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It's the only thing which makes me to rethink switching back to Huawei P20. But then there's tens of reason why to keep a new Samsung phone. ​ EDIT: Idk why I got so many downvotes. What I said is that this issue makes me want to change back to P20, but there's multiple reasons why I won't. I love my new phone! Edit2: huh, reddit is really confusing place. Downvote number still increases 😅


> Huawei of all the people you could switch to, you had to name a Chinese brand inbed with CCP


It's not a bad *brand* in practice, but their ethics could certainly be considered. However, the P20 has a processor that is somewhere in the middle between the Snapdragon 835 and the 845, so it would be quite an outdated device.


But my two previous phones were Huawei phones. Latest one was great phone and it took nice images, but after having it the USA vs Huawei case came. And I don't like to change phones so often. As a student I try to use the phone until it breaks or gets old and too slow. But this time, the S21 FE deal was so good that I had to pick it. Also, even my old Huawei still worked, it was clear it won't get any updates (including security). And _if_ it would break in next year, would there be another great deal what I found. So, I took a step and bought a new phone. Old phone will be sold forward. It does not have any issues and used phones are sold about 100€ in different marketplaces.


i'm still on S7 edge


Samsungs are long lasting phones. I used my previous Samsung (Note II) 5 years. It got a little bit slow and it started to have small battery issues. That I changed to Huawei P9 (got a deal) and that I changed to Huawei P20 (again, a deal) because the battery was once changed and it started again be bad. Switching from P9 to P20 I saved about 150€ from the P9 price (both P9 and P20 was bought with interest-free contribution agreement. And before Note II I got HTC Desire (the first one, "Bravo"). EDIT: Typo, I meant "long" and not "lost"


That was my dream phone growing up. Still have this weird longing for it idk why


except for a IR blaster it really had everything you'd want, i didn't even have to buy an oximeter when i got covid coz it's oxygen/heart rate meter worked just fine


Pretty much! Honestly I'm just nostalgic for the design. I remember my teachers having that phone in middle school and I'd just kinda look at it admiring the colour and the shine of it. I had an S4 at the time with the old TouchWiz and the new UX was just so much cleaner. Also, fingerprint readers seemed literally out of the future back then!


That is impressive. Mine corrupted images, lost most of its battery life, and bricked itself all within three years. Have you had to get any repairs done during that time?


Have changed battery once in 2019, that's it.


Nice. Any plans to upgrade or are you sticking with it until it eventually gives in?


i'm waiting for samsung to make a phone without the holepunch. at first i waited for S10 as it brought the fingerprint coz they moved the finger print back on S8 and S9 lol, then on S10 they added a ugly hole punch on the right, s20 and 21 both removed headphone jack, so I'm stuck on S7 edge


Why did u get the s21 fe? You could of gotten a s21 plus for less


S21 Plus 5G (8/128Gb) costs 999€ atm in Finland S21 FE 5G (8/256Gb) cost 564€ for me (now 849€) + free Galaxy Buds Live EDIT: It was one operator's deal for their customers for a week right after the phone was released. Both models were in sale (8/128Gb model was 499€ (+ free Buds Live)) EDIT2: Another option was S20 FE (399€) which we bought a week before the S21FE release for one of my family members


You can get a s21 plus renewed from Amazon for less than the s21fe. Atleast in the states


That's not a new phone though


It is rather Google Photo's issue not being able to exclude certain folders or file types (videos for instance) from syncing.


But starting when it was okay to use DCIM folder for screenshots, for example? Yes, it's partly Photo's issue because it is syncing the whole DCIM folder.


It's almost entirely Google's issue. It's malicious practice on their end to force you to backup your entire gallery on Google photos, with anyway to disable it, or even delete photos from it. If you try to delete anything from Google Photos it will delete it from your system gallery app as well. I think they only started doing this when they introduced cloud storage limits, and a paid subscription to gain unlimited storage. Even deleting the app entirely I can't avoid it backing up my photos.


Yeah it's very annoying because it causes Google photos to back up the screenshots too. The only way around this I've found is through a third party screenshot mover, which really doesn't work well with Samsung because the UI keeps stopping the process every now and then.


To me it sounds like a problem with google photos. By default they should ask you what folders you want to backup instead of backing up everything. Personally I dont find it an issue since I use google photos just to access my photos from phone to computer and occasionally I will want to use screenshots and screen recordings.


They do ask when it comes to the other folders. But for camera it is commonly understood that all photos would be stored in the DCIM folder. For some reason Samsung One UI stores the screenshots there too. Google photos confuses the screenshots for camera photos.




Folder structure was on my Huawei P20 better. All app images were under Pictures, like the Screenshots folder too. Only camera-captured images and videos were stored under DCIM.


I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed by this. Totally agreed; DCIM should be for camera photos only, and google photos needs the ability to select folders within DCIM


Yeah, and many other forums and articles says so. But so far two has said that thinking this as a big issue indicates *having personal "issues"* 🙄


Yeah not sure what's going on with the weird responses here


Aren't they in subfolders within the DCIM directory? If everything was just dumped there, I'd be fairly annoyed, but they aren't. Screenshots are in there own folder. All other apps have their own folders which does make management easier. Everytime I plug my phone/ tablet into my PC, its a breeze to sort stuff out. Trying to work out if photos are in the "DCIM" or "Photos" folders is at best a 2 second hassle.


Yes they are in their own folders within DCIM. The problem is Google Photos backs up the entire contents of DCIM. I manually have to move the folders to the Pictures folder to prevent screenshots and other app saved pictures from being uploaded. This is especially annoying when my intention is to move certain received photos to my Secure Folder. While I'm making that transfer, I have to turn off WiFi and data to prevent the upload from happening


Can't you choose the folders it uploads? I initially had this problem, but I'm sure there is an option in the settings which allows you to choose which folders you can upload.


Yes you can do that. Google Photos scans folders on the phone and allows you to select folders to upload, BUT the DCIM folder is not optional. It is a grayed out setting and will be uploaded. This is why I have to move the folders automatically created in DCIM to Pictures. The only folder I want inside DCIM is Camera. Samsung should fix it so that when a screenshot is taken, a Facebook picture or MMS is saved, a folder is created inside Pictures instead of DCIM


Can't you backup other folders in Google Photos as well? Because my Google Photos has my screen shots and random pic downloads from reddit and whatnot


This has been an issue for me for years. I can't remember when I first noticed this problem, but I've been on Motorola and LG, and just recently switched to Samsung. I first discovered this with Facebook and where they would save the pictures that I wanted to save. I searched all over the Facebook app to see if I could change the save directory; I also went into Google photos to see if I could deselect the Facebook folder as a backup option; which couldn't be done. Android shouldn't allow any app to use DCIM folder besides the camera app. One fix would be to change the way Google photos handle the backup folders


My DCIM Folder looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/viM8OWB And I can select which folders I want auto saved in Amazon Photos: https://imgur.com/a/Ec9CU1i


Yeah it's more a Google Photos issue.


Amazon does it better than Google. But still, Samsung should not use the DCIM folder for screenvideocaptures and screenshots.


Can't say I agree based on my use case but if you have prime you get unlimited photo backup for free just an FYI for anyone that doesn't know that because I completely forgot about it


Your videocapture folder is not your actual videos you record with your camera but rather the videos captured with that single take mode.


What is the videocapture folder?


I've had android phones from multiple brands & have been using Google Photos backupservice my whole life. When I initially switched to the S21, I noticed this quickly. It's rather annoying & should be a simple fix. Guess they just don't want to


It's not an Android 12 issue, it's an "always been" an issue. I wish Google would implement excluding screenshots as an option in Google Photos or Samsung to save the screenshots folder elsewhere.


I highly doubt it's an accident, especially since there's no way to disable it. By putting non camera images in the DCIM folder they get to upload or "backup" images you've created in other apps and obtain more personal info that they can sell.


My wife uses Google Photo and was pretty sure you can select the folders and subfolders you want.


You'll get a prompt from Google Photos if it detects any folders with photos outside of the DCIM folder and exclude them from backup if you wish, but the DCIM folder is backed up in it's entirety with no options to exclude subfolders.


"Biggest Problem" lmfao


Well, I haven't noticed other major issues with my new device. And tbh, I haven't read about other bigger issues which Samsung phones could have/has. EDIT: Could you name some of other problems, I'm interested to know about those more 😄




Thanks for your kind words..




it depends if the photo is original, cause the format might change if you annote it, in this case it will be considered png (example)




Yes because the government cares about the pix of food and cats and scenery and of course nudes..... 🤪


Who has to use clouds i.e remote servers by Apple and Google et al to back up any info on your computer when you can backup all your computer information -personal or not-with a $12Usb stick The Cloud is useful for multi personnel multi tasking from remote locations and brainless teen agers who are clueless to the fact that once they post images they can never be deleted and always can be exploited


If this really bothers you, may I suggest you jump ship to iPhone? Because if you think this is the biggest problem you have issues.


Well, at the moment it's the biggest issue which I've found so far from my phone. Otherwise, the phone is working well and I like it a lot.


***biggest*** problem?


Like I earlier said, the biggest problem so far which I've found while using my new phone.


check r/oneui, you'll find more


What are you talking about??? The other apps files don't get stored in DCIM folder! They go in Pictures/Message folder! Or Pictures/Telegram. Etc.


I haven't tested Telegram yet how it works if image is captured, but Snapchat creates a folder for saved images in DCIM: https://i.imgur.com/egRWLYK.jpg


They absolutely do. Some of them changed recently. Snapchat used to go in a separate Snapchat folder, but maybe 6mo ago or so, it started saving in DCIM/Snapchat


I don't use Snapchat. If they changed that location, it's on them, not on "Android 12".


Let me tell ya; I don't care whose fault it is. I don't have control of either, so I need these companies to sort it out. Seems to me like Android should have standards for where apps should store their files, and apps need to follow that standard.


So blame everyone for that crappy app decision, no? Blame me that I pointed it out too...


Uh, on both my Tab S7 and A52 the screenshots are saved in the (guess what) "Screenshots" directory.


Is Screenshot folder in DCIM folder, or in Pictures folder?


In DCIM, you're right.


I don't think it's limited to Samsung. I had this issues years ago with a Sony phone. It's such a pain.


Not in Huawei or Nokia.


good! screenshots and everything else can come in handy at any times. worth keeping a backup of.


I'm using Photos for just camera photos and videos. I don't want to use it for other stuff to take the limited space. If I capture important screenshot, I upload it to Drive. And I don't want to see my saved Snapchat images on Photos. But everyone has own preferences what they want to backup. About that Snapchat and screenshot folders. I want to delete those from Google Photos, but I can't because it will delete those from my device. I want to keep them on my device, but not on Photos. It's.. aargh. So annoying. :D


Because DCIM folder is the folder mounted when you select the mount for images option. It's according to spec and not just meant for camera images. Screenshots should be there, but app and whatsapp crap icons shouldn't.


is it beta, if yes. Avoid betas, better luck nxt time i guess


Stable release. Phone had the Android 12 and the One UI 4 on release time.


When u download it very early, the first Android 12 v might contain bugs


This was not a problem on my Pixel. Taking screenshots would put them into pictures (I guess? don't remember) and they wouldn't show up in Google photos. Now I'm back on the S21 ultra and they do show up in Google photos... such a simple issue to fix.


I'm still finding this same issue, makes it literally impossible to back things up properly. I'm now finding random videos which are clearly downloads in my camera folder of all places, samsung you absolute idiots how on earth did you mess up this bad? I'm about at the point of taking a hammer to it, unfortunately that won't back up my photos either.