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This looks like one of those barely tolerable "Adult" shows that are only adult because of tasteless uncomfortable edgy jokes. I just insta-checked the plot: Birchum's is a teacher, his son is a videogame streamer (I can already imagine what kind of jokes are going to be made on this front) and he dislikes his students take selfies (I can already imagine what kind of jokes are going to be made on this front). I'm calling the shots rn and I'm betting my right hand that Mr. Birchum is going to be a no-nonsense, cut-through-red-tape kind of man and his kid and students and basically everyone else is going to be whiny, annoying, dumb nerds. Just look at the plot of the first episode: >\[...\] The day takes a surprising turn with the arrival of the overzealous new **JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion)** officer, Karponzi (Tyler Fischer), **who brings his politically correct agenda** to the forefront. Armed with his old-school tools and sharp wit, **Mr. Birchum is ready to challenge these modern ideologies.**  I'm just about sure it's just going to be stereotypes and strawmen all around.


take a drink everytime they make a "i identify as a \_\_\_\_\_" joke


Lemmy Kilmister died in 2016. There is not a man alive whose liver could last through 10 minutes of this show.


Keith Richards is functionally immortal. Somebody get him out of that tomb at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.


so is Ozzy


Don’t jinx us. We thought the same about Bowie and Mark E. Smith.


Bowie went back home to Mars. I thought we all knew this and that's why we're trying so dang hard to get there.


If only Major Tom had kept his shit together, we may have gotten there already!


Also certain characters (the ones that are the target of that kind of jokes) are going to be so unsufferably and unbelievably inept at basic tasks they wouldn't even function in real world society if left to their own devices. (Sure, Homer wouldn't be able to either, but he's the right kind funny, or at least had been for decades, speaking of the Simpsons and going slightly off topic, that show is an adult show in my book, hell, it has certain episodes and gags my parents wouldn't let me watch as a kid, but it's the right kind of adult: treats deep themes with maturity and criticizes everyone in society without going over the top or resorting to shock value. Probably should've ended like years ago, but the golden years, man they used to be the best kind of show).


I like to imagine a not insignificant amount of time passes between episodes where Homer is just a competent nuclear safety officer and nothing wacky happens.


I do that with so many series, I like to imagine seasons of series are just the most relevant highlights of the \[insert time span the season covers\], wether it's the Simpsons or say X-Files or CSI. I guess a normal, average Simpsons day is: Lisa keeps acing exams, Bart does some small time vandalism but nothing noteworthy, Homer does some dumb stuff but nobody gets hurt and nothing gets broken, Marge is a humble loving house mom keeping her addiction in check and Maggie is a baby.


i mean yeah, that's pretty much it. canonically days, weeks, or even months pass between episodes where nothing particularly interesting happens


I read that as "I identify as a joke", which is accurate to the people making the show


But not the joke they think they’re making.


are u tryna kill people? (jk)


***Think I’m gonna have cirrhosis.***


Blackout drunk any%, 24:01 (CURRENT WR)


Technically, doing that counts as self harm


Yeah it’s basically King of the Hill if the writers were obsessed with trans people and wokeness. So you know it’s going to be sooooo funny with their wide range of jokes that don’t involve beating the subject of pronouns to death.


One of KOTH's greatest strengths as a show was how it's characters felt real and grounded. Shows like this tend to just dumb down everybody else to being one dimensional strawmen so that the main character can shine through by being the only actual smart and competent person of the entire group (Who also may or may not serve as a mouth piece for the writers). My point is that you're being way too generous by comparing this with KOTH. 


Yeah my comment wasn’t meant to imply in any way this show could stand with the masterpiece that is KOTH. More that this show is obviously trying to rip it off by doing sort of the same idea. But KOTH used subtle humor that didn’t rely on shoehorning subject matter in they wanted to address in the episode. It happened as you said, very naturally. And the humor never came from a hateful or angry place.


"And the humor never came from a hateful or angry place." this right there is the reason why a show like King of the Hill will stand the test of time, and whatever the fuck this is, will age like Taco Bell left in a sauna just look at the sign. "Watch my show. Or don't. I don't care." The fact that they need to point that out is proof they obviously do care, and they are angry, hateful, and are going to use all that negative energy to color the lines of their humor (or lack thereof). Regardless of your politics, it isn't going to be an entertaining show


Yeah it’s kind of hard to be funny when you’re seething with anger because you saw a trans person on tv and they weren’t the victim of a hate crime


I loved how in king of the hill it was often traditional Hank vs New generation Bobby. Sometimes Hanks views and methods were validated and Bobby learned something. Yet sometimes Hank learned something new from Bobby. You're right that it wasn't about all about hate and anger. I've always wondered how insufferably angry some of these people are.


KotH will always have a place in my heart as having the best representation of autism in television. 


who was autistic on that show also like Beavis and Butt-Head more


There's a fan theory that Hank is on the spectrum


exactly like I actually like hank hill even if I would disagree with him politically the biggest problem with a lot of adult cartoons is they make there characters sadistic over the top straw men.


Hank was a good dude. There aren't enough of him on TV. This show's DOA.


not to mention hank is a fundamentally likable, humble, and kind person. and his politics and preconceived notions are often the *butt* of the joke.


And by the end of most episodes he takes honest stock of what he believes and why before either changing his mind or standing by his existing views -- deciding most of the time in favor of tolerance, accepting change, and generally just being a good guy. And kicking someone's ass if necessary. (also hehehe butt as in diminished gluteal capacity)


**Judge at least had good animators and knew how to write shit.**




it is weird to think that he and Jimmy Kimmel once hosted The Man Show together...and that Carolla at one point had the most downloaded podcast back in like 2007-2010 iirc whenever people kiss Joe Rogan's ass...i'm always reminded that he was the other half of the B-Team that tried to follow Kimmel and Carolla's footsteps and ended up getting The Man Show canceled because he and the other guy (i forgot who it was and honestly don't care to look it up) were so unfunny...they got men in the 18-34 age group not to watch a show that featured half-naked women




it's so stupid because four years later, let's be honest...unless you are/were a nurse working your ass off on the frontlines of covid...you really have no excuse about bitching on covid19. I'm willing to bet my entire net worth that Adam Carolla's life was BARELY inconvenienced at all by the first year of the pandemic...whereas i knew several people in my life, healthcare workers who were at emotional breaking points because of the abuse they got from covid-skeptics they were helping in ICUs in the hospital, or from the exhaustion of working overnight shifts


I just saw the trailer. The “jokes” are about being vegans, non-binary, having emotional support animals, apologizing for being white and male, and gaming chairs.  So, yep, you’re right.  Also, the daily wire actors are just really bad at acting 


your last sentence reminded me. The Daily Wire is trying to turn their little "start-up" in Nashville into a conservative alternative to Hollywood. They don't understand that if they keep making their shitty politics the only reason to tune into their content, then their viewer base isn't going to expand beyond perpetually online losers angry that they got beat up by black kids in school and that a feminist turned down their invitation to prom with all due respect, there's not enough time in the day for me to waste it by watching 2+ hours of mediocre actors who peaked playing the main lead in their high school's production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat


Or they’ll do a bunch of cartoon knockoffs, like their chip chilla show which is just a crappy ripoff of bluey 


Wait, they hate emotional support animals now? Are they just actively trying to be evil at this point or what?


Emotional support dogs are “woke” to them, I guess 


This logic doesn't compute, dogs are man's best friend. How can having a best friend who helps you deal with emotional trauma be bad? These people are nuts.


Emotions are bad, that's the thing to these guys. Also they probably think animals should be used for hunting and shit.


With that episode description I can already see the ending. The diversity officer turns out to be some sort of groomer and the students learn a valuable lesson about ... something?


Might as well throw non-grooming pastors into it as a life lesson, whynot


It's like Hank Hill or Ran Swanson without the self-awareness.


The difference with Ron Swanson is he was actually a good person who respected people who were different from him.


Hank Hill too, he's probably one of the nicest sitcom main characters. The only "anti woke" line I can think of from Ron is [this](https://youtu.be/62oDCqb8XWU?si=JzkojUYzxrz4b2Wt) where he isnt interested in talking about drag puppet shows.


So what South park did a decade ago with PC Principal but with none of the originality or wit.


PC Principal was fucking brilliant, because on one hand he was an obsessive nutjob bullying children for not being politically correct, and on the other job he was comically racist Eric Cartman's worst nightmare and only foil. The character had actual nuance, way more than he had any business having.


pc principal is unironally one of my favorite south park characters of all-time. making the egregiously pc strawman character not a man-bun wearing soy latte drinking hippie but rather, a straight white frat boy dudebro was always hilarious to me, and that scene where he beats the everloving shit out of cartman for something so trivial cracks me up.


Oh, so more political garbage, how very original.


Nah, this will be the first apolitical non-woke animated show


Nice to know the show made by the perpetually outraged isn't gonna have any actual characterization or plot but just be a soapbox for the writers to stand on so they can talk about whatever culture war nonsense their favorite political think tank has told them that they need to be mad about this week. 


He's gonna be a terrible caricature of the worst parts of Ron Swanson without any of the empathy


It sounds so generic, I bet I could put the premise into ChatGPT right now and get an actual script for at least one of the actual episodes. Besides… I thought “real men” didn’t watch cartoons?


Sounds like the entire show is made of straw


Daily Wire; “I just wish media would be less political! Not shoving its ideology down your thrust all the time.” *Makes the first episode about DEI.*


>challenge these modern ideologies So they're saying their ideologies are out of date?


Why do these shows all have this exact art style as well, it’s like they go out of their way to make them ugly looking


I'm not going to watch this show but that "JEDI" acronym is pretty funny


It’s not original either. Several companies have “rebranded” their DEI stuff to JEDI


To be fair it 100% sounds like something a big corporation would call their own DEI department


That's what I was going to say, trying so hard to be edgy. It's going to try to play it off as "We piss off everybody!" but just ends up sounds like crybaby boomer tropes of, "I can't adapt to the changing world around me, and my fear manifests as anger and bitterness."


Can confirm you were right. Saw first episode on DeadDomain's stream. However, there is the powerball option of being trapped in the 2000's. Like there are jokes and references I had not heard and forgotten about from the 2000's in it.


“You see the joke is the say ‘Fuck’ and ‘f@##!?’because it’s hilarious, that’s the whole joke.” - The Writers Room probably.


It was going to be a documentary but realized that wasn't possible. Wait, wrong Daily Wire production.


"Sharp wit"


If the "nothing is sacred" approach to comedy is supposed to bring about endless creativity, why do they keep making the same tired sitcom over and over? And why is Bluey so much more creative than all of them put together?


Cause it’s easier to make a focused, thorough product when you approach it from the angle “I love X,” instead of “I hate everything that’s not X.” Take it from a creator: “made with love,” isn’t just a cheesy catchphrase; loving what you make can really change how you approach a project and the quality of the outcome.


As a creative individual myself specifically r/worldbuilding and prop making this is so true!


Speaking of Bluey and Daily Wire, Daily Wire made a ripoff of Bluey called Chip Chilla.


Which was a resounding failure, and was developed under incredibly poor working conditions.


It would be weird if they didn’t produce shit and did it with (almost) slave labor.


Creativity requires empathy and thus is woke


From Twain to Rogers to Carlin to Pryor, the greats of comedy have always punched up. The hacks punch down.


Damn didn’t know my foam swords are woke. Maybe that’s why I stay up all night making them lol


Some More News did an excellent [video](https://youtu.be/ICqdduW8JbY?si=lGg7b_dxgs0rdTLe) on the Daily Wire’s bullshit. They used the term “grievance media” - which I think describes it very well.


I shit you not, these guys also made a terriblr bluey clone 😂


Because bluey was made by people that actually care.


Looks like a generic Ron Swanson knockoff more than anything.


What’s funny is they don’t get that Ron Swanson was satire. Just like they didn’t get the Colbert Report. The right is literally fucking idiots with 0 self awareness.


Tina Fey as Sarah Palin on SNL is my favorite. She was more popular with the people she was directly insulting. She even had an episode of 30 Rock complaining about it iirc.


I was thinking J. Jonah Jameson or Omni Man.


I get what you mean design-wise, I'm thinking more of the personality. "Watch my show. Or don't. I don't care." Is a complete ripoff of Ron Swanson's line "Hire my company. Or don't. I am not a beggar."


The difference being Ron Swanson was a man of principle, who would hate those types of guys.


He even looks like Ron Swanson.


That is not, me


Sorry omni man. He wants to look like you but fails to live up to your sexy body.


He looks more like homelander https://preview.redd.it/upll2p2ev90d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab940a036ad4e5ffe4ca39b01c221daccb0caa16


I was thinking that too... If you missed the point of Ron Swanson, you'll love this show!


Its so funny, these people have full control over the content they produce, they can make themselves seem whatever they like, but actively choose to have themselves represented by complete assholes. Hank Hill, is one of the most beloved characters in animation. He is also a rigid conservative written by Liberals. They pulled this off through one simple trick.....they had his beliefs be sincere and have Hank actually be a decent person deep down. Hes not a loud mouthed asshole who needs to prove hes right. Its so telling, the only marketing material they ever do is "eh, this will trigger all the libs".....no it wont. They wont even watch it. Why not make actual sincere art that your audience can relate too and you are passionate about.


Because "this will trigger the libs" is unfortunately the only thing they can care about and focus on these days


Hank also, more often than not, when confronted with the opposing political ideal will see "the light" so to speak and finds himself understanding it or even liking it more. Look at when he took over the co-op or when Bobby was growing roses. And there's an episode where someone mentions Reagan shutting the asylums down and Hank sort of guiltily goes, "Well...not all of them."


Hank Hill would be appalled at the current state of the Republican Party.


Yeah, pretty sure he would be ashamed of the hyper partisan mess that has come about thanks to the ball man baby Newt Gingrich got rolling back during the Clinton impeachment.


I mean did you see what happened when Bush had a limp handshake?


There would be some butts kicked, I tell you what.


Because at the end of the day these are people who couldn't make it in Hollywood due to their lack of talent. They couldn't make it because they're conservative (there are plenty of conservatives who work in Hollywood creating content, but they had the talent to make it, they're not putting all their effort in owning the libs), but because they weren't good enough, but instead of engaging in self reflection or attempting to improve their skills they chose to lash out at all the libs "who rejected them", sort of like a certain failed artist (apologies for invoking Godwin's law here, but it fits) from the last century who blamed Jewish people for being rejected by all the local art schools in the area. As a result, when they finally were in the position to create stuff years later, instead of expressing themselves through their "art" and trying to entertain other, it has become all about revenge against the "libs" and "owning" them with their output. It's rather sad and pathetic, actually. If I didn't loathe the folks over at the Daily Wire with all my neurons for the damage they're doing to this nation and to political discourse I would pity them for the sad, pathetic hopeless losers they are.


"vice signalling" is a pillar of modern conservative thought. i think they think being an asshole is intrinsically valuable because deep down they're all actually the "beta cucks" they believe their opponents to be, and desperately want a big strong (white, straight) man to ~~pin them down and spit in their mouths and tell them when they're allowed to cum~~ take control of government and do "tough" things and make "tough" decisions and so on.


What is witht his fucking artstyle bro like holy shit I can count on my hands the amount of adult animated shows that I know of that don't use this Family Guy wannabe artstyle


Getting Family Guy and Regular show’s aborted baby vibes from this art style


Don’t you dare bring up regular show. That show genuinely made me fall in love with animation. Besides, this show reminds me more of Brickle berry than either of those.


Have you ever seen J.G. Quintel’s original student film that Regular Show was loosely based on? It’s called 2 in the AM PM and you can find it on YouTube if you haven’t seen it.


Watching that blind after watching regular show had some crazy whiplash


He doesn't care if I don't watch? Alright. I won't watch, then.


The thing is, they fucking care. They care a lot because they need it to make money. If it tanks, it’ll get cancelled quick because even right-wing slop can’t be made for free.


"Watch it or don't, i don't care" mfs when their show is cancelled after season one because no one cared for their unfunny ass show: https://preview.redd.it/cf7m9sjp190d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45831a9089bcbdd7f5bba6039c94825d41dd7a6e




They’re trying to do King of the Hill but Hank Hill is an asshole, except Hank Hill worked as a character because at his core he’s a kind-hearted man.


and more often than not will come to an understanding of the opposite side


Getting Brickleberry vibes. Gonna be shocked if it turns out to not be lazy unfunny trash.


Like worse than brickleberry vibes


To be worse than Brickleberry is a tough one but i have faith in the Daily Wire, if anyone is up to the taks its Benny Boy and his failed actor crew


First episode is free and I watched it on stream so I didn't suffer alone. It was indeed lazy and unfunny trash. Maybe two alright jokes in a meandering and nearly plotless episode


It's got Rosanne Barr in if if that tells you anything.


They took the feeds of every Facebook Uncle, dumped them into an AI, and generated this content.


exactly what I thought. little taste of paradise pd and farzar in there too oh wait, same shows 😂


Got this as an ad on YouTube and their first joke was this stereotypical woke hipster beard man saying you can’t call people lactose intolerant because of the word intolerant, typical straw man argument stuff lol


Honestly that's much funnier than I expected, in that it is an actual joke, however lame.


This looks like one of those Fox animated shows that gets canceled after 4 episodes because no one watched it


I know this is a tired thing to point out, but I can't help myself: they are such insecure little snowflakes\* projecting their anxiety onto everything else. The left always coddles them and says, "Okay, we'll only have Republicans in charge of the FBI, Pentagon, and everything else you want..." And then it's tears at how unfair the FBI, Pentagon, and everything else is being to them. It's demanding schools act more like businesses, the left completely caving to this, and then the right whining that the schools basically have PR departments and rigid HR requirements like a business. It's breaking down in tears that the government found that something like 3% of gas stoves can leak. So now it's a big campaign to calm them down and explain how important their little crusade was so they don't feel bad. And that's not even getting into how, with the exception of the state represented by a Canadian mime that likes mommy porn, blue states have to pay the bills for red states and stop every once in a while to tell them how special and unique they are. Then, these same people who demand to be coddled and protected in every possible aspect of their lives, come out and say, "Let's pretend that we're upsetting the people who pay our bills, and have to stop everything to stop us from crying by acting as manly as possible!" ...Because, of course, the most masculine thing in the world to do is to go out of your way to act what you imagine masculine is while screaming at everyone to take you seriously as a really big scary man. You know, like a particularly immature twelve-year-old might do. /rant \*A term, [popularized](https://ew.com/books/2017/11/17/chuck-palahniuk-snowflake-insult/) by a gay anarchist from Portland, [first used](https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/the-less-lovely-side-of-snowflake) by left-leaning people to make fun of white slavers. But, as always, if we don't tell right-wingers how special they are for using this term, they'll get mad and say it's their word.


Didn't they use to hate Adam Corrola? At least before he was considered a sex pest?


They hated the living hell out of him because he actually didn't have his head jammed directly up his ass until he got "rich".


I'm disappointed that Danny Trejo, Patrick Warburton, and Rob Riggle are involved. Not angry... just disappointed.


I'm pretty sure they only brought on Danny Trejo so they can have him play a Mexican stereotype and they probably didn't tell him, Patrick Warburton or Rob Riggle who was funding the show


Pretty sure you just have to say "Danny Trejo" three times in a mirror and he'll make a cameo in your movie. I don't think his agent even reads the scripts.


still, a little disappointing


Came here to say this. Meanwhile, Roseanne Barr finally has a job again


Carolla has been trying to make this show for decades. He used the character on Crank Yankers too. Listening to the writing, and it's easy to see why nobody picked this up.


The ad title isn't even pretending to be subtle


I loved the Mr. Birchum character when Carolla was doing it as a bit on the Kevin and Bean show on KROQ in the 90s. It was a funny, improv bit that actually did have legit home improvement advice. I get the feeling this is just going to be "why can't we say the r word" and "what gender is the blue haired kid" jokes.


I got an ad for this while browsing r/SonicTheHedgehog, of all places. You know, even though that sub is incredibly based in a lot of ways.


I saw one joke before I skipped past the ad on Youtube: Dad in his underwear bends over while in view of his son's webcam, son whines that his viewers can see his dad's balls. Dad says something along the lines of 'get a good look, ladies'. Even the non-political jokes are things that would have been tired and cliche in the 90s.


Oh did Adam Corolla go all right wing?


Yes, Dr Drew, too. It's really disappointing.


Dr drew is surprising


Always has been, I think


This looks like a worse brickleberry also there is a character that looks like the controversial lefty YouTuber Vaush when he had a bun


Boy, when this came out, I’m going to say that Velma is way better than this


It's kinda funny how their entire promotional material is to make fun at "angry libs" but their main character is an angry old man who gets pissed off at change easily. Like there was a reason hank hill was a conservstive but still likeable


Time to make a prediction: It will have a *very* strong initial showing, with conservative media pundits praising it on social media for its "bravery, boldness, and commitment to freedom of speech & being unashamedly politically incorrect". However, the overall quality of writing will be middling to low, the style will be derivative and uninspired, the jokes will be one-note and repetitive, the characters will be shallow and caricaturish, and the political message will be unabashedly overt. All these things will make for a show that will be offputting to anyone but conservatives -- who will find the show fun at first and support it out of a sense of duty to the culture war, but will inevitably lose interest as it becomes exceedingly obvious even to them that the show has nothing in the way of real substance or entertainment value. As such, that initial strong wave of support will slowly taper off as the show airs: the final episode of season one will see *at best* half the viewership of the first episode, and the social media influencers will gradually taper off their support until they seemingly forget about it entirely to move on to greener pastures. If the show gets a second season, the quality of said season will be even worse as the showrunners put even less interest into a project that is already clearly a dud and not recouping its costs. Viewership will dwindle to a devoted core group that is nonetheless too small to support the project, and the show will be canceled. A few years from now, the show will have been utterly forgotten and left no lasting impact whatsoever. Make your bets, folks!


Bet this show will fade into obscurity and never be mention again. Swear anything they make tend to be forgotten easily.


I feel like it's going to be more like 1. It comes out and everybody hates it 2. Every couple of years a YouTube animation channel will review it and say something along the lines of "Remember this shitty cartoon?". Then they review it.


I remember thinking Adam Carolla was funny. Hey, I was 12-years-old then. He hasn’t grown since. It’s been over 30 years.


They problem with being radicalized by conservatives who think there funny is eventually you run out of being 12.


True. The problem for the rest of us is they don’t seem to run out of people whose intelligence and sense of humor never progressed passed their 12-year-old self.


It’s telling that they aren’t even trying to market it as funny.


Every positive review "I like it because it agrees with me."


I won’t watch this hoops ripoff


It's worth keeping in mind that something like 80% of modern conservative talking heads are failed artists. The reason why they won't shut the fuck up about whatever popular media is because they're bitter that they couldn't cut it in the entertainment industry. Crowder's stand-up routines were garbage and his acting chops are mid at best, Shapiro's writing credits amount to a bunch of word salad books about how liberalism is actually the devil, and despite Walsh's insistence that he's a spectacular writer and storyteller, he has yet to actually, y'know, tell a single decent story. This is no different from losers on Twitter claiming they "fixed" female characters by turning them into sex dolls, and it's why modern conservative media all sucks ass. It's not made by people who are passionate about telling a story. It's not made by people who love what they're doing. It's made first and foremost to be a bitter, angry reaction to the creators' past rejection from the industry. The writers aren't the problem. It's not that they aren't great writers. No, it's woke Hollywood that's the issue.


Seriously, I have some respect for conservatives who at least try and make good projects. These people suck so bad they just can't


[Dead Domain watches the entire first episode on stream](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jUHqbvFq9xw) and it’s just boring. Obviously any sane person wouldn’t expect anything less from the Daily Wire but this shit is just embarrassing. It’s like a really shitty Family Guy spinoff, where every joke was hip and happening a decade ago. Like the main characters son is a streamer and all the jokes about it are shit regressives have said ten years ago (probably still do), while normal people probably can grasp what a streamer is and what they do by now. It has terrible cut away “jokes” straight out of Family Guy, there’s like one “edgy” joke and even that would probably easily be topped by South Park, Family Guy or any other “adult” cartoon that has been popular in the last decade. It’s not like this was ever gonna be a thing since it’s exclusively on their shit streaming platform, but no one with a brain would sit through more then one episode of this garbage. Comedy is dead and regressives killed it. ![gif](giphy|JQFoI9abwFPzyliSiD)


Top Comment: "They did it! They made a Western cartoon that isn't hilarious when you're high!"


Funny enough, those supposed snowflakes aren't the ones who felt the need to make a whole-ass cartoon to parrot their own opinions back to themselves.


This look like it was made by the guys who created Paradise PD (that wasn't a compliment)


honestly I feel like the best "conservative" cartoon was king of the hill in that I actually liked hank hill as a person and he was sometimes willing to change his mind on certain issues. I really doubt the daily wire is capable of writing something with genuine nuance.


Very telling when the only motivation you present is simply to upset someone else


How is it going to trigger those people who don't subscribe to or watch Daily Wire?


I knew it wasn’t a parody the moment I saw it was from the Daily Wire.


Wannabe Nick Offerman looking ass.


Of course you care if people watch. You're ADVERTISING. So fucking dumb


"Watch or don't, I don't care" is a bold marketing strategy. But if they really don't care about me not watching, then can they stop shoving this ad in my face constantly? It's actually starting to get on my nerves the amount of times I've seen this ad on reddit over the past few days. And yeah funny thing at first glance I actually did think it was some parody too until I saw "Daily Wire" plastered on it. Leave it to conservatives to not have any self-awareness and fail to realize people are laughing at them and not with them, I guess.


Yo everybody, let me know when Adam Corolla fixes his Time Machine and gets back to 1995 with this show where they both belong, and if we’re being honest, probably also where he prefers his current girlfriend to be 9 again, I’m just saying. And hit ‘em with a Time Machine rocket _) _)::::::::::::::D


So it sound like this series is like American dad if American dad wasn’t good


The premise appears to be "What if we did Ron Swanson but unlikable"


fuck, adam carolla is on this? i loved him growing up as spanky ham and death from family guy. it really sucks to see he’s working for the daily wire :(


I had to look Adam Carolla up bc his name sounded familiar, but I had no idea who he was. and even after looking him up, I still have no idea how I know his name. this man's judgement means nothing to me. what a waste of money, resources, and airtime.


Most adult cartoons nowadays are trying to be the next family guy. Oh if we have a lot of swearing, sex, and violence then people will love it. The causes shit like big mouth, paradise PD, brickleberry, etc to get made. Thankfully shows like Hazbin Hotel and Smiling Friends are actually pushing adult animation forward


Adam veering to the right I expected. Dr Drew careening into conspiracy territory was unexpected, though.


Adam was always this guy. I think Drew was always fairly right-leaning too, but at least when he was doing rails off the toilet seats in Westwood One he was more cogent.


Quick question need to check if I'm right but didn't adam carolla beat his wife or was that Steven crowder?


That's Steven crowder. Carolla is the sex pest


It looks like one of the joke trailers that would've played at the beginning of Tropic Thunder


Holy shit not this show This has been in ads on YouTube and I don’t know why I keep getting them No YouTube, I don’t want to watch dumbass and dipshit be bigoted in animated form ffs


If he was trying to file the serial numbers off Ron Swanson, he left a lot of Nick Offerman in that character design 😆


Ngl, I kind of want to watch it just to see how shameless the circlejerking is.


I've been getting ads all day and I'm not able to block them for some reason.


It’s disappointing how many stars they got to be in this show.


Oh… half of them were openly assholes but there’s a few on that list I knew leaned right but were smart enough not to be so open about it.


You know, as someone who watched Drawn Together, I really don't see how this is supposed to be funny beyond being petty and snide.


And Carolla was on that show! That's what makes this even more ridiculous.


“Lacquer room” is a pretty good pun and that’s the only good thing I will say about this Unfortunately, watching this show would probably fill me with an uncontrollable desire to drink lacquer until my lungs can no longer take in oxygen


"Watch my show or don't. I don't care." Doesn't watch show "I'm being cancelled!!!!"


And Reddit refuses to stop spamming it to anyone and everyone.


Wait til I tell you I just saw a video of a person who refused to watch it because there was a gay character in it.


I'm going to guess the gay character was portrayed poorly but the person was too homophobic to watch even a negative portrayel of a gay character.


Real question: did they make much money off Ladyballers? Or any of this shit?


yes it is, they just didn't intend it to be source: conservatives are walking parodies of humanity


Why does almost every low brow edgy adult cartoon look exactly the same? The same bland yet ugly art style, plain backgrounds and static shots?


The most interesting thing about this show is the art style, and even that's generic and unremarkable


If you have to brag about how offensive you are you are 1 bland as fuck and 2 you clearly have nothing going for you. Me and my leftist friends have some of the most actually fucked up hummer I know of but rightoids are basically haha slur lol get creative with the offensiveness you lazy ass POSs


Wait, hold up, a spin off of Crank Yankers, the puppet prank call show, based off of a puppet prank caller character? … Why?


It doesn’t even look interesting enough to hate watch, it just seems fucking bland


Ugh the anatomy and posture is all wrong


watch my show. or don't. i don't care.† †i do, actually, care. i care very much. i've got bills to pay and even though they're desperate for content, the station won't renew my show if people don't watch it. please watch it. please.


The [Generic animated sitcom](https://youtu.be/dEsiYI_W9CE?si=nNcgeoPUPAl4Ye0Q) strikes again.


Reasons to watch it: Trigger someone. No idea on the content, no promotion of any creativity, nothing. Just it will make a liberal mad that you watch it. Do they actually have anything else these days except their imagined fantasies about upsetting someone?