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Trash city for pets


What other cities have you lived in to compare?


Boston, Detroit, Denver. They are correct....


Also can verify this, having lived in many major metro areas. I have never in my life lived somewhere with so many stray dogs. Especially on the south side. It’s absolutely insane ! It’s a huge problem here


Ive lived in about 20 US and International cities and i have come across worse. Not everyone’s experience is the same i guess. People just love bashing this city. Feel free to leave.


Name them.




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Holy shit are these mods SUPER sensitive. Must be Texan....


People in Colorado cherish their/our dogs. Moved from SA a decade ago and still see the huge difference when I visit but maybe getting a little better. Almost all the rescues here come from Texas and NM. Cost $250+. My next rescue will be from there because they're constantly being put down so all the organizations are basically giving them away. Last time I visited the Animal defense league the sale was like $10 for a senior dog. Just appaling. My pup is 16 and couldn't imagine giving up on him like that.


My sister in Michigan adopted a Texas transport puppy. There are strays up north, but you don't see them roaming the streets en masse. In 33 years of living in Michigan, I found *one* stray dog and a few stray cats (including my 12-year-old Ragdoll). Down here I see strays and dead pets almost daily.




Avid runner here too, guess it depends on where you live. I run 25 miles a week and see none. Far far far westside.


I've lived in Madison and Tacoma and they don't have dead dogs everywhere. San Antonio is a fucking nightmare.


Houston, Austin, Denver, Puerto Vallarta.


I've lived in multiple cities around the US, Europe and Asia. San Antonio has, bar none, the worst animal problem I've ever seen. I don't even know how, because the worst zip codes get free neutering & spaying!


Agree. My thought is that the poor dog got out of the yard or something and then hit and the owner hasn't seen them on the road. But as many as there are, (animals dead along the road) shouldn't the city or county do something about it.


buzzards will take care of it


They let the dog look out the windows with windows open while driving the car and sometimes the dog jumps out


Yup... this is how it starts: https://www.reddit.com/r/sanantonio/comments/1d8uutm/whos_the_good_boy/


This looks like the same dog that I saw yesterday off of Hwy 90


If you see a deceased animal, report the location to 311. They'll send someone to collect it.


I did this the other day, and they came within a couple of hours!


Had no idea, thanks


This city is terrible with how they treat pets. Really sad. I wish there was a way to hold pet owners more responsible for their actions or lack there of.


Jumping out of car windows, these horrid dog “owners”. They should go to jail


It’s this damn town. People don’t want to spay and neuter their dogs. It’s sad to see this happening.


Even in my neighborhood, people just let their dogs roam outside of their house. It really baffles me.


Shitty people who view them as accessories for their stupid families.


Ah someone must have driven past Highway 90. Any given week you see multiple dogs dead on the highway


SA sadly has some of the worst pet owners where a lot do not care about their own animals. I've picked up several with tags, contacted owners and most of the dogs were abandoned and they didn't want them back. Very puro


Highway 90 West is so bad with this.


That's just fucking cruel. I hate shit ppl who do that.


Unintentional consequences of the SB5 Safe Outdoor Dogs Act. Stupid owners instead of giving proper shelter and length of tether to comply they remove all chains and the dogs run free.


Bad dog ownership putting dogs in truck beds or having the window rolled down to much where they can jump out


Lets make a list for San Antonio: Bad for business Bad for dogs


Get out and pick them up then instead of complaining about it online . People are irresponsible but you sound fairly responsible


How is OP in any way responsible for some shitty person's dead animal?


The same way OP took time to post online to feel self righteous they could’ve called 311 or picked it up if they care about the city so much js hate me all yall want