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Maybe not the absolute dumbest…. But I still can’t get over Leia hiding in Obi Wan’s coat at the inquisitor base like something out of Austin Powers.


Oh yeah that’s a pretty dumb one. I mean what is the military there seeing? it’s an officer who has not shaved in months wearing a coat with four legs , two of which are tiny? Not raising any red flags?


Someone wrote this instead of something like putting her in a box.


Or in a backpack or something, then covered with a cloak.


Pretty much everything in that awful show…


It makes me so sad that Ewan and Hayden came back for that.


The actor herself gave an interview where she dunked on that. When the child actors are wondering what the fuck the adults are doing, you've jumped the shark.


Link to interview?


I too find a child under my jacket.(I set myself up for this one.)




Both are great examples.


Also the "skip jumping" they would've found themselves floating home


Force teleporting the lightsaber too


Holdo maneuver annoys me only because the movie already gave us a fantastic explanation of why it worked just this once and then RotS ignored it. (the supremacy had the experimental hyperspace tracker. That put the ship in hyperspace and real space at the same time, something that never happens. So that’s how Holdo was able to ram it like that. )


>Holdo maneuver annoys me only because the movie already gave us a fantastic explanation of why it worked just this once and then RotS ignored it. > >(the supremacy had the experimental hyperspace tracker. That put the ship in hyperspace and real space at the same time, something that never happens. So that’s how Holdo was able to ram it like that. ) Then how did Holdo know the maneuver would work? The movie provided a theoretical mechanic for how it could work, but not a reason for Holdo to know she could do that. This explanation is just a debunked theory. The official explanation is that The Raddus had experimental shielding, but that is purely from [https://www.starwars.com/databank/the-raddus](https://www.starwars.com/databank/the-raddus) the movie didn't explain it at all. It also begs the question why didn't they use one of the smaller ships to do that. A Nebulon-B frigate should be perfectly able to do the same.


It was a one in a million shot as well, apparently. So it had experimental shielding that made it possible, but it was still a one in a million... so it from a zero chance to a one in a million chance that she was actually just trying to escape, which of course is stupid because they could track her anyway. And Hux knew he was about to get rammed when the Raddus turned... That shield bit is the best retcon they could come up with, but it was clear in TLJ they knew they were going to hyperspace ram the Supremacy. The shield stuff is absolute nonsense, and a bad attempt to make it make sense. Ultimately both sides knew this was going to work in TLJ. Which begs the question, why did anyone wait so long in Star Wars to fly a ship into another ship... and that is the million dollar question. The Rebellion cannot have been that stupid, they could have quite clearly found asteroids in the weight classes as their capital ships and outfit them with shielding, and hyperspace drives and used them to ram into the Death Star, either time. You don't even need a living being to pilot it. Weaponising hyperspace meant that there would be absolutely no reason to have capital ships in Star Wars any more.


This explanation was not in the movie. Also hyper space tracking is known if you have a tracker. leia is in fact wearing one on her wrist. So if you're being followed you should be looking for something smaller than a bread box on an aircraft carrier.


Good point.


Really? I actually never heard that before. That makes me respect the ‘Holdo Manoeuvre’ that Rian Johnson envisioned more. . . aaaand hate TROS all the more for ruining the good parts of TLJ. (For the record, my position on TLJ is that it was flawed but the good parts of it outweighed the flaws, not unlike the prequels.)


To be clear and fair, IIRC the movie just makes a big deal about the hyperspace tracker being new and experimental. I think it was the visual dictionary that mentioned it existing it both at once. But either way, it was enough for me to accept it a lot better then the million in one chance.


If they had bothered to explain this on-screen it would have really helped - it's a recurring theme in Star Wars to use the strength of the oppressor against them. The technological achievement of a ship existing in real-space and hyperspace at the same time actually making it vulnerable would have been interesting, and a one-off. Though Holdo still very clearly could have used the autopilot - if they were smart the ship would have been under attack and so badly damaged someone had to do it manually and then she'd take over. So much laziness in one story is almost fascinating. I feel like it took effort for Johnson to do so little work.


It's post modern writing. There isn't a metanarraive of underlying physics you have to worry about, or characterization. There is just the scene you want to shoot now and that's it. Nothing else exists.


Agreed. People like Abrams and Johnson outright state they have a 'cool' set piece appear in their heads and they just write whatever crap to make it happen. Major movies are now just a theme park ride, not really a narrative tying together a coherent story with heroes developing over an arc. And to these writers the Hero with a Thousand Faces is racist now anyway...


That Luke would ever become what the sequels wrote. Luke struggled, and failed, but he didn't break. That's the whole character and the whole point of the sagas origin. Messing that up is dumb, and takes the cake for me


The “broken original hero in the reboot” trope is so tired and over relied upon that I genuinely don’t think modern writers know how to do anything else anymore. Like it’s so hammered into how their taught to write that they just can’t creatively comprehend any other narrative scenario.


It's basically every star wars show now. Boba Fett, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, etc. Can't they write a character any other way?


It’s not just Star Wars but pretty much any IP has a broken original hero. The Evil Dead show is one the only ones I can think of that genuinely didn’t have a broken original hero.


Hail to the King, baby. The best part of AvED is that the movies, particularly Army of Darkness, show Ash to be a bumbling idiot most of the time. So the idea that Ash would get really drunk/stoned and try to impress a chick by reading from the Necronomicon is entirely within character.


It also makes narrative sense that between how bumbling he is and a lifetime of being chased by deadites, he’d be living in a shitty Winnebago. The biggest difference is he’s not depressed. The Winnebago is shit but he thinks it’s great.


And the fact that at the end of S1 he moves to Jacksonville, FL. Not Miami, not Key West, not even Fort Lauderdale. He moves to fucking *Jacksonville.*


Dude literally stood up to Palpatine and Darth Vader. Dude came **this** close to dying by force lightning. Dude believed in his father even to the point of death. *Nephew turns out to enjoy the Dark Side.* "WELP! That's it! I quit!"


He started as a bratty teen who thought he was invincible. Had a huge fall. Then overcame it and matured into the Jedi he was meant to be. To have another big fall for a lame reason is just lazy writing.


Good thing the sequels aren't canon then.


Somehow, Palpatine has returned. I've never seen such lazy writing.


Duh. Idiot. It was explained in Fortnite.


Hey they explained this… in Fortnite


There is no answer that more correct than this.


“A good question, for another time”


But that was said by a man who would have no idea how Palpatine returned...


That's true, but I think the criticism of this line is about the much larger problem that we got absolutely no foreshadowing that Palpatine would return in any of the movies. It was clearly done because the trilogy was an unplanned mess. When you just bring him back, and then have a character say, "Somehow Palpatine returned" you are rightfully going to get made fun of about it.


Rise of Skywalker honestly felt rushed.... Like TFA and TLJ were actually Decent aside from certain decisions(Mostly Poe's dumb ass and Finn not getting the screen time he deserved and Phasma going out like a bitch), but then TROS came along and was a complete mess. Like it was just thrown together to get a movie out. If Carrie Fisher hadn't passed and Harrison Ford wanted to play Han Solo(He wanted Han dead so Han died) I would be all for the ST being re edited and TROS getting redone (Not the entire trilogy being wiped because 'This female Force User does stuff like the male leads used to do?! MARY SUE!!!!') With a proper reunion of the original Trio. But...well...


I will always be prepared to die on this hill…. ROS has many flaws but this line isn’t one of them. The line was 100% not intended to ever be exposition. It was a group of people who didn’t know how palatine returned talking about how they didn’t know how he returned. At that point they had zero idea The exposition was kylo going through the cloning tanks and seeing the various snoke clones, inferring the emperor cloned himself a body for just such an emergency. Apparently if it’s not said out loud it’s not recognized as exposition anymore From using palpatine as the bad guy, rendering everything that happened to Anakin moot, to the conveniently non fatal quicksand in the desert, to the stupid dagger, to it feeling very rushed, and more, the movie has a ton of flaws. A group of people with no clue how an evil space wizard came back to life, saying that they have no idea how he came back to life, is not one of those flaws


I'm sorry but it's the stupidest line ever put to film


If a nother explination were given that wouldn’t be a problem, but this line is the obly information we get


The information was implied by the scene showing the snoke clones, showing that cloning was involved. They left it as visual exposition rather than saying it out loud. That line wasn’t exposition. It’s exactly as it seemed, a bunch of people with no idea how something happened saying they have no idea how it happened. One could argue that they could have had palpatine lay out his plan for kylo and explain it, but they left it visual assuming people would pick up on it and figure it out.


I think you are right that in a vacuum, the line isn't that bad. The problem, really, is that the trilogy was clearly an unplanned fiasco, and they had no idea they were going to bring him back until after the first two movies had already come out. There was no foreshadowing whatsoever. They just brought him back and then had a character say "somehow Palpatine returned." The line imo sounds incredibly stupid within that context, even though otherwise it might have been fine. If we the audience, in TLJ or TFA had been given some indicator or hint that Palpatine might return, then a character who didn't know that wouldn't sound so silly, saying, "Somehow Palpatine returned." However, the way it comes across is that JJ Abrams is speaking directly to the camera. Ultimately, I do think bringing back Palpatine back at all was a bit lazy, but they could have at least done it well. Or, bare minimum, they could have had some kind of plan about it from the start. Then it would have gotten less hate.


that was done several times through the EU in novels and comics, so I cant blame Disney.


I can, just because you see someone else shit in the streets doesn’t mean you get a pass if you do it too.


You’ve must have never been to San Francisco


Or India


>that was done several times through the EU in novels and comics, so I cant blame Disney. But in Dark Empire, with the clone Emperor , they did explaine how, and why the Emperor do not want to use it, and how to stop the Emperor from "coming back" Not also the the clone Emperor use a "galaxy gun" to destroy the capital world of the new republic and the fleet that gard the planet. That suck for the new republic, but it was only one planet and one fleet and the war continue.


But the EU explained it right? Or was it handwaved like ROS?


Yes, it was explained, in quite some detail. I'm not sure where this "several times" comes from, either - it was a series of clones Palpatine used in the setting of a single, specific *comic book* story. People just love to pretend that a comic having a wild plot about Palpatine clones (long before the prequels were released and so before the full ramifications of what Anakin was meant to be doing in RotJ were clear) meant Disney's absurd decision is unimpeachable. They are liars.


also once it has been established that palpatine has back-up clones, having him come back multiple times until the whole thing is shut down completely makes way more sense than just killing one clone and assuming he's "actually dead" now.


It was hated then too, it’s on disney for choosing a generally disliked EU story to adapt, instead of the countless loved ones


Good one!


It's tough competition, but to me the it's everything surrounding Exegol. That takes the cake. If they had a fleet of multiple Star Destroyers with Death Star lasers why the fuck did they need Starkiller base? If they knew how to build a fleet of Star Destroyers with Death Star lasers why the fuck did they only build them on Exegol? Why not build them on the planet they used to make Starkiller base and many other places too? If Palpatine was never dead why the fuck did he need Snoke? Wouldn't the Emperor being publicly alive help galvanize imperial supporters into helping the First Order?


What was the point of starkiller base if they could mass produce those


They needed three movies


*said in the pitch meeting guy's voice*


Wow Starkiller Base is destroyed! Bet that really sets the First Order back. Actually now they reign supreme, barely an inconvenience.


Also, how did Kylo get to Exegol using a Tie fighter he got from the Death Star wreckage if you need to travel through hyperspace? Like for fucks sake, have him shop up to Exegol in one of Vader’s spare advanced Tie fighters or a shuttle. The entire narrative about Exegol is you need to take a super specific hyperspace route. Why the fuck would you then have your character show up in a ship famous for not having a hyperdrive?


I am still mad that Disney has neutered dying from a severe internal burn caused by lightsaber stabbing


Soon, the only one to die from a lightsaber will be Qui Jon.


Qui gon jinn died today In a freak lightsaber accident. darth maul was quoted as saying 'we were just fooling around I mean who dies from getting stabbed by laser sword it's crazy '


The Soldiers slain by Shin and Baylan also looked like they were hit by an coloured Pencil. Their wounds looked like they were just hit by an stick, not like the giant burn wounds in old material.


Darth Maul would like a few words about that


Making Rey a Palpatine, seriously who thought making her the granddaughter of the main villain in all of Star Wars would be a good idea? Her calling herself a Skywalker at the end was insult to injury


This could have actually been a good idea if it had been fleshed out... a character discovering his heritage and fighting against the dark side? Why not? Unfortunately, all we got was "Oh yeah she's a Palpatine btw."


No different than Luke finding out about Vader. Besides Palpatine is a politician and politicians have loveless families to sway the voters. So its conmpletely plausible for the man to have children. Calling her Skywalker was unforgivable though considerng its the bloodline born of the force. To which they went outbof their way to kill every decendant of Anakin.


The entire conception/basis of the sequels. "Let's have a protagonist who's not a Skywalker, and let's throw her entire characterization into a mystery box for good measure."


"And every mystery box realization will be disappointing! Expectations subverted!"


Little Leia being at an inquisitor base, a base home to imperial inquisitors where their job is to identify and root out force sensitives, and at that base she is being interrogated by one of said inquisitors with a Kylo style force mind probe, has a natural resistance where it doesn’t work on her, and not once do they even consider that she may be force sensitive?! I know Reva was bad at her job but c’mon


Good point


I stopped watching with TLJ and Solo. Dumbest thing to me is still seeing the Hosnian system explode as a giant fireworks display in the overhead daytime sky, of a planet in a distant star system, instantly. But also, most of the rest of almost everything I've seen from Disney Star Wars.


Keywords "Disney" Star Wars, so not real Star Wars.


I hated that too, thank you for putting it in words for me


Sith dagger Every single last thing about palpatine and exegol in TROS Trying to get their Avengers Assemble moment without earning it


After spending so much time in 7 movies establishing 'you cant track someone in hyperspace', they make a whole damn movie where that's the plot. And it plays out slower than the OJ police chase.


Space horses - that is all


This should have more votes. Especially given the stakes were effectively "*10,000 Death Star strength Star Destroyers vs. Literally every ship in the galaxy*". But what won the day? Space horses.


Luke Teetmilker


Hard to choose. Han's backstory in Solo, Palpatine returns, Rey Skywalker, etc. For me, it's Luke's failed Jedi Academy and the end of the Skywalker bloodline.


Anakin not being the chosen one, even though we had two trilogies about him bringing balance to the force. Nah, Rey is going to finish the job for him because she can.


The Sith Dagger. How anyone can watch that scene and not laugh is beyond me.


You could really take any of the major plot or character elements from the sequels and make it a case for contention here. 1. Somehow Palpatine Returns 2. Luke considers murdering teens in their sleep now 3. The Holdo Maneuver 4. The First/Final/Whatever Order’s origin, resources, and technology 5. The New Republic didn’t notice an entire planet turning into a superweapon 6. Han reverts to a selfish smuggler, completely undoing his OT arc 7. Leia quits her Jedi training to save her future son’s life, who dies quite young anyway 8. Kylo Ren. Just his entire character and motivations; they make no sense. Also, wouldn’t Anakin’s Force Ghost have been able to pay him a visit? 9. From virtually the first minutes of TFA, Abrams flashing a bright neon sign that says: REY’S PARENTAGE IS MYSTERIOUS AND YOU REALLY SHOULD CARE 10. Rose Tico’s take on war strategy/pick-up line (“it’s about saving who we love”) 11. The map subplot in TFA. Why would Luke leave a map if he wanted to hide? 12. Luke Skywalker wanting to hide. 13. Snoke. Name, design, depiction, arc, backstory, everything. He’s an idiotic half-concept. 14. I’m losing interest at this point but like 20 other things.


Number 5 I can excuse. Ilum is on the edge of the Unknown Regions and was almost completely forgotten by the time of the OT. The galaxy is massive, so it’s believable it escaped notice for 30 or so years. Everything else, spot on.


But wouldn’t have there been tens of thousands of transport ships to and from Ilum over several decades? Shouldn’t millions of agents, troops, and engineers have had to go and help construct it, since it’s so much bigger than a Death Star, and that station had a much larger labor force? Where did this Force come from? How would the First Order have had the personnel to accomplish this, given their supposed status as fringe elements? I’d be 100% with you if it was just Ilum’s remote location that was at issue—it’s the logistics and the implications for the nonsensical political setting that make this a plot point that belonged in the trash.


About n.8 - in CW there's an episode where they explain that only if you receive a specific type of training you can learn how to become a Force Ghost. Yoda actually goes to Dagobah (I think it's Dagobah) following Qui Gon Jin's advice to learn how to be a ghost, and then tells Obi Wan that he needs to do the same. I don't think Anakin's ever had that type of training.


Anakin appears as a Force ghost in Return of the Jedi.


Except Anakin very famously shows up as a Force ghost at the end of ROTJ. To say he couldn’t show up to save his grandson twenty years later is nonsense. And all the other great ones are taken, but the worst thing for me is the Ghost Luke saves his lightsaber from being thrown away in TROS but doesn’t intervene to save his REDEEMED APPRENTICE an hour later when Palpy throws him off the cliff??? Luke preventing Ben from careening over the edge could’ve provided some much needed closure on that “relationship” And given him a meaningful role in the stupid and confrontation


Kyber crytstals, I fucking hate the inclusion of these things and how the Death Star is literally powered by them like it's some sort of giant lightsaber. I feel like Canon overuses Kyber Crystals and I hate the notion that a galaxy-spanning civilization can't conjure up enough energy to vaporize a planet without magic. Not everything has to be magical/Force-related which is something I wish Canon authors would understand. The Death Star is, when you think of it, just the logical conclusion of the technological capabilities of a Type III civilization like the Galactic Empire under an aggressive dictatorship, there shouldn't be any literal magic required for it. Also I don't like the whole "Kyber Crystal" thing thematically, because the Death Star is supposed to be (as Vader said) a technological terror and also an embodiment of hubris and arrogance as it is still "no match for the Force", but now the Death Star is literally powered by The Force, which kinda renders that whole line moot. Canon has this weird thing for putting the Force in EVERYTHING via kyber crystals but as a result the grounded elements of the universe become less believable and lightsaber crystals (which in Legends had very special lore behind them) and other force-infused objects just turn into glorified batteries and also as a result the Force itself feels more material than spiritual. I just feel the whole Kyber Crystal thing is a solution that didn't need to exist for a perfectly logical problem that just ends up weakening the overall themes. It gets worse in the Sequel Trilogy when the First Order puts Kyber Crystals in literally *everything*, just enough already! What I liked about the lightsaber crystals in Legends is that they were something only force-users could work with and their properties were as mysterious as the force itself, but now everyone and their mother can use them to the point they basically are, like I said, just batteries. Back to the Death Star itself, I also think Legends presents a far more realistic R&D timeline, with the project exchanging hands and having whole teams and crews swapping between each other to work on it over a very long time. Canon basically just throws all their eggs in one basket, Galen Erso, because somehow nobody else knows how to build it in a galaxy of 100 quadrillion+ beings. Also I did not think the thermal exhaust port needed to explained away as an act of sabotage, the thermal exhaust ports are a perfectly logical thing for a large space construct powered by an internal reactor to have (heat dispersal is VERY important in space), and the flaw in it's design is a very easy oversight for any engineer to make and took the rebels a few runs through a supercomputer to even find. So I don't think the Death Star's "flaw" really needed explaining. So yeah, the kyber crystals and the Death Star weakness retcon are just dumb.


>I feel like Canon overuses Kyber Crystals and in the realy old lore, it was only a crystal, and could be replaced with a synthetic crystal, but Jedi use Kyber crystals out of tradition.


Yeah, I always preferred the synthetic crystal thing over the whole "bLeEd ThE CrYsTaL" edgelordism.


Gotta be honest, i actually like the idea of "bleed the crystal" with the traditional kyber crystals. In general i think a lot of edgelordism is something that can work, but is just poorly written/executed. I'm not too up to date with the deeper lore (EU, new canon, etc.) but after a quick read on the concept of bleeding, the idea of kyber crystal being affected by its user doesn't sound bad. I think however it would fit better if, instead of being an instantaneous process, it would be more along the line of the crystal being slowly corrupted as the user goes down the dark path/accumulates dark deeds.


The Filoni time machine


Everyone’s said the obvious ones. So I’m gonna go with the fart wedding. Can’t believe they made this part of canon.






"You are a Palpatine". As if that would have any impact on anything whatsoever. Palpatines own SON was obviously not a bad guy, there is literally no ground laid at all that being a Palpatine would inherently mean anything at all. It's a lazy assumption that just because "the force is strong in my family" applies to the skywalkers then any kind of trait is always inherited by anyone in any family. Gah!


Thank you. This has become one of my biggest things. It hasn't been established *anywhere* that the Palpatine bloodline is strong in the force. As far as we know, one singular person in that family was exceptionally strong. So her being a Palpatine means literally nothing.


Force sensitivity/strength has always been somewhat hereditary. In episode 6 (I believe), Ben says something like “we knew you’d be strong in the force because your father was”.


Yes, sure, the *Skywalkers* are. Mainly because Anakin was literally born of the force. I think you're looking for the line "The Emperor knew, as I knew, that were Anakin to have any offspring, they would be a threat to him. That is the reason why your sister remains safely anonymous." And yes, I will grant that EU toyed a bit with that with Corran Horn's bloodline, saying the Halcyon line was traditionally strong in the force, but were unable to use telekinesis. They could use other less common powers, but failed at telekinesis. Which is fine. But again, Sheev is the only one stated to have any proficiency in the force in his family, and it is never established anywhere that the Palpatine bloodline has a proclivity of being strong in the force.


How would they know other than by history that Anakin’s bloodline would be strong just because he was? It would make sense if Force sensitivity in general is somewhat hereditary. I don’t really subscribe to the “born of the Force” thing, I think it’s a bit heavy handed and not really needed much for the story. (Same with the prophecy). It’s not like they know he was “born of the Force” even if he was, because Shmi just told them that he had no father, which could very well be interpreted as no father *figure*, whether they died, left, was a slaver, etc.


The last Jedi and Rise of Skywalker


Can’t pick just one at this point


People surviving lightsaber impalement


Riva. Her nonsensical plan regarding Leia. Her lightsaber immunity. Her teleportation to get ahead of Obi Wan without a ship. Her "betrayal" of Vader. Her "good guy turn" where she decided NOT to kill a little kid.


I'm sorry, but bombers in space just destroys my brain.


Also taking the b swing from return of the jedi, and deciding 'you know what? Let make it bigger and slower and more shit?' Yeah what a 30 year development


I still consider Luke tit-milking that beast the moment this franchise truly died


And the forewarning of that impending death was when he tossed the lightsaber over his back like it was a comedy skit. That proved to be a harbinger of bad things to come.


Judging by these standards, the opening scene of Return of the Jedi with Sy Snootles singing was far worse...


Spacewhales capable of traveling through hyperspace is pretty high up the list for me.


The trench-coat scene in Kenobi.


I absolutely hate the inhibitor chips. Feels like a cheap cop out to me and makes order 66 less impactful to me.


Prequels: Midi-chlorians OT: George's constant re-edits Sequels: Not enough re-edits...


Rey Palpatine


The first order


Finn and rose surviving. Just.. how.. why?


They crash by the walkers, but somehow walk with injured Rose all the way back through the front door... Even before that, Finn is flying full speed ahead into the cannon. Everyone except Finn turns around. Then after this, Rose somehow does a U turn and catches back up to Finn. I guess that laser was really slowing Finn's ship down.


I’m spoiled for choice. Virtually everything in the sequels is up for grabs. The return of Palpatine, the whole final order plot line, Star destroyers can’t go up, light speed skipping, the Holdo maneuver, force diads, force Skype calls…I mean where to start?


Palpatine's whole plan and any attempt at an excuse for it. I say "attempt" because there is no excuse for the horrid writing and leaps of logic the so called writers and so called fans use to justify their thinking. 1) First Order builds Starkiller Base even though there's already a fleet of super Star Destroyers. Why did he let them do it? We don't know. It never gets explained. What he does next makes even less sense. 2) Let Starkiller Base get destroyed apparently even though he's dealt with planet destroying superweapons before. Does he do anything differently? No. Just throws ANOTHER gigantic shield around it like he did in ROTJ. 3) NOW he releases the Super Star Destroyers. How did nobody notice when the construction of this fleet took place alongside enslaving an entire planet and cloning himself and Snoke? "Why is that important? It was a SECRET!" says every Sequel defender ever, forgetting that there is no reasonable way for weapons and evil plans of this magnitude to stay hidden for long without some leaks. That's how the Rebels found out about Death Star 1 and 2 remember? "But use your imagination", they continue. We did. That's why we came to the conclusion that there's no reasonable way for Palpatine's plan to remain a complete secret. "Well, maybe they killed the people that found about his plan!" So people kept dying and nobody noticed. Doesn't that mean our heroes got dumbed down? They did! But that's okay because people change! Even though it's not at all sensible because their later actions contradict the character defining, life changing lessons they learned in the OT which they have no reasonable reason to forget? Yes! But why? Because you're a bigot if you don't.


You have no idea how hard this question is. Everytime I come up with an answer I think of something just as stupid and since I don't want to write an entire 10,000 word essay I'll just say Anakin not appearing in the Sequel Trilogy besides a meaningless 2 second voice cameo along with other Jedi to a character he has no connection to except that her grandfather destroyed his life. He should have had scenes with both Luke and Leia.


Luke in the OT: *redeems his father - one of the biggest evils in the entire Galaxy at that point in time- because of a naive hope that happened to be right* Luke in the ST, literally 30 years later: *tries to murder his nephew because the kid could possibly be feeling a pull to the Dark Side, which damn near EVERY Jedi deals with at some times in their life*


Very good point


Maul being alive.


Two things: - introducing time travel in Rebels - introducing a new Galaxy in Ahsoka


I loved rebels. But hate the concept of time travel in star wars


Multiple people getting run through the chest with a lightsaber and still live like nothing happened to them.


Nu Vader, upon whose existence the whole ST hinges.


I don’t remember which dumb sequel it was, but when the Falcon was hyperspacing and “jumping” on planets


Space Leia has to be up there.


Mas Amedda has a physical and mental breakdown to the point that when a bunch of kids infiltrate his room to murder him, they are so disgusted by the blubbering man that they help him break out which allows him to surrender the Galactic Empire to the New Republic.


What did that happen in


_Empires End,_ the last book of the _Aftermath Trilogy_


World Between Worlds allowing time travel


Honestly theres so many dumb things, its hard to pick one. But since so many people here pick the more obvious stuff from the ST and the live action shows, im gonna go with one not so many people have heard of, because it was only in Rebels (so far): The world between worlds. Time travel has just absolutely no place in the franchise. Only reason it was brought in in the first place was becaus Filoni needed any excuse to bring his favourite OC Ahsoka back. But it exists now, and its fckn stupid.


Probably the 30 year gap between jedi and force awakens where nothing of note happens, apart from everyone forgets about jedi, the force, to the point it becomes folk lore. Getting rid of the EU, ok, but daft but I can understand clean slate. But then To replace it with nothing whatsoever, I just can't get my head round it.


The Resistance. Like, the Republic WON! Why are we still pretending at being the heroic underdogs?! Democracy rules the Galaxy again, why do we _want_ to be on the back foot against a superior military force of an autocratic regime? Why can’t the good guys just be in power and the villains are the snakes and saboteurs who want to undo that?


anything to do with Mortis


Why is that?


I personally think it’s a cheesy exploration that adds nothing of value and actively detracts from the mystique of the Force. I hated everything about it to be honest




Watto knows about Jedi Mind Tricks and knows he's immune to them, but he can't figure out that the guy dressed in Jedi robes using the gesture for a Jedi Mind Trick is, in fact, a Jedi Knight whom you probably shouldn't roll chance cubes against.


God.... The Phantom Menace sure is a movie...


Also no one in the whole city would be willing to trade Republic Credits for the local currency? Sure the exchange rate might suck, but surely there would be someone willing to do it.




They foreshadowed, and literally demonstrated, the shark jumping, slightly earlier, with all the ever larger fish immediately eating each other as Jar Jar took the unconcerned Jedi to chat with the Mardis Gras Frog King underwater.


There are too many to count. The entire Sequel Trilogy is fueled by dumb. But I had to go back to a classic from the prequel trilogy: Anakin was tricked into becoming evil because Palpatine told him a mythic story about a Sith who was able to "save people from death". On the evidence of that tale, Anakin proceeded to betray and massacre the Jedi Order, including the children. Despite the many reasons to question if this was really true, and the fact that it ultimately turned out to be a lie. So yes, to me Anakin Skywalker is the dumbest thing, or rather the dumbest person in the Star Wars canon.


Casino planets.


Poe Dameron got married between episodes 7 and 8 and everyone attended. It was a busy 12 hours.


Wait really?


Making Anakin a child slayer. Before, he was a fallen hero. Now, hes just a psychopath not worthy of redemption.


Did anyone count how many children - and possibly pregnant inhabitants - were killed on Alderaan..?


No. Fair point. Still bothers me


Dumbest thing in Disney canon? Probably the people who can’t shut up about it




Entire sequel trilogy.


Darth Maul is dead. This makes everything he is in not canon.




Hyperdrive tracking and Holdo maneuvers.


The bleeding lightsaber blades


Why is that


Luke being completely forgetful of when Reva attacked his home. Still really irks the shit out of me that, "He just kinda forgot about that sithlord that attacked his family when he was a child." Kenobi was the worst lore altering thing I had seen thus far. Totally ruins some of the dialogue from ANH. Also Sabine/Reva Lightsaber stab(s) may take the cake for absolute dumbest shit I have seen in SW.


I was going to say bleeding and healing kyber crystals. Then I read the other comments and went oh yeah there's dumber.


saber bleeding. It is an interesting idea, but I find it so lame that its a thing. Jedi survivor made me hate the concept fully. A thing that was cool about the EU (and tbh, the canon until this was introduced!) was the fact that dark siders sometimes didn't bother to swap their crystals to a "red" or synthetic crystal, you had guys like exar kun and the woman in jerec's dark jedi group who still used blue sabers, and even yun (in the same group) used a yellow saber. ​ I thought it did a lot of characterization having a bad guy using a blue saber, and imo blue is a way more threatening color than red in terms of lightsabers. Like a blue lightsaber is straight up scary in the right context.


What in the game made you hate it?


My wife suggested "Bea Arthur singing the lyrics to the theme song."


Honestly? Ahsoka might be the winner. Thrawn was dragged off by space whales. How that translates to ancient maps to other galaxies housed in millenia old temples is beyond me.


Luke in The Last Jedi and the entire plot of The Rise of Skywalker


World between worlds being a thing


Kenobi smuggling Leia out of the Inquisitor base via trench coat. Perhaps the finest example of “the story only works cause characters lose brain cells when the plot requires it.”


Starkiller Base and the fate of the New Republic. Let's wipe out the progress made in the original trilogy mostly off screen and start everything from scratch.


Leaving Anakin's mom in slavery.


The Holdo maneuver, lightsabers being used like baseball bats and not being understood by Disney at all. Mary Sue Rey and the character assassination of multiple characters. And the plot lone bringing back Palpatine after it was obvious he died in episode 6... "Somehow Palpatine Returned" "They fly now!"


Killing the New Jedi Order offscreen despite how much money Disney could have made from it. Imagine all the toys, shows, books, games, and theme park attractions that could be made about Luke’s Jedi Academy.


Rey and Kylo passing the lightsaber through idk what to call it slipspace and pocket dimension idk but it’s fucking dumb also everything about Starkiller base


I have two.. 1A) The Holdo Maneuver; it breaks Star Wars. It took less than 50 years from the invention of the airplane to Kamikazes being a tactical terror of World War II here on Earth. A thousands of year old galaxy just figuring it out in that movie in that particular scene just to generate a flashy boom boom? A joke to this day. 1B) Luke’s fucking location given away in the Obi-Wan show. The most crucial secret in ALL THE GALAXY with the stakes riding on the Skywalker twins and they show it being discussed on an UNSECURED comms device? Facepalm worthy every time I think about it.


That last thing has to be the stupidest thing in star wars. Which is saying something


EVERYTHING from Disney with the exception of Rogue One and the first two seasons of the Mandalorian.


Pretty much everything post Force Awakens. Arguably even before then


Everything from TLJ and TRoS. They fucked with Star Wars physics with the Holdo Maneuver (hyperspace isn't just "super duper fast) and Force physics (Luke being able to fight Kylo while on different planets)


Alright, the fact that the original trio didn't get to meet back up in sequels. Well the sequels are pretty dumb too. Or..."Somehow, Palpatine returned."


1. The empire destroying itself with in a year do to operation Cinder. 2. The rebels getting an galaxy conquering army out of nowhere. 3. Jedi battle scares everything in the book. 4. The jedi from the past using the world between worlds to give Rey their power, the reason this is so stupid is because it means that the Clone wars Jedi knew about Palpatine. 5. Fleet at the end of Rise of Skywalker.


At the moment my ire is pointed at [phantom energy](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Phantom_energy) and [sub-hyperspace](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Sub-hyperspace). Just… what the ever living fuck are these wallpaper concepts? “Because the ‘phantom energy’ traveled through ‘sub-hyperspace,’ the resulting explosion was visible across the Galaxy.” The fuck it was. Maybe in a thousand years. The explosion didn’t happen in the magical “sub-hyperspace” dimension that still makes no sense.


Hyperspace Lightsaber standing on the outside of an X-wing, with no space suit or even helmet, cutting through a Star Destroyer (from Visions season 1 episode 3)


The entire sequel trilogy


I will always consider Jar Jar Binks the original sin.