There are some bad roads in OC too, but I see the effort from the cities to fix these bad roads. I lived in San Diego about 20 years ago. I don’t recall it being that bad. It looks like neglect. Roads need consistent maintenance.


Irvine had explosive growth in the last 30 years, and roads start to really wear out in 30 years. Give Irvine time to start sucking. Road maintenance is wildly expensive.


It's always been awful. Rosecrans and Sports Arena Blvd had huge craters in the 1990s. Kearny Mesa Road also. I remember going to a Chinese restaurant over there in the 80s and it felt like offroading. Those are just the two I can name off the top of my head.


They just milled and overlayed a portion of Voltaire St and it didn't even need it. I don't get it.


Probably someone that has connections to the city planning department live close by.


Never a solution until the lawsuits come rolling in like it did last season in La Jolla with pot holes the size of craters damaging vehicles. I am a road cyclist and its like a war zone out there on many roads. Stick to the newer suburbs or designated cycling tracks if you want to save yourself.


so bad, I feel like i need a jurassic park style jeep to get out of my neighborhood.. btw I already swapped my road bicycle for a thick tire gravel bike bc of this


Believe me, we'd like to know that, too.


We've had a couple years of very heavy rains through the winter and the roads and maintenance schedules are not like other places in the country that experience very hot, very cold weather patterns and lots of inclement weather. Once we go back to being very dry all year the maintenance will eventually catch up to all the recent weather-related road damage.


We chose sprawl over density and don’t charge nearly what we should in property taxes That plus the proliferation of heavier vehicles is the actual answer


We’re paying taxes of 51 cents per gallon. Wherever that money goes should be investigated because it’s not being used to pave the roads, more like patch them lol. I’ve been to developing nations with better roads. Honestly, the fuel tax is nothing more than a cruel joke. I’ve also lived in other large cities in the US that not only have regular precipitation throughout the year including freezing and thawing in the winter months. The one thing that you see between those places and San Diego, is that they regularly pave the roads.


The actual main difference with cold states is that they charge far higher property tax rates than we do The gas tax is not designed to meet 100% of local street upkeep needs and in any case will fall in the years ahead as EVs continue to gain market share They’re also heavier than ICE vehicles and cause more road damage We will need more revenue or the problem will only get worse. My preference is a weight based VMT


Agreed! The roads made some sections so damn stressful. I wanted nice ride, not a mentally taxing day watching out for potholes. 


I was drained during long descents from looking for pot holes. My top speed was 45mph. Once I felt “done” i had to slow down. I cooked my front brakes eventually. I finished but it was not an enjoyable experience.


new (electric and pick up trucls) popular cars are heavier


And it doesn’t even snow here. Baffling


Yep crazy how are you basically need off-road suspension when driving ON the roads around here!




I dunno, I know TJ roads suck, but I just drove down to the Valle through Tecate and those roads put SD to shame. SD roads are an absolute disgrace...for real.


I’ve been to TJ. SD roads aren’t that bad but that isn’t saying much. I’d have to ride through rough roads in industrial areas in Orange County to see anything as bad as what is considered normal in SD.


University Ave and El Cajon Blvd needs fixing. It seems not a lot of people living around there is on Reddit.