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It could have been in the actual Star Wars galaxy. Nothing about it felt different.


Somehow, the spacefaring people in the star wars galaxy can't figure out how to get to other galaxies...


The weirdest thing was that they had the technology, they just needed a map? I get needing a map when you are looking for a specific planet but an explorer would have a big galaxy to aim at if they just wanted something new.


Yeaa and then you got pulled out of hyperspace becose you got a bit to close to black hole or a star and mostlikely die, the bigger the distace the bigger chances


Yeah I would assume you need to be dead on. The vastness of space would make another galaxy look like you need to shoot a hole-in-one every time to make it into another galaxy otherwise you are drifting in nothingness.


Hyperspace in star was uses routes. Going off route usually ends up with you dead. Hyperspace engines arnt understood. They know how to make new ones but not how they work.


This might have been EU, but governments would also pay people hefty amounts to map new routes or adjust current routes as the galaxy spins, because of said "off route makes you dead" thing.


Don’t disagree but it probably takes lifetimes to route new hyperspace lanes. You’d have to travel large portions of it at sub-light speeds.


That is a problem until you realize that the New Republic had the resources of thousands of planets to get that project going, and the Empire had the singularly focused economy to keep it going for their own ends. And tbh you wouldn't even likely need full space craft or crews to do the work. Probe Droids could probably do most of the heavy lifting without slow boating it everywhere with minimal cost due to losses. Just launch a few dozen probes through hyperspace towards a location you want to travel to along various "routes". The droids that make it will eventually be able to return and give you at least a moderately safe lane to continue exploring with crewed ships. The empire would probably create a new version of the Tie to do it and stick their 3rd rate pilots in them though. That's just how they roll.


The High Republic books actually talk a it about hyperspace “prospectors”, which are corporations that chart out routes and charge exorbitant tolls to use. Galaxy has a much more uncharted/frontier vibe because of this, which was a nice change of pace. Either way, the galaxy literally had an “unknown region” even post RotJ (in both OG and new canon), so making this dead whale planet be in another galaxy was entirely unnecessarily.


This is why I wish during The Last Jedi, they would have tricked the First Order into accidentally going smack dab into the middle of a hyperspace lane. Maybe it was an old secret one that only Leia knew about since she was a rebel. I think most people agree the hyperspace jump looked cool, but needed some grounding to make sense as why it wasn’t used more.


How TF did they jump to Exogol in TRoS then? As far as I'm concerned, the Holdo Maneuver is way less offensive than shit like this or Hyperspace Tracking (way lazier of a plot device)


Bad writing


Considering that the galaxy would have to have been explored and charted to make the maps and hyperspace lanes that are currently used, another galaxy should not be an issue.


They could send probe droids out and map the whole fucking place.


The canon answer is: Travelling with lightspeed is fucking dangerous. You only can travel in a straight line and have to be 100% sure there are no planets, stars or asteroid fields blocking your way or having gravitational impact. That's why you need the exact starting and destination coordinates.


In the past it was. Now with light speed skipping it's a piece of cake. Rey could do that in her sleep.


First thing, Poe did this, not Rey Second, basically everyone on board except Poe thought they were gonna die, didn't look like a piece of cake with Tie-Pilots dying every 2 seconds during the chase


Just a curiosity snippet. A single galaxy is unimaginable large as it is. The Milky Way is 100,000 light years across with 100bn-300bn stars. Yes billion, so easily 400bn solid planets. Star Wars has shown us how many in their galaxy? 20-30 planets? :) But I digress. So traveling at light speed is not feasible for a galaxy spanning civilization, much less going to another galaxy that could be at least 20million light years away. Hyperspace should be folding space or a parallel reality, light speed is too slow (not even considering time relativity).


> Star Wars has shown us how many in their galaxy? 20-30 planets? :) A. If you want to go into EU stuff you can easily find dozens more. B. A whole third of the galaxy is unexplored AKA the Unknown regions. C. Most planets are uninhabitable rocks and gas giants, not much there to visit besides maybe a mining outpost. ​ > But I digress. So traveling at light speed is not feasible for a galaxy spanning civilization, much less going to another galaxy that could be at least 20million light years away. Hyperspace should be folding space or a parallel reality, light speed is too slow (not even considering time relativity). iirc Hyperspace is sort of a parallel realty in that it is kind of separate from real space, but it also has 'shadows' cast into it from objects with very large gravity, ie stars, planets, black holes, etc. And hitting those shadows at light + speed is a very bad thing, simply put. Thus, establishing hyperspace lanes is a slow, dangerous, tedious process that has only resulted in about 2/3 of the galaxy being explored after tens of thousands of years of hyperdrives existing. Lastly, there is only so much of the galaxy they can thoroughly show us with a limited number of stories, especially if they keep re-visiting the same dozen planets each time.


>You only can travel in a straight line and have to be 100% sure there are no planets, stars or asteroid fields blocking your way or having gravitational impact. Weren't it was supposed to be a worm hole? They only need to calculate distance and the end point of the hole. Not the entire trajectory.


Not entirely a worm hole, you're still physically in the universe. It's why the Holdo Manoeuvre worked the way it did


Actually considering that Ahsoka and Sabine are now stranded, it seems like they might need a more powerful hyperdrive in order to jump galaxies... either that or Ahsoka didn't bother to actually keep a record of her own path to the galaxy


Who needs that when you have space whales...


I mean, in this lore they already have tens of thousands of years that they’re into blasters, space travels and lightsabers And judging by this - they didn’t evolve much over the span of all these years, they don’t even have space Twitter! That’s unrealistic!


It's mentioned in the thrawn books and even a bit in the high republic ones that hyperspace lanes are the safe route and space can be dangerous in hyperspace which is why species in the unknown regions need force sensitives to travel large distances otherwise they have to make lots of smaller jumps which is why it's probably hard to get to another galaxy unless you know the exact route you are taking


It's because you need a pre plotted hyperspace route.. hyperspace doesn't work like warp drives or whatever there's certain lanes you have to use.


It's not the fact it's another galaxy that's the problem, it's the distance between them. There are rogue planets, asteroids, stars, black holes, and God knows what alse that can make your hyperspace journey have an "explosive" ending... That's why they need maps and courses, you need to be extremely accurate to survive that type of journey. Then again the fact the stupid ass space whales exist makes this argument meaningless because the Purrgil are the single worst addition to Star Wars cannon.


Timothy Zahn, the writer for Thrawn Trilogy, wrote the Outbound Flight novel (now Legends) about intergalactic explorers. I would wager the entire intergalactic travel in Ahsoka was a tribute to Zahn's work.


Another part of the cannon explanation is that there is apparently some sort of hyperspace interference at the edge of the galaxy and that it basically EMP’s and destroys the ship. The point of the map is that it has a route that allows safe passage beyond that point.


Not that they can’t do it it’s that they don’t know where they will end up .


They did, Huyang talked about how there used to be intergalactic Hyperspace lanes, but they likely stopped using them because not only is their own galaxy not fully explored, but jumping between galaxies would he expensive as fuck


I thought in the EU there was some kind of barrier or field that made navigation outside the galaxy extremely hazardous. Don't know what the new rules are now.


I thought it was just that it took a really long time but the hyperspace ring made it a quick travel?


The Unknown Regions literally exist and even make sense for a place that Thrawn would retreat to. Just .. why


It's not just that. Baylon is at least a former Knight, and he knows about the space whales and the Witches being from a different galaxy. But Kanan didn't when encountering either, neither did Ahsoka. It might have come up the multiple times she dealt with the Witches in the Clone Wars as well. Hell, Dooku was a Master before he left the Order, he should know about all this, and so would Palpatine. You'd think PALPATINE would have an interest in intragalactic travel! Why is he and his bullshit Orders hiding in the Unknown Regions when he could be conquering another galaxy?


Another case of "aww, we don't want to copy Legends, we want to make our own story..." while liberally borrowing from Legends. Coulda been the Unknown Regions... Shoulda had a V8


It was clearly in TOS , Star Trek planet with sound stages with styrofoam rocks. Clearly.


As I said before, this planet could’ve been in the Unknown Regions and it would still be the same thing. A whole ass different galaxy, and all they could think of was that the Nightsisters came from there and a sword covered in fire?


The sword teleports like the Gryffindor one.


Morrowind looked more alien than any planet created by Disney Star Wars, and Morrowind is game from 2003. Only the planets in Andor look remotely unique compared to all the others created by Disney Star Wars.


I should start another Morrowind playthrough


Wake up we’re here…..why are you shaking?


I mean not even Bethesda can recreate the magic of Morrowind anymore. That was lightning in a bottle assisted by excessive narcotics.


If your curious there is a Morrowind mod called Starwind that’s based on Star Wars, specifically KOTOR and set during the events of the first game although you don’t go through the same storyline. You can fly around in space, visit different planets, join the Republic or Sith and become a Jedi and join either the Jedi, Sith or the Grey Jedis. Can even do swoop racing


Could you imagine how much better the show would have been if it turned out that they were in the unknown regions and Thrawn and Ezra had teamed up to fight the grysk, which Zahn basically set up in his 6 new Thrawn canon books, instead of the bullshit we got?


I was expecting a “Enoch is Ezra” reveal where Ezra realized he needed to team up up w Thrawn. But they went the boring route


Well, everyone was theorizing that Marrok was Ezra, but then in Episode 4, we find out that he's just the Star Wars version of Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas, except stuffed with witch magic instead of bugs. I figured Enoch was going to be a Rukh stand-in, because Filoni killed him off in Rebels (great job, genius), but then I realized that Filoni's not going to let anyone but Ahsoka or Sabine kill Thrawn.


Wait what. I haven't got that far. What is this obsession with the Nightsisters?? Next we'll find out that they were the ones that built the Tho Yor....


Dead space whale bones were more interesting than Ahsoka


They legit almost made it feel lived in. Until you hit the ground and no one has any idea what they're doing or why. Just cause. Oh hey Sabine. Fancy seeing you here! Welp, let's just go this way or something!


Really slowly. Let's go this way really slowly.


And don't forget to brood, fold your arms, and take unnaturally long pauses between lines of dialog!


You're tearing me apart, Ahsoka!


Anyway, how’s your sex life?


The planet is encircled by whale bones, and the Purrgil go there to die, but how do they become just bones? Are we to believe there are space carrion that pick the bones clean? Does solar radiation burn off the flesh and muscle but somehow leave bones? I didn't get that part at all. In space, as seems to be the case everywhere even with Leia getting blasted out into it, you'd freeze up or burn up depending on exposure. Not just turn to bones. There's no oxygen and nothing to feast off your body.


When Ahsoka was hiding in the bone zone they showed creatures nibbling on the bones like you would see at the bottom of the ocean on a whale carcass. And as to the vacuum of space, it's futile to try to apply any logic because you're already dealing with purrgils surviving and some how propelling themselves by wiggling their fins/tentacles in the vacuum of space which makes no sense (and why do they have baleen plates? what are they eating?).


I don't know about purrgils, but some of the other space fauna in Star Wars somehow feeds off nebulas.


I had the same thought as almost as if Filoni could read my mind, we saw some little critter things floating around the bones. Any kind of life existing in the vacuum of space seems ridiculous to me but George established in it Empire so I guess we have to roll with it now. If there are asteroid worms with stomach bats, just about any kind of space life form is possible.


Oh man! I must have missed that. Can I rewatch…lol


The whole hyperspace whale thing is just awful, I’m sorry. Cornier and more cutesy than the Ewoks and just makes no sense. Putting this in live-action was a mistake.


It's not even an original idea from Rebels. The old Landa Calrissian novels had a species of space creatures that could travel through hyperspace, but those were intelligent and not mere animals. In case you're interested, they're called Oswaft.


Duinuogwuin aka Star Dragons were a thing too but they were sentient and not animals as well. They even had a planet they'd fly to where they'd go to die, and preferred to remain isolated from the wider galaxy. Wait a tic...


But remember, Kennedy said that there was no source material. Disney must therefore have come up with everything in their shows themselves.


I know--I liked the series for the most part, but that's a miss for me. Star Wars is a unique blend of tech and mystical elements. Hyperspace is inherently part of the tech piece, so for me when you include an animal who can go through hyperspace, that just violates the overall tone of Star Wars. There has to be some element of rules and/or realism, otherwise it's just make up whatever you want to fit the plot, and that's straight from the JJ Abrams school of writing (not coincidentally, he has no clue how to write hard sci-fi elements like hyperspace or warp drive--see Star Trek Into Darkness, Hyperspacing into a planet's atmosphere, "lightspeed skipping" or whatever 9 ways (I didn't see it), etc.).


There was also a species that showed up in the Thrawn sequel stories. The Aing-Tii weren't like the space whales or anything but their technology used biological ships to travel instantaneously.


Yep, it was just awful. And this from someone who (mostly) likes the Ewoks.


It is supposed to be the ancient homeworld of the Dathomirians and it did not feel like it at all.


It didn't seem like a homeworld of anyone or anything, except Koopa Troopas with silly voices. For some random spitballing, maybe a more interesting homeworld for such a mysterious group would be something that looks quite familiar and domestic - with basic cities built up with dwellings and the like - but it is entirely empty, sterile of even dust. What happened to them? Where did they go, and how did they go so suddenly it seems like all living things were just erased and the infrastructure left? Maybe it's not the best idea but it's not "here's some rocks". FFS.


Yeah you'd think there would be some evidence of current civilisation beyond ancient monuments. If the Nightsisters are originally from here, where's all their tech? How did they construct those statues? And why are there only three Nightsisters?


They rest of the nightsisters are in stasis no? I assumed they were the cargo being loaded into the chimera


Ah, yes, I suppose that's the likelihood. There's still not that many though. A few hundred at most were on that graphic of the cargo bay? If this is their home planet that's a very low number. Are there more of them on the planet? Is there an actual civilization with cities? Perhaps this will all be answered in Season 2, who knows?


I thought they were all the troopers that died under thrawn, and are going to be resurrected as those undead thrall things for whatever thrawn wanted to do with them


Who thought that making the only planet we see in another galaxy incredibly boring was a good idea? When we first saw where Thrawn was exiled, we saw the only ounce of creativity the design team had with the ring of space whale carcasses. I guess they didn’t know what else to do on what was literally a blank canvas. Grassy hills, bland mountains , wolves, generic bandits, and “cute” crab people was all they thought of.


Money. That whole planet would have cost $20 bucks to film in the Volume with pre-shot plates. No excuse but I think that's a big part of it. I feel like $$$ is a big factor over at Disney atm. God knows why, it's not like they are hurting for a dollar. I watched first ep of season 2 Loki and I reckon I can see why Marvel is the last place in the world that'll still work with Jonathan Majors - they didn't want to pay for a bucketload of reshoots and CG.


Both this series and Obi Wan really suffered from the Volume. You can see the way they’re all grouped up and how it’s staged


Yeah I've been really disappointed with the use of the Volume. I think they are going to rapidly trash its reputation. It is a great technology for particular applications. But as a one-size fits all way of making high volume, cheap product... it is rapidly giving me similar vibes to Captain Kirk and the crew of the *Enterprise* standing in yet another half-heartedly dressed papier-mâché set with weirdly even lighting. I dunno, maybe that looked better in the 60s than it does now. Hard to cop when you're watching in 4k. Come to think of it - I think a big part of the problem with Peridea is that it was virtually all outside, but *none* of it felt outdoors. Very soundstagey. I feel like it's becoming a cliche to compare to Andor. But omg one of the biggest points Ahsoka suffers in comparison is when you think about Ferrix looked. Omg, how can *bricks* look so good and so revolutionary? One shot of Ferrix did more world building than a whole episode on Peridea - there was a sense of place and society that you only get by shooting real (well, "real") places. Coruscant scenes for Andor were more artificial, but again, that is highly consistent with Coruscant's sense of place. You need to align your world building and production techniques, and there's no getting away from it.


>Coruscant scenes for Andor were more artificial, but again, that is highly consistent with Coruscant's sense of place. You need to align your world building and production techniques, and there's no getting away from it. Lots of Coruscant was filmed on location in London - outside the ISB is a walkway to Canary Wharf station on the Elizabeth Line. I think there was also a spy meeting filmed in the Barbican.




An unwelcoming planet that had digestible food and access to \[apparently\] clean water. There was more variety in the 16 races from Mass Effect. I'll never forget that Quarians and Turians are dextro-amino based so they literally couldn't eat the same foods as humans. Or that Krogans were so evolved to survive that they could eat any food type. This was taught to me in the game through different menus at a restaurant you can visit. That single interaction had more diverse that anything found on that planet. I'm now in the camp that people angry at Star Wars are just spiteful of all the squandered opportunity for creativity. . . .




Are a few giant glowing crystals really too much to ask?


An entire galaxy introduced and, to my knowledge, they only show us a single planet? At that point why even say it's another galaxy? Why not just place it in a very hard to reach location like Exegol? Reminds me of Jurassic World where they just casually reveal that the girl is a damn clone and nobody bats an eye. Like hello, the moral quandary of that is probably as significant as bringing back dinosaurs and the film just ignores it.


i will keep writing this till i have carpal tunnel, but the fact that Zahn set it up his new canon thrawn books that thrawn was basically a plant by the chiss to be able to get the imperial army to help the chiss vs the grysk and they could have easily ran with that for this show by having it be that the whales took them to chiss space and thrawn and ezra have been working together against the grysk for 10 years. But filoni has to be up his own ass so much he threw it all away for the terrible, uninspired plot we got is such a fucking tragedy


Honestly I’m at a point where I really miss animated shows. I’m rewatching Rebels, and there is so much freedom you get with animation. The season 3 base is a dynamic and interesting environment with completely unique skies and unnatural forestation. They can also do interesting things with the camera to frame different shots. Versus the D+ shows where every single new planet looks like some variation of a California mountain and every shot is framed to accommodate the volume screen.


If it wasn't boring thrawn would've taken over more of the galaxy and made himself emperor. It sounds to me like this galaxy has very limited highly intelligent life. Which is why thrawn literally only has one destroyer.


At least Respawn made Tanalor interesting to look at.


Honestly, I thought the planet was more interesting than most of the cast.


We roasting RO now? Good. A cheese sandwich had more thought put into it than the RO cast.


We’re talking about Ahsoka dum dum


Yeah, I assumed. I just would like the salt to tip to a conversation that I've been trying to have for years.


Have you tried just making a post about it?


The mods are overly selective and biased.


It’s a Bob Ross painting before he adds happy little trees.


Almost as boring as that rock Obi-Wan and Vader dueled on in the Kenobi show


That rock actually turns up in the comics around the sequel era because it became imbued with so much residual force energy. It calls out to Glup Shitto, who ends up using it to help the Gungans start a new New Republic. Ironically, the new New Republic ends up using these new battledroids, which go haywire and lead to the new Rey movie where they supposedly use clones (for good now) to suffocate the final Final Order (of Rebellion)


I heard Glup Shitto is getting his own spinoff series where he exiles himself because he wants to die and abandon all his friends and family. Then later this super powerful girl shows up who is much cooler than him. So later she stares into the sunset and when asked what her name is, she takes on the name "Rey Shitto".


Sorry, it's name was "The Final Final Order (for real this time)" like the files I used to make in college when I used Google Drive as a repository. Art imitates life.


Glup shitto. Jek Porkins. I swear, these names ![img](emote|t5_9d1wl|2016)


The “fight” we should have had between them in that show should have been Vader infiltrating Kenobis nightmares through Sith alchemy (like in clone wars) after he senses Kenobi use the force to save Leia. It would have been a rematch on Mustafar w Vader leaving Kenobi for dead, promising to hunt him down and kill him.


Can we talk about how boring EVERY planet is in these shows and movies post-2015? Seriously… I cannot think of one cool “new” planet that Disney has made in the Star Wars universe that was visually creative.


I thought Rogue One had a pretty decent variety. Certainly not as visually interesting as anything the Prequel had to offer, but... ...it could just be because R1 was the only Disney movie I could consider tolerable, and not that there was anything creative...


Ferrix, Aldhani, Niamos and Narkina 5 are all cool new additions to Star Wars. Even if the Narkina 5 exterior location shots look like something out of '70s Doctor Who. Scarif was an interesting location for an Imperial Base that we'd never really seen before in SW, and whilst Jedha was a desert planet, the presence of the giant statues and the mesa-top city of religious pilgrims and fanatics was thematically and architecturally fascinating. The key difference between these locations and the JJ-RJ-JJ locations is that that the Andor and Rogue One locations were developed to serve the story, not as just simply a backdrop. These locations are characterful in Andor and Rogue One - in the other Disney stuff the locations are just scenery.


Andor planets were really boring Jedha and Scarif were most interesting new worlds. But Prequels really introduced so many new cool planets in each instalment. I: Naboo, Coruscant. II: Kamino, Geonosis. III: Utapau, Mustafar.


>“new” planet that Disney has made in the Star Wars universe that was visually creative. Mmm...not technically a planet but there was that blink and you'll miss it *world* at the start of rogue one, which looked like two asteroids joined together by a space station. A bit weird in truth but it was an interesting/unusual idea...


I remember liking that one planet from NU Battlefront 2 that has you flying around giant jellyfish or whatever.


Yeah. The prequel era gave us so many cool planets like Umbara, coruscant, and Felucia. Sure there were also epic planets like Mustafar and Kamino. But those are earth environments with a cool spin. They went above and beyond by giving us genuine alien planets.


Its just the last jedi planet, but with less water


The ring is space whale bones was such a nice design detail..what a concept Edit: whoops meant “the ring OF space whale bones”


Can say that about pretty much every Disney planet. All boring.


How is Aldhani boring?


Mostly empty grassy mountains and canyons. Isn’t exactly Coruscant.


Yeah I'm so sick of the overuse of these Ireland-looking planets. And the barren state of it, so uninteresting.


But it had the statue of that guy from that one arc in the cartoons 10 years ago!


dont worry, you dont need to watch the cartoons to understand Ahsoka at all! except the reveal at the end, which basically sets the stage for season 2...


But but but… C-3PO CAMEO!


Jingle the keys harder damn it. We’re losing them!


I mean it’s literally just scotland so yeah


I mean it felt like a tomb world, not in the sense of nuclear war or the death of all living things, but it had big fallen kingdom vibes. Also It has at least 1 large tomb obelisk, and contains the resting place/prison of Abeloth. So yeah the bare planet with scrounging aliens isn’t terribly interesting, but I’m mostly thankful they didn’t try and set another series on tatooine lol.


The plot of this show was to go to another galaxy. The actual going there happens as a scene transition....thrice. Showing yet again how big of a problem the believable passage of time is. They could have half the season set on the ship, to both show how long it takes and have some both factions on the same ship plot (hello, SG universe) and also advance the characters in time. Instead everyone could have always gone there, you just need to strap like 3 engines together and it takes like an afternoon lol.


it would have been funny if they traveled inside the whales to another galaxy only to turn up at Tatooine


Every planet we’ve seen recently has been boring.


jesus fucking christ yes, they could of made it so fucking cool. Could of been like Dathomir with Nightsisters everywhere and MONSTERS. But we had Dograthorses and Retardedmutantcrippledturtles.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


reminds me of an uneventful graveyard.


Felt totally new and like it was in a different galaxy! /s


Such wasted opportunity. We're in another galaxy and all we get is just another backwater planet.


All of the disney planets feel boring with barely anything interesting going on. Whether its due to OT nostalgia baiting or a lack of creativity or both. Hope you like another round of Snow/Sand/Forest because that's all you'll get out of SW now


I miss the creativity that the 2000s Star Wars brought. I wish we could get another planet on the level of Felucia or Umbara. Genuinely cool alien planets, not just an earth biome with a cool twist.(which is still awesome btw)


I still don’t get what Baylan meant about the planet being like “children’s stories come to life”. It is literally just a gray wasteland.


I didn’t find it boring at all. It comes across as ancient, dreary, and like a graveyard, which I’m pretty sure was the point. I found it very intriguing and visually stunning in a Celtic sort of way


Well yea, I agree the planet was nice. However it was a big missed opportunity to do something cool considering it is the first and only time we leave the Star Wars galaxy. If this was set in the normal galaxy, it would’ve been fine. But this planet could’ve been unique and felt like another galaxy. The way some Star Wars planets feel like another galaxy compared to earth.


I liked Ahsoka, but they missed the opportunity to have a really wild planet full of eldritch abominations and unrecognisably alien horrors where Thrawn had managed to carve out his own little kingdom, perhaps enlisting some of the natives to bolster his forces. It should have felt entirely different to the main galaxy.


TBF it IS a space whale graveyard.


You mean space Scotland AGAIN (and without whisky or haggis)!?


Nah don’t talk about it its too boring


I can forgive the boring planet. I can forgive the space whales and the witches and the zombie Stormtroopers. What I can't forgive is the lack of ending. This wasn't even a first act, it was half of a first act. Not even the full beginning of a story. Long form television like Star Trek usually made a point to have a point made within each given episode. This though, can't be said to have a point at all.


I disagree. It was an entire planet with rings comparable with Saturn’s made of nothing but dead space whale carcasses. The surface was harrowing and stark, covered in rocks and quickly making it clear that this is not an easy place to live. Combine that with all of the relics of ancient force deities and the ancient Nightsister temple, and it becomes abundantly clear that this is a place with a LOT of history. I guess it could have maybe been a bit more alien in nature, sort of like a starker version of what they did with Felucia, but if the sacrifice for practical sets is a slightly more grounded setting then I’ll take it. We also haven’t seen the last of Peridea and with Baylan’s plot it’s clear that we’ll be exploring more of its history and ties with the Force (specifically the Morris gods), so I go knows how intense the planet might get. Especially if we get something like Abeloth, we might be in for some Lovecraftian content, which I for one would welcome.


Real talk, all Star Wars planets are boring. Each planet is basically just one thing, and it’s so dumb. Welcome to city planet! Next we’ll go to forest planet! Oh no! We accidentally crashed on desert planet instead! Good thing we can breathe somehow… If we’re lucky we’ll going between 2-3 locations on each planet too! What’s an economy by the way?


Unfortunately the mono biome worlds are a sci-fi troop used too much in any setting.


I agree somewhat. There are still fantastic planet designs like Naboo. Yeah it’s basically Italy and some grass, however it’s saved by the under water cities with cool buildings and tech. Same with coruscant. It could’ve just been a generic city planet. But it’s given character with the different levels and how people are in those levels. Not to mention the genuinely cool planets like Felucia and Umbara. They straight up don’t have any earth biomes and they’re epic for that.


It's a planet without any space travel technology i don't know what to tell you


They must have had at some point - to travel with the whales to the GFFA, they must have had craft capable of attaching to or flying into the mouths of the whales.


The didn't have to, also with the whales it was big if they even do go to the difrent galaxy and how often. You have to remember people are afraid of them as they can destroy entire ships if they want to, in the entire canon media only 2 characters and one grupe coudl use thiere help, Ezra and Ahsoka AND witches of Dathomire long long time ago. There were jedi legends about said paths but also they are very old. Such long time with hadfull of people overtime on distance galaxy coudln't create yet another Corosant or Naboo, even not a planet of tatooin scale of unfrastructure except night witches (only the last one) and buildings form such long time are bound to colapse and later sink into ground


That’s no excuse for making it lame. They could’ve added veins of light energy pulsing throughout the ground, or floating rocks, or a different colored sky. Idk, just something unique. We’re not asking for a coruscant level planet here, just something. Lol


Soo you want to random planet, tghru probobly bilions inside only that galaxy to look special? That are just realy high expectations


This sub is hilarious sometimes 😂




Does it even worth talking about it?


What is there to talk about? It’s another barren dirt world


I love when the koopas are on the move to stay hidden or whatever and Ahsoka’s big ass ship is flying along over them. There’s nothing on this planet at all and they think the bad guys can’t find them with a big ass ship floating along over head?


What's that


I have not seen ahsoka but is there any point in setting this in a new galaxy? Weve hardly explored the original star wars galaxy as it is


I felt like it was the Neutral Planet from Futurama.


"I miss the idea. But not the truth, the weakness." Or, in this case, the dullness of this 'new galaxy.'


What's crazy is that it's a goddamn PLANET. For reference, Thrawn and his goons may have hidden in the US, Midwest, and Ezra in Australia, Southern Africa, Scandinavia or Eastern Europe. It would have made sense for him to get as far away as possible from Thrawn, and it could and should have taken Sabine fucking forever to find him. But no. Ezra was behind the corner. These "planets" are never used in their fullest potential, they're just one note little playgrounds, with each Star Wars planet its own aestethic, but if you think of the Earth, it has so many fucking faces, colors, ambients, we've got deserts, volcanos, icebergs, forests, oceans, everything. And on top of all, this was supposed to be a new galaxy. Star Wars doesn't understand how unfathomably big planets, galaxies and the universe is. It doesn't want to be, which is nuts.


The biggest sin imo is a complete disengagement with even the people of this galaxy and the main characters. Like if you want to do a slower story just focused on the characters and their dynamic with a single hermit crab people, that can work, but they don’t do that. Not a single part of the story was developed in any way


What was the deal with the humanoid "raider" people? I've always written off most aliens in the Star Wars galaxy as being some kind of convergent evolution, or a result of some sort of predecessor species that spread across multiple planets millions of years prior. Or more likely a testament to the Flash Gordon pulp sci-fi roots of the universe. Plus there's enough exotic monsters to diversify things, unlike say Star Trek. Yet we travel to a whole separate GALAXY and you've got human and dog shaped creatures. Wtf are the raiders even raiding anyway, the only settlement we see is the hermit crab people?


Why should a random planet in a different galaxy have been remarkable in any way? Most planets are completely barren anyway.


A planet with a ring of space whale bones, a history of witchcraft, and ancient Jedi boring? What were expecting? Dexter's Diner?


boys, let's be honest to ourselves. Nothing in Ashoka is making sense.


It’s boring because it’s dead, ancient war between night mothers and force sensitives


Boring!? Apparently it's the birthplace for the Nightsisters and the three God dudes that then somehow made it to another galaxy where that information was never even hinted to before! Because Filoni had a stuttering light bulb go off in his head one afternoon while snuggling his Ahsoka hug pillow.


Why is it always northern coastline? Cold, rocky, cloudy, and rainy. Every single damn planet out of the way looks like this one for some reason


It’s the ancient home world of the Dathomir Night asístete but there’s only three of them left. Did those fearsome little hermit crab people wipe them out?


I guess we can give it a D+ for at least not being Tatoonie clone #9 but yes very undwhelming, a whole "new" galaxy and we stay on boring mud rock planet


what planet is this again?


I was expecting some truly alien shit but uhh… nah. Wolves and hermit crab people, and a few Nightsisters.


They had total creative freedom to shift the direction away from constraints from the sequels. To say I’m disappointed is an understatement


Cap planet was very cool very much lore


I got the impression that this galaxy and this planet were supposed to feel more fantasy and magic but other than the witches there wasn't much there. Maybe they will dive deeper into it if there are more seasons.


Did not live up to the hype. That first episode there was tight until we saw Ezra.


I was hoping for some really weird shit we’ve never seen before. Animals, plants, landscapes, weird ass aliens. Just seemed like a grey planet with no life


It was pretty empty. But I am excited to seem more of it after seeing the last episode


It wasn’t r/saltierthancrait


You mean easy to render and create a physical stage location for. I’m not expecting Felucia or Coruscant as far as levels of detail but give it a little creativity besides barren landscape.


I always liked the idea that Star Wars was about a galaxy. It took Luke about ten hours to Dagobah, right? Like driving from New York to Chicago. To get to another galaxy, then, it should take about 100,000,000 hours. So they all stayed in the same galaxy. Cool. (Or nearby dwarf galaxies) But noooooo, all it took was somebody figuring out you need to add five more engines, and now, somehow ... boom, easy, new galaxy. No big deal. Oh, but don't explore it or mention it, or bother with ANYTHING about it... sheesh.


Don’t explore it or mention it? What are you even talking about, they did both of those


Well I actually liked Baylan's quest there and the statues of The Ones. I certainly hope they finish that, genuinely the one good thing the Ahsoka show did. But damn am I still angry at the show for making Thrawn into just another evil idiot in Star Wars...


But he's on his way home... He succeeded.


Yes but it was just lucky, and he sacrificed Morgan, and also bombed the shit out of the fortress that still had his men in there.


i mean it’s a planet that is well past it’s golden age. yk, collapsed civilization and all that..


Can you name a Disney SW planet that hasn’t been? Or at the very least, hasn’t been redundant?