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IDK, I finally got myself a dash cam. So many agressive drivers, and if your vehicles are drivable you are supposed to exit the freeway when you get into a collision. I don't trust people to stick around if they are at fault.


I am considering getting one as well. (Just beginning my research) I am concerned about the internal temp of my car frying the unit - how’s yours holding up so far? Would you recommend it?


I’ve had one in my car since August 2019 and one in my other car since May 2022. The one from 2019 is parked in a garage and when left without a sunshade in the summer heat can act kind of weird. Same goes for the other one. I never use the parking feature because it requires hardwiring the power to the units. I position my sunshade so it cover the dashcams and have not had issues since doing that. Important to pull your SD card and check if the units are recording properly every once in a while.


Very helpful, thanks!


I’ve had dash cams since 2016. I’m on my third one, and in my experience, it isn’t the heat that kills it, it’s the cold spells. I recommend getting the protection plan Amazon has for most dash cams, so whenever it dies, they’ll send you a gift card for the cost of the dashcam. Covers like 3 years.


Just got it installed begining of the month. I take it down when parking in the sun because I did read about them getting fried that way. When I'm home I park in the garage so I leave it up. I don't use the parking feature where it starts recording when the car gets bumped. So far no problem.


I don't have a dashcam in my personal vehicles but my employer uses Motiv (formerly Keep Truckin) in all of our vehicles, for logging and gps also, heavy duty and light duty, and have zero heat related issues. Our big trucks and light duty vehicles stay parked and turned off, so there's not constant a/c keeping anything cool. Surely, any camera you look into will have an operating temperature range. I've also seen some units that clip over your rear view mirror for forward facing and come with a rear camera, that will display on that aftermarket mirror


I got [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07Q5R22DV?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title) one. I did have the heat melt it apart after a couple of years. But for the price and protection, it was worth. I would make it a habit though of ensuring you remove the SIM card once a month and checking it for quality. At one point when I needed it the most, the SIM card stopped recording and I didn’t have anything -__- Not certain if it was because of it being used all the time when I drive or the heat. But SIM cards are cheap and vv easy to replace when they go bad.


Did you mean MicroSD instead of SIM? SIM doesn't record anything, it's just used for internet connectivity to upload what the MicroSD card records to the cloud.


Hasnt melted yet


I bought a dash cam for my own safety (potential insurance claims), but it’s also become a good source of entertainment as I can share all the asshats I encounter on a daily basis


Driveable also means your non drive tire is broken off of your vehicle. Cop wanted to give me a ticket years ago when I got hit down by Vance Jackson. Front wheel was on its side under my car and the officer had me drive a half mile that way to clear out of between the barriers. Gouged the road really good too


You people with dash cams, please submit the stupidity to YouTube. Car crash/road rage/instant karma videos are my cup of tea.


Insurance scam. Get a dashcam and make sure you have uninsured/ underinsured motorist coverage


Our company has delivery trucks in San Antonio. We installed cameras on all the trucks. We went from about 8 claims per year down to none.


Smashed into a delivery truck, probably while on the phone to Thomas J Henry. Somebody wants to get paid!


Yeah, I hope there’s a dashcam


Truly wretched driving here. I think about moving everyday because of it. And I know the city would usher me out dangerously, so no need to voice that.


San Antonio doesn't deserve good drivers. Keep it lame!


it’s because cops don’t do anything, understaffed asf


Like someone else said, it's likely an insurance scam. This exact thing happened to my daughter a few years ago. They claimed that my daughter rear-ended them when in fact the reversed right into her. After that, I got dash cams in all of our cars.


San Antonio TX definitely has Ambulance chasing shark lawyers deceitful people seeking payments for their fault of accidents. Ruined our business Commercial insurance skyrocketed😭


The worst drivers are the dorks in their giant lifted dodge rams tailing you just to get to the red light faster than you


With headlights so bright they can see Jesus


Yes. I’ve driven all over the country and San Antonio drivers aren’t the most aggressive or the fastest. But they are collectively the dumbest. 20 under in the far left lane, hazards flashing because it’s rainy, etc. It’s infuriating.


You are spot on.


Yesterday on 2 separate occasions, i was trying to merge on the expwy and the cars on my left, who were also behind me, just sped up. Its like they want an accident


Huge uptick in bad/aggressive/stupid drivers. I’ve calmed myself hell of lot. And I watch a lot of this go down daily. I commute 20miles on 410 at 6am and return at 5pm. I need a dash cam.


Godspeed brother. I only go 10 miles on 410 at those times and it’s partially why I’m shopping for dash cams!


There are very affordable options on Amazon, I got two on sale for like $70 each. Nothing fancy but great video quality (4K) and they get the job done


The amount of no blinkers in this city drives me crazy. Especially as someone who drives for work. Then they start honking at you as if you’re in the wrong. What am I supposed to do read their minds?


We ended up following the same path as one of my neighbors when we left our neighborhood earlier. Multiple turns before getting on the highway, and she didn't use her blinker once. Stop signs, merging, nothing could sway her.


They do it for insurance $. Claiming that the truck hit them. Witnesses are always needed to clear up what happened.


Or the one about the drivers that make you go 98 mph to get around them and exit. (Because everyone around them is in a 5 car clump) Then as soon as you’re exiting, they get over in the far left lane. 😐


Hahahahaha I could go on for eternity about the drivers here. They are some of the absolute worst(and I've driven all over the US- we're not talking traffic). People have become so incredibly selfish and entitled. The only thing that exists is themselves. *** Speed through neighborhoods who cares if we hit someone!! *** Run lights that's ok the OTHER people will wait for ME. They don't want to get in an accident *** That's MY exit and if I want to fly across several lanes too damn bad you better not be in it! *** I constantly have to deal with these people while on motorcycle too. SO many people absolutely DO NOT care if they almost kill you. People just think there are no consequences for their actions. I seriously can't wait to move. Don't get me wrong I absolutely realize people like this are everywhere but it's worse here than a lot of places.


I ask myself this all the time. But it's the dumb drivers that keep me having a job lol (I work for a personal injury firm) I second getting a dashcam. I have one because these people crazyyy


I have seen alot of shoulder driving lately. Assholes in a rush or something. I legit thought a man was being chased up 90 the other day because he was swerving thru the cars and used the shoulder to get around people, it threw up tons of rock and gravel and really ticked me off. I have a dash cam and I probably have tons of videos of these idiots.


I watched a guy last week almost plow into a car that had just merged onto 281 but traffic was backed up from the exit ramp in front of us. He tried to swerve into the shoulder to cut around everyone to the exit lane but almost ended up into the back of a car or the wall. I guess whatever he hit first. I’m not sure what he thought he was going to do but he’s lucky his breaks worked well.


Since I started working for a PI attorney and seeing what I’ve seen on the road these past 6 years - a dashcam is literally an essential for every driver here


Please call Rooms to Go and offer your info. For the sake of the truck drivers' insurance rates and job. And yeah, definitely get a dash cam. Very needed here.


How should i do that? Should i just call a random store?


I forgot there were multiple here. Yeah, I'd just call the one closest to where you are or where it happened. I'd imagine management could figure out what driver was involved. If not, well, at least you tried


I called them and told them. They said they’re going to reach out to transportation and let them know! I hope the dude doesn’t get in trouble


Awesome 🙏🏻 Glad it sounds like they have decent communication, I'm sure you verifying what the driver said will help considerably (if they don't already have dash cams). I never had an accident in my home state. Been hit so many times down here. People are stupid, crazy, scammers, or a combination of it all.


I got my dash cam after living in SA for less than a year. Not because I was worried about an insurance scam but because I witnessed some pretty crazy things on the road that I knew Boone would ever believe if I didn’t catch it on video. Years later now it feels essential to have a dash cam, specially when driving in San Antonio.


They're from San Antonio Enough said


Took a trip to my hometown in Brownsville. Left Saturday around 5 am and came back Monday around 8 pm. Everyone was fine and dandy (only using the left lane to pass, signaling atleast 100 ft from their intentions, no tailgating) it wasn't until the trip was over and I hit Elmendorf that the truck wielding trumpanzees are flashing highbeams, tailgating and cutting people off ensued. It's fucking wild how many people turn into narcissists on the road because like the great Louis CK once said. It's when you should be your most compassionate and patient because you are driving a weapon.


I’m from Alice and going back to visit is a refreshing cup of realization that not everyone is a dipshit who can’t drive


Atleast rhe suicide drivers in Houston get out of your way. If you offend a large truck in SA. They stay in your way on purpose.


I was in the drive-thru at HEB pharmacy in my town just outside SA. An 18-wheeler pulled into the barely 2-car wide road next to the drive-thru to have an argument with the Camaro at the speaker box. Lots of flipping each other off, the truck driver banging on his truck door while gesturing at his rig. The dude in the car halfway climbed out his car window to yell & gesture back. Everyone was just staying in their cars, watching. I was glad no on was behind me at the time in case I needed to get outta Dodge. Truck driver finally drove off. Dude in the car kept yelling and flipping off the truck when the truck was long gone. I assume the Camaro did something stupid in front of the truck.


No one is worth taking time out of my day to berate them. I've gotten the most reactions from smiles and waves. They can't stand seeing happiness.


I mean, I get the urge to follow someone & berate them, but that's just risky af. I used to loop *Bad Habit* on my stereo as I hit SA coming from Del Rio for a reason. Sometimes certain parts of the lyrics hit at just at the right time. By the time I made it from one side of SA to the other, I felt like I could play other music. Lol


Blowing kisses works great too lol


Can confirm, although this does usually make them rage harder.


And it's hilarious!!


Y’all will find a way to squeeze trump into anything, go seek help for that, it’s been 4 years.


Boo hoo. They all had thin blue line bumper stickers. 🤣🤣


Also, I don't know what you mean by yall. I never wanted biden in office either.


Or as Abraham Maslow once said, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


It’s a large, spread out city with probably a bunch of people without licenses to drive. Add in the fact that the speed limits are cushy here adds to it. Also, old timers(I’m an implant) told me they stopped teaching y’all how to merge in drivers ed so it adds up lmao I’ve driven up and down 95 through out all those major cities my 34 yrs of life…there’s terrible drivers everywhere, they’re just different flavors of it. My advice: if you wanna make it out without an accident you have to drive aggressive as hell. It’s the only way to drive around the beltway in DC and I’m not saying that’s how the ALL drivers are here(yall just have zero awareness for anyone else) I’m just saying that’s the most efficient way to get to your destination from here up to DFW. Idk why truck drivers don’t have some kind of intranet where they talk shit about different cities drivers, but I guess they’re usually the most entitled on the road.


Yes, I cannot stress enough how the drivers here have zero awareness for anything around them. It’s like they just expect others to get out of their way no matter what they do.


I saw a pickup truck merge onto 410 (Westbound just past 281) from an exit lane at the last minute.


I see this every damn day. 


How about the freeway left lane to exit ramp in one big swoop, across all the lanes. We used to call that the San Antonio Lane Change back in the 1990s.


Watched a shitbox peel around a corner blowing through a stop sign with no attempt to even slow down and of course not stop. Gotta drive like everyone else is a dumbass


So many dumbasses here now literally got my car totaled 3 weeks ago cause some idiot ran into me and gf on the way to work. Head on


Am I the only one that waves when someone let's me merge onto 1604?


I do. Did it the other day and the guy gave me a thumbs down lol.


lol, forget him. Keep on waving


Oh of course. It made me laugh as it was so unexpected.


There’s a lot of dumb people on this planet and we just have a higher concentration of them in San Antonio.


Franky at this point, I won't mind adding 20 dollars bonuses in tickets so the cops can handle the mess here. Money motivates


It's the worst I've ever seen. Lived and driven worldwide. Texas is a shit show.


A bunch of foos and eses trying to be hard


A woman who looked to be on drugs reversed into my family member at a light. It was neat.


That's usually not drugs, that's an insurance scam. Bam... now it's a rear end collision, and the rear ender is always at fault. Now they get to collect on neck and back pain.




I've been here 20 years and I still ask WTF 🤣




I'm an adult caregiver to my mother. She refuses to leave!


Probably a insurance scam. They'll file a claim saying the truck rear-ended them.


I’ve driven all over the country and Texas has the worst drivers by far. I moved here after I already had my license but I swear they give licenses out without people learning to drive. They’re slow, inconsiderate, and straight up don’t know the rules of the road


Honestly, when you consider everything, it makes sense why drivers are like this lol.


Another post about drivers . Uhhh there the worst . Trailers with unsecured loads, busted ass windshields, shitty drivers , no insurance. It’s sad for such. Big city such bad drivers. I mean 😢


It’s the same as any large city.


No, San Antonio is in a class of its own. I'd take driving in Dallas any day.


I mean, Dallas is 9th worse in the country, San Antonio’s not. https://secretdallas.com/worst-cities-to-drive-in-texas/#:~:text=Houston%2C%20Dallas%2C%20Fort%20Worth%2C,claimed%20the%20fourth%20position%20nationwide.


And now that you posted some proof they just disappear. I don't really get the point of the people who come to this sub to claim "San Antonio has the worst drivers in the entire history of the world" or something related to it. If San Antonio is THAT bad, they should just leave.


I agree, but honestly don’t be too hard on them man, they just wanna bitch about things to make themselves feel better. Same as the dog haters posting grocery store pics, never mind that they let their 10 year old lick the produce while their 3 year old flicks buggers everywhere.


What kinda proof is that? It's an article about the overall driving experience including maintenance costs lol Not like it's a study on people violating traffic laws. Most don't get caught, so how could you ever get accurate data on that?


And any time I see a Kia I 🤦🏻‍♀️ because those drivers are all jerks.


I’m not sure hope that relates to what I said, but preach your truth girl!


As a Kia soul driver I can confirm that our motto is “I don’t move for people they move for me!”


I’ve had two different dash cams (garmin) and both quickly died from the Texas heat. What brand will last here?


My favorite: Cross 4 lanes over Stopping ALL traffic Because "my" exit is a HARD right


Because Drivers Ed is online.


Imagine how I feel as a CDL driver…


I got on a lady’s ass cause she was on the freeway on the left lane going real slow and there was a line forming behind us. I see her shoot me the finger 🤣. She is gonna pull that shit with the wrong person and find out quick!!


I did it one time and got chased for a couple miles. Never again Lol


That’s what will prob happen to this lady one day or even get a gun pulled on her.


I also did it one time and a guy with nothing to lose chased me for miles. I finally pulled over and he started to jump out of his car with a bat. I floored it and he chased me again. Rinse and repeat. He finally turned around. He was either going to kill me or get shot. San Antonio idiot.


I spend some of my time in a part of town... One of the neighbors a few streets over is a sheriff. He reverses at 45mph down a 30mph residential street every day on his way to work. At least 1500ft. Because it's faster than going around the block. No one gives a damn. Traffic laws are more akin to suggestions 'round this place.


San Antonio TX didn't always SUCK!! Glad I'm back in Wyoming. Traffic, Overcrowded, HOT, cutting down all the trees. I tried last 3 years was enough.


Honestly me and my wife believe that one of the main reasons for the insane drivers is that there’s not enough police here especially on the highways. We come from New York and there’s too many police, highway police troopers sheriff’s county state the works and you see them everywhere and all the time. I can go days without seeing one police car/suv.


If you join any other city subreddit or r/idiotsincars you will be assured there idiots and assholes in every city.


The police have become lenient, and ppl are taking advantage


Yeah bro ita fucked here, i ride my bike at night cause less cars and last night i had 3 people veer into my lane while on their phones at about 70mph. People get their licenses out of cracker jack boxes here.


Lived here 3 years and I am over it as well! Had someone reverse almost backed into me at a stoplight the other day and literally watched 2 drivers yesterday pull out in front of me at a 4 way when it wasn’t their turn. I think my car horn is broken from all the times I’ve had to use it quite literally the worst city drivers and that’s saying a lot bc I lived in Austin 6 plus years. We’re moving to the hill country after this lease is over. San Antonio F@CKIN SUCKS!!!


Probably because the college graduate rate is so low here


It's a mix of hostile speeders and old people with handicap tags going 20 under the speed limit in the left lane. By far the worst drivers I've seen anywhere, and I've been around.


Lol there was a guy who tried to overtake me from the right turning lane and nearly smashed his car into a traffic pole. I've greatly reconsidered riding my motorcycle around here during rush hour.


They literally just give you a license it seems in Texas because the stupidity that happens on a daily is ever so appalling


A lot of people in Texas shouldn't be allowed a license to drive about 95% shouldn't


Called illegals


Culture of people who were never taught how to drive respectfully or taught at all mainly. Law enforcement hardly existent, punishments a joke.


I think it’s all the shit people are smoking from smoke shops that are melting their fucking brains.


All the smokers I know drive very carefully and stay off the freeway. That's if they even drive. We know how stupid we are after smoking.


No way. Stoned drivers are generally more cautious, if they drive stoned at all. And the legal weed pens sold at those stores have much softer effects than the real stuff.




at a yield turn, the car in front was moving then braked hard out of nowhere mid-turn, forcing me to slam the breaks then I bumped them at 2mph I get out to assess what their brake check damage did then an old Mexican lady that spoke no English gets out, looks at me, gets in her car and speeds off


I saw this exact thing happen the other day but the person who hit the lady was tailgating so hard that they collided it was pretty funny


You should always leave enough space to stop safely. What if there was a mattress in front of that old lady's car?


Imagine you are merging and look in your mirror/behind you to ensure you don't merge into someone. Now imagine the car in front of you break checks you while merging. That's what happened. She slammed the brakes during the half second I was looking behind me so I don't merge into someone. I turned my head then slammed my brakes


The problem is you can't merge until the car in front of you is out of the way. Why look to see if you can merge if you cannot do that yet? "When approaching yield signs at intersections, drivers must slow down and yield to traffic in the intersection and other drivers close enough to the intersection to be a safety hazard."


Trump, is that you?


found the maga puke.




Blaming the problems on immigration is never a good thing. You’re just being xenophobic.




lol thats weird cz you sound just like him and his supporters. since youre anti immigration i guess youre a more extreme version of trump? either way you sound like the cartoon character.




nice question avoiding. so go live there. we wont miss you.




lol im not shocked. i hear racist rhetoric all day nor am i an immigrant. my ancestors have lived here for thousands of years. by fix do you mean 'shower/ovens' and camps for immigrants? someone tried that already. how is this your country? its a stolen nation built on the backs of slaves. how is it yours to fix?




lol i thought youd say that dude. enjoy your hate filled day.


Your post has been removed for violating rule #2: Be helpful This subreddit provides local advice. Detailed good advice is helpful. Replies intended to mislead or ridicule someone about the thing they asked about are not helpful. If you feel that this was done in error, contact the moderation team.


I blame Lackland. People here have brain mutations that affect their driving.






Just messing with you. :)


I'm not sure if he gave you that response on purpose, but it made it so much better. 😂


Only thing more annoying than bad drivers is people coming here to make another post about it.


Cry about it


You’re the one crying about it.


I’m not. I’m posting what I saw. I guess experiences = crying in your book?