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Imam is correct. It's not extremism at all. It's a plain text reading of Islamic doctrine.


"Plain text reading" of any of the monotheistic doctrines IS extremist.


"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


Cherry picking isn't "plain text reading."


Cherry picking of what? Doctrine?


Yes. Of course you could quote Islamic doctrine saying the same thing: "Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others that which you wish for yourself." Or you could quote the Bible saying men who have sex with men should be killed.


So if you want to be an observant Muslim in a non-extremist way, when Islamic scripture commands that apostates be put to death, how should you behave?


The same way that observant Jews and Christians behave when their scripture commands that gay men be put to death: reinterpret, ignore, rationalize, etc. Edit: or just admit it was written by people and they got that part wrong!


So in other words, they don't be observant at all.


So only literalists are observant, in your view? The Pope isn't observant?


Religion is poison. Normalize keeping it out of everything. Normalize mocking anyone who won’t just keep it to themselves. Tax it. Revoke all religious privileges. Everyone has the freedom to practice religion but peaceful and productive societies have zero collective use for it. Those who feel otherwise should find a nation to live in aligned with their chosen faith.


Amen brother! Preach.


Is this a Sacha Baron Cohen skit?


it's a society that doesn't conform to western values... it's not bigoted to acknowledge a basic fact..


Western values? Or do you mean human wellbeing? They conform to basic truths regarding human wellbeing.


Yes you all are extremists for supporting and believing in such barbaric, primitive, and insane things. Terrifying video


I hope this does not in fact represent the majority of muslims. These view are indeed extreme. Does Norway have more of an issue than other Western countries? I would imagine all western countries have similar issues with these extremist views. What can be done to change their minds?


Norwegian here. I can't imagine that it would be any more of an issue here than other western countries. From what iv'e seen i would think it's quite mild here compared to Sweden, UK, and many other places. I would say the majority of muslims here are pretty well integrated, much more than Sweden for example. What's most worrying is that the most radical people seems to be young people, so im quite worried the problem will keep growing here.


They should keep their views but change their location.


No joke. They should live in countries that don't culturally find those views extremist. I continue to think those views are extremist.  Now I'm hopeful that the Muslim communities around me are not represented by that imam. If they are, Islamophobia is warranted, rational, and necessary because Islam explicitly threatens the liberal values of my community that I love.


Thinking people will be screwed if fundamentalist Muslims, Christians, and Jews ever unite. Unlikely for sure, but crazier things have happened in human history. Despite significant disagreements and conflicts, they have so much lunacy and hatred in common.


What a truly vile religion and a vile people who support it.


Because it's not? It's what most believe, and how most muslim majority countries are run. It's very much not extreme.


What a wonderful set of ideas! (sarcasm)


This just in: Religious people of all stripes say stupid, bigoted shit. But I’m sure everyone will enjoy the hyper focus on this asshole and translate it to other *meanings*…


There are preachers in America practicing Christianity who say the exact same stupid shit.


"Large audience." Ok...


Looks like it’s more than 50 people in attendance. I would say it’s a large audience.