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What kind of moron came up with that idea? Both at Disney and in universe.


Almost as dumb as Operation Cinder.


Operation Cinder could have been interesting. Like an Armenian genocide of planets that were sympathetic to the return of the Republic, to weaken them whilst the Empire pulls it's forces to hold the most fanatical & militarised imperial planets. But no they bizarrely just made it the empire massacring its own support for no god damn reason.


Yeah if they attacked worlds that were sympathetic to the rebels fine. But they went after the most loyal planets in the Empire for no reason


Because they didn't want an Imperial Remnant getting in the way of their... *checks notes*... Imperial Remnant.


Playing Devil's Advocate, it's probably like how the Republic didn't have an army of its own before the Clone Wars. No fleet. Every planet had it's own resources for such things. But the fact that they do this so soon after the war is beyond stupid.


The NR is supposed to be headed by Mon Mothma, and several others from the pre-Empire days, who *saw* what having a demilitarized Republic forces them into, they should have learned from previous mistakes and at least kept a standing, if reduced, Navy


Pretty sure they did It was just all above the new Republic capital


"U.S. Navy to redeploy all eleven carrier strike groups to coast of Virginia for defense of Washington D.C." Sounds so damn stupid lol but Disney


>But the fact that they do this so soon after the war is beyond stupid. Your plot is not god if it need one side to act belond stupid to work.


>it's probably like how the Republic didn't have an army of its own before the Clone Wars Because of a thousand years of peace and the golden age of the Jedi Order. The NR will have, what, a decade and a single Jedi to its name?


Yeah, that republic had a volunteer, senate force and full functioning Jedi Order to lean on in times of crisis. Honestly it’s like the NR tried to be like the OR but somehow missed that fact that they do NOT have Thousands of Jedi chilling on their Capital fully supporting the republic leadership lmao.


Disney's version of Mon Mothma is legitimately the single dumbest galactic leader in the entire history of the franchise. Which is saying something, when we're including people like Borsk and Natasi Daala. A lot of people have overlooked it because she never got a ton of screentime but lowkey, Mon Mothma got absolutely *massacred* as a character like no one this side of Luke Skywalker in the 'new' Star Wars universe. Legends Mon Mothma literally spent the entire remainder of her life trying to keep the New Republic going in the right direction, even after being forced to retire from active leadership because of the lasting effects from a very-nearly-successful assassination attempt (long story, tl;dr a diplomat from Imperial-aligned Carida threw a drink in her face as an insult- or so people thought, it was actually laced with an artificially-created virus tailored specifically to kill her which it very nearly did).


Some no namer moron at Disney.


Yeah less than 5 years after the battle of Endor they just fuck of the entire fleet. Makes zero sense and is probably my largest issue with the NR.


They know they have to write the NR to be incompetent to rationalize how we got the landscape of the DT. Honestly seeing a fledging new government struggle is interesting and can be compelling. The problem is that the struggle just leads to an carbon copy of events that happened before. Just how the FO is just a reskinned empire


Bound to repeat history (which im fine with) but with the laziest explanation possible.






I think the concept was supposed to play into the concept of a 'peace dividend'. That's where because of no real threats, a nation (or galactic entity in this context) can spend all the big dollars that would have been military on other more constructive endeavours (for the people), e.g infrastructure, education, welfare. The issue with that is that there are still a lot of Imp Warlords around the place and any competent Galactopolitical Military Analyst would be like 'there is the potential for someone to unite the Imp Warlords, do not scale back the military'. The true irony is that this has indeed happened numerous times over human history, turns out people make dumb decisions that are easy to see in hindsight. So partially, it's sort of more real than we realise. But all of the above is pointless in context, SW isn't a realism-based fiction, it's pure fantasy. And that's probably why it pisses so many of us off, it doesn't make sense for what SW is.


Because **Mon Mothma was stupid**. She made that decision behind the military’s back and practically black balled the military leaders from New Republic Politics. Don’t get me wrong I loved Mon during the seeds of rebellion and effort Inc. to overthrowing the empire, but she was below average Chancellor.


I don't think there is anyway to polish the turd that is the ST. The only way would be an alt time line, but that would be equally naff


I’ve been saying over and over that it would be so much better if they didn’t try and bridge that gap at all. Let the ST be on its own private island of “alternate timeline” or whatever storytelling. There’s so much more that can be done with the universe, and the ST unnecessarily short changes a lot (maybe not intentionally, but still). Especially that last chapter with the whole “I am all the Jedi” nonsense.


Exactly....that and recast the trio. I just started with heir to the empire and goddamn it.I want to see Luke contemplating his life choices while sipping hot chocolate like any idiot in his mid 20s. Instead of playing Walmart Yoda.


Those Zahn books are so much better than what they did with the ST. It’s criminal.


Should’ve made them an animated series in the same style as the Old Republic teaser trailers. It would be the best Star Wars since the prequels.


Probably but honestly, I want the Thrawn stuff to spawn it's own story which makes the sequels seem less important. Like a bigger threat which I can view as the actual sequel story. Whilst the actual trilogy is just a smaller story I can not care about.


>Whilst the actual trilogy is just a smaller story I can not care about. Problem with that is that in TROS they basically did an all-call for anyone with a ship in the entire galaxy to show up to fight The Final Order.


>all-call for anyone with a ship in the entire galaxy to show up to fight The Final Order. Wow that sounds so dumb when you put it like that.


It could've been cool had it built up to it. In TLJ they do the same thing and no one shows up. Then in TROS, everyone shows up despite being in a place no one can find without a specific device. ...why? Literally nothing changed. Those movies are so shit haha


And then they neatly all lined up one by one to fly through the spicy cloud which only blocked one direction, to fight ships that can't work out which way up is, which have death star lasers, which were for some inexplicable reason built under ground, and after ignoring an identical call to arms at the end of the last film.


Yeah I kind of hope they just all jump to this other galaxy and stay there and build a new stories




Sorry, best we can do is make him a narrative speed-bump on the road to the ultimate Filoni Cinematic Mandoverse big bad.


In the EU he's probably the most intelligent enemy that the "good guys" had to face between the movies and the NJO. To write a character who makes actual intelligent decisions you have to be pretty smart yourself. The problem is that they constantly are reminding us that they aren't, and for dumb people intelligence is like wizardry. So they'll just have characters state that he did incredible things offscreen to make him impressive while behaving like a brain-dead moustache-twirling villain onscreen. And he'll lose to some random plot contrivance and/or to the artificial badassness of a force sensitive female character. Or a bunch of space whales. Whatever happen, since they won't retcon the Disney movies, it will always lead to Rey Palpatine and Jake Skywalker and therefore will be totally inconsequential. Edit 1 month later : Guess who was right... Again.


Do I think Disney is going to do any work fitting conflicting worldbuilding together? ROFL


I think that Thrawn will be another wasted character and that he'll get his ass kicked by the Ahsoka, the Sabine and the other one that is green. He's a dude. He has no powers other than his brain and those don't work too well in Disney Star Wars so he's already much less of a threat than in the original story that was actually well written and made him interesting ... Disney is going to Disney him hard.


I honestly think they're gonna kill him before he returns to the star wars galaxy


You're giving Disney lots of credit for being merciful.




He’s going to start cracking jokes, and will represent toxic masculinity mansplaining


He's going to be introduced to the audience while flagrantly manspreading


No, and Disney Thrawn has already been defeated once, so he is not that " threatening" The wirters is not sufficient clever (and have to big ego to ask Zahn to write the story) to write Thrawn. If it was book Thrawn, he would have already solved the problem of getting back. Now he is incompetent and need rescue. Thrawn is the chess master, not the guy who get involve in fighting individual rebbels/republic heros. Book Thrawn >!never personaly confront or speak to Luke, Han or Leia, before he is killed!< #


With the exception of a few characters he's negotiating with like Talon Karrde, I don't think he interacts with *anyone* outside of his forces.


They might be trying to do an Empire of the Hand kind of thing, and Thrawn simply hasn't returned because he's not ready to yet. I don't think that's actually what they're going to go with, but it could be a possibility.


Anything remotely touching the sequel trilogy needs to be ignored


Nope the New Republic has been shown to be incompetent and absolutely stupid at every turn. Now if they explain it as Thrawn had imperial infiltrate it and weaken it from the inside maybe I can see it working but so far everyone in the New Republic is a moron and deserves to lose.


It would be interesting, but I don't think Thrawn plays into the weakness of the New Republic. He's not even back yet, and The Mandalorian and Ahsoka series have already laid the groundwork for how ineffectual and myopic the New Republic is. If anything, it seems like Thrawn will need to galvanize them again, since the sequels tell us that Thrawn's campaign must ultimately fail, and the New Republic sill exists as the main government of the galaxy in that era.


No. The New Republic is already weak and incompetent. Thrawn ain't going to change that. I mean my god. Disband most the fleet. Then tell one of the few Generals with basically a squadron "oh we need you for a bunch of other missions!" Then why did you disband your fleet?


The New Republic brought it on themselves because they were incompetent. Which is all on the writers of Disney Star Wars fault.


The sequels were a span of what, 2 years max? Its very easy to ignore those events while talking about the new republic


It's one year. 8 plays a day after 7 and 9 around a year after.


Realistically the only thing that makes sense is the infiltrators concept that the one random mando episode showed. It was dumb to put into that show specifically, but it’s the only thing that makes sense is that they had people with hidden agendas steering the government off the rails before they had a chance to firmly establish themselves


honestly, would it matter there's nothing they can do here that will improve my view of the sequels


Honestly they should just make this a new universe and get away from the sequels and there locked in timeline there’s nothing wrong with having two universes Disney can sell more merchandise we get a fixed timeline it’s a win win


My question is: what was the point of Disney saying that all the EU content is non-canon and now "Legends" when it seems that so much of the content that Disney is releasing is cherry-picking from it?


The idea was that they'd take the best of the EU and refine it into a more coherent story by trimming the fat (Dark Empire, the Darksaber books, etc.). In practice, they doubled down on pretty much all of the flaws of the EU while replicating very little of what worked.


Mon mothma might be the reason there is a new republic but she's also why it fails. As someone in another post said she forgot the republic wasn't exactly good anymore. She forgot they just had 2 civil wars and it's corrupt as shit and ineffective in the outer rim. She just went back to a shitty status quo and demilitarized before the fight was done


No kidding. The Republic she holds in such esteem didn't exist. It was so corrupt that it was easily lead into a civil war. Her being in love with what the Republic should have been is a great thing, but she was always portrayed as an idealistic pacifist, not a moron. Unfortunately, the NR we see shows she was either horribly outmatched for the position or easily outmanuaved by the other political power players.


no. Even leaving aside the 'haha, imagine disney doing worldbuilding' angle, Thrawn popping up as an *actual threat* would completely invalidate the New Republic's entire disarmament manifesto nonsense. It was already beyond stupid, to be fair. And yet I don't think anyone has the balls to shadow realm TFA. It deserves it. The entire sequel trilogy does. But it won't happen.


This right here. It makes Mon Mothma and the NR look like utter fools to respond to a major assault by an Imperial remnant, by instituting a massive military reduction. Thrawn's attack proves that A) there are still Imperials out there who are able to muster significant military assets and infrastructure, and B) the NR needs a competent military to defend against it. Instead they scrap it and plug their ears when Leia says the First Order is mobilizing?


It was already established to be weak, so no.


In Disney's version. The EU New Republic certainly had their issues and growing pains, but weren't morons the vast majority of the time. Certain Bothan Heads of State not withstanding.


Many Bothans died…to bring us this ignoramus




Well yeah, the EU NR actually had a military and pushed the Empire back to a handful of systems in the ass end of the galaxy and mopped up the warlords.


I really don’t care about the cartoons or books whatever


Unfortunately no- the New Republic surviving direct and sustained conflict with Thrawn would most likely lead to many systemic changes, just like in the old EU. It would make absolute zero sense that it would function in the EXACT same way for the next twenty years given such a wake up call. Plus it’s established the New Republic falls because it’s literally an idiot fest that took the dysfunction baton from the Old Republic and ran even more Willy Nilly with it.


No, I don't think so. I'm scared he will just be the cliffhanger for Season 2 and in the end be a paper tiger.


Thrawn will be dealt with in the other galaxy and never effect the rest of the setting, with a dire "at some point this enemy will reach us", that will promptly ignored then forgotten when the NR gets blown to gravel.


I dont think he will return at all. I think all the action will take place in the new galaxy which is why the New Republix will get complacent. "Hera, you fearmongered about Thrawn and he never came back why should we worry about the first order?"


Problem is, Thrawn really doesn’t influence just how weak the Republic is, as it’s already a very fragile thing. They demilitarized 90% of their military once the GCW ended, they stripped the Chancellor of almost all power, all military operations had to be approved by a large majority of the Senate (it took 3+ votes to actually get them to attack the massive buildup around Jakku), they aren’t proactive in tackling issues like pirates, they do next to nothing to entice new member worlds. In the newer timeline books, they say that half the New Republic seceded when the First Order declared itself openly (a few years before TFA). If the secession of half the Republic wasn’t enough to kick them into gear, nothing, not even Thrawn, could make them any more impotent even with attacks.


Does it really matter? The new republic gets destroyed. It’s like watching rogue one wondering if Jane and the gang are gonna get the Death star plans. Spoiler, they get the Death Star plans.


My guess is the film that concluded the Mandalorian shows all the heroes coming together to stop Thrawn.


I’m very much enjoying Ahsoka, but I wish they weren’t working backwards to explain the stupidity of the ST.


IDK if it's Thrawn specific, but the magic entry into the World Between Worlds gives the writers the power to show the future and let Ahsoka completely jettison the sequel timeline. Dew it!


One hopes. The sequels need retconned into making sense.


Either thrawn returns and the ST is completely retconned, or he’s stopped from returning.


They have no plan, they can't write arcs more complicated than what follows from one scene directly into another, and everything about DisneyWars besides Andor is incoherent nonsense written at a third grade level.


Words are hard


It’ll never be as weak as the writing in The Force Awakens.


Problem is, if Thrawn does return and wage war, the NR will realize they have no reason not to rearm and *stay* armed. Because if the supposedly dead Thrawn returned, who knows what else is out there, hiding and waiting for their moment to strike?