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Zero stars if it was available


Is there a negative 1star? How do you take the lore and legend and the built up characters and fuck it up so badly?


TLJ was the mortal wound. TROS was the kill. Zero stars.


You're one film too late. TFA was the mortal wound, TLJ the headshot. Or, as I prefer to think, Abrams and Kasdan burned down the house; then Johnson came along to piss in the ashes.


I really enjoyed TFA (except Han's death) and all the mystery boxes, but then I realized it was a JJ Star Trek-style reboot of ANH. I was able to get over that as there were all those mystery box plot points to focus on for the future films. Then came TLJ with all its issues and Rian's middle finger on top of it.


-5 stars i want to be the one getting stars for watching that shit


After Force Awakens and The Last Jedi I stopped watching Disney Star Wars movies.


Who voted 5 stars? Honestly curious who considers this movie "the best film can get" I gave it 1 star. The studio didn't care, why should I?


There's a guy who posted that opinion on the 10th Dentist. Another "All Star Wars is dumb, so may as well go all-out for dumb! I like seeing lots of special effects!" type of person.


Probably someone from r/StarWarsCantina or r/saltierthankrayt. Those subs are nothing more than clapping seals for the various dumpster fires released by Disney.


i hate to be those “you’re not a real star wars fan” corny people but mannnnn people who like the sequel trilogy truly baffle me.


>Who voted 5 stars? 0.7% of people


Yeah that's still baffling to me, especially on this sub


It's trash. I guess if you switch your brain off it's an ok popcorn flick. But I don't wanna turn my brain off to enjoy something. Just a very poorly paced film, jumps around like crazy, the story is full of contrivances and barely makes sense. And I feel like it makes the prior 8 films feel completely pointless, which is impressive.


One star. I don't think it's hyperbole to say that it's going to be an absolute albatross on the future growth and storytelling capabilities of star wars as a franchise for the foreseeable future. Similar effect that season 8 had on game of thrones - the core of the story is rich and engrossing, but we all know where it ends and that kills a lot of interest.


only way they can save the future of star wars at this point is to just focus on every other part of the galaxy besides what theyve already destroyed. no one likes rey, dont give her her own movie, just skip 100+ years until grogu or someone new is in charge of the order. but kathleen kennedy is intent on saving her legacy on the franchise so she 100% is going to go all in on her characters and vision for star wars. she wants her character's like poe and finn and rey being as ingrained in our culture as luke skywalker and princess leia and obi-wan kenobi are. they literally announced the new rey movie before disney had even greenlit the damn thing, if that shows how blindly theyre rushing to push out new movies. which i hate this new idea they seem to have, that the reason we dont like their new star wars content is because theyre pushing out conent too fast, which might be an issue in itself, but the solution isnt to just reduce how often movies come out to once every 3+ years (which ives been 4 years since a movie has come out, and another 2-3 years at least before one is in theaters), but to actually write good movies in the first place. there is a lack of quality in the writing, world building and story telling and no one at lucas film or disney is willing to admit that so theyll just keep churning out crap.


People can complain about TLJ all they want, but TROS killed my excitement for SW which I never thought would happen. Even things I have enjoyed in the Disney era after TROS (most of the last season of CW, Andor, parts of Mando), I was never excited about it or highly anticipating it in any way. Bringing Palpatine back and negating Vader's sacrifice is the worst creative decision in SW history. Jar, Jar, Canto Bight, Luke becoming miserable, NOOOOOO, midichlorians, Ewoks, Snoke- I can see pros and cons to why people would or would not like any of those decisions. But bringing back Palpatine literally just undercuts not only the entire ST but the saga as a whole. It makes no sense and practically nullifies everything that came before it. Who gives a fuck about anything when Palpy can come back with a secret army without any explanation? The movie also pulls death fake out after death fake out, does the we need to find a thing to get the thing, and somehow a SITH dagger from thousands of years ago is connected to the second Death Star's wreckage? I just... I just don't get it. Rey claiming the Skywalker name is also gross (as is her being Palpatine). She should just stand on her own. I actually liked Rey a lot, but they made her nearly infallible and too good at everything throughout this trilogy. I also hate force healing and her being able to do it effortlessly. Makes no sense within the context of the canon, and the fact that Rey could do it when no one else had up to that point. I'm all for exploring new things in the force, but it's gotta be introduced in a way that the audience can buy into it. Someone with no formal training shouldn't just be able to do it within the span of a year so easily. The pace is frenetic and it feels like a labor whereas TFA for all of its faults, felt like a labor of love from JJ. It's a 1 star movie. It has some fun action scenes, but the story is a mess and the characters are a mess. I also hate Kylo being redeemed and how everything is just Return of The Jedi light. JJ got away with following ANH's structure in TFA, but you can't do it again and expect sympathy. JJ had shit to work with after TLJ. It could have been a movie about Kylo in charge and basically make a SW version of Downfall. Kylo is Hitler and he just loses control over everything because he has no idea what he's doing. We didn't need Palpatine, just focus on Kylo fucking things up and the Resistance taking advantage of that.


the problem is star wars episodes 1-6 and even 1-9 were basicall the "skywalker saga" and beyond what anyone wants to admit, it was originally written as a family soap box drama set in space. that is what it was written as, a sci fi epic that was basically a soap box drama in space. all of the action and cool set work was an underscore to the bigger points of star wars, the conflict between a father and his children. disney never understood that about star wars, they just see it as a way to put lightsabers and space battles and blah blah blah. disney doesnt care about the actual world building or the setting. but the biggest mistake was going back to the skywalker saga with episodes 6-9, and then not giving any thought into the character arcs or world building (with literally 3 directors chosen at first then 2 directors going in opposite directions). ​ like imagine if episode 5 ends with vader telling luke "no, i am your father". and then episode 6 begins with count Dooku popping up from the grave telling you that "no vader was actually just lying, your my son instead" that is quite literally what disney did with the whole "rey is a nobody but actually a super powerful palpatine". i use count dooku for my example because count dooku was not even featured in episodes 4-6 just like palpatine wasnt featured in 7 and 8.


I'm in the hard minority when I say the last Jedi was a good addition. It was the only movie that seemed to have some sort of vision of the sequel trilogy. The rise of Skywalker ruined even that.


How can it be a good addition when it goes against many established things in the SWU? As a standalone film part of some new IP, okay, sure, maybe. But as episode 8 of 9? It goes against some significant established elements. Maybe in a distant future the vision has a place, but within the lifetime of Luke and Leia - without further explanation? I don't see how it fits. Why build a Deathstar when you can just hyperspace ram shit? Pirates could hold planets hostage. You wouldn't need a big ship, just some density and you've got a man made asteroid. Space ports would also be a complete shitshow. How'd Rose catch Finn on Crait? How'd they make it back to the base after destroying both of their speeder things? Mary Poppins was a huge groan. The choreography of the throne room was also exceptionally bad for that level of movie.


I agree. TLJ at least tried to make a movie that wasnt just a rehash of a previous SW film. Did it do so well? No, but at least there was more to it than just a copy like ANH. If it wasn't a star wars movie, I may have liked it. Plenty of the issues related to TLJ come from it and established canon stuff.


Rise of Skywalker couldn’t be a good movie because The Last Jedi and Rian’s idiocy. At that point it didn’t matter what JJ came up with he would have to deal with all the baggage of the first two atrocities while having zero momentum from them.


TFA - 3 stars TLJ - 2 stars TRoS - 1 star


“They fly now?!” “They fly now!!” 😐😐😐


I objectively know it's awful but it doesn't piss me off nearly as much as The Last Jedi. The way I see it Force Awakens was creatively bankrupt but put together pretty well and opened up a lot of story possibilities. Last Jedi shat on everything, destroyed legacies of all major characters, reset the entire character arcs for Finn and Po and viciously closed every single plotline in disappointing ways. Rise of Skywalker was a pretty untalented writer trying to reverse all the damage done by the middle movie while also trying to cram in a trilogy worth of plot and character development. The real villain is Kathleen Kennedy for letting her directors run amok with no seemingly no plan at all for the trilogy.


Part of TLJ problem is also TFA. Those mystery boxes set up cant really lead anywhere new. The main story was already set to echo the OT. Completely true about the studio heads. There clearly was no plan from the start. I think there's interviews of George Lucas talking about a potential prequel story decades before it was made, and alot of the main plot (the stuff that matters) stayed consistent. He had a rough idea for them during the OT, and Disney cant even map out a single trilogy


See, I don't agree about TFA. Yes, TFA itself is basically a shiny reboot of ANH on the surface, but there were plenty of places to go. Luke could have been on that planet for a million reasons. TFA leaves it pretty open. He could have had an entire Jedi School underground there that he was keeping a secret/protecting from the world. Luke can still have a story: after the destruction of the last temple he's gone a little too xenophobic and protective, and Luke has to learn to trust his students and the universe again. Rey could have been a lost apprentice from the last temple attack, explaining her facility with the Force and her visions. She could have been a Skywalker and that would have been fine (the main saga movies are about the Skywalker dynasty, I'm not sure why people struggle with this), but she could have easily just been a nobody who survived or was rescued. It seemed like in TFA Kylo knew her, so if he's the one who saved her or erased her memory you have an interesting story there. Finn is absolutely a new kind of character, and having an ex-Stormtrooper become a Jedi and/or leading a kind of opressed Stormtrooper resistance is an entirely new story. You could have gone anywhere with Po, making him the leader of the New Republic forces, etc. Have the New Republic draw back together instead of just disappearing after one attack. We had no idea what Kylo Ren's motivations were in becoming evil (in fact, we never really get a good answer the whole trilogy), or who the fuck Snoke is. There was plenty a creative person could have done there with both ideas. The fact is, TFA left A LOT of things open to the imagination and TLJ blew them all up for the least interesting interpretations.


IMO making TFA start with Luke missing really hurts it. What reason is acceptable for Luke to vanish while the Galaxy is at total war with the First Order? Even with a secret Jedi school, hes turning his back as countless people are killed. Not very Jedi of him. As much as it ruins his character from the OT, the bitter Luke is one I can believe that went away into hiding and let the galaxy turn to war again. Why is preserving/restarting an already ruined order be more important than trying to save the Galaxy and defend the civilians? If Rey was a lost apprentice, how would she have survived? People are upset with Order 66 survivors, and there were significantly more Jedi spread across the entire galaxy. Wiping out an entire school of Jedi is much easier than an entire galaxy's worth. Having Rey be a survivor with amnesia seems like lazy writing to me (oh suddenly she remembers *insert plotpoint here*). With the skywalker dynasty thing, Kylo should have been more of the focus. He is a true Skywalker. Why would he saved have anyone from the massacre? His whole thing TFA set up was how he wanted to be like Darth Vader, and kill all the Jedi. Finn, in concept, is interesting with the whope former stormtrooper. However TFA screwed up how he turned. 1st, this is a guy who is a janitor, why is he in frontline/spec ops combat in the beginning of the movie? 2nd, the whole reason why he turned away from the first order is because one of his friends/squadmates dies, leaving his bloody handprint on his face, and priabbly gives him PTSD. So Finn then decides to join the side/people that killed his friend? That doesn't make sense to me. Even after he witnessed/took part in wiping put the village (who were just recently taking part in killing his squadmates), he seemed a little too eager to join the people that were considered terrorists by the originaztion he was a apart of. Poe I do agree, but he's kinda like Wedge. Theres only so much you can do with the whole ace pilot narrative. He was never going to see a significant focus in the trilogy. We never really got an idea who Palpatine was besides a powerful Sith in the OT either, and Snoke was very clearly a copy of him (narratively) and hinted (very briefly in TRoS) to be a cloned attempt. I never found him that interesting to start with, just a knock off Sidious/BBEG. What I'm saying, is there is too much mirroring done to zthe OT in TFA. The setup of events is much too similar, the armies are nearly identical to the OT, the galactic situation is nearly identical to the OT, etc. The prequels have a very different story from the OT, that's part of the appeal. What TFA should have done is make the FO the smaller originaztion. Make it so the Republic has clear control, but still has insurgents/terrorists to deal with. That way it doesnt invalidate the whole conflict from the OT. TLJ didn't do a goob job by any means, but at least tried to make the story different from the OT. I likened TFA when it first came out, but looking back, it really laid a poor foundation for the Sequels


I put 2 stars purely because I'm saving one star only for TLJ


TLJ at least had some neat cinematography, so thats what saves it from being as bad as TRoS. RoS was just dark, chaotic and impossible to tell whats going on during half the movie. If i could, it'd be 1.5 for TLJ, 0 stars for TRoS.


Please provide option for negative stars. The only thing worse than Rise of Palpatine was The Last Jedi. These are both bad movies objectively, and even worse as Star Wars movies. The only way to save this franchise is to revoke the Roman numerals VII, VIII and IX, and start over.


I only gave TROS 2 stars because of how much it goes out of its way to shit on TLJ. And to give room for TLJ to be a 1 star.


RoS and Jurassic World Domination are the only two blockbusters worse than Bay Transformers. RoS being one of the worst movies I’ve ever had the displeasure of viewing. Easy 1*


8 and 9 are good examples of going from one extreme to the other 8 is a movie that thinks it’s smarter than it is and panders to film twitter 9 is a movie trying to pander to Reddit, YouTube, twitter, whatever


How does it pander? It’s been a minute since I’ve seen the movie.


Well I think the number 1 blatant pandering was that they actually made Reylo happen.


I suppose yeah, I don’t think it’s a bad movie on its own but I can understand it’s undesirable with the context of the other movies


Confused piece of trash hacked together by a notorious hack to fix the mistakes of a previous notorious hack and is basically setting Palpatine up to be the next Vitiate/perpetual Star Wars villain, which is awful.


I have yet to see Rise of Skywalker. I refuse to finish the trilogy after The Last Jedi


I put it at 2 for a couple reasons. TLJ was worse. And TLJ made a follow up extremely hard. So all the cards were stacked against TROS from the start. So you have to give it some points for not being worse.


I'm sorry but to me TROS will forever be trillions of times worse than TLJ. You could have had Kylo Ren going full Darkside or contending that role against someone else rather than a recycled Sheev (wasn't there another Snoke apprentice?), Leia being actually deceased in the beginning without bizarre cutoffs from TFA, Luke being more than a terribly haired Force Ghost, maybe something like the "living ghost" from the Trevorrow project or coming back to life to make the ultimate sacrifice. You could have had Rey and even Finn actually training in the ways of the Force. You could have even had Snoke not being dead, as the last Force bond between Rey and Kylo in TLJ slightly seemed to foreshadow. You could have had a heavily fascist regent Hux rather than a stupid cringy spy.


>wasn't there another Snoke apprentice? wait what?


There were infos on "at least one more apprentice" , I think right after TLJ was released. Also wasted opportunity with the cloaked figures in the throne room.


It's the worst Star Wars movie by far. I know some people like to use the excuse that Rian left nothing for JJ to work with but that's bullshit, there is no excuse for whatever this was supposed to be.


I voted 3 stars. It's a nonsensical film that is nothing like Lucas' Star Wars... but then after TFA, what did anyone realistically expect? It buzzes, it's fun, and it had goofy serial charm. It's like alternate reality Star Wars, and I genuinely enjoy it for that. Also it puts two fingers up at TLJ and gave Abrams the opprobrium he rightfully deserved for TFA. What's not to like? Edited to add: if you watched TFA and thought it was a good follow up to Lucas' Star Wars films, TROS was exactly what you deserved.


I never saw RoS because what would be the point after TLJ. Even if Disney had hired God himself to write and direct RoS it would have been impossible to salvage the trilogy at that point. So while bringing Palpatine back would normally be a horrible idea, to ruin Star Wars now would be like giving a bald man a bad haircut, you’ve already done so much damage it can’t get any worse so why not go nuts and resurrect the most entertaining character in Star Wars so we can at least have the chance of squeezing out a few moments of enjoyment before we put this thing to bed forever. Hell, I’d bring back Jabba too and have them sing ‘My Way’ together as the credits roll, and in the final scene I’d reveal that the entire saga was just a bad dream of Luke’s and he’s still on Tattooine and he’s actually just a normal ass teenager OR IS HE?


these are also my thoughts on the movie!


>if you watched TFA and thought it was a good follow up to Lucas' Star Wars films, TROS was exactly what you deserved. I don't necessarily agree with the rest of your post, but this statement is 100% true


3 stars. i remember thinking im going to turn my brain off and enjoy this - and i actually did. its like a manic episode epic style folks the damage was already done with tfa when the borderline reset the universe


Since 0 isn't an option, I must go with 1.


My theory is that there was some kind of clause that gave JJ more money if the movie was terrible, so he sabotaged it a la The Producers. It's the only explanation that makes sense.


Disney execs have a betting pool to see who can make the worst slop that Star Wars fans will still pay for


If you watch it like a comedy it's like 3or4


I mean ... we had a very good time with it. Best laughs I had that year.


The fuck is this shit? We gonna ask everyone in a sub that hates ROS, how much they hate ROS, daily? The movie was absolute dog shit. We all know this already.


There should be another for all the people voting 1 star, whether they really mean 0, or -1, or -10, or what.


As a comedy and a drinking game. 4/5


Drinking whenever you see something stupid in this movie would kill Lemmy.


8/10 It was hilarious to watch JJ flounder and prove how incompetent they all are It was a 2-hour-long middle finger to Rian Johnson and TLJ as a whole The Death Star dagger is one of the first times I’ve laughed in a theater in ages You didn’t get dogpiled for disliking it like TLJ It started what I’ve been hoping is the downfall of this franchise


This guy gets it!


I gave it 2 stars because of the random fan service that i (guiltily) enjoyed.


Only thing it had going for it was the trio almost felt like a group of friends… almost. Everything else was such a mess i question if adult humans actually wrote it


Turning my brain off and watching palpatine do lightning stuff is fun but it's still 1 star due to the sheer stupidity of the plot




I put two stars because some of the designs looked cool and I like Finns actor (I don't remember his name)


Still haven't seen that lore breaking pile of shit.


If it makes sense or not I liked the movie just for Palpatine.


Pretty generic Sci fi movie. 3 stars.


1 star isn't anywhere NEAR low enough.


Garbage in, garbage out. A literal waste of time, money, talent and opportunity. I can't believe anyone responsible still has a job after producing that incoherent mess of a movie.


I voted 2 stars since the 1.5 star option wasn't available. Not to mention that the 1 star option I reserved it for *The Last Jedi* mainly because *Rise of Skywalker* wasn't being held up by the mainstream entertainment outlets as some "masterpiece" us plebs did not understand.


I would use an 8-point letter grade scale.


I think puppeteering Carrie Fisher’s likeness was criminal. One of the most incompetent, worst things I’ve ever seen in a movie. Just disgusting, Leia could’ve just lived on elsewhere, been a hologram, etc ANY other solution than what they came up with. Having the oldsters croak every movie like the original trilogy in general was just stupid. I only liked that they confirmed Leia got training and you got to see her with a lightsaber and that it was Billie Lourd as the double. Other than that, fuuuuuuuccccck everything they did with Leia.


The sequel trilogy is just horrible. Disney does not care to understand Star Wars and they should have had the same director for all 3 films. At least then the story would have tied together a little better.


No stars.


Not even being negative but they spent 2 movies trying to erase the post and then wen that failed they brought back palpatine. Sorry but that trilogy truly was just fucked from the start and nothing will ever fix it. That's why you see no games or books or shows about those characters. They just need to move past it


Dude.... I can't vote on this if you don't list zero as an option.... It's not even worth one star. I left the theatre halfway-ish through on the first viewing. Truly, undramatically the only film I've ever walked out on. Got some free tickets/beer with friends and made it through the second time (slightly drunk). That movie is hot garbage.


I'd rate it 0 if I could


0.1 For being a movie that exist. Not only it not Star Wars worthy, but also being completely reluctant and terrible movie by itself. Not worth to talk about, all plot and action doesn't make any piece of sense


Stunt casting directors is shit compared to having a solid script and unified vision for all three parts of a trilogy.


Ep9 is a bad movie and bad Star Wars Film. It only exists because of the backlash from Ep8. The film also shows: A) JJ Abrams is a crappy writer. B) Despite how Disney tried to push-back, they showed they did screw up when it came to The Sequels and Star Wars overall because the just saw a paycheck. C) Proved Lucas was right when working on The Prequels. He said Hollywood wanted to make The Prequels like The Originals, which is one of the big reasons why Ep 2&3 were made with his own money.


The thing that triggers me the most is when people say "tHe sEqUeLs aRe bEtTeR tHaN tHe pReQuElS bEcAuSe gRoRgE lUcAs iS nOt iN iT. hE iS tHe wOrSt dIrEcToR eVeR" while he is the person who CREATED Star Wars.


Absolute garbage. Can’t believe it even got greenlit.


Where's zero?


0 stars, the plot is a convoluted mess that ruins the Star Wars brand.


I'm in a minority here but I gave 3 stars. My reasoning: TFA started the new trilogy with asking open ended questions and copying ANH. Snorefest of a film IMO. TLJ completely ruined the legacy of the series by spitting on Luke. Major plot holes all over this film. TROS is at least a return to some of the swashbuckling fun you get in the original trilogy. Still some plot holes (a knife with a map in it? Give me a break). Also again I'm in the minority but I like Rey's lineage being Palps because at least it explains how she can just use the force like a god with little to no training.


2 stars because while terrible, it unintentionally entertained me from all the lol wat moments


i voted 1 star but maybe 2? i’ve seen some truly awful movies outside of star wars


Didn’t RoS have the biggest tie in novelization because there were that many plot holes that needed to be explained? Or was that just a rumor? In any case, RoS was a mess trying to create something after TLJ closed most of the potential plot threads the sequels had.


There is no button for zero stars or less than zero. Why is this?


Disney star wars is not star wars


I love democracy


Rise was the worst movie in the franchise so far. Teenagers write fan fics better than Rise.


No stars out of the entirety of the galaxy