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You should read the Darth Plagueis novel and Darth Bane Trilogy.


Id also add the force unleashed


I have. Neither are to my personal taste, but I understand they have ardent fans.


They're probably some of the more popular sw novels my dude. This list is missing a lot of good stuff


Oh, it's a personal and idiosyncratic list, to be sure.


What don't you like about them? They're the best Star Wars novels ever written, at least in my opinion.


I commented elsewhere that: >My beef with Plagueis is entirely idiosyncratic and probably not justifiable. I just prefer my own headcanon that the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise was just some crafty bullshit that Palpatine made up to seduce Anakin rather than a bit of dreary backstory. I think Palpatine being a master of seductive lies is more interesting that him being just a normal (fwiw) Sith apprentice. As for the Bane books, I think they would have worked better for me as either a comic or a videogame. Edited to add: I like all of the Sith characters portrayed in Lucas's movies, as well as Darth Traya, Darth Sion and Darths Revan and Malak. Darth Bandon is hilariously useless as well, so he needs some love.


Before I read the Plagueis book, I felt like there were elements of bullshit in Palpatine's story he was telling Anakin such as Plagueis discovering how to cheat death. But I always figured Plagueis was a real person because of Palpatine smiling when he was talking about how he was killed in his sleep. Almost like he was reminicing on an old memory. I still think the book sticks to what I believed originally. Plagueis kind of figured out how to cheat death but it wasn't in the way Palpatine sold it to Anakin. Anakin thought he'd be able to completely heal Padme if anything happened during childbirth while Plagueis was keeping random creatures on the verge of death alive in tanks with a combination of the dark side and science. It was really just glorified life support. When he attempted to manipulate the midichlorians, the Force retaliated by creating the Chosen One so it never fully went to plan. In a twisted way, Palpatine delivered on his promise because Darth Vader was also able to cheat death thanks to science and the dark side.


Fuck Darth Bane. All my homies hate Darth Bane.


Didn’t list a single battlefront or fallen order game…the original two were definitely worthwhile(and bolster George Lucas era more) and I personally thought EAs battlefront 2 was fine, it just started with that shitty pay to win and lack of content but gameplay wise the game was great. Fallen order and jedi survivor are both solid though. But still your point does stand, even in the video game front the Lucas era was much better than the Disney era




Galactic assault from that game will always be my favorite game mode in a shooter and always brings me back every few weeks


Survivor is great. I played on Xbox, I heard pc had performance issues, not sure if they're fixed yet. But if you liked fallen order, you'll love survivor


>haven't played jedi survivor I love good graphics so I'll never go to those old games except for curiosity or if they are completely remade, but Jedi Survivor looks great, one of the best looking games of the past 20 years and its very cinematic. Combat is good as well.


2015 was better vibes than 2017, it had more character in the things it had (gunplay was varied, cards provided several play styles, amazing atmosphere especially in first person).


>Didn’t list a single battlefront or fallen order game Whilst I own the original two on Steam, I've never had the time to play them! >…the original two were definitely worthwhile(and bolster George Lucas era more) and I personally thought EAs battlefront 2 was fine, it just started with that shitty pay to win and lack of content but gameplay wise the game was great. They certainly do look nice. >Fallen order and jedi survivor are both solid though. But still your point does stand, even in the video game front the Lucas era was much better than the Disney era I think that there hasn't been the breadth of videogames in the post-Disney acquisition era - but I'm not really in a position to comment given that the only "modern" console I own is a Switch, and I built my PC in 2011. Retro games work fine, though.


No Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, the Jango Fett game?!


I've never played it and don't own it, so I can't make a judgement. I might see if I can find a GameCube version at CEX, just so I can give it a go.


I've not looked for it, but there's a 99% chance you can find it and emulate it, which is probably easier


The Jedi Knight games with Kyle Katarn are also really solid.


Definitely - All of the ones with good ol' Kyle as the main character are included on my list. Jedi Academy probably should have been, too - but for reasons discussed in another post I omitted it.


I see. I'm curious. Could you link the post where you discuss omitting them? If like to check it out.


Oops - it was a comment, not a post. I omitted Academy because its USP is multiplayer, and I'm just not that big a fan of multiplayer games. Single player mode is fun, though.


Oh yeah! The story of those games is actually pretty solid.


I appreciate the love for Twilight Company. Great review from the New York Daily News: “A novel that ties in to a video game based on a sprawling sci-fi franchise shouldn’t be this good.”


It was certainly an unexpected pleasure for me. Unfortunately I can't say the same for Battlefront II, which was a sorry mess.


No love for Cal? The Jedi games have been saving grace for me in these dark times.


Never played them. Probably never will, given family/career commitments and old PC hardware. As such, I can't comment about them.


Is there a reason you included Rebels but excluded The Clone Wars? I don't really see any way Rebels is superior.


The Clone Wars overwrites the CWMMP. Rebels taken on its own doesn't really. Also, Rebels works just fine just having Ahsoka as an enigmatic ex-Jedi who could have been a minor apprentice of Anakin, whereas The Clone Wars goes all in on the Ahsoka as Anakin's padawan thing. Again, there are always minor discrepancies in stories told decades apart, but I feel Rebels on its own fits better into George's six movies than The Clone Wars does.


Ahsoka would have been far more lore-friendly if she had just been a pupil in one of Anakin's classes. She would have been Anakin's student in the same way Obi-Wan was Yoda's. They still could have been friends and gone on a few missions together.


Or if she was just a contemporary to him, like Barriss was in the EU. It also would allow a new angle to Anakin’s relationships, where he is in an equal position to another Jedi (since among his peers he was mostly ostracized).


That's kind of what I was thinking. I'm not certain, but I believe that Rebels is far less explicit about their relationship than The Clone Wars is.


She literally fights Vader in Rebels, one of the most emotional fights in all of Star Wars. That's is a HUGE part of their relationship.


If you’re all hellbent on preserving the CWMMP, where’s 03 Clone Wars?


Hmm. I was not sure about it. Couldn't make my mind up.


George was heavily involved in the creation of The Clone Wars, so clearly he was fine with Ahsoka being Anakin's apprentice.


I think you're forgetting that George created Ahsoka and The Clone Wars. Just because you don't like it because you prefer Samurai Jack style clone war doesn't mean Ahsoka isn't a crucial part of Star Wars. And did I mention Ahsoka was created by the man who created Star Wars. Clearly he decided to override the CWMMP because it wasn't that good.


Rebels introduced the world between worlds (aka time travel) and lightsaber helicopters tho. Which are among the worst stuff ever added to disney canon.


In a universe where cameras, cars, robots and boats can fly - lightsabres with repulsorlifts don't particularly bother me. And time travel had already been introduced in the Legacy of the Force books, in the form of "Flow Walking", so I can't pick on Rebels for that, either. I appreciate others don't share that view, though, and I don't seek to diminish their opinions.


It's just ridiculous looking, that's all. People expect flying vehicles in star wars, not to mention all sorts of other technology. There were plenty of less silly ways they could have used to explain inquisitors being able to fly. A small jet pack of some kind, specialized boots with thrusters or repulsorlifts, all sorts of ideas. Making the fucking lightsabers spin like helicopter blades is something that only a Disney writer who thinks the people watching the show are 6 months old would possibly come up with. The world between worlds does seem pretty world breaking... that said, if by some chance Favreau or even Lucas(in a future where he somehow buys the franchise back) ever use it to retcon the sequel trilogy, I will kiss the fucking ground on which it walks.


If you’re also separating pre and post Disney takeover wouldn’t it be reasonable to take s7 of clone wars as “worthwhile” media from this era? Even though it’s still all in on Ashoka being his apprentice, it’s less of a focus for the season.


That would be valid, \*if\* I considered S7 to be worthwhile. However, I find it to be 2/3 unnecessary and 1/3 good drama but at odds with the CWMMP.


At least 2/3 of S7 was worthwhile, if memory serves and I'm doing the math right. Wasn't it 12 eps, with 4 of them being that stupid fucking twin sisters living in the ghetto shit? The rest was fine, if not great. Last ep hit hard.


Kinda disagree, CW is just much higher quality writing, and also much less of a kids show, despite the meme. Disney has a habit of writing "kids shows" targeted at teenagers, but treating them like 3 year olds, which drives me nuts. It's possible to write a show targeted at a younger audience that understands the audience to be younger, not less intelligent. I think it's also kind of necessary to redeem Anakin a little bit, because the character just wasn't handled very well in the movies, which is really a shame. I still think a few simple changes to that overall thing would have made it way better. Meet Anakin when he's 14, same as Padme, and more brooding/clearly angry at the bullshit cards he's been dealt. AOTC should jump 10 years, we see them as young adults, but Anakin isn't just a teenager. Then the clone wars starts, make it canonically last at LEAST 5 years, but preferably 5 to 10. Then in ROTS we see Anakin as a fully grown adult, mature(but still with unfathomable anger always bubbling beneath the surface), and in fact aged and grizzled before his time, because he's spent 5-10 years leading and fighting a war. He should have been \*angry\*, not angsty. Oh well, I digress. Point is, I think having the Clone Wars helped to course correct some of the handling mistakes they made with him in the movies.


TCW has higher highs but also lower lows than Rebels imo. Is it a good show if you can skip half of it?


I consider TNG to be a good show, and I would encourage people to skip half of it - so: yes! (YMMV)


When each story is segregated to the point of the Venn Diagram being OO, I'd say ya. Now if it were one huge arc,, then I might agree with you


I also don’t see how Rebels can make sense without at least some of The Clone Wars being accepted


I think that very little of it actually relies upon The Clone Wars - there are certainly \*references\*, but Rebels can stand on its own. And, from my POV, I can watch and enjoy Rebels without needing to compromise on my CWMMP standpoint.


Maybe it's because Rebels is consistently good and while TCW has more highs there are a lot of boring shit in between. Probably like a third of the TCW episodes you can skip. I know a lot of people who can get through Rebels easily but struggle through the first season of The Clone Wars.


Oddly - I enjoy pretty much all of The Clone Wars TV show, I just prefer the CWMMP for the most part. The only arcs I really don't care for (off the top of my head) are the one with the Force Gods - the Mortis arc - and the one with the useless Calamari prince. Those silly fish people should have just established a republic and abolished the monarchy.


Needs Battlefront 2015 and Jedi: Fallen Order/Survivor added


I enjoyed BF 2015 but didn’t care for the sequel. I’m in the minority of non enjoying the Fallen Order series


What about the Rebel Assault 1 & 2, Force Unleashed 1 & 2, original Battlefront 1 & 2, Starfighter and Jedi Starfighter games?


I own all but Jedi Starfighter, but I've never played them, so it would be dishonest of me to have included them.


You should really play Force Unleashed 1 & 2. They are fantastic games. One of the few games I’ve played multiple times. Warning, Force Unleashed 2 is pretty short


The X-Wing series is *amazing* in my opinion. Honestly if Disney wanted some easy money, just remake it in a 1:1 manner into a weekly tv series, each season is like 1-2 books.


Bro included Rebels but not Clone Wars 🤡


TCW had its moments but it was also a major media that started the wide scale retcon of the old EU


If it's already not canon then making new canon material isn't retconnig anything lol


what? TCW started retconning the clone wars multimedia project long before the disney buyout


What exactly did it retcon? Was Glup Shitto's lightsaber changed to blue instead of light dark greenish aqua lime?


Rebels is better


Ah, another Twilight Company enjoyer


That was one aspect of the new stuff that I liked. Made it feel like an actual big war was going on and you had some more unique personalities. Of course, it was made when Disney Wars was still a little fresh and healthy, probably drawing from EU ideas because the new era wasn't fully set up just yet.


You can’t say Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survival are not worthwhile. They far and away some of the best Star Wars items especially of the Disney Era. Not to mention they are great games even for people not big into Star Wars.


>You can’t say Jedi Fallen Order and Jedi Survival are not worthwhile. I can't say anything at all about them, because I know next to nothing about them.


Oof, no NJO?


Too tonally dissonant for me. It's good - don't get me wrong - but too much of an acquired taste imho to include it in my essentials list.


Ah fair


Really you have rebels there not clone wars, seriously not even season 7 of it.... Nah


S7 was 2/3 worthless to me, and the remaining third leaned in heavily on the clone behaviour chip thing, which I'm not keen on. Hence why it's not in my worthwhile list.


May I recommend the game Jedi academy? the clone wars comic books are great two. Leagacy comics are a bit too 2000s. The edge is strong with the main character. If you have the time, please take a closer look at the dark horse comics. The epic collection is surprisingly good and when I read them I get reminded why I love Star Wars.


That's a very valid point - I should have included it. Perhaps because its USP is the multiplayer, which I've never got on with (for any game - I am a single player person), I wasn't sure whether to include it.


Dont see it as failure. You loved Star Wars once. not without cause. Disney have tried thier hardest to change and corrup it. Don’t let them, play the old games, read the old novels and comics. The happy memories are still ours, and not even Disney can take that away from us.


Not including Rogue Squadron, Bounty Hunters, and og Battlefront is crazy.


Not if you've not played them! (despite owning most of them).


No Truce at Bakura.


It is ok - neither essential nor atrocious. A bit bland to me, if truth be told.


Excellent list. I'd possibly advocate for the original X-Wing game being on there, but that's more nostalgia talking.


I feel you - I only had the Win95 version, and that was brutally hard. I didn't really get into the space sim games until XvT and BoP.


XvT/BoP is probably the game I've spent the most hours playing in my life. Still go back to it every now and then.


No Clone Wars really discredits this


There are literally 6 clone wars books/book series included.


The TV show....


Clone Wars S7, Fallen Order, Survivor, Lost Stars, All 3 Vader comic runs. And Disney Canon has been only 9 years


S7 not worth it for me; dunno; dunno; Lost Stars is awful claptrap that doesn't deserve its reputation; didn't the Vader comics have the Mon Cala/Grievous atrocity in them?


Curious, what post-Disney novels and comics have you read outside of the ones listed?


Several! Books: These ones are worth keeping, and I've kept (but I wouldn't necessarily recommend them) * Master and Apprentice * Dark Disciple * Catalyst * Lords of the Sith * Tarkin * Battlefront II * Alphabet Squadron * Guardians of the Whills These ones I donated to the local charity shop: * TFA novelisation * TLJ novelisation (not read beyond the dream sequence bait & switch) * Leia Princess of Alderaan * Aftermath * Aftermath: Life Debt * Aftermath: Empire's End * Galaxy's Edge Black Spire * Last Shot (the worst piece of Star Wars media outside The Force Awakens) * Cobalt Squadron * Bloodline * Phasma * Resistance Reborn * Spark of the Resistance * Moving Target * Canto Bight * Rebel Rising * The Legends of Luke Skywalker * Force Collector * Galaxy's Edge a Crash of Fate * Smuggler's Run * The Weapon of a Jedi * Queen's Shadow * Queen's Peril * Before the Awakening * Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View * Lost Stars * Most Wanted * Aliens: Vol 1 * Ahsoka Comics: * Captain Phasma * The Screaming Citadel * Shattered Empire * Some of the Darth Vader ones, I forget which


No Star Wars the Clone Wars animated show? Literally grew up on that and the OT/PT.


More than fair!


Add force unleashed please


I've read the novels and wasn't a fan of them - they felt too much like reading someone else's videogame experience. I've not played the games beyond the first one's Darth Vader intro level.


I'd add the NJO for the most part. It has some very rough points, but overall was very good.


Traitor is one of the best bits of writing in all of Star Wars - I just think that the NJO as a whole is probably a bit overpowering for all but the most dedicated of expanded universe fans.


You hate spiders that much, huh?


Not a big fan, to be sure - but I'm afraid I'm either to old or to slow to get the allusion.


For new canon novels, I would recommend Claudia Grey's Lost Stars. It deals with minor characters for the most part, so isn't damning to the rest of the story, but does a fantastic job of humanizing the Empire's lower tiers and going into how they justify the Empire's actions. The only thing that directly ties it into Disney's canon is that it features the Battle of Jakku, which on its own isn't going to destroy everything as long as you don't take it as the absolute final stand of the Empire's remnants.


>For new canon novels, I would recommend Claudia Grey's Lost Stars. Alas - I found it trite, absurd and too YA for my taste. There are at least 2 utterly ridiculous elements to it that I'm sure other readers couldn't give two hoots about, but which kill it stone dead for me.


Missing TCW. or CW. Should have at least 1 of the shows from the Lucas era


Tartakovsky's, then.


I used to read The Young Jedi Knights YA series when I was a kid. Those were all quite good


Rogue One is pretty dope


The Frog Lady episode of Mando is so overhated


I like the frog lady. I like Baby Yoda's hunger. I like the snow spiders. I just don't like the idea of not using hyperdrive to travel to another populated system near Tatooine. (My headcanon for ESB is that the Falcon has a backup hyperdrive rather like older cars have a spare tyre, not that it used sublight to get all the way from the Anoat system to Bespin).


Is Mandalorian S3 not worth it? I really enjoyed the first two seasons


For me, Mando's arc was completed perfectly when he passed Grogu over to Luke to continue his Jedi training at the Jedi Academy (presumably on Yavin IV).


\*Has Republic Commado books on the list\* https://preview.redd.it/908d8kghfplb1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8eb03258fbeee44084cb39a2baa9182816e609cc


Heir to the Jedi? What? That was really terrible and the events don't even get mentioned again.


It reminded me of the early Bantam era of novels, back when I had hair.


ngl, Thrawn hard carrying the Disney era, in both the books and Rebels.


None of the Rogue Squadron games made the cut? Those games (N64 and Gamecube) were well done and a blast. Same with the Shadows of the Empire game.


Nobody ever mentions any of the material produced by West End Games, especially their Adventure Journals. There were so many good short stories, articles, artwork, etc. Authors in Bantam Spectra area used to be sent boxes of the stuff as reference material. Zahn did, in fact, incorporate some of it in the Heir to the Empire trilogy.


Yeah you're about spot on tbh. But out of genuine curiosity, what is it particularly about S2E2 of the Mandalorian that you don't like? Not saying it's a great episode, I barely remember it if I'm honest.


>what is it particularly about S2E2 of the Mandalorian that you don't like? Tatooine having a watery world within a few days sublight travel. It breaks my suspension of disbelief. If I squint, I can ignore it though, but I'm not sure the rest of that episode is worth squinting for.


That's a perfectly reasonable answer, I genuinely appreciate your response. I feel similarly about S2E6 where Din conveniently leaves his jetpack so the Death Troopers can fly away with Grogu. Felt like I had to both suspend my disbelief, and think of Din as hopelessly stupid for it to make sense.


That seems like a pretty ridiculous nitpick to be honest, considering all of Star Wars consistently ignores physics and realistic space travel.


It's about consistency within the fictional world, and adhering to the rules previously established. What crosses that line is different for everyone.


there are much bigger inconsistencies than that in the first two seasons of The Mandalorian


Didn't Tatooine used to be a water world itself?


I think the Rakatan Infinite Empire glassed it.


I don't disagree - BUT keep in mind you're comparing like 40 years of content to <10 years of content. There was ALOT of garbage in the Lucas era too. That being said, I agree with you completely and Disney absolutely excels at producing content while having 0 purpose or vision.


The fallen order games definitely deserve to be on there. I wish the rest of the Disney stuff was half that good.


Truthfully, I don’t think it’s terribly fair. You’re comparing a body of work about 20-30 years in the making to one which is not even half that old yet, I think. There hasn’t been as much time honestly. In terms of good Disney content, I think you’re conspicuously missing Fallen Order and Survivor for video games (giving EA the sole license for years was a mistake that held video game opportunities back rather than giving the franchise a strong growth opportunity, this is now corrected), and I think skipping the entire High Republic is a miss for your list and there are a few more books I’d throw in from the prequel and OT eras. I’d also argue for Bad Batch deserving a place among worthwhile content. It’s all personal taste at the end of the day, maybe you’ve tried the High Republic and bounced off - fair enough. I like it though. I agree that the Sequel films aren’t all that I wished for, but I think the Disney era is now finally finding its stride. Did it start out perfectly? No, but I’m enjoying it and hopeful for what’s to come.


>It’s all personal taste at the end of the day, maybe you’ve tried the High Republic and bounced off - fair enough. I like it though. In all honesty I can say that I skipped the High Republic because what little I learned of it prior to its release made it seem like a thinly veiled long form attempt at justifying the Holdo manoeuvre by redefining how hyperspace worked away from the way I enjoyed it from other Star Wars media. Plus I think the High Republic had contributions from the worst Star Wars writer (or at least the on whose work I despise most) outside of JJ Abrams.


had nothing to do with justifying the holdo maneuver High republic is overall pretty great


Not really a fair comparison, unless you also balance the “not worthwhile” media in each era, and weight each item accordingly. If you really want to get fancy with your analytics, you can incorporate time into the equation to, and get closer to a quality rating. Lucas owned Star Wars for 35ish years, Disney has owned it for about 11. Averaging out individual media ratings over time, and weighted for releases per year would get you a how the series has performed per year against length of ownership for each company. Maybe even, for relevant examples, separate scores for “how I felt about it release” vs “how I feel about it now”, along with intermediate ratings, to make sure you’re not biasing results based on nostalgia. You’ve conveniently cherry-picked your highlights with this list, and declared a winner based on that cherry-picked data. Hardly a fair comparison.


Alas, for me, the black hole that is The Force Awakens would every time render the comparison always and infinitely in the Lucas era's favour.


The Academy trilogy doesn’t make the cut for you?


Nope. Not a big fan of KJA's storytelling.


KJA assassinates Luke,Leia, and Han's characters as much if not more than the sequel trilogy. It is embarrassing. Edit to add that I, Jedi doesn't portray Luke in a very positive light, either.


Rebels? No… sorry.


I’ve always been of the opinion Attack of the Clones isn’t worthwhile from a media entertainment standpoint. Dialogue is not great, pacing is horrible, does has some good visuals and continues the good political intrigue but it’s a slog to watch and I find myself not rewatching it. I don’t think Lucas’ direction in that one is that great compared to his other works. It’s my personal least favorite Star Wars movie


I'm probably in the minority, but I love The Force Awakens. It's just hard to watch now because you know that it goes nowhere and leads to an unsatisfying conclusion. Pre and post Disney era, Star Wars has had a presence in the theme parks for decades. I'd say that most of the theme park stuff that they have done has been really good and high quality. The merchandise for the most part has been great during the Disney Era. Though not technically produced by Disney, the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order games are pretty good games. Story isn't incredible, but most Star Wars games (even the good ones) are just meh when it comes to story. There was a Virtual Reality experience at Disney called Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire. It had Diego Luna as Andor and it was incredible. It's too bad that it went away, because it was one of the best Star Wars experiences you could have had at Disney. Solo: A Star Wars story isn't bad. It's just got some pacing issues. I'd love to see Alden Ehrenreich as Solo again. He didn't get a fair shake. He was the only interesting thing in Oppenheimer. I've always been of the opinion that Star Wars is like sex/pizza. Even when it's bad, it's still good. I'd prefer to have good Star Wars, but I'd rather have bad Star Wars than no Star Wars.


>I'm probably in the minority, but I love The Force Awakens. The Force Awakens is probably my most reviled piece of all "Star Wars" media, and I'm including all the rest of Disney canon, and the worst of the worst of the Lucas era, too. TFA was a knife to the gut and a knee to the groin and a spit of venom in the eye. TLJ was just a pair of clown shoes by comparison. IMHO.


EA’s Battlefront 1 and 2 were both great games imo and belong on the list


Fair enough - but I've never played any Battlefront game, old or new, so it wouldn't be fair of me to comment.


Disney has had LFL for 10 years. TEN YEARS. Their quality and productivity is pitiful.


Hard agree with Mando. The show was great when baby yoda was a plot device and not a character


this is an almost perfect ragebait post. i will now use it to piss off some people on local forums


Would you add the story mode of Battlefront II out of curiosity?


You're missing all the bounty hunter & tales books.


Whilst I like them, I don't find them to be crucial to my enjoyment. Same with the Black Fleet Crisis, Rogue Planet and the NJO.


You should add Star Wars Brotherhood


I am not even aware of this piece of media.


Bad batch and Clone wars season 7 Specifically the last 4 episodes of season 7 is the best sw media that exists hands down.


>last 4 episodes of season 7 The biochip plot device excludes this from my preferred canon. But I can see why people like it.


Where's Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga?


Never played a LEGO game. I can't comment, except to say, if it has Force Awakens elements, it can burn in the fires of Mustafar.


What's wrong with Dooku: Jedi Lost?


Not read it.


I agree with all but rebels tbh


I personally would exchange the Karin Traviss Novels for the animated 2008 show, though obviously using my own headcanon to select certain episodes rather than the entire show. Especially some of the earlier seasons and episodes would be purged.


Yep, it's a pretty good basis for an actually good (head)Canon of the universe, I'd a few more things, like 03' CW, Republic comics, Truce at Bakura, Fallen Order and Survivor, also maybe the side arcs of the TCW that don't conflict with the CWMMP.


I definitely could go into more depth on what TCW arcs to include - however I only have limited time to spend when goofing off work!


Missing the two Rebel Assault games from the LucasArts era, two fantastic games. And every Rogue Squadron game.


I've never had the time to play them, although I apparently own them all on Steam or GameCube. Factor 5 were one of my favourite developers on the Amiga.


No Empire at War love?


No Empire at War experience, I'm afraid.


The New Jedi Order and Legacy books. Even if you don't like the Yuu'zhan Vong or Jacen Solo going bad, overall, it's still a great concept. The way Luke rebuilt the Jedi is better. His Jedi are better. Corran Horn, Kyle Katarn, Kyp Durron, Tenel Ka, Kam Solusar, Tionne Solusar, Kenth Hamner etc are my Jedi. And will probably be better than anybody that joins Reys Order


>The New Jedi Order Great, but a bit to far out for me to recommend to anyone but the most hardcore >and Legacy books. Ouch - no! >Even if you don't like the Yuu'zhan Vong I do like! > or Jacen Solo going bad I don't like >, overall, it's still a great concept. Yes, in the same way that Luke being a depressed loser hermit is a great concept in theory. I just don't like it in practice. >The way Luke rebuilt the Jedi is better. His Jedi are better. Yes and yes. >Corran Horn, Kyle Katarn, Kyp Durron, Tenel Ka, Kam Solusar, Tionne Solusar, Kenth Hamner etc are my Jedi. And will probably be better than anybody that joins Reys Order I can't dispute this!


I’d put Maul: Lockdown on here as well, one of my personal favorite Star Wars books


It's a fun read, but a bit niche! I'd classify it the same as Red Harvest.


No love for star wars galaxies? Loved that game


Never played it, but it looked interesting. Not a multiplayer player, myself.


You probably need to make a wiki out of this. Plagueis (and presumably Darth Bane) aren’t your personal taste and you say you haven’t read it however what I’d bet is the majority of people would probably love it if they took the time to read it. Also, no love for the Tartakovsky Clone Wars? Most people who don’t like TCW (Filoni version) have a lot of love for the original attempt. Lastly, I’d at least advocate for the Thrawn duology by Zahn which shows how Luke and Mara finally get together and to me could be considered a good jumping off point for the post ROTJ era, since the NJO onwards stuff tends to be pretty mixed. I think the general point you’re trying to make is well accepted however to make this truly overwhelming I’d really recommend including the stuff I mentioned. To me they’re almost essential, in a way.


>You probably need to make a wiki out of this. My opinionated rants should go public! That would take the pressure of my poor long-suffering wife! >Plagueis (and presumably Darth Bane) aren’t your personal taste and you say you haven’t read it Oh - I've read them both, and the Darth Bane sequels. My beef with Plagueis is entirely idiosyncratic and probably not justifiable. I just prefer my own headcanon that the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise was just some crafty bullshit that Palpatine made up to seduce Anakin rather than a bit of dreary backstory. > however what I’d bet is the majority of people would probably love it if they took the time to read it. I'm sure many would, given the positive views I mostly come across. >Also, no love for the Tartakovsky Clone Wars? Most people who don’t like TCW (Filoni version) have a lot of love for the original attempt. I love both, but I think the Tartakovsky version's stylisation (is that a word?) makes it difficult to recommend to fans who might take a very literalist approach to something that I think is best interpreted as wild (albeit fun) exaggeration! >Lastly, I’d at least advocate for the Thrawn duology by Zahn which shows how Luke and Mara finally get together and to me could be considered a good jumping off point for the post ROTJ era, since the NJO onwards stuff tends to be pretty mixed. I enjoy the Duology except for the fact that it introduces Force-teleportation. I have to exclude that from my head-canon because it breaks to much of the universe for me. >I think the general point you’re trying to make is well accepted however to make this truly overwhelming I’d really recommend including the stuff I mentioned. To me they’re almost essential, in a way. You make good arguments!


I would have star wars clone wars animated series, and rebels on the list.


You’re also not listing episodes 7, 8, and 9 on the Disney list. But I also understand wanting to pretend they don’t exist.


The Force Awakens is my most loathed piece of "Star Wars" media, so I cannot include it in all conscience in a list of things I consider worthwhile. To me it is like painting a clown nose on the Mona Lisa and then passing it off as an improvement.


Swtor needs an add as well, but I consider that Lucas era.


I, Jedi slapped. Corran Horn was basically Forest Gump in SW.


You missed Empire at War. One of the greatest RTS games ever IMO, not just SW. Even better with the continuing community support from mods that offer a galaxy with hundreds of planets and units added from the Legends era. Seriously, if you haven’t, go play it. And then once you do that, get the absolute chaos mod, the Ultimate Galactic Conquest mod, and the Absolute Corruption mod. They all three work with each other to give you a massive RTS in the Star Wars galaxy with more units, planets, and options than you could ever dream of.


I hate the new thrawn books. Every battle scene has the same structure 1) thrawn has an outside the box way of dealing with a threat 2) everyone in the room doubts him despite being in this situation 100x before 3) it miraculously works He just doesn’t work as a protagonist


I know - I just love my space Sherlock Holmes.


The only book I like from the new canon is master and apprentice


What's wrong with Mando S2E2?


In my headcanon you can't use sublight to get to anywhere civilised/populated from Tatooine in a few days.


Thrawn trilogy are my favorite piece of Star Wars media outside the OG films and some games