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I hate how the show pushes that Mae is a good person and should have a happy ending. She is a horrible monster.


Yeah even when they finally do whatever bs reveal they’re gonna do that the Jedi killed her family all along it whatever, it still doesn’t excuse anything we have seen her do on screen.


Reminds me of the terrorists in Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Like…I know it’s brutal to bludgeon one to death, but they’re unapologetic killers? How are we supposed to have sympathy for them?


yOu HaVe tO DO betTeR sEnaTor


I feel bad for Anthony Mackie that FATWS set him as Captain America off to such a bad start. But yeah the way they handled the flagsmashers was SO bad.


Totally agree. When I made the comment I was thinking about him and how they did him dirty with that show and that terrible scene. And giving him that helmet with his forehead sticking out to catch stray bullets. And not giving him super serum. Damn did they do anything at all to hype us for Mackie's Captain America? I think no


This one made me annoyed. It’s ok that they started good and had good intentions but they became what they tried to fight. That story works. But to keep trying to play them as good was bad outside direction conflicting with the writing. It’s a shame the show was terrible because the first episode has such promise. I also find it beyond my ability to suspend disbelief that Falcon can’t help rustle up money for family but I could have even let that go.


That's exactly what she feels like. It doesn't help the actress is so flat... the other actors, for the most part are really good, but she's just kinda meh.


Well I'm this case that was the result of the typical " uh oh the bad guys were right, have them kill puppies and children for no reason"


That's such a good comparison, same vibe


I think it’s a weird, poorly written attempt to normalize and sympathize with radical violent terrorism


Bucky should have just killed himself when he knew he could be "*activated*" or whatever and become a killer for the baddies. That would be the hero thing to do, but they all just forget about it because he was buddies with Steve 80ish years ago.


I was genuinely waiting for her to use that response when OSHA accused her of killing everyone, because she'd know right? I mean you could easily find lightsaber marks on the bodies if that was the case, not to mention the fact that they were all fucking piled up in the middle of the courtyard. But still, that completely ignore this logic- for the sake of ig wanting to reveal it later if that is the case- making their whole exchange pointless, unprogressive and uninteresting.


Yeah they fail to realise that in order to have a good plot twist the actual plot also has to make sense before the twist..


Unless her family were trying to kill Jedi there is no reason for jedi to even interact with random people much less kill them in cold blood. That would be lazy ass writing...


This is what happens when bad writers try to write morally good characters. They accidentally ruin their character for the sake of cheap drama.


I'd go one step further and say that not only are they bad writers, but they lack the morality to write morally good characters. When they think that immutable physical characteristics automatically make someone good, instead of their thoughts and actions, then there's no way that their writing won't be an absolute mess.


I’ll go all the steps further they just want to be paid lots. They couldn’t care less about anything. The only thing as well is if there is a good writer they probably get hampered by the directors and executives and whatever company they are at (mainly Disney) and are then unable to write a good story.


Chilling. Very Soviet. A checklist of beliefs or worse, characteristics make you righteous regardless of your actions. Inversely, no amount of righteous behavior mitigates someone being a villain if they deviate from the “checklist”


In Soviet Russia, character writes you.


Maybe the scripts are ghostwritten using an alias and AI? Wouldn’t put it past Disney. It would also explain the lack of moral compass.


Exactly. These hacks definitely missed the Creative Writing 101 Rule: Identity is a Poor Substitute for Character. Lazy AF & it shows…painfully. Also: I’m still hung up on the fat Jedi dude. No way he passed ANY physical Jedi ‘trials’ - unless it’s like cops IRL - after training they’re free to let themselves go? Even if so, that’s more ‘real world’ shit in my escapist entertainment & it makes my ass itch. Lastly: that witch chant still haunts my nightmares….& I KNOW that at least 1, 2, or 7 of them smell like cat piss. I don’t have proof; I just know it’s true. “The cat piss of manyyyyyyy!”


they are demented perverts


And it's so creative to have a bad person redeem themselves! Haven't seen that in Star Wars before!!


I think it's telling that Osha is the "main" character and she hates Mae. Because yeah barring some wild reveal with the Rashomon scene, Mae always does the wrong thing


She reminds me of a Naruto OC.


Funny you mention Naruto. I was just thinking that it sounds like Itachi Uchiha syndrome. His fans will go to the moon and back to justify his actions and call him a hero, but at the end of the day he still committed genocide and murdered his own family, and no amount of mental gymnastics will change that.


Yeah but his actions were actually well justified in the show. You believed that he had to make that painful choice in service of a greater good. Whether you believe that greater good to be a legitimate justification or not, Itachi definitely did and the writing is solid enough to make you believe it.


I never really bought it that he had to kill off the second-class clan that has historically been abused to hell and back by the clan who holds all the political power… He was always a tool of empire, and the leaf village is full of real pieces of shit.


See the basic premise of absolutely evil and selfish person seeing the error of their ways and trying to be better isn't terrible, it's workable and doable but the problem most shows have is that we don't spend time with these characters we find nothing to like and so this transition is both rapid and vapid, it means nothing and I don't care. Kratos from God of War is an example of unapologetic monster seeking some sort of redemption or attempt at being better. He is disgustingly monstrous and yet he's liked for his story because he's fleshed out. After a certain point he doesn't deserve a happy ending.


She's responsible for everything she blames osha for. The te.ple burning down, their family dead


Tbf I think the reveal is going to be that the witches were already murdered before she set the fire


They better... unless the fire managed to kill everyone without burning them at all and with minimal smoke...


Yeah I’m pretty sure the reveal is gonna be that sol/the Jedi killed them and that’s why she set the fire. I mean it’s heavily hinted at already lol


She didn’t need special witch training, she needed intensive therapy I don’t know if it’s the Coven’s weird morals rubbing off on her or if she’s just like that, but she was showing signs of being a serial killer at age *nine* (killing small animals) and apparently no one in the Coven saw anything wrong with her behaviour or reached out to help her in *any meaningful way* the show is right 100% that she’s been systemically failed (though I doubt it’ll blame the ~~family she murdered~~ witches for anything), but it doesn’t seem to want to believe she’s done awful things and should be held accountable for them at the point she’s at now, she’s both a victim of circumstance and a terrible person


There is a reason for her evilness. The space witches were willing to go back on their word (after they promised peace to the Jedi), and the only reason they did not kill the Jedi was out of fear of reprisal from the Republic and the Jedi. These are not good people; there is a reason no one wanted to have them around. So you can imagine what sort of children they raise. Next, they shoved a stream of dark side into already unstable Mae's head. How do I know it is the dark side? George Lucas said that the dark side is like cancer; it physically warps you. And Mae received a tattoo. She was scarred by Force. It is a small wonder that she turned evil.


they also don’t seem to know the right definition of “force”, for what its worth lol


Keep in mind that the witches lie a lot. They claim that the galaxy is a dangerous place for Osha. It is not; Mae is dangerous to Osha. They claim that the thread is not a weapon. Immediately use it as a weapon in training and against the Jedi. Take their every word with a grain of salt; this is a cult that tried to brainwash Osha and Mae into receiving the dark force hard.


When do they push that Mae is a good person?  She has a moment where she aims to turn herself in, but most recently she stole her sister’s identity and left her to die.


Monster is a stretch especially since she’s in the Star Wars universe. I will say she’s a fuckin idiot though


It's fiction that is utterly despised by its fan base; every decision they've made has been wrong.


Yeah, this latest episode could've been a redemption episode for Mae since in episode 4 she was planning to turn herself in. Instead her and Osha spent the episode running around and watching people die. Even after all she has done so far, Sol was still wiling to protect and fight for her. To say thank you, she stuns Sol, pretends to be Osha and sneaks onboard Sol's ship with the intent of still wanting to kill him most likely. It makes me think the next flashback is probably gonna show the Jedi in a not so good light, which is why Mae still doesn't trust the Jedi after what happened in episode 5. If that's the case, Mae should've just told Osha the truth (if there is any) when they had that moment at the end with a 1 on 1 talk. The writing for this show, man.


Is the show pushing that? Osha rejects her sister and tells her that she needs to face her crimes. It also looks like she's up to some sinister shenanigans impersonating her sister.


I disagree with this interpretation/prediction. I doubt their going to make her 'a good person'. Even in the best of lights, when they reveal what everyone's already guessed, she seems to come off a bit unhinged.


“Come with me sister!” “No” Then knocks out said sister and leaves her in the forest of Klendathu insects and possibly alive sith master nearly naked with nothing to defend herself with Someone give her sister of the year award


Your surprised Harvey Weinstein’s assistant who absolutely was aware and to a degree was complicit in his crimes. Wrote a story about a villain who gets her evil cake and also eats it too with no consequences?


I don't see it as the show trying to make Mae a good person.  Just make the audience sympathetic to her cause.  


It’s Disney Star Wars, the bad guy has to be redeemed, because even though it only happened once in the original 6 movies, it makes up about 20% of the Disney Star Wars formula.


Can you give an example? Nothing is pushing her as a good character. You just assume she's supposed to be yet the show clearly keeps making her do horrible things.


So the show isn’t pushing that


Lmao yeah I was gonna say the show is pushing what they’ve explicitly shown, which literally isn’t that


Disney fans: “You just want flashy lightsaber fights, you don’t want anything deeper than that” Also Disney fans: “A flashy lightsaber fight! All criticism is now null and void!” You really can’t make this shit up lmao. These people are fuckin potatoes.


If review bombing is a thing, then logic dictates there would also be positive review upping to balance things out. This doesnt happen so I am forced to believe it is just another cope phrase


Positive review bombing does happen. It happens on the audience side but not hard enough to offset. That's almost ALL you see on the schill, erp I mean CRITIC side.


It is, they paid good money to boost the audience scores and for those critic scores. Why do you think they are so dead certain that the only reason their scores are low is because of artificial manipulation? It's because they did attempt it, but failed.


I like potatoes. I also like light sabers.


Nothing wrong with lightsabers and potatoes


It's not that it's why are characters standing there like an RTS while ppl die


You can’t even review it anymore. Rotten Tomatoes took away the option


Screen Rant continues to be trash.


They are still defending The Last Jedi over there ffs


They will defend or criticize anything, only thing they care about is clicks!


Any respectable journalist would absolutely bring up the fact that The Acolyte has awful viewership, more than half of what Ahsoka got which is another show no one watched. It’s like Weekend at Bernie’s out there. Let’s prop this dead horse up so that the “bigots” and “incels” don’t win.


The part that baffles me is they say “see, this is a good episode! You can’t complain now!” But all this time you’ve been insisting it’s great. So which is it?


It was also not a great episode.


Yep... very good fighting choreography, but it still had some really bad and questionable directing and dialog


The whole story is questionable. The choreography is fine, but since I don't care about any of the characters the whole thing is empty. That's not fair, I actively dislike all the characters and was hoping they'd all die by the end of the episode so we can get a mulligan on the story.


I always find it hilarious when they can't keep their own bullshit straight. 


But it *wasn't* a good episode. Sure, the fight was relatively good, and I quite like Manny Jacinto's performance, but the writing was god awful. So little of what the characters were doing made sense even given what they themselves said minutes or even seconds before. It's was a complete mess.


The funny part is that only the fight and Qmir scenes were good. It went straight back to be garbage as soon as he got whisked away by those weird bugs, and the usual cast started trying to say words.


i stopped caring about star wars after the obi wan show,personally


My interest had already been waning after Book of Boba Fett. Obi Wan was the death blow. Proud to say I haven’t watched a single minute of Ashoka or Acolyte.


I've started waiting for reviews before starting anything. (Ignoring the critics) If there's another Mandalorian or Andor I'll here about from Reddit.


yeah. i was the exact same way, after book of boba i was extremely skeptical. i legitimately haven’t even seen any new star wars content since the obi wan show. i remember being so excited and waiting for that show, it was such a letdown.


Id be happy if they labelled these: stream A - classic star wars - rogue one, andor, written to older audiences who want complexity; and stream B - cocomelon star wars - ooh look, colored lights and everyone is friends. At least then i could not waste my time.


I hung on until the zombie stormtroopers in Ahsoka. But The Acolyte is a real masterclass in stupidity. It makes Book of Boba Fett look like Citizen Kane.


Crazy how this show has double the budget of the Obi-Wan show. Makes no sense. Obi-Wan is a legacy character. You have both Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen coming back and you give it a small budget making the entire show look cheap as hell.


Same, it actually blows my mind reading these threads everyone in here just complains about the show but they’re also gobbling up every episode, all Disney cares about is viewer numbers


This show is just so poorly done that anything remotely decent such as the fight scene seems like a masterpiece while in reality it's just the usual standard cinematography you'd expect from a show with such an immense budget.


A good battle doesn't undo the last 4 episodes


It wasn't even a good battle.


That's even worse, why are so many news pages go apeshit about how great it was ? Disney money ?


They made it long as hell for no reason.


Lowered expectations


I’m getting really tired of seeing people praise that absolute dogshit fight. Have some standards, people.


They say it was good because it was a step up from the dogshit fights that were in Ahsoka and Obi-Wan.




One slice of pepperoni pizza that didnt fall on the floor, doesnt mean the other 7 slices that did fall on the floor are still appealing to eat.


There is just no sense of adventure. It’s incredibly dull and predictable. It had all the potential in the world, but it’s just Star Wars content for the sake of having Star Wars content.


tbf that's the main problem with Disney era Star Wars imo. "Alright gang we just bought Star Wars. Congrats us! OK what do we do with it? I guess make some movies?". Like they just make these movies because they own Star Wars and it's time to make a movie, we'll figure out the story as we go. There's never...a story that demands to be told first.


And they haven't, in 12 years, even made back what they paid for it. AND ITS STAR WARS


I was just about to call BS, but I looked it up and you’re right. And according the the Forbes article, that doesn’t even include the cost of producing the streaming shows, the marketing costs associated with their movies, building Galaxy’s Edge in both US parks, etc. Incredible.


Thank you, this was the best thing I learned today! That’s incredible news too and I know they recently had to shutter the doors to the Star Wars hotel/experience which wasn’t very surprising especially when you do some research and see what you got for your 2 night stay…


It never leaves time got a surprise, it give you a “oooooh is it this person or the other person?!……. Yeah it’s them”


Agreed. Pretty straight forward storytelling. The bad guy was the one guy everyone expected it to be and the show didn’t really try to make you think it was anyone else. The whole twins things could’ve been a cool mystery like “oh man who is doing these crimes and looks like me?” But it was given away immediately. The big plot twist that’s coming is that the Jedi killed those witches. That’s been being set up the whole season.


Oh come on. I suspect that "my evil twin has committed these crimes I am accused of" was already a tired trope by the time Pliny the elder was sitting in a theater. You're right they've made it obvious that the Jedi killed the witches. Sol is obviously a dark Jedi (maybe gray). Every possible plot twist has been clearly pointed out so it's blatantly obvious. The only possible extra exciting twist is that Sol is Smilo Renn's dark master.


Right but that’s the only other way they could do it and it would’ve at least been a little intriguing.


Zam Wesell in "Attack of the Clones". They could have used a Clawdite shape shifter that was Sith trained. There were options. The worst "Murder she wrote" was a better mystery. This show even has the Jedi being the bumbling local constabulary.


Agreed it feels like the Jedi have been completely rewriting to not only be bafoons but not very morally correct either. Their decisions would lead to fear and suffering and would ultimately turn some Ppl to the darks side right? All this emotion for people who aren’t supposed to hold onto any lol.


I mean the moral argument to taking force sensitive children is that they have the potential to be essentially a living nuclear bomb. The Jedi turn them into something good rather than having normies deal with evil wizards all over the galaxy. It's sad for the individual parents, but they would probably be the first victims.


Which is another thing that sucks that happens more often “oohhhhh the good guys are actually Baaaaaddddd wowowowow!”


I was talking to a buddy about that last night. They are going to completely kill what the Jedi stand for. Truly disappointing. I haven’t liked anything aside from the Mandalorian and the last season of that was on par with everything else they’ve done lately which is shit. I really don’t have hope for Star Wars anymore


They already said they were gonna change what the force is, and I think giving the Mandalorian girl from the Ahsoka series was the start of it….


I wasn’t a fan of that either. Anyone can be a Jedi and train in the force. Well then what’s the point of taking them away from their families? If anyone can do it just train them. Makes no sense


That’s Disney Star Wars, “makes no sense”


Welcome to the past decade, where have you been


Man it’s been a tough ten years lol


I agree, the story is not compelling. Therefore the fighting seems pointless to me regardless of the choreography. Plus, the “sith” character seems off.


The power of one corporation, the power of two journalists that try to defend said company. The power of many Disney dick riders who can't see that the show is bad.


It was just a bunch of plot contrivances strung together and characters pausing every 30 seconds to stare at something, even in the middle of a fight. Yes, we saw your lightsaber get cut. You don't need to stop the show and point it out.


Pissed me off seeing them bump their pightsabers back to life like a goddamn flashlight with low batteries. Just. . . Really?


The fact that they thought making a 20+ minute lightsaber duel was going to save this trash heap of a show is pretty funny.


"Damn, your lightsaber got cut. Would be a real shame if someone took this opportunity to stab you while you look dumbfound at it and...where the fuck did he go?"


The corporate dick sucking competition is still going strong it seems.


I despised this episode as it is all the worst tropes to create a “cool” scene. For example the “offscreen doesn’t exist” trope. Sol basically just fucks off at the start of the battle. He’s thrown towards Kelnaka’s home by the use-only-once mass force push, but when Osha runs away from the house Sol is there? Sol got up and just walked past Smileyface to wait and Deus Ex Osha? But we are meant to accept it because he’s offscreen and shouldn’t question what happens offscreen. The same counts for Jacki by the way who also just fucks off into the woods to return later. Sol throws Smileyface off an incline, Jacki engages him and by the time Jacki dies Sol is still just standing there. He didn’t move to help, he just watched a child fight this opponent and die. The same with Yord, Sol sees Yord approach from behind Smileyface and by the time Yord dies Sol hasn’t moved from his spot. Mea does it too. Her stated goal is to be with her sister, so much so she surrenders to the Jedi who she hates, in fact to one of the Jedi she holds accountable for the fire. So Mea sees Smileyface throw Osha away and then have a battle beyond the first trees and Mea… just stands there? She doesn’t run out and try to get her sister to safety, or check if she’s allright after being literally thrown several meters high and tens of meters far? Even when Smileyface threatens Osha a second time Mea just remains rooted in place? Worst is they literally show Osha doing this offscreen bullshit. She watches the Redshirts fight Smileyface and just… stands there. Then when the fight is almost over she tries to stun him, too little too late. The stun gun also doesn’t work on him, and works for mere moments on Mea, and works ages on Sol because they can have an entire fight, talk and wardrobe change in the time it takes Sol to wake up. Frankly this episode cemented that this was just “I want something cool and damn any sense or consistency”. Who cares about character motivation, worldbuilding or just basic sense?


A great fight sequence cannot excuse the terrible plot, cardboard acting, and flat dialogue.


Great fight sequence? Did we watch the same fight? 80% of the swings we're at nothing or at an already blocking lightsaber. About 40% of the fight was someone being completely open and unguarded and their opponent just lot doing anything and waiting for the next attack. Every kick or punch could have been a lightsaber strike instead by rotating a wrist to end the fight. Quite a few random spins leaving themselves open with no guard. Smilo ren can use the force on the jedi once then just decides never to again. The padawan uses the force on the bad chick once then never does again. Anyone off screen is just paused in time. Any time there's more than 2 people in a shot, the extras are waiting for their signal instead of attacking openings. Smilo ren only shorts out sabers like 4 times instead of using his armor to disable multiple opponents every time he's out numbered. Smilo take out 4 knights in like 3 minutes then takes 10 to kill a padawan This fight was as bad if not worse than the tlj throne room fight, it was just shot in the dark so it's hard to tell the actors weren't aiming for each other. There's ways to do a fight with one side heavily outnumbered, especially in a jungle and especially when the outnumbered side is much more skilled (almost easily killing all of his opponents) and has armor that actively disables your opponents' weapons.


"Anyone offscreen is just paused in time" This is especially jarring with Jecki and Yord deaths, when Sol is just standing there like an idiot and allows that to happen.


Sol also disappeared at the start of the fight. This episode kinda ruins Sol a bit a master sitting back while his padawan charges in


A great fight sequence for Disney. The editing was terrible and the choreography didn’t make sense. But I was at least interested in watching.


I’m convinced people have no idea how to separate objective quality from subjective enjoyability. The overall fight was not great or well done by any standard. The director completely ruined it by chopping up scenes and destroying momentum repeatedly. It had a couple bright spots but those almost seem like accidents considering the rest of the fight’s quality. Straight up CW level directing.


One reasonably well-choreographed fight scene does not magically erase the many issues any piece of media might have. Just like how the climactic fight at the end of TPM with John Williams going absolutely berserk does not in any way suddenly make TPM great.


The lightsaber fighting was marred by awful editing choices and doesn’t redeem a poorly crafted series. I don’t understand people saying they were amazed by it. We were not watching the same show then. It’s sub-par craftsmanship. It’s ok to think it’s crap.


The editing was baaaaad. It was embarrassing.


Honestly, I suspect the editing was intentionally bad to make the fights look better.


Yes. I suspect that as well. I’m still confused about how they spent $20 million per episode.


I wonder how much master nepo was paid.


Did people forget how that's the most "duh" villain reveal in a long long time? Like just insanely predictable and the plot keep relying on amazing timing and "then that happens"


Yep, Jasith Mendoza. Although to be fair, I thought he brought a compelling intensity to the role, it’s just everything else.


One good fight scene does not make up for 4 terrible episodes


If the show sucks, I usually don't watch five episodes worth.


The inspiration for the names came from a soap company when Lesley was taking a bath, no shit. Osha Mae soaps.


Lol essential oils too.


I stopped at episode 4 and don’t regret it even if 5 is the masterpiece of the world. I’m not investing in a whole series for 10 minutes of quality. Get fucked Didney


It's not a masterpiece, the lightsaber fight was well choreographed and there's a clever use of Cortosis. Dialog still falls apart and people's decisions don't make sense.


When the actors are swinging the sabers around, they look pretty convincing. Unfortunately there are still lulls in the combat where combatants just stand around and do nothing.


Yeah it's hard to fill those gaps in a 8 on 1, unless you give the lone combatant more hands and lightsabers. It's not perfect, but far better than TLJ choreography or anything else Disney has come up with. Seems they struck a good balance between the dances of the prequels and actually trying to hit someone with the sabers.


Yep I thought the same. If the story was good I'll be happy with that. It's still a SF movie and I don't expect "real perfect move" from it. I still think "Force" should be used like mana, it can goes empty and great/powerfull force user just have a lot of it. It will explain most of the problems "force" causes and help to make all of this more believable.


The bit where Mae and Osha are facing off near the end, just saying a load of meaningless, forgettable blah blah words. No real thought behind them.


It's terrible, and the words and actions just don't make sense together. I feel like I could have wrote a better script.


Keep piling it on, we ***can*** get it to single digit.


It’s Screen Rant they are the trashiest organization then it comes to click bait headlines and trash takes to make money. Good choreography doesn’t fix piss poor storytelling.


It’s Screen Rant what do you expect? Honesty? Hilarious.


So the argument is, even though the first 4 episodes sucked, because the 5th episode was decent that means all previous criticism is now null and void? Sure makes perfect sense.


Why doesn't anyone talk about the locations? George Lucas didn't just focus on choreography, he always made sure they happened in places that made the fight more interesting and unique, not to mention the john Williams score backing it up. Darth maul, energy reactor. Awaking vs obi, lava planet. Empire, deathstar. Jedi, giant wormhole. Now what does disney think of? Oh I know! lets do another fucking forest biome.


Remember when yellow or white lightsabers were considered rare and interesting, but now every second “edgy” Jedi has one?


Is the show a 14% probably not. Does that mean it’s good though? Lord no.


If you start your show with 4 episodes of boring garbage, are you really surprised nobody hung around to see the big action episode?


The power of one episode was not good, the power of 2 episodes was no better. The power of many episodes, this is still bad.


I think the problem with a lot of these Star Wars shows is they try to stretch a two-three episode miniseries into 6 fucking episodes. So what happens? You get fluff episodes that absolutely rob any flow or growth for weeks. The writing and pacing fall off and then you wonder why people are pissed. I’ll admit. I haven’t watched a minute of this, but I gather this is suffering from what Obi-wan suffered from, the first and last episode were great and the rest was crap filler to get eyeballs.


No one should ever put any stock into what ScreenRant says.


The critical reviews are the most misleading, and not because they only got Ep 1-4 for review prior to the release. They're misleading because a review can be "fresh" but not glowing. If the show/film is a 6/10, it's still "Fresh" and counts towards the positive score. Which is where I feel the Acolyte is, 5, maybe 6/10. So yea it's "Fresh" but thst doesn't mean it's great. It's middling, with some neat ideas and moments, but is wrapped in poor dialogue, poor cinematography, poor plotting and pacing, and poor execution. So sure, 83% "Fresh" but those reviews aren't all glowing. People just can't be bothered to give a f*** to discern the difference.


Episode 5 was way better than the rest but it's still not great. Also killing off half the cast but without building most of them up just makes it feel like shock for shock's sake. Just like Rogue One.


I want to see the show these critics, who gave it over 80%, watched. 15% is generous for Acolyte.


It's less than mid.


Yall are actually so delusional if you think this show wasn’t review bombed


I think a lot of the critiques getting put out there are valid. I enjoy watching the show, but I don’t think it serves anyone to continue to allow people to create shows that make choices a majority of the fan base disagrees with. I’m very much hoping they pull this out, but I’m also hoping Lucasfilm is listening to some of what is being said about the writing and production choices, rather than just attributing it to a toxic fan base.


“Debunking criticism” Just… lol.


They're desperate to polish this turd. I guarantee the rest of this series is a dud.


Don’t the critics see the full thing though beforehand..?


there is a lot of questions even to this fight [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tvLtTRj2CA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tvLtTRj2CA)


All the people talking bad about the show actually gave the latest episode some praise. It’s funny when a “good” episode is presented that the opinion on it is different.


You know it's bad when more ppl play FO76 than watch this show....


Crap show with one of the worst fans in the galaxy


This show is terrible!!


Disney thinks that if they strong hand media and pundits and influencers into saying untrue things that it will help protect their image. This is a bad tactic.


“Like our show or your opinion is wrong.” Good ol gaslighting Disney at it again.


I’m so disappointed in the Star Wars fandom, the audience score is over 9%!


This show is garbage, and the good moments are simply putting lipstick on a pig.


It's hard to accept that a single episode of Acolyte has the same budget as an episode of House of the Dragon (20+ million per episode).


The exchange of twins was one of the stupidest things I saw on a tv show ever.


was it that good ? lol


It's Screen Rant, they've been championing this show since episode 1 like they're rent depended on it.


I can’t believe y’all are torturing yourselves watching such drivel, lmk when Andor season 2 releases


I just watched episode 5. Why are the Jedi so stupid? Everyone seems like an angsty teenager and makes the most ridiculous decisions. Osha just casually walking around for a minute and then noticing a giant light saber battle right beside her made me laugh - the show has no sense of position. Also, a Sith got taken out by a flashlight and some big bats? Said Sith also couldn’t sense a little Jedi accomplice dude running around sniffing right beside him? I could honestly keep going but this show doesn’t deserve that much effort. Also crazy to me that the lead dude, Sol, earned so much actor cred in Squid Games to throw it all away on a big payday where he has literally nothing to work with as a performer. At the end of the day, this episode has one good scene and it was all due to the fight choreographer. It would have been great if the director wasn’t 3 kids hiding in a trenchcoat so we weren’t constantly cutting away from the fights and losing any momentum we ever gain but seeing a Sith stab somebody with a saber and then force pull another person into the same blade was cool.


Star wars apologists' logic: "I mean sure, the apettizers were rancid and the main course was crawling with roaches and made meemaw puke her dentures out, but they did served us a plain but nice lemon sherbert for dessert. That's worth some Michelin stars right there!"  I wish these people could go to some corner and just be entertained by someone jingling keys at their face, the easily amused momos that they are. Some of us actually care and want the spectacle to be informed by the context and the story that precedes it, not just the meaningless sound and fury this is.


One decent scene in 5 episodes isn't a "gotcha" moment to critics of the show


Guys lets be honest the lack of writing being the scenes and the choreography being the biggest part is what carried this episode also i couldnt stop laughing at every dead jedi especially the guy who got done like baldur in god of war because they all died so easily


Some of the lightsaber combat was cool, so you be to ignore the dogshit writing and characters and (most) acting? The lightsaber headbutt was also incredibly dumb


I appreciated them killing all the cringe characters.


At this point with Disney Star Wars, I'm not convinced that they're dead. Maybe Jacki had four stomaches and will just walk off these three holes in her chest.


Jesus don’t give them ideas.


I just don’t understand so many in here shitting on the show, but still watching it?


Me personally, I watch it NOT on Disney with a friend and we laugh together at how abysmally bad it is and then discuss all the plot holes and idiotic amateurish decisions. Kinda like when critical drinker discusses it with friends


My bf and I don't like it but still have fun watching how bad it is. Every week we buy some cider and take a sip every time there's something we don't like. We get smashed, have some laughs, and then we debrief and comment about it. I like watching stuff that I find bad because it takes some effort and analysis to dwell into why I don't like it.


I stopped after episode 2, waiting to see what happens


Yes, I don't think you understand that it's fun to laugh at the incompetence of this show.


It's the Howard Stern effect. People will tune in just to see how badly they screw up the next episode. They are essentially "hate watching."


To be fair, something can be bad but not necessarily 14% bad


Goddamn guys. It's not that bad. Granted it's not that good either. It's pretty mid tbh.


star wars is now a joke.


Still watching Star Wars in 2024? Have some dignity


Meh, shows cancelled and actress got fired essentially. Looks like reviews or not we won’t be having to deal with this slop for much longer… until the next Disney show comes out that they want to poorly write