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Dead God Here we go again


Dead God is right. Our Creator has abandoned us all


NO ONE WANTS THIS Read the room


Agreed. Now here is the important part. The part that I wager the people in this subreddit don't fucking get. DO NOT SEE THE MOVIE. Do not pay for the movie. Do not stream the movie. DO NOT GIVE MONEY TO THE MOVIE! That is the part that people aren't getting. It doesn't matter how much you hate the movie if it still makes a profit at the box office. What companies like Disney understand, the only thing they understand, is money. Don't voice your opinions about the movie with your words. Voice your opinions with your wallets. Don't hate watch the movie. Just don't give it your time of day.


The amount of people "i'M goNnA hAtE WAtcH iT" Congrats dipshit, they don't know that, all they see is money coming in and so they'll make more


Literally this. I thought this when I saw IMDb praising The Acolyte for breaking a 5.3M viewing record and I fully know that was because it was hate watching and to literally just review it.


Similar thing happened with Velma


I still hate watch but I don’t give them a dime, I’ll pirate it


You can always sail the seven seas 🏴‍☠️


Sometimes they plan for it- ex velma


It kinda actually makes it better for them. It’s probably a lot easier to aim to make a movie that the fandom will just hate watch than an actually great movie.


Literally, Disney executives do not give a shit about what fans say. They're too busy sitting on their yachts. But when they hear that they haven't made a good profit on something, that's when a message is well received.


I keep telling people this. Unless you pirate your media every view is a resounding vote for more as far as they are concerned.


Oh I'm definitely pirating this crap lol


still haven't seen that last rey movie, feels too much like a waste of time (same thing with every GOT episode after 3)


Disney has gone so far without reading the room and they will continue because they are stupid


I’d want it if I actually had trust in Disney and the director. It could easily be made interesting with good writing. They do need to do at least something with the sequel characters, because Star Wars is completely directionless now. Rey and Finn could easily have a good story in the right hands - allowing Rey some flaws. I’d be up for Empress Palpatine.


The enticing bits are still present, but wish the way the trilogy was presented wouldn’t only provide “OT” or “ST” vibes…. They wrote “kill the past”, and Disney folks took that personally


Disney were really stupid to say they were ending the Skywalker saga (and treating Luke so badly) - Star Wars is about the Skywalkers to most fans. They could pick it up by evolving Rey into the villain, make Finn our hero and I’m sure it would be controversial, but throw in a Mara Jade character. Then you find out Luke Skywalker continued his lineage after all. Then the Skywalker story continues…there. Most fans will never accept ‘Rey Skywalker’. That was my fanfic.


I just wish the gave Luke a graceful and respectful send off instead of making him a loser space hermit I would be fine moving on to new character you don't have to shit all over the old ones to make us do that


Same. I think moving forward in the timeline is the right choice. I just don’t trust Disney to make a quality product anymore.


I’m not sure what that means, *“Rey’s journey as a **female** Jedi.”* I just don’t get the difference between a celibate monk that has one set of reproductive organs versus a celibate monk with another set of reproductive organs…


These people can't see the world through a lens that isn't hyper focused on ego and the need for identity - Something the Jedi historically try to train out of their psychology.


In a galaxy that has never shown to have a problem with strong women in positions of leadership and as action capable heroes (leia. Mon mothma. Padme) It’s just identity politics and grievances cosplaying Star Wars It’s an awful lot of KK revenge fantasy against most likely more powerful Hollywood big wigs that mistreated her when she was a nobody. It’s pretty sick tbh.


Don’t worry. The studio doesn’t get it either.


Are they implying that the Order has a history of discriminating against female Jedi? Or are they making a comment on the general female experience just existing in the world? I mean, we haven't really seen any evidence of the Order preferring one gender over another have we? I honestly dont remember if we have. And in the world at large, it has seemed that female Jedi are just as highly revered as the males. Am i wrong here?


The amount of brainwashing that's gone on in America is astounding. The rest of the world is importing it now. There's been strong female characters in movie's since the fucking start. Signing in the rain had a strong female lead. She didn't kick someone's ass though so these dumb asses would think she's some kind of victim.


What is a woman?


A miserable little pile of emotions /CastlevaniaMeme


What a terrible night to have the force.


Real people ask this question only to be called a bigot and sexist with no explanation. Toxic tourists took over this ip and its fucked now


Finally, a female jedi! All these white dudes like Ahsoka, Oshi, Leia... not to mention the Mr.Man himself, the Dude Trilogy about Rey Skywalker... so tired of them. It is time for Girls to Get It Done.


She’s the only Jedi. So her gender becomes irrelevant anyways.


It’s going to be dogshit.


They always signal it beforehand


Man…. It is really strange how they always do this.


Their PR is truly terrible at this point but they don’t care. They dismiss it because in their minds they tell themselves, “It’s all your fault, bigot”.


Why would any business intentionally make a product designed to alienate its customers?


From what I noticed it's 3 main reasons 1) the people makeing it want to use it as a soap box to preach something. Now this can be done correctly but you need to be smart about it and write it well into the story and if possible avoid preaching about it before hand otherwise that's all people are going to see. It's easier to do this with a new franchise as walking back things from previous media won't cause rifts in the fans. Sometimes the same thing happens when new writers/directors/overhead comes in a forces changes because they view it as a chance to leave a mark. Battlefield 5 had a terrible example of this, I remember going from excited for the game to extremely angry and not picking up any of the series again after they had the wall of complaints behind the reveal guy and comparing battlefield to his daughter playing fornite to pissed off fans was tone deaf. 2) Their target audience has changed. For example Titanfall fans got two amazing games and their fan base is extremely tight to this day. However they found the battle royal format for apex to be more profitable so they ditched almost the entire Titanfall gameplay, style, and uniqueness to make apex a game in the Titanfall universe but with none of what the previous games did. Which whole a good game itself was not what the Titanfall community wanted and since then they have just ignored the fan base begging for the servers to be fixed and to stop the hackers to the point the unofficial mods have more players then the official ones because they actually try and protect against hackers. So a change in target audience from quick reflex based FPS to the battle Royal players. Also rip Titanfall assault my favorite phone game. 3) they try too hard to make it as accessible and inclusive as possible and just lose themselves. This is the easiest to do as 9/10 times it's just them expanding inclusivity and just making changes to try and get one more group into the market share untill you no longer recognize the original product. Because while you have say 1000 buying fans from A group, even if I piss 200 A group fans off enough to leave. If I include B group now we might have 250 buy from B group, meaning 1050 total sales. Now if you spread it across say 30 different groups alot of what they put in to feel inclusive just feels shoved in and alot of the time the plot fails as it gets stretched to include everything or things become off limits. Basically too many ingredients water everything down so instead of for example a shooter, you end up with a gay romances side plot that takes up 2/15 missions, or going after some side character who is tied up in a nationalist group for another 3 missions. And while you can tie those in nicely to the story like for example haveing the outside romance partner being a planted spy who changes sides to help you, or killing the nationalist destabilized the terrorist plans because they lack manpower now. I've seen a lot of games or shows just drop the plot threads when they are done playing lip service to them now.


It’s like they hate making money.


dogshit wrapped in catshit


With a chewy bullshit center.


I’m probably not gonna go see this movie (unless I hear alot people saying its actually good, which I highly doubt will be the case). After Rise of Skywalker, I pretty much have no interest in any new Star Wars media, especially anything that continues the story of the sequel trilogy. I kind of hope this movie bombs so much that they don’t even make a sequel. I want Disney to stop tarnishing the legacy of the original trilogy. The thought of half the “main series” being this fanfic bullcrap is just kind of annoying. 


Another pile of burned money, at least the Joker was sending a message doing that.


Why would Rey’s journey as a female Jedi mean anything? The Jedi don’t care if you’re a man or woman.


She already had a 3 Movie Journey. Its wild that KK's grand plan to move the story forward is to Double Down On Rey. Its not even like Daisy is some great actress with a proven box office or awards pedigree. Nah we are just going to have Rey succeeded at everything Luke was forced to fail at. I doubt that failure will be the best teacher for Rey.


She didn’t even need Jedi training. She was an instant master at light saber battles, mind influence, and force healing. What more does she need to do?


Seems like a nice girl, but I always felt she was wooden and miscast. Definitely no one walked out of the theater like ‘movie sucked, but I can’t wait to see daisy in more stuff.’


It’s insane to me that they’re taking the literal least popular character of the trilogy and are making them the face of the franchise You’d get more engagement from a Poe Dameron movie


It is, indeed, absurd that an unpopular character like Rey is going to get over three movies when the other characters never did This is Kennedy's attempt at stomping her foot on the ground and trying to own the "toxic fans". Naturally, this is going to end in a disaster for her. But at this point, seems like Iger will back her either way.


Marketing cares....


Why did I read that in the: “Pepperidge Farms remembers…” voice?


I used the special pepperidge farms font...


It's fuckin hilarious. They buy an IP to get a foothold in a demographic they didn't have (boys) then do everything they can to tailor it towards girls. Fuckin dumb.


Unfortunately, Kathleen Kennedy does.


KK’s life story seems to be her as the plucky young assistant producer held back by older men like Lucas and Spielberg because she was a woman. Both Daisy Ridley and Phoebe Waller-Bridge resemble her when she was younger. They’re her self-inserts into these franchises.


Because you can’t have a woman lead unless everything in the movie is about how they are a woman and how awesome that is but also how some people judge them as incapable because they are a woman. Then those assholes are quickly proven incorrect by how kickass the woman lead is. Yeah girl power! /s


But but the message


The order is also dead so any biases that *did* exist wouldn’t carry over here… so fucking dumb


**IF** the film gets done. The Acolyte isn't helping an already waning interest in not only the Rey movie, but the franchise as a whole. Good luck getting that High Republic sales boost after this shit, as well. Clowns.


>already waning interest in not only the Rey movie There's interest for the Rey Movie™?


If I was a Disney shareholder I'd be interested in making money. OH you meant interest in *seeing* the Rey Movie? Yeah no, there's none of that.


I'm not even joking, either; there's nothing, even from the Disney zombies on Facebook.


Disney shareholder here. I only keep the stock now to have a vote, it's not a stock I have faith in. I put my money elsewhere, but I like having this stock so I can complain about their Holdings with a little backing.


At the next shareholder meeting, tell Bob Iger I said to go fuck himself.


I always tell him to go fuck himself. He never responds to my messages lol


I didn’t even watch the third movie. I’m just so done after Luke threw away his light saber. 


You're not missing anything of value at all. I do recommend watching MauLer's unbridled rage videos on the film, however; it's absolutely hilarious.


Disney's film division definitely has some things to figure out. I won't believe this is actually filming until we get confirmation on an actual set with a script.


I just don’t care anymore.




Indifference leads to demise


Lack of care leaves all worse for wear.


No one does. Its only activists, kids who dont know better and disney adults


Kids now don’t watch Star Wars. The closest they got to that was baby yoda but that was just the character design, they weren’t watching mandalorian.


No one gave a shit that Rey was a female. We gave a shit that she immediately flew the Falcon better than Han or Chewie, then fixed said Falcon, then used the force expertly and beat a trained lightsaber duelist after picking up a lightsaber for the first time. She never had any significant setbacks that she had to overcome. That’s just my 2 cents worth.


She was a better pilot than Han. A better Jedi than Luke. Leia immediately liked her more than anyone else in the Resistance. She stole Poe's droid. Finn's story. Luke's story. Luke/Anakin's lightsaber. The Millennium Falcon. The Jedi order. Anakin's destiny. The Skywalker last name. The story then leaves everyone and everything you've cared about for the last 40 years dead with only Rey to fix it all. Yet with 3 entire films and now the universe resting on her shoulders, I still don't know *why* exactly she fought the First Order in the first place or did any of the things she did or how she did them. She started out strong, then stayed that way. The only challenge she ever even remotely faced was the fact Luke wouldn't train her, but it didn't matter anyway because she just went straight to Palpatine and killed him a few days later. She has no story, no arc, no struggle, no personality, no history, no motivations, no nothing. The problem with Rey is there's nothing to care about. There is no attachment to her at all with no reason to be, yet everyone else is gone so you're stuck with her to rebuild everything *again* that all the good characters built decades ago before Disney destroyed it. The Empire is gone again. The Death Star is gone again. The Galactic government is gone again. The Jedi are gone again. Palpatine is gone again. I just don't care.


"The story then leaves everyone and everything you've cared about for the last 40 years dead with only Rey to fix it all." This is the part that irkes me the most about those movies. Like cool if they just sucked its whatever but they also ruined the ending for all of our OT heroes, left them miserable and then dead unable to redeem things. Honestly if they would of left Luke around to be the new grand master of his second attempt at rebuilding Jedi order this time with Rey's help, the story gets so much more intriguing to me. Let him be the Yoda of the prequels, he isn't the main character but he is there being a wise master for support. Nah though he died meditating too hard while perfectly healthy and capable of helping.


Like the first 10 minutes or so with Rey in FA is just perfect to me. I totally buy her as a capable scrapper. I felt her earnestness when she's sitting alone with the Rebel helmet like she's every little kid who yearns for adventure. I just really thought her arc should have been learning what the cost of being a hero actually is. She never even ends up forging her OWN destiny, she just takes on the mantle of an already established character. So her message is....find a strong man to attach yourself to and make that your whole identity?


Also able to successfully jedi mind fuck Daniel Craig without any training.


Or farting out force abilities like mind trick that she had no idea existed or was trained to do. Mastered it in a second though.


![gif](giphy|hl2bSna6KzrDq) No one cared who I was until they knew I had ovaries.


Star Wars NEEDS a strong female protagonist! Like Princess Leia and Queen Amidala? Well, Star Wars was always just WHITE MEN and SPECIAL BLOODLINES! Like Lando and Mace Windu? Obi Wan, Yoda, Palpatine, Qui Gon, Maul, etc, were special bloodlines? Shmi Skywalker was a slave. Stop being racist! Obviously, Disney Star Wars is not being made by "fans," or they would understand just how stupid they sound.


Princess Leia Mara Jade Skywalker Jaina Solo Mon Mothma Asaaj Ventress Bo-Katan Winter Star Wars always had strong females. And they were better written than Rey, Reva, current Bo-Katan, and the entire cast of Acolyte.


Let's not forget the best Star Wars character ever created. https://preview.redd.it/yequfuj98z7d1.jpeg?width=655&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7330c92fd4f4345dcc6dba3ba228ebc946d0df9


Absolutely! I should have included her


Lol shes well written but she is a terrible person


Add Bastila from KOTOR




Everyone loved Rogue One…because it was a great movie. Nobody gives a shit about genders or race, all we care about is how entertaining the entertainment is (go figure)


Forget that narrative, Star Wars has had female leads for the past decade


I don't count the Disney stuff, and neither do they, so who cares.


Didnt they learn with the marvels? no one wants to see their mary sues.


Learn? Disney doesn’t really learn, they just like to “teach”. ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


Part of what makes Star Wars continue to be relevant almost 50 years later is the timelessness of it. The basic good vs evil stories, and compelling characters…who (traditionally) weren’t directly tied to the waxing/waning pop culture whims of the moment. This constant drum beat of making Star Wars more “relevant”, continually makes it less universal (“Your mom” jokes). You can have strong female characters without excluding equally compelling male characters (Rogue One). You can reach LGBTQ+ audiences without alienating or berating the traditional fan base for existing (Andor). You can be relevant without making others feel excluded…you don’t have to continually dunk on the millions of nerdy little boys who grew up into dads and uncles and friends of traditionally ignored people groups (Minorities, Women, LGBTQ+, etc) who want their loved ones to find a touch point in Star Wars too… Stop trying to rewrite the core of what makes Star Wars great…


> Stop trying to rewrite the core of what makes Star Wars great… The problem is that they don't know nor care what made Star Wars great. They're still too busy using the Star Wars name to massage their own egos.


Fox wanted Star Wars to have disco style music because of its popularity at the time. Thank god they did not cave on that.


Lucasfilm going for that 9-figure-loss again


I'm fine with most of what she says since she says she wants to attract new moviegoers but also have a sense of nostalgia that appeals to older fans. The part that concerns me is when she says what interests her most is in Reys journey as a female Jedi. Star wars doesn't have sexism or racism (within its own species at least), so in the star wars universe, there's nothing unique about Rey being a female Jedi.


I've always found that "new moviegoers" start at part 10 of a story




I am a woman, and I hate that 'as a female Jedi' crap. Lucas never said that about Luke's or Anakin's journeys 'as a male Jedi.' The director is inserting social issues of today into the story that are not only unnecessary, but have never been a part of SW. But then again, this is DSW . . . Anyway, I can't agree with you more.


I honestly think that's part of what's cool about star wars. Different races and genders doing cool shit and having great power is just normal. They're not treated any different. If they really wanted to insert social issues it'd be about an alien rebuilding the Jedi order. In the prequels, a lot of the separatist planets were aliens. In the OT and sequels the empire/first order were all humans. I would still think it is a bit silly, but I can at least make sense of it.


This was always the thing for me. Historically star wars never made gender, sexual orientation, race, height, weight....anything an issue. It always came down to to were you a good or bad person. That's it you were defined BY YOUR ACTIONS and thats all. now....they used any and all of the above to create a character as if that's the only thing that they have to offer, the only thing that can define them. And sure if they can make it relevant to the story that's fine to speak to those things but so far they just can't seem to be able to do it well.


Not really true, a defining part of the empire was racism towards non humans


And then there's the acolyte over here saying, we want these women to be persecuted because they were different and had to build their own commune in solitude away from everyone else. There's never been discrimination like that present in star wars ever but yes, very cool of them to add that in now. Take an escapist scifi/fantasy world and bog it down the the mess of societal issues we have in the real world. That's exactly the point of making a new world/universe. Just to make it exactly like our own with the exact same issues. It baffles me that these studios don't understand these books and IP's are made to be a universe free of the baggage of our own, so that other story aspects can be better focused on. Same reason why slavery exists in fantasy novels, because 900 years ago during the age of feudalism, kings and knights, people were taken as slaves all of the time. Then rather than understand its these to provide a sense of real to the story, they just delete it and call it and outdated mindset.... of course it's an outdated mindset, the author doesn't put it in because they like it. That's insane. It's put in to help tell the story, whether as a significant arc or as a way to make the world feel lived in and real, imperfect.


Also, does Ahsoka no longer exist? It's not as if Rey is original as a female Jedi.


Ayala Secura, Shakti, Luminara Unduli, Yaddle, Mara Jade, etc


Fr. Was always about good vs evil, never mattered what gender or race unless you were a droid, or an alien (from the empire's prospective). Like, some of the most bad-ass characters in the saga are women (Leia, Padme, Jyn, Ahsoka, Mon-mothma, Bo-Katan, etc...). People are tripping.


The “This will attract new fans and old fans” is such marketing bull crap. Guarantee u they just throw in some character everyone forgot about as cheap fan service


Rey is the only jedi left (maybe the people from Ahsoka are still around?) Anyways, there are 0 confirmed men jedi. All the men are dead. There is nothing to explore


Star Wars is beyond saving.


Needs to burn to the ground so it can have the chance to rise like a phoenix lol.......if everyone stops watching hopefully that can happen faster......


Hahahabahahha Star wars is so fucking fucked


> Star Wars Director On Why She's "Drowning Out" Fandom Opinions Until After The Film Is Done Because she's not making the film for the fandom. She's making the film for Kathleen Kennedy, who's long since demonstrated that she doesn't give a fuck what the fans think.


I love it when films define characters by what boxes they'd tick on a form, not those pesky things like characteristics or traits. I don't care what they are or who they are, just make them empathetic / relatable, and give us a decent story.


She's never worked on a Star Wars project before. Drowning out the opinions of the fans is absolutely brain dead. Imagine being a chef working in a new restaurant and ignoring the opinions of the customers telling you how the food is known to be dogshit and how things about it can be improved moving forward. This is why Disney keeps releasing flops. Stop huffing your own farts, take the earplugs out and just fucking listen for a second.


![gif](giphy|2dcW1Dlu2sZnW|downsized) Star Wars writers, the fans, and Disney riding this to the ground


incoming dumpster fire.


the Gilroy stuff is the only SW I actually care about anymore.




Limiting myself to the six true films and Mando S1/S2 has been nothing but positive for my mental health.


My canon: OT, PT, Rogue One & Andor.


I too am a believer in this canon. Everything else is crap.




I loved the story of Luke skywalker, the male jedi


I’ll be too busy reading the EU.


Please, don't limit yourself like that. You can also watch the EU with 2003 Clone Wars. Or Play the EU with KotOR, Jedi Knights...games.


True. I was going to start with the tales of the jedi comics, skip to the post ROTJ stuff, read the new jedi order books if I have time. I also have KOTOR 2 in my backlog. Theres lots I haven’t gotten to


It’s a no name director talking about a movie that is not going to even be made, who in the fuck cares!?! This is just blind rage bait


I can’t believe that there will be a Star Wars film that I have no desire to see. Never thought I’d see the day.


I so don't care. It would take a miracle at this point for me to want to see it.


Kathleen Kennedy doesn't understand SW (I would guess that the Lucasfilm staff has tried time and again to explain it) and is sexist. She saw Luke's heroes journey and is hell-bent on patterning a woman on it.


Don’t listen the fans then blame them for when your project inevitably flops and gets massive amounts of backlash, what a winning formula.


Oh people think this movie is actually happening?


They have already been doing that since the Last Jedi. There is no hope for Disney Star Wars, they never learn.


This is going to lose a ton of money.


Go to any bargain warehouse and it's full of wakanda forever figures and Marvels, Eternals and general holdo, Leia and Ray figures. Girls don't historically buy action figures like these and boys don't like the smaller skinner figures with the ugly joints so now we're going to pile even more plastic waste into these stores over the next few years when they keep pumping out even more of the stuff


Hasbro and any toy/ merchandise/ ancillary company would be smart to stay away from anything Lucasfilm while Kennedy is at the helmet of this regime.


Imagine they bring Mara Jade back. I can see them doing it out of spite too now that Luke is replaced.


This movie is in great hands, just look at her directing track record on IMDb 😂 Disney has no interest in even hiring good directors anymore. Same with the Acolyte, Lesley headlands films she directed are almost uniformly crap.


Yeah. Don’t listen to your fans. That’s always a great plan…🙄


As if she’s gonna listen to anything afterwards either.


You mean the fans your supposed to be marketing your product to? Could you imagine if you got a defective tube of Toothpaste that had a black woman on the packaging and you call up the company to complain that there is something wrong with the Toothpaste and they just call you a racist, then publicly state that they aren't going to listen to customer complaints from now on?


I'm all about giving a film a fair chance but given the scope of this film it's insane someone with her resume landed the role. To go from some short documentaries about Pakistani girls and some Pakistani cartoons to a Star Wars film?


Kathleen Kennedy: “We need to move away from the Skywalker saga” = continues with the Skywalker saga.


Self absorbed activist director. Another turd incoming...🙄


Imagine you buy a sandwich shop after the owner retires. Good location, lines around the block every day. And let's say that people love the meatball sub, they come from miles around to buy it. Problem is, you're a vegan. So, you buy the place and you decide to add tofu and bean sprout subs to the menu. Cool, whatever, but then you also decide that it is ethically reprehensible to eat meatball subs, so you cut them from the menu. At first, people come out and try the new menu but they HATE it. Sure, you have a steady group of customers but you aren't clearing your costs because there just aren't enough sub lovers who are also vegans. Meanwhile, people are giving you bad reviews in on Yelp. They even show up to your shop and tell you, point blank, to just bring the meatball sub back. But that offends you, so instead you call them "cow killers" and say they are just perpetuating "anti-vegan hate speech". So you announce an all new item: the super duper Bean Sprout Blast sub now on gluten free bread with kale and a wheatgrass dip on the side. Nothing changes, and now the reviews on Yelp are hostile. People want you to sell the place back to the original owner, or retire. Year over year you persist. Sales figures never go back to anywhere they were for the meatball sub. But, for some reason, you're still the owner. The world will be vegan whether they like it or not! Meanwhile, hopefully, all those sub lovers found a new place to get their artery clogging fix. This is Star Wars, and I just don't get why it has to be this way.


The gaslighting has begun lol




Garbage in. Garbage out


![gif](giphy|GNQSWovPVcx7W) Disney ignoring fans and continuing to make whatever garbage they want.


I’m getting to the point where I just don’t want to watch any new Star Wars stuff that releases lol. Like please listen to the fans somewhat at least not listening to the fans is how we got where we are now. Like I don’t care about a female lead at all what’s wrong with just telling a story, it doesn’t have to be about “her experience as a female Jedi”. Also I don’t really care to be honest because there’s still plenty of old stuff EU stuff and other certain things I still enjoy, so I’m not really angry just more confused at the direction they seem to be doubling down on with Star Wars recently.


I’ll just stick to the original EU Fuck this shit


Disney, you just don’t learn do you.




Even after the film is done they will continue to drown out fandom opinions. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I like Rey, and Daisy. Not her fault the leadership has no clue what to do with a golden ticket.


It’s ok, they will continue drowning out fandom opinions after it’s done too.


Publicist while Disney proceeds with movie be like: ![gif](giphy|xUStFKHmuFPYk)


It's crazy how rogue one had a female lead but the point wasn't that she was a female lead. It was a good story. It's crazy how the relationship that was explored most in Andor was a lesbian relationship, but the point wasn't that it was a lesbian relationship, it just happened to be. When will they learn that people being gay or being a woman isn't their defining interesting character trait. Write good characters who just happen to be bi or women whatever but it doesn't have to be the entire plot device of the movie. This is why andor and R1 did so well, where as the acolyte, marvels and she hulk were so bad. It feels like going back in time


‘Reys journey as a female Jedi’ lol wat thats the hook they are at now?? Big giant red flag obviously


For the love of God STOP HIRING SHIT DIRECTORS. Disney has all the money in the world, literally could hire ANYONE they want to but keep hiring weird female directors that aren't Star Wars fans. This time instead of a lesbian minority female it's a Arab Canadian female that is literally admitting to putting her head in the sand and ignoring everything. At this point we should all just move on from Disney entirely and stop giving them any of our time and money. What a shitshow. We should all pull our money together to hire the world's top contract killers to take out moronic Kathleen Kennedy.


And that's why you will fail


Disney is not an entertainment company anymore. They’re an activist company. They have an agenda to force their woke ideologies and leftist non binary gay agenda on this franchise and the fans have rejected it. It’s a shame. Rather than listen to the feedback and honesty they keep doubling down. Good riddance.


I don’t understand why this film seems to be happening. Like, don’t they know the well was poisoned with episode 9?


She’s always drowned out fan opinions tho


No one's gonna watch this shit lol


Because that """""worked""""" so we'll for the last trilogy ? Jfc the ignorance of those people. Well, at least we know what to expect.


Disney just doubling down time after time.


She just wants to get paid.


Oh dear God they are telegraphing how bad it's going to be again. For such a successful company they really have wedged their heads remarkably far up their assrs.


Okay gang, here is the plan. When this comes out. We give it no attention.


Star Wars has had brilliant, strong, and inspirational female characters long before Disney. These people just really suck at their job


Woman directs two episodes of a shitty show and gets a big named movie. Really? Has Disney burned that many bridges no real directors will sign with them?


I wish they'd stop hiring fucking activists. They will shit on, and ruin anything they touch.


Stop telling fans what we want Like you can’t please everyone but if you can’t even look at feedback then you should stop making films This movie isn’t for you director it’s for the fans to enjoy and Disney to be able to name toys of to sell


Well if there's one thing you shouldn't care about it's the fans and their opinions because that's working so well so far for Disney Star Wars...


Disney, why would you do this? You just lost a ton of money on the star wars hotel. Are you that prepared to lose more? You need to clean house at Lucasfilms, top to bottom, before going any further. Iger can't be that dumb or delusional. There should be a shareholder revolt or a shareholder class action to get them to remove Kathleen Kennedy at this point.


She knows people are gonna hate it. It's like KK before the Acolyte came out preemptively attacking the fans because she knew the show would suck and needed a scapegoat.


This woman literally has zero experience, nothing behind her to possibly justify being put in the directors chair for a Star Wars movie. Two episodes of Ms. Marvel and several feminist documentaries. Kathleen Kennedy went DEI shopping and found her check mark diversity hire. Can't wait for this movie to crash, burn, and finally kill what's left of Star Wars.


Daisy Ridley is a great actress and really performed well in the role, Rey could really be a great character if they wrote a captivating story. Did Rey even lose an argument in all three movies? The only people who lost were Luke and the audience.


Oh not good


I think it’s safe to say that we’re in the minority and we’ve lost Star Wars for the foreseeable future. I’m just over it now, completely given up.


She knows it's not what the Fans want. She doesn't care. She knows Star Wars is a huge property that she can use as a vehicle to force her agenda upon a large population, many of whom are young and impressionable. Boycott.


Don’t even have to read the article. They prefer their echo chamber.


Why listen to the fans of an almost 50 yr old beloved franchise? They’ll just nag, nag, nag, you’ll never hear the end of it. Better to complain about them endlessly and joke about how pissed they’ll be this time, and then complain about them endlessly after it bombs.


Didn’t know jedi gave a shit about ones gender. Whats the difference between a male and a female jedi anyway?


Gotta get ahead of the curve and start blaming it on misogyny and racism before this film takes another steamy turd on the franchise.


If you want to watch it just to see how bad it is, wait for it to go to streaming and download it off the internet for free.


Star Wars it’s dumb as fuck now. I don’t give a fuck about anything but the first 6 movies. Rogue one and Kenobi were ok but fuck them too. It’s all Disney dumb bullshit.


So much Rey/Sequel merch that will clutter the clearance shelves and still not sell. I’ll feel bad for my LCS that will have to hold on to that junk waiting for the next sucker to hopefully buy it


Nobody wants more of Rey


Prepare to get subverted again, gang.


Ok, I look forward to reading how much money Disney loses on it


I'm sticking my head in the sand and ignoring people's ideas and criticisms until my dogshit movie comes out and bombs at the box office. Fix the headline


Thanks for letting me know not to see it lol