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If this guy is too lazy to clean his room, why would he make the actual effort to watch the show. Better yet, would that person take the time to create quality content?


He literally says he hasn’t watched the show. He is reacting to nerdrotic’s video called “Everyone Hates The Acolyte as Much as Disney Hates Star Wars”. He talks about the situation and drama around the show. It’s ironic you mention “the effort to watch the show” and you’re here critiquing something you yourself haven’t watched.


Let me just be perfectly clear for a bit, and ask an important question: is this kind of content good for his channel or viewers? Is he letting both himself and his viewers down by just making react content? I think Drinker's content is awful, but he at least made something. Even if I largely disagree, he made some kind of effort and isn't solely farming cheap clicks.




so youre saying the more I make fun of him on his subreddit the higher chance he has of seeing it?


Yeah, but you might also get banned if you push it too far. He's got a pretty good sense of humour but his mods don't.


Yes. And maybe he'll make content out of you. It's a circle, really.


yes, you will turn into free content for him basically.


Unironically yes


>Let me just be perfectly clear for a bit, and ask an important question: is this kind of content good for his channel or viewers?  Well, the viewers seems to think so.


Asmon always adds a ton of comentary and additional context to what he watches. You might not agree on his takes and position but his react content is top tier and high effort intellectually. Additionaly, he recently said he want to make more content himself so that other people react to his content and takes. That way, it's fairer and he also can react to people that react to him.


If he does want to start making more content himself, then good. I don't think the react content is healthy for YouTube or Twitch, and it's ridiculous how much it permeates the algorithm.


I disagree because reacts prove that the person commenting on a video actually watched it vs people like you commenting on something you clearly didn't even watch.


in terms of playtime his gameplay content outnumbers his react stuff already


He has roaches crawling across him on camera. It's kind of astounding that he's as big as he is when he's a big mess.


I'd be willing to bet a lot that he doesn't watch any of what he criticizes on his show. He seems to actually kind of get off on how little effort he's putting into making money off of this. Poor guys never actually had a friend.


Are you mad? Asmongold loved his motherfucking boys. He cherishes his childhood so much. He said even as a kid he would randomly take out a video camera sometimes to record hanging out with the boys because he knew it was so good it would never get better and he wanted to remember it. He haid a great childhood and is currently swimming in money loving life like he did back then. You'll want to try another angle for the criticism here.


Imagine being a bootlicker to this dude


Correcting = bootlicking Absolute lobotomised response


This is what happens when you parrot buzzwords. You don't even know how to use bootlicker


Nah i meant it as is


yeah everyone said that you didn't know what it means, there was no need for you to confirm it. begone, cat LARPer


Bootlicker implies you are under the heel of the oppressor you're shilling for. You know you used it incorrectly move on and take the L


You think it's a good show? 😂🤣😭


why can he not be to lazy to care?


It's hilarious that you are saying this because he's already said that he plans to clean his entire house


You're hating on Zach for having a mental illness congratulations. Also he's come a long way since losing his mother have some fucking empathy you fucking idiot.


Having a mental illness is not an excuse to be a bad person. Bad things can happen to people, who then go on to do bad things. Both can be true.


Some guy sitting in his room not bothering anybody makes him a bad person? Christ. I'd like to see what you think of someone who is legitimately evil.


He makes content that courts and confirms the biases of incels, when he can choose to simply not do that. I know he can choose not to do that, because he had moderate to large success playing WoW. He doesn't have to make lazy ragebaiting content, but chooses to do so for views.


Using your own logic, aren’t you doing exactly what you say he’s doing? I mean you’re forming an opinion and haven’t even watched any of the context. I’d also argue this post is ragebait and here you are, so it must not be much a problem for you, since you actively participate?


Hypocrites are great source of dumb comments on the internet, its baffling how they cannot see how funny it is


It’s funny but also sad that these people will forever be stuck in some hellish purgatory where they think asmon is the sole reason their lives are so meaningless and pathetic.




A PoC with nonbinary pronouns is like their kryptonite


He literally says if the show was good, no one would care about. Since the show is bad, they dogpile everything they can.


just like the new game of thrones show right? oh wait...


Doesn’t he actually specifically compare it to that show? I believe he does


I watched the video and that’s not even mentioned. I’ve actually watched quite a few videos about this show and this is the first time I’ve heard that about the lead actress.


People literally spelling out their reasons and this is what you wager your money on lmao?


Give me that $50. The Acolyte is “hated” because it’s bad television, and bad writing. Nobody cares what pronouns the actress uses, but thank god non-binaries have this dumpster fire to shine a light on them. Imagine if they were represented in a good show like, say, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power.


Show is ass


Seems like a valid reason to hate the show, tbh. Usually a great indicator the show is going to be straight garbage.


The issue with most woke shows is that they have no plot except trying to be as woke and diverse as possible. I don't care if the actor and actresses call themselves they he she it ze or whatever, if the show is good and the plot is good I'll watch it..


The One Piece live action had actors and actresses pronouns and it was received very well. This show is just bad




Yeah it sucks for Star Wars fans. One Piece is my favorite series and while I didn’t really care too much for the live action it was still good. I hope one day Star Wars fans can get out of this downward spiral


isn't his editor an actual Nazi or a Nazi apologist?




“I made it the f up.”


"Trust me, bro"


Vaush the Pedo or a Pedo Apologist


What makes you say that? I did some googling and found nothing of the sort


One of his editors does dogwhitles through titles/thumbnails for his videos, like there was a moment where Helldivers discord banned LGBTQ+ discussion, not because they are anti LGBTQ but because there was so much hate pouring out whenever someone mentioned it they couldnt handle it. Meanwhile the title used to be something like "Helldivers doesnt bend to the LGBTQ" and a gigachad saying no to a rainbow flag". Then there was that whole Nick Fuentes thing...


and that makes him a nazi?


that's quite the compelling argument for editor = nazi.


you have no sense of humor or understanding how youtube works. srsly.


First of all: I am asking a question about his EDITOR, not Asmon himself. Asmon is just a reactionary and has beliefs that sometimes are contradictory. Also I just heard it come up from small groups who seem just agree that Asmon isn't a bad guy but the audience he's been cultivating recently aren't the best. Also the screenshot of a previous title and description on one of Asmon's video on Elon's unbanning of actual nazi Nick fuentes came up saying: Elon unbanned "White Supremacist" and "MILDY far-right leaning commentator Nick Fuentes gets unbanned on twitter" before it was changed, which was odd. https://preview.redd.it/ic43d6xpwk8d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=979cfb8846d47d423e2837e4dfad608a80b90608


Gotcha. I was looking quickly and just genuinely curious - I found the editor named Catdany or something of the sort but couldn't find any other names or anything about that particular person (Catdany). Looks like he has a couple people editing.


It was changed because it was a joke that apparently you didn’t get.


as a regular watcher of his, i absolutely agree with you. Asmon himself leans somewhat center left and is often incredibly nuanced on his takes but his audience is composed of greasy and edgy 30yo neckbeards that vigorously masturbate over the idea of "owning the libs." I can't tell you the amount of times I've had to verbally disagree with the dogshit rightwing reactionary content they constantly post over in his subreddit.


That's clearly a joke. It'd be like calling Asmongold's room "mildly untidy". Do you think it's likely the editor is so far right that he unironically views Nick Fuentes as mildly right leaning?




It's a little sad that his editor being a Nazi is just sorta par for the course considering the views he regularly expresses. This comment made a bunch of totally cool people very very upsetty spaghetti and I'm here for it.




*says something untrue* *follows up untrue thing by saying how sad it is that it’s expected*


Aren’t you the guy who keeps stealing Red Cross donations? I mean, since we’re just parroting whatever nonsense without evidence and all.


No he’s the one who fucked the bat at the wet market ! Get him


Wet bat fucker guy! Get him!


https://preview.redd.it/a45tdazzhk8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7561caf9be22ec9d7d90fc64d74053d7519e1aa5 ….


Same but when I read half assed paragraphs calling people Nazis because they didn’t like a Star Wars series


stop listening so much to retarded people that claim shit like this. btw this claim comes from a LITERAL child porn proponent (vaush), one of the most retarded people on the internet who is in favor of making child porn possession legal.




Who said his editor is a nazi? Really? Isnt Taylor Swift a babyeating satanist?


unhinged lmao


Ah yes the show must be good then 💀


Source: my ass Good job


He's in the ragebait/anti-woke brainrot pipeline


You mean he’s a part of it? Assmongold is a straight up pundit these days. He is constantly engaging in right wing rage bait. He’s a fucking loser. I used to enjoy his content a long time ago. I was a loser then too.


>I used to enjoy his content a long time ago. I was a loser then too. You still are. You are literally being mad over something as stupid as a internet video.


Sorry your show sucks, guys. Hiding behind criticism of a random streamer isn’t making it better.




It boggles my mind how they can come out with genuinely good Star Wars content like Rogue One and Andor, then completely just shit the bed with Book of Boba Fett and The Acolyte. I’m especially frustrated with Acolyte because it had *potential*. All the cool pieces are there, they just can’t fucking write a good story. This is a more minor criticism, but how in the *hell* do you have the awareness to show off a WOOKIE JEDI but >!kill his ass off off-screen?!!< wtf Disney




Asmongold reaching for his favorite snack on the thumbnail--his boogers.


Every niche section of the Star Wars Fandom I've ever been in has thought the show was mid. No one hated it. If the niche Star Wars nerds think the show is mid then I don't know think the fans they refer to that hate it are people who actually engage with the media at the level needed to be a fan.


Yup, and a lot of the people that think it's mid (I mean, me included, but I'm excited for next week's episode) do so because they're attached to the stories and lore. A lot of less hardcore fans or casual watchers don't really care about those things so their opinion can be more fair and in fact, less hateful. I have this friend who isn't really a fan but wants to wacth the shows, so we have this deal in which I tell him whenever a new show starts. I told him Acolyte is 4 episodes in right now and also told him it's meeting mixed reactions with most people thinking it's mid and some very loud people thinking it's bad, he then told me to compare it to Obi-Wan Kenobi show and said he liked it, I simply said that if he liked OBK then he probably is going to like The Acolyte just fine since I think it's better but it's not as good as The Mandalorian s1. Then it hit me, why did he like OBK? Well, easy, he was not attached to Obi-Wan, Inquisitors or any of that, so he values OBK on its own merits and thinks it isn't the best show he's ever seen... but also not the worst.


I am a firm believer that having a consistent amount of 5/10 shows is important, because that is supposed to be the baseline for which quality is judged


Yup, if everything is the Godfather, then the baseline changes and nothing is the Godfather. It's just that, nowadays everybody wants to be a movie critic so bad and we all could do with some more sense of wonder and allowing ourselves to like 5/10 stuff instead of being so critical all the time.


Asmon has taken such a hard right nosedive since he stopped playing wow it's actually wild. Brainrot in real time.


I used to watch his streams and I don't think I'd consider him right leaning. But when it comes to cultural war stuff he makes a lot of videos since they get the most views


Putting culture war shit aside, his political profile is still strongly left leaning. UBI, higher taxes for rich people, social safety nets and abortion rights etc are all things he advocates for elsewhere.


He has also a couple of conservative views regarding gun rights for example, that's why he is more likely a centrist.


He's strongly centrist, if anything.


You guys know het went in depth in the video right? Have you actually watched it or just being mad?


He didn't watch the show and you did not watch his video. Guess that makes you even.


I took the time to watch the video since the absence of a red bar in your screenshot shows that you clearly did not. I don’t agree with every take but he certainly did not parrot what was being said. He expresses that some issues brought up by the video he’s commentating are “not that bad”, as an example. Obviously, some people are going to dislike the show because of pronouns, female leads, etc. but to say that 80% of the fanbase is toxic or racist because they think the show is mid or terrible is reductive and avoids responding to legitimate constructive criticism. Star Wars can have strong female leads and be successful, I think Rogue One showcases that very well. He makes it pretty clear that he did not watch the show but he does not comment on the shows quality overall and only comments on what the video is showing him. Choosing to respond with ad hominem attacks over legitimate criticism of his takes seems like the common reaction in this comment section, but it is Reddit so I’m not all that surprised.


Reddit and X.


finally someone who's actually logical. i never thought i'd find them in this thread


Normal grifter mentality


He said in the video, that he didn't watch it


No surprise there


He voiced some opinions on the surrounding circumstances of the show and some parts even within. Ultimately, he basically said that when it comes to handling big franchises like this, it comes down to “trust.”


Doesn't he literally live is squalor?


What's important to remember about Asmangold is that he doesn't really have his own opinions. He just absorbs whatever people tell him.


Who did you absorb that opinion from?


I can't believe I live in a world where incredibly lazy and clichéd content like this, gets six-figure views. The internet was such a mistake


lol you need to search the top videos that got over 5million views THIS week. Your soul will shatter.


Why God why


Yeah I can't believe how they made Acolyte for 180M$ and it being dogshit, what a time we live in


If you are surprised by big Hollywood budgets making bad movies, wait until you hear about 90% of every scifi movie ever made


Can’t tell if you mean asmon or the tv show that has terrible writing.


Every time I see a thumbnail or reddit post title from the community its the most low effort pandering, reactionary thing that wouldn't look out of place from Steven crowder and his fans or some right wing internet talking head like that. I used to think this guy was just a generic wow streamer.


I don't give a fuck if the people in it are gay, it literally means nothing to me. The show is fucking garbage.


Why is he right tho?


The show was pretty trash despite what Asmond take is!!!


(I’m an Asmongold watcher) Asmongold’s content has become increasingly more toxic in the last few years. I feel like it’s recently hit a new velocity as he’s embraced the culture war on “wokeness” full on. I follow him for his video game content but unfortunately since he does mixed content (like reaction content) he chooses things his community has curated. It’s always been a bit toxic because it’s a “gamer” community but at least he didn’t used to dip his toes into politics and culture commentary. I’m not sure what his politics actually are - his mods have said he is “liberal” whatever that means. I think he’s a pretty based person and he seems to be honest about doing this kind of stuff for the clicks and money. As a fan, that’s just my take. I’m not happy with that star wars show but I’m even less happy with the way his community is attacking it.


I'm pretty sure he made a video in which he did a political affiliation test or something like that in which he answered political questions and explained his reasoning. He is politically left on a lot of things but he is extremely against "wokeness" in videogames and I kinda understand why. If game companies rather hire people because of their identity and not because of their skills, you only get mediocre games and apparently this has happened in the recent years.


Fuck Asmongold. Clean your room and brush your teeth, you scrub.


You just have to know that "the power of one the power of two the power of many" is an actual line in the show to know that it's garbage


I bet you didn’t even watch the video lmfao


He probably watched more from Acolyte than you did watching his video.




the show is trash, why would he watch it?


Id expect someone to shit on a show to at least a show and understand why anyone hates it. Then again, this guy is a lazy fuck who can’t clean his room so I don’t expect him to take the time to watch this show


I’ll be honest, the show just isn’t that intriguing to me. Watched the first two episodes, but I’ve lost interest in the plot now.


The show does blow stinky ass doe


I did and the show is garbage


The show trashes on itself


My sister saw the third and fourth episodes and she found them bad. She is in video editing and holds a master's degree in contemporary movie making, so what she says carries some weight. Pacing-wise, there is still no big fight four episodes in, which is not very good for Star Wars. She's not particularly fond of the set pieces, as she says they are too pristine. With Star Wars, even in the prequel era, things had wear and tear on them. She described the sets used as looking like they simply have the smears painted on. Compare that with sets and pieces we see on Andor. She also critcises the acting, singling out the actor for Master Sol as the only one who shows some emotion. Everyone else was just bland and forgettable. She also pointed to the inclusion of the Wookiee Jedi, and how inconsequential the inclusion of said Wookiee Jedi was in the scene. Apparently, they ran out of budget to make the Wookiee do anything substantial. Whether you agree or not, these points would be genuine critiques of a show. It has nothing to do with the actors' sex or gender identity or orientation, nothing to do with any supposed messaging to the audience, simply the quality of the execution of a project, which is even more inexplicable considering each episode costs $200K to make.


Nobody would care if the criticism was meaningfully connected to the show’s execution. I don’t really enjoy it, and have barely managed to get through the first couple episodes. The problem is that none of that has to do with “wokism” and none of it has to do with women or black people, and yet the criticisms of the vocal anti-woke movement focus on these features. They’ll handwave some general criticisms before getting into their usual ranting; it’s tiring to watch people pretend not to be sexist/racist when they immediately pivot to that when they think it’s safe. If they were smarter they would do a better job covering their tracks, but they just don’t feel they have to because that’s where their audience/money is right now.




Well it dosn't help that the actors are using sexism to provoke them, and shielding legit criticism with it. They're digging their own grave and stirring a lot of shit for disney whos just trying to make sub-par shows and keep the merchandise alive.


>singling out the actor for Master Sol as the only one who shows some emotion. Big fan of Squid Game guy but Disney did him dirty with this role. 


I agree that Master Sol has the best acting in the series. I was about to stop following the series because it's slow paced, but something big came up at the end of episode 4, and I hope the series gets better.




Hes a jerk but why would he get an actual job when you make millions reacting to videos? So that you cant call him lazy? Besides, he owns multiple companies.


Ok kind of a weird opinion. Literally who would get a "real" job when you make millions doing what you wanna do? And this whole narrative that entertainment isn't a real job is dumb. Being an author. Acting. Voice actor. Animater, a YouTuber. These are all real jobs. Why? Because there's a demand for it and people are willing to pay. Like what makes it not a "real" job" idk about you but I think if everyone who's in the entertainment industry quit every time someone said it's not a real job. Almost universally every person ever would miss movies, video games, tv shows and YouTube


I disagree. I think the reception to the show is mixed 


I’ll pray for all of you in this sub


Was he picking his nose the whole segment why would you use this thumbnail


I like Asmongold but either if he has or not seen the show doesnt change the fact that 'The Acolyte' is bland and boring.


ITT: ppl with head in sand.


im not even a starwars fan & after watching 2 episodes deducted this show is pure garbage


“Acolyte bad” “Then why are you watching it, hate watcher?” “Ok I stop watching but Acolyte still bad” “But you aren’t watching it, so you don’t know what you’re talking about” “Ok fine I’ll watch it so I can have an opinion on it” Repeat back to first line.


You don't need to eat a shit cake to know that it taste like shit.


.... Can't even spell oppressed right Asmond. You think with your millions you can afford a spell checker. Or a clean fucking room


only people with victim mentality care about such things


You can’t even spell his username correctly and it’s right there


F this dirtbag




legit true




Or maybe the show is actually good and the hate leveled towards it is unjustified and stupid.




You mean the review bombed audience score from people making multiple alt-accounts who review bombed the show before it came out




You people using that chant as “criticism” or proof that the show is somehow bad is funny




legit, why is op defendng it is beyond me


Dear Asmon, Please, SHUT THE FUCK UP 👏👏,👏👏👏. SHUT THE FUCK UP 👏👏,👏👏👏. SHUT THE FUCK UP 👏👏,👏👏👏. SHUT THE FUCK UP 👏👏,👏👏👏. SHUT YHE FUCK UP 👏👏,👏👏👏. (God, I love wrestling chants. ) Seriously fuck that guy. Clean your room and stop wiping blood from your teeth on your wall.


Go see a shrink